Sermon notes from Limavady Independent Methodist Church
Sunday 19 July 2020 am
Psalm 63
A prayer by David which he prayed when he had to flee from his son Absalom. Absalom was ruthless and went behind his father`s back, turned the people`s hearts away from his father. David loved him with his whole heart. His heart was broken and he even cried "O Absalom, my son Absalom" when he was put to death. David had to flee into the wilderness of Judah. Now he is lifting up his voice to God.
David speaks of a relationship - verse 1 "O God" - there is desperation in his voice. He was coming with a great burden, his heart was broken for what has happened. Isn`t that the right way to come into God`s presence today? In these 2 words he is stating there is nothing he could do about the situation he found himself in. He continued "thou art my God." Have you that relationship with the God of heaven today? Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd" David was coming with a great confidence. Although he was forsaken by his son and the nation, he knows the God of heaven will not forsake him. You and I don`t know what tomorrow holds but God knows. He has already been there waiting for you to come. When my father and mother forsake me my God will take me up. Are you a child of God? Have you ever been to Calvary? Have you been listening to God`s voice in these uncertain days? Think of the rich fool in Luke 12. He built everything for himself, he was looking for the best out of ife. He never thought for one moment. All the pleasures, enjoyment, riches, health. He thought he had many years ahead. In all of his planning and thoughts he left God out. God said to him "thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee." Have you a relationship with Christ today? Have you come to Calvary? Recognised that he died for your sins? Confessed those sins to him today? Do you have a relationship with Christ? Do you know that you will be with Christ at the end of the day? Or is it hope so - that one day you will be let into heaven just because of all the good you have done? If that is so then there was no point in Christ dying on Calvary. If you are not saved today come to Christ. Maybe you are not sure. Maybe you have an empty profession. Jesus gave instruction in prayer when he taught his disciples how to pray. He said "Our Father." That is the relationship we should have. A confidence in this relationship David comes with. We think of Daniel, one of the wise men in Babylon. Certain counsellors around him planned and plotted against him. They wanted to see him destroyed. The only way to do it was get him in his prayer life. The king sanctioned their request that any one found praying to anyone except him would be thrown into the lions den. Immediately the counsellors were able to arrest Daniel and he was thrown into the lions den. Early the next morning the king ran to the lions den to enquire if Daniel was alright. Daniel replied "my God has sent his angel." He proved God was in the midst of the situation. He is in your turmoil today. He will not forsake you. David had this confidence, to come into God`s presence and pray "O God thou art my God." Jesus spoke of the prodigal son, leaving home and family. He had such a desire for the world. He asked his father for his own inheritance. He took the money given by his father, spent it in the world recklessly for a time. He enjoyed himself so well. Maybe you are away from your father today, are in a backslidden state today. A famine came into the land and the only job the prodigal son could get was to feed the very pigs. He began to think of his father`s house, the very servants were treated better than him. He found his father was there to greet him, to take him back into the house again, into the family fold. God is waiting for you to come back, to take you back into his family today. The Prodigal Son said to his father "I have sinned ... I am not worthy to be called your son again." The father called for his servants and said "this is my son who was dead and is alive." He was really lost but now had been found.
The reasoning as he comes. "early will I seek thee." Early means first thing in the morning. He made it a priority to seek after God. God takes priority over everything else in our lives. An urgency to get into God`s presence. David comes with one thing in his mind. A relationship has developed. David watched his son using all his craft to turn the people against him. He had authority to get him off the throne and take him from it all. David realised he had to leave everything behind him, to flee into a barren dry thirsty land of Judea. His soul was dry and thirsty. The first thing I will do is seek the Lord. Paul writing to Timothy said "I exhort therefore first of all supplications and prayers and intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men." In Acts 2 the people were convicted by the Holy Spirit to be saved and asked - "what must we do?" When they gave their hearts and lives to Christ on that particular day it says "and they continued steadfastly in the disciples doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayer." Getting saved is only the starting point. In Acts 4 the 2 apostles were arrested, beaten and accused. They were told not to speak in Christ`s name. We read "they came to their own people and prayed." They got down to prayer immediately.
The refreshing he desires. He has a craving for fellowship with the Lord - is there that craving when we miss that time of prayer or turning to the word of God? God has promised when we gather together in his name he has promied to be with us. David had that craving, nothing else will suffice. He comes into God`s presence. He may be cut off from Jerusalem, had left behind his friends, was on his own in the wilderness, his soul was so dry just like the wilderness around him yet he prayed. Do you miss God`s house, being able to gather together with God`s people? Verse 2 "to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary." He believes nothing else can change things but God alone. Isaiah 44 verse 3 "For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring." Remember what Moses said to God as he led the people of Israel to the Promised Land "if thy presence go not with us ..." Moses was more concerned with the presence of God.
The reflections that he has - verse 6 "when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches." David thought of God first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He was thinking of the goodness of God all day long. He did not allow himself to be eaten up with malice and jealousy. He thought of God`s goodness in the lonely hours of the dark when sleep would not come. Do you think of what God did for you, in sending his son to die on Calvary for you? He shed his blood, he was beaten and bruised and then he lifted up his voice and said "it is finished." God is not willing that anyone should be lost and go to a Christless hell. He died for you to forgive you of your sin. Will you come and trust him today?
David is rejoicing in his prayer - verse 3 "my lips shall praise thee." Our rejoicing is based on the fact that Christ has died for our sins. We are forgiven and on our way to heaven and home. Our relationship is based on God. Verse 7 "thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice." He is not praying for the comfort of the throne in Jerusalem, or the comforts of his friends around him. He is praying for his own son, that he would turn from his actions. He lifts up his voice and says "thou art my God." We know what the future holds but we have a God who holds the future.
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