The apostle Paul wrote many letters to the Corinthian church and only 2 remain to this day. This church had various problems. In the first letter to Corinth there was the problem of division and Paul wrote to bring comfort in to the situation. Then there were those who brought false teaching in to the church and as a result many turned away from the gospel. The first letter dealt with that which was practical, building the believers up in their faith, stepping stones to maturity. This second letter is more personal. Paul is opening up his heart to allow others to see himself. One thought comes from this passage - understanding affliction and pain.
We live in a fallen world. God created this world perfectly and he signs his own name to that first chapter of creation - "everything was very good." We live in a world that is affected by sin. It affects everyone. In Genesis 3 we read at the creation how the devil came into the Garden of Eden, draws alongside Eve, begins to ask her about the trees in the Garden. It was a ploy to get into her mind. Eve tells him all about the trees and points to the one in the centre of the Garden. She says "we cannot eat of that tree in the centre of the Garden. In the day we touch it we shall die." She was misinterpreting the scriptures. The devil told her she would not die but when she ate of it her eyes would be opened. Eve knew the tree was pleasant to look at and when she did eat of its fruit it was tasty. She gave her husband to eat of it too. Sin entered into the world that day. As a result we are living in a fallen world. We have a God who changes not because he is the same yesterday and today and forever more. He loves us so much that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Notice the pain and affliction but also the God who gives the comfort in such a time.
The source of the comfort - verse 8. God comes with great comfort - verse 5. Paul is speaking of the afflictions and sufferings that come to us because of our stand for the Lord. Remember John was banished to the Isle of Patmos because of his testimony. Revelation 1 verse 9. Sometimes we go through afflictions and trials because of our stand for Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 1 verse 4. It is God who comforts us in all our tribulations. God never fails. It must have been a severe time of testing for Paul, such that they thought they would die - verse 7. Paul was looking to the source of his comfort. Our help comes from the Lord the Psalmist said. James said "my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations." He knew the God of heaven would draw alongside. When we fall into times of testing and trials and need a word of comfort and consolation - the paraclete or Holy Spirit draws alongside to help us in those times. Notice the little word "if" is not there but rather it is the word "when". In this fallen world there will be trials and temptations all around us. We will automatically fall into these. God is always there to comfort us in those times. Maybe you are going through a time of trial and testing, a difficult time. Only God knows about it. God draws alongside you to help you through this difficult time. God is there in the midst of it all. Manasseh was the king of Judah. He was 12 years old when he began to reign. Hezekiah was his father, a very good king who brought in a great amount of reforms. Manasseh totally rebelled, went against everything his father stood for. We read he "did that which was wicked in the eyes of the Lord." 2 Chronicles 33 because of his rebellion the enemy came against him. Verse 12 the only source of his comfort was in God alone. Maybe you are trying to find comfort in the wrong source today. Manasseh humbled himself greatly. He was entreated of the Lord even in his stubbornness and rebellion.
The sharing of this comfort. Paul brings us to the meaning of the tribulation if you are going through a time of trouble. Verse 4 nothing has come into your life that God is not aware of. God is the source of our comfort today. "That we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble." Paul says the God of heaven comforts us so that in this way so that we might comfort others. Remember God has allowed a trial that through your pain others might be comforted too. Paul was cast into a prison cell, he was lying in fetters and chains. He said "I am content in this place, people are coming through the prison and see me isolated from everyone else. The gospel is being proclaimed - why - because the believers are witnessing for God. Caesar`s palace itself is hearing of their faith." Adam Clarke the commentator said "what a miserable creature is he who has gained all his divinity by study and learning and nothing by experience." Paul could point to his trouble but didn`t go into detail. Verse 8. He was at the point of death but God delivered him from it. The pain he must have suffered. He was caught up into the third heaven because of that and given a thorn in the flesh. He prayed for that situation, that God would take it away. He proved through it "when I am weak then am I strong" God didn`t take it away. God allowed him to live in that certain set of circumstances. God told him "my grace is sufficient for you." He proved the God of heaven was able to comfort him so that others might also be comforted through him as a result. Others are watching us through such circumstances too.
The sufficiency of this comfort. Verse 4 our consolation aboundeth. There is not a pain, burden, trial or difficulty that the grace of God is not sufficient for. When John Bunyan was in a prison cell, a dark, damp place, the prison guard came in one morning to put down his rations for the day. He found him on his knees, a smile on his face "every stone in the cell shone with the radiance of Christ." The consolation includes encouragement and strength which is a gift for our trials. The God of heaven encourages us. He picks us up, gives new strength during that trial. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians who were in a lot of pain and sadness and sorrow. They didn`t understand the full teaching of the resurrection. They thought the ones they loved who had died had missed out on the resurrection. Paul taught them of the resurrection of Christ, when he would come and call those who were dead home to be with himself. He finished with the words "wherefore comfort one another with these words." There is comfort in God today.
The sustaining comfort - what it does for us in our days of trouble can sustain others. Maybe others are watching you today and they are going through difficult times. They know the situation you are in. The God of heaven is comforting you and in turn sustaining them. Think of the two disciples on the road to Emmaeus. They received news they couldn`t understand and didn`t want to hear. They placed their hopes and goals on the Lord. Those hopes and goals were dashed when Christ was crucified on Calvary. These two disciples were making their way back to Emmaeus and were downtrodden and heavy hearted. The Lord drew alongside with them. He listened for a while as they spoke to each other. The Lord began to speak to them through the scriptures. They were comforted. The sustaining factor was they returned to Jerusalem to tell others how they were comforted on the road. They were able to share with the disciples and tell them the Lord had risen. Paul said to Timothy "on that day they forsook me but the Lord stood with me." Thank God he hasn`t forgotten about you, he draws alongside you today. He is the paraclete today.
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