Sunday, 5 July 2020

The Battle Begins

Sermon notes from Limavady Independent Methodist Church
Sunday 5 July 2020
Joshua 6 - The Battle Begins

The people of Israel have now crossed into the promised land, Canaan.  Now the battle begins.  It is good to reflect on the strength that Joshua was given.  He has left the people behind and moved towards the city of Jericho.  A great obstacle in front of him.  He looks at its height and its breadth, sees the soldiers standing on the walls and the large entrance gate.  I am sure he thought "how am I going to cope?"  Before he could face the battle of Jericho he had to face the battle in his own heart.  Maybe there is a battle in your own heart today.  The captain of the hosts, the Lord himself had drawn alongside Joshua and spoken to him.  Maybe you are thinking "how am I going to get around this great obstacle or problem in my life?"  Maybe you have been thinking about accepting Christ`s salvation.  Maybe you have been thinking about your need of salvation for yourself personally.  You have lifted your eyes and seen Christ himself dying on the cross for your sins.  Have you ever accepted him as Saviour and Lord?  He is directing you to that cross today again.  Maybe you are in a backslidden, cold condition today.  You once walked with the Lord but now you do not.  Jacob came to the brook Jabbok. (Genesis 32)  He was going to face Esau his brother.  The last time he saw Esau he was told he would be killed for the deception of the birthright from his father.  When Jacob came to the brook Jabbok he didn`t know how he would face Esau.  He sent his family, his servants, his flocks and herds ahead of him.  He was left alone and that night he wrestled with God.  When morning came he went in the renewed strength from the battle and met his brother Esau.

God`s promise given.  Joshua 6 verse 2 "see I have given into thine hand Jericho."  It has already happened - the city is Joshua`s.  Salvation at Calvary has already been given.  Jesus died there that you might be saved and know your sins forgiven.  It is a gift offered to you.  This great city, the Lord tells him has already been given to him, all he has to do is believe the promise.  Maybe that is your problem - you are looking into that obstacle and the Lord is saying "allow me to take care of it."  Maybe you are staring into Calvary, maybe hearing God knocking at your heart`s door and you are concerned that if you were to get saved you could never keep it.  Maybe you are thinking "if I was to enter into God`s blessing I could never live up to that standard."  Maybe he is calling you into some sort of service for him today and you have a fear in your heart over it.  The Lord wants to remind you of his help, he will be with you.  When God gives us a promise we should hold onto it.  Think of Abraham, called out of Ur of Chaldees.  God promised he woud give him a son, seed as the sand on the seashore.  That was God`s promise to him but it took 25 years for that promise to be fulfilled in his life.  In Romans 4 verse 20 Paul said of Abraham "he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith giving glory to God."  Paul preaching in the synagogue reasoning with the Jewish people wants to prove to them who the Lord is.  The Jews would have taken him as a prophet but not as the Messiah or Saviour of mankind.  Paul took them back through the Old Testament scriptures and showed that every lamb laid on the Jewish altar was sacrificed for their sin.  Then he took them to Calvary and showed Jesus dying on the middle cross.  Every lamb slain had its fulfilment on Calvary.  Once for ever Jesus died for their sins.  Those people turned their backs on Paul and the preaching of God`s word, the truth of God`s word and on God himself.  Paul told them if you are not going to believe this I will go to the Gentiles.  The Lord came to him in a night vision and told him to not be afraid, to hold his peace.  Maybe you feel you have had enough today.  You have pleaded with someone to come to Christ.  Follow Paul`s example here.  God said "I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee for I have much people in this city." (Acts 18 verse 10)  On that promise Paul continued to reason with the people for another 18 months.  He clung to that promise just like Abraham.

The plan of God revealed.  There was a plan to follow.  If that promise was to be fulfilled he had to follow the plan precisely.  Jesus` disciples after Christ was crucified decided to go for a nights fishing.  They could see someone the following morning on the seashore.  He had a fire going.  They did not recognise it was the Lord.  He asked them if they had anything to eat.  They replied that whilst they had fished all night they had caught nothing.  Jesus told them to go out again and let down the net on the right side of the boat and they would catch the fish. (John 21 verses 3 - 6)  They had to follow the plan before the promise was fulfilled.  Maybe God has given you a promise but you are not following the plan.  It was not left to Joshua`s own abilities.  To be told the city was his was one thing but there was a plan to follow.  God has a plan for our lives today.   They were not to attack the city with full force or come in steathily at night.  It had to be done in God`s own way - verses 3 and 4.  Notice there were 7 priests, 7 trumpets, 7 days and on the 7th day the 7 times they had to walk around the walls.  Number 7 is very important - it is the number of completion.  On the 6th day of creation God finished his  creation of heaven and earth.  On the seventh day he celebrated the completion of creation by resting. (Genesis 2 verse 3)  There were 7 weeks from Passover until Pentecost.  Passover reminds us of Calvary while Pentecost reminds us of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and church was instituted.  In verses 6 and 7 the priests were to take 7 trumpets before the ark of the Lord.  Everyone had their task and place.  That was very important.  You are so important today.  In this plan of God there was to be no noise.  They were to walk around the city once with no shouting, nothing.  This would be God`s plan and purpose.  When Jesus died it was the plan and purpose of God.

The power that was present on the seventh day - verse 20.  They were to shout this time and the walls woud fall down.  When God asks you to do something he will give his power and grace to do it at the right moment and time.  In Zechariah`s time the people were returned from Babylon.  They settled down to rebuild the temple.  Coldness set in, fears and doubts and the building came a stand still.  Maybe Zechariah was hesitant, reluctant as he contemplated and considered all this.  Zechariah while considering it all, the building to be done.  The Lord came to him.  "This is the word of the Lord  unto Zerubbabel saying not by might, nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord." (Zechariah 4 verse 6)  The Lord was telling Joshua, it is not going to be up to you and your strength, it is me that will do this.  There was to be no military involvement or outside work.  Remember what Jesus said to Peter "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16 verse 18)  This is the work of God today, not by our intellect or power but by his Spirit alone.  Think of Peter in Acts 12.  He was lying in the prison cell waiting on his execution the next day.  He was chained to the soldiers beside him.  A prayer meeting was going on in Mary`s house  They were doing it without hesitation.  God sent the angel into the prison house, tapped Peter, woke him up.  His chains fell off and he walked out of the prison into the street.  He realised this was God`s power and ability that had brought him out of that situation.

There was the prize that was theirs.  Verse 15 only on that day were they to walk around the walls 7 times.  They had to shout (verse 16) for the Lord had given them this city.  In verse 20 the people shouted with a great shout.  They followed the plan of God with the promise and power of God at their finger tips.  The promise was fulfilled and the city fell before them.  Maybe today you feel that fear today.  Why not let the Lord come into the problem of yours.  He will take care of it, give you power and grace for that situation today.

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