Monday, 27 July 2020

Peradventure ten shall be found there ...

Sermon notes from Limavady Independent Methodist Church
Sunday 26 July 2020 am
Genesis 18 verses 22 - 33

"Men ought always to pray and not faint." (Luke 18 verse 1)  In Genesis 18 we read of Abraham`s prayer.  We might faint in the Christian walkway.  Paul took up that theme in Thessalonians when he said people ought to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5 verse 17).  In Genesis 18 the angels came to Abraham`s tent, one was Jesus himself in human flesh.  There was a 2 fold message - to announce the birth of a son to Abraham and Sarah.  The second part of the message was to bring news of coming judgment to Sodom.  God has seen the situation in Sodom and was coming now in judgment.  God said to himself "shall I hide this thing from Abraham?" (verse 17)  He knew Abraham was the type of person he was, he would be the foundation stone of the nation of Israel.

Abraham`s character.  His character was known in heaven.  God knew what was in Abraham.  In Genesis 12 he called him from his homeland.  He came to where Abraham was and told him he would give him a family, a nation and a land.  The land Abraham lived in was Ur of the Chaldees.  It was a prosperous place, a fertile land.  We are given the impression that Abraham was a rich man but the people in that land were also given over to idolatry and false worship.  God knew the man he chose, that he could not live among these people.  He would have to come out from among the people.  Is that not what Jesus teaches us - to come out from among the ungodly, to be separated unto God.  God comes to Abraham and tells him to leave the land he is living in and he would take him to a land he would show him.  He was to turn from everything and follow Christ.  God expects nothing less of us today.  We must trust the Lord as our own Saviour.  He cannot save us any other way.  He wants our all.  God could trust this man Abraham.  It is a wonderful thing when God can trust us.  God could trust Abraham to pray for Sodom and Gomorrah.  In 1 Kings 17 we read of the widow woman who helped Elijah.  God took Elijah out of the king`s presence after telling him there would be no rain for 3 years.  He took him to the brook Cherith and fed him there.  That brook dried up but he didn`t have to worry, God was there before him.  He told Elijah to go to a widow woman who would care for him.  Elijah was someone God could trust.  In that home the widow woman had nothing left but a cupful of flour.  God knew she would put him first.  That is what God wants us to do today.  Think of Peter in the home of Cornelius who was seeking after God`s salvation.  The angel told Cornelius to send for Peter in Joppa.  God knows all about us today.  He knows where we are at today.  Can he trust us today?  Can he lay a burden on our hearts?  To pray through with the Lord today?  When Peter came to Cornelius he told him words whereby he could be saved.  God could trust Peter to bring that word to Cornelius, to show him the words he needed to hear.  Can God trust us today to bring his word to others?

Abraham`s concern.  When he began to consider the judgment that was about to fall he thought of those people who were living there.  His own nephew was living in Sodom.  He was concerned about every living soul living there.  The men of Sodom were great sinners and wicked above all.  Abraham knew this.  He knew this, had heard the stories coming out of that city.  He was grieved that his nephew was living in that place.  How did Lot ever come to live there?  After all the influence of Abraham on his life?  He seen Abraham`s witness and his worship before God.  When Abraham and Lot came out of Egypt they had so much wealth and herds and flocks that the land could not contain them.  The herdsmen fell out among themselves.  Abraham gave Lot a choice once day - Genesis 13 verse 10.  Lot looked and saw a well watered land, a fruitful place for his flocks and herds.  He never considered God.  Verse 12 Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom.  In Genesis 19 we find him sitting in the gate of Sodom.  The gate was symbolic of power and authority.  He was tricked and deceived.  "The heart of man is desperately wicked and no man can know it." (Jeremiah 17 verse 9)  This young man Lot grew up under the godlly influence of an uncle yet ended up in one of the most wicked places.  Lot ended up here because of poor decisions and choices.  Be careful about your slackness in worship, in your reading of the bible and your times of prayer.  It is a slippery slope.  Growing cold doesn`t happen overnight.  Growing cold is a gradual thing.  He looked, he pitched his tent near Sodom and eventually went to live in Sodom.  Abraham was concerned about his nephew.  These souls were living in a day when the judgment hand of God was about to fall.  As we think of the prophecies we are reminded that one day God will come to the air with a shout and the trump of God will sound.  The dead will rise first and we which are alive and in Christ will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.  The apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5 verse 11 said "knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men."  Paul was speaking about judgment.  He has it on his mind, when God sits on the throne, the judgement seat and all the unsaved people are before him.  He sees that great multitude turning their backs on God.  You must stand and give an account why you rejected the Lord as Saviour, why you turned your back on his sacrifice of his own son on Calvary.  Paul could see them going into the caverns of the damned for all eternity never more to see the light of day.  We have people going out into a lost eternity today.  Are we really concerned about them?  In Acts 16 the Philippian jailer came to know the Lord as Saviour.  He began immediately to think of his family.  He brought the 2 preachers to his family to hear words whereby they might be saved.  Have we that concern?  Are we happy to go about our lives and have no concern for others?

Abraham`s commitment.  He fell on his face before God.  There was very little he could do about this situation but he had prayer.  We can do the same today.  The judgment of God is coming.  Are we praying?  He knew the righteous would not perish.  Paul said when he could see the judgment of God he would persuade men to repent of their sin and turn to the Lord and be saved.  He would go into the market place, in to the synagogues just to persuade men to be saved.  Will we do the same?  Do all in our power to see people come to Christ?  Abraham could do nothing but get on his knees.  That is all we can do today.  We often pray that we cannot stir an anxious thought.  Who will persuade our family to turn to Christ today?

Abraham`s continuance.  His commitment did not wane.  He stayed resolute in his task.  He got before the God of heaven. He realised he was but dust and ashes yet he cared enought to get on his knees to plead and pray.  We are told to come boldly to the throne of grace and in doing so we will find mercy in the time of need.  Some times we start with great zeal then lose interest and fall apart.  Lot was on his mind when he started to pray.  He began to plead "if you find 50 will you save them Lord?"  God gave his word that if he found 50 he would not destroy the city.  Abraham didn`t stop there.  He asked again for 45 and again the Lord said he would not destroy the city if he found 45 righteous there.  Abraham continued to bargain down to 40, then 30 and 20 and finally 10.  You see he was thinking of Lot and his family.  Have we prayed and continued to pray for our family today?  Are we resolute in our prayers today?  Are we waiting for answers today?  Moses when we went down into Egypt to bring God`s word to Pharaoh, he could see him hardening his heart.  Moses kept going back again and again.  We need men and women of Abraham`s character who have a great resolve to pray and seek God in these difficult and hard times.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

O God thou art my God early will I seek thee; my soul thirsteth for thee

Sermon notes from Limavady Independent Methodist Church
Sunday 19 July 2020 am
Psalm 63

A prayer by David which he prayed when he had to flee from his son Absalom.  Absalom was ruthless and went behind his father`s back, turned the people`s hearts away from his father.  David loved him with his whole heart.  His heart was broken and he even cried "O Absalom, my son Absalom" when he was put to death.  David had to flee into the wilderness of Judah.  Now he is lifting up his voice to God.

David speaks of a relationship - verse 1 "O God" - there is desperation in his voice.  He was coming with a great burden, his heart was broken for what has happened.  Isn`t that the right way to come into God`s presence today?  In these 2 words he is stating there is nothing he could do about the situation he found himself in.  He continued "thou art my God."  Have you that relationship with the God of heaven today?  Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd" David was coming with a great confidence.   Although he was forsaken by his son and the nation, he knows the God of heaven will not forsake him.  You and I don`t know what tomorrow holds but God knows.  He has already been there waiting for you to come.  When my father and mother forsake me my God will take me up.  Are you a child of God?  Have you ever been to Calvary?  Have you been listening to God`s voice in these uncertain days?  Think of the rich fool in Luke 12.  He built everything for himself, he was looking for the best out of ife.  He never thought for one moment.  All the pleasures, enjoyment, riches, health.  He thought he had many years ahead.  In all of his planning and thoughts he left God out.  God said to him "thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee."  Have you a relationship with Christ today?  Have you come to Calvary?  Recognised that he died for your sins?  Confessed those sins to him today?  Do you have a relationship with Christ?  Do you know that you will be with Christ at the end of the day?  Or is it hope so - that one day you will be let into heaven just because of all the good you have done?  If that is so then there was no point in Christ dying on Calvary.  If you are not saved today come to Christ.  Maybe you are not sure.  Maybe you have an empty profession.  Jesus gave instruction in prayer when he taught his disciples how to pray.  He said "Our Father."  That is the relationship we should have.  A confidence in this relationship David comes with.  We think of Daniel, one of the wise men in Babylon.  Certain counsellors around him planned and plotted against him.  They wanted to see him destroyed.  The only way to do it was get him in his prayer life.  The king sanctioned their request that any one found praying to anyone except him  would be thrown into the lions den.  Immediately the counsellors were able to arrest Daniel and he was thrown into the lions den.  Early the next morning the king ran to the lions den to enquire if Daniel was alright.  Daniel replied "my God has sent his angel."  He proved God was in the midst of the situation.  He is in your turmoil today.  He will not forsake you.  David had this confidence, to come into God`s presence and pray "O God thou art my God."  Jesus spoke of the prodigal son, leaving home and family.  He had such a desire for the world.  He asked his father for his own inheritance.  He took the money given by his father, spent it in the world recklessly for a time.  He enjoyed himself so well.  Maybe you are away from your father today, are in a backslidden state today.  A famine came into the land and the only job the prodigal son could get was to feed the very pigs.  He began to think of his father`s house, the very servants were treated better than him.  He found his father was there to greet him, to take him back into the house again, into the family fold.  God is waiting for you to come back, to take you back into his family today.  The Prodigal Son said to his father "I have sinned ... I am not worthy to be called your son again."  The father called for his servants and said "this is my son who was dead and is alive."  He was really lost but now had been found.

The reasoning as he comes.  "early will I seek thee."  Early means first thing in the morning.  He made it a priority to seek after God.  God takes priority over everything else in our lives.  An urgency to get into God`s presence.  David comes with one thing in his mind.  A relationship has developed.   David watched his son using all his craft to turn the people against him.  He had authority to get him off the throne and take him from it all.  David realised he had to leave everything behind him, to flee into a barren dry thirsty land of Judea.  His soul was dry and thirsty.  The first thing I will do is seek the Lord.  Paul writing to Timothy said "I exhort therefore first of all supplications and prayers and intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men."  In Acts 2 the people were convicted by the Holy Spirit to be saved and asked - "what must we do?"  When they gave their hearts and lives to Christ on that particular day it says "and they continued steadfastly in the disciples doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayer."  Getting saved is only the starting point.  In Acts 4 the 2 apostles were arrested, beaten and accused.  They were told not to speak in Christ`s name.  We read "they came to their own people and prayed."  They got down to prayer immediately.

The refreshing he desires.  He has a craving for fellowship with the Lord - is there that craving when we miss that time of prayer or turning to the word of God?  God has promised when we gather together in his name he has promied to be with us.  David had that craving, nothing else will suffice.  He comes into God`s presence.  He may be cut off from Jerusalem, had left behind his friends, was on his own in the wilderness, his soul was so dry just like the wilderness around him yet he prayed.  Do you miss God`s house, being able to gather together with God`s people?  Verse 2 "to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary."  He believes nothing else can change things but God alone.  Isaiah 44 verse 3 "For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring."  Remember what Moses said to God as he led the people of Israel to the Promised Land "if thy presence go not with us ..."  Moses was more concerned with the presence of God.

The reflections that he has - verse 6 "when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches."  David thought of God first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  He was thinking of the goodness of God all day long.  He did not allow himself to be eaten up with malice and jealousy.  He thought of God`s goodness in the lonely hours of the dark when sleep would not come.  Do you think of what God did for you, in sending his son to die on Calvary for you?  He shed his blood, he was beaten and bruised and then he lifted up his voice and said "it is finished."  God is not willing that anyone should be lost and go to a Christless hell.  He died for you to forgive you of your sin.  Will you come and trust him today?

David is rejoicing in his prayer - verse 3 "my lips shall praise thee."  Our rejoicing is based on the fact that Christ has died for our sins.  We are forgiven and on our way to heaven and home.  Our relationship is based on God.  Verse 7 "thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice."  He is not praying for the comfort of the throne in Jerusalem, or the comforts of his friends around him.  He is praying for his own son, that he would turn from his actions.  He lifts up his voice and says "thou art my God."  We know what the future holds but we have a God who holds the future.

Friday, 17 July 2020

Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down

Sermon notes from Limavady Independent Methodist Church
Sunday 12 July 2020
Isaiah 64

Whenever we turn to the book of Isaiah we are thinking of a man who lived six centuries before Christ.  The character and standing of Isaiah is seen here in these verses.  God gives a glimpse of Isaiah, allows us to look into the quiet place where Isaiah is.  He is on his knees before God.  A man of devotion.  A man of prayer.  A man of his times.  He saw what Israel needed in those days.  If ever this province needed men and women of devotion and prayer it is now, this very day in which we are living.  We come with the prayer of Isaiah - that "God would rend the heavens."  God comes to each of us today.  In 2 Chronicles God said to Solomon and the Israelites of that day "if my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  Are you one of God`s own children today?  Was there a time when Christ was invited into your heart to be your Saviour, to become a living relationship?  When you came to the cross?  When you realised you had sinned and come short of the glory of God?  When you called on the Lord to save your soul?  The Lord makes you a new creature in Christ, all things become new in your life, the old is gone.  If ever we needed men and women to pray and call on God it is in this day.  Isaiah is getting before the God of heaven to seek God`s will.  He realises the seriousness of the age he is living in.  We are listening to Isaiah as he prays.  Do we see the seriousness of the times we are living in today?  As Isaiah gets before God of heaven we think of John Knox the great Reformer who prayed "O give me Scotland or I die."  The very Queen of Scotland quaked because she feared him on his knees more than any enemy of Scotland.  Isaiah gets before the God of heaven, realises the seriousness of the situation and prays "O that you would rend the heavens and come down."  Think of Isaiah 6 "In the year that King Uzziah died."  He came into the house of God and gets his eyes upon the throne of God and heaven.  King Uzziah was wise, intelligent, a master planner and strategist, the nation looked up to him but towards the end of his life he became proud.  God had given him victory over his enemies and he thought he had done it all in his own power.  God had to smite him down.  The nation felt the burden of his loss.  Isaiah meets with God that day.  The nation had lost a great leader.  When Isaiah came into the house of the Lord he saw more than a vacant throne.  Isaiah realised he was living among a people of unclean lips and he did not exclude himself - "I am a man of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips."   Think of the same man in 2 Kings 19 at a time of national crisis for King Hezekiah.  Assyria, a world empire of that time was taking nation after nation and they were marching on Jerusalem.  Hezekiah could see them coming, could see the day approaching when they were at the very gates of Jerusalem.  Hezekiah sent for Isaiah.  He realised here was a man who could come before King of heaven and be listened too.  We need to be people who are known as men and women who pray, who get through to God.  Hezekiah said to Isaiah "this day is a day of trouble."  We are in a day of trouble today.  There was something more alarming.  There was a greater enemy than the Assyrian army.  There was a coldness creeping into the nation - verses 10 and 11 there is a great challenge for the church of Christ today.  Yes we have to reach out and see men saved.  There is a carelessness and coldness creeping into the church today.  A man ready to see a challenging situation, a man who is on his knees before God acknowledging the seriousness of the times he lived in.

He prays about the silence of heaven - verse 12 "wilt thou refrain thyself for these things O Lord?" Notice verse 7 "thou hast hid thy face from us and hast consumed us because of our iniquities."  It was as if the heavens were as brass because of the sinfulness and carelessness of God`s own people.  Their sins had separated them from God.  "If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me."  As we come desperate for God to come in the same way do we ask for him to act today?  We are living in the last of the last days.  If Jesus came today would you be left behind?

Isaiah sees the sufficiency of God in the situation.  All the nation needs is a visitation from God.  We need to realise that God is sufficient.  We don`t need any more preaching or services but God to come and pour out his blessings on us.  Isaiah asks the Lord to come down.  The Psalmist said "I waited patiently for the Lord."  He realised that was all he needed too.  Whatever situation you are in today you need the Lord.  If you are cold and backslidden you need the Lord.  Revelation 3 verse 20 is a picture of the Laodicean church.  By all accounts the church was good, it had everything going for it, they felt they needed nothing more.  Perhaps they had a great pastor, a great bible teacher, a great building.  They stood in need of nothing.  We are living in the Laodicean period today.  Maybe we don`t have the Lord today.  A lot of emphasis is put on the preacher today.  We believe that if we have such and such a person then we would have a great congregation, a good church programme, facilities for young and old alike, we could do so much around the community.  What did God say to the Laodiceans?  "You are neither hot or cold."  They could not hide.  The Lord was on the outside of the door of the church.  The Lord was standing on the outside.  Maybe you feel you stand in need of nothing today but you haven`t the Lord himself.

Isaiah sees the supremacy of God.  Isaiah knows if God would rend the heavens and come down he would be supreme over everything.  4 men in Jesus` day had a friend who was an invalid.  They put him on a stretcher and brought him to Jesus.  They had heard so much about Christ, if only they could get their friend to him.  They knew that Jesus was sufficient but he was also supreme.  He had the power to heal their friend.  They did not give up even though there was a great crowd gathered in the house that day.  They began to take away the roof and lower the man down.  The Lord saw their faith and healed the man that day.  Isaiah got before the God of heaven and prayed "Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down ..."

Sunday, 5 July 2020

The Battle Begins

Sermon notes from Limavady Independent Methodist Church
Sunday 5 July 2020
Joshua 6 - The Battle Begins

The people of Israel have now crossed into the promised land, Canaan.  Now the battle begins.  It is good to reflect on the strength that Joshua was given.  He has left the people behind and moved towards the city of Jericho.  A great obstacle in front of him.  He looks at its height and its breadth, sees the soldiers standing on the walls and the large entrance gate.  I am sure he thought "how am I going to cope?"  Before he could face the battle of Jericho he had to face the battle in his own heart.  Maybe there is a battle in your own heart today.  The captain of the hosts, the Lord himself had drawn alongside Joshua and spoken to him.  Maybe you are thinking "how am I going to get around this great obstacle or problem in my life?"  Maybe you have been thinking about accepting Christ`s salvation.  Maybe you have been thinking about your need of salvation for yourself personally.  You have lifted your eyes and seen Christ himself dying on the cross for your sins.  Have you ever accepted him as Saviour and Lord?  He is directing you to that cross today again.  Maybe you are in a backslidden, cold condition today.  You once walked with the Lord but now you do not.  Jacob came to the brook Jabbok. (Genesis 32)  He was going to face Esau his brother.  The last time he saw Esau he was told he would be killed for the deception of the birthright from his father.  When Jacob came to the brook Jabbok he didn`t know how he would face Esau.  He sent his family, his servants, his flocks and herds ahead of him.  He was left alone and that night he wrestled with God.  When morning came he went in the renewed strength from the battle and met his brother Esau.

God`s promise given.  Joshua 6 verse 2 "see I have given into thine hand Jericho."  It has already happened - the city is Joshua`s.  Salvation at Calvary has already been given.  Jesus died there that you might be saved and know your sins forgiven.  It is a gift offered to you.  This great city, the Lord tells him has already been given to him, all he has to do is believe the promise.  Maybe that is your problem - you are looking into that obstacle and the Lord is saying "allow me to take care of it."  Maybe you are staring into Calvary, maybe hearing God knocking at your heart`s door and you are concerned that if you were to get saved you could never keep it.  Maybe you are thinking "if I was to enter into God`s blessing I could never live up to that standard."  Maybe he is calling you into some sort of service for him today and you have a fear in your heart over it.  The Lord wants to remind you of his help, he will be with you.  When God gives us a promise we should hold onto it.  Think of Abraham, called out of Ur of Chaldees.  God promised he woud give him a son, seed as the sand on the seashore.  That was God`s promise to him but it took 25 years for that promise to be fulfilled in his life.  In Romans 4 verse 20 Paul said of Abraham "he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith giving glory to God."  Paul preaching in the synagogue reasoning with the Jewish people wants to prove to them who the Lord is.  The Jews would have taken him as a prophet but not as the Messiah or Saviour of mankind.  Paul took them back through the Old Testament scriptures and showed that every lamb laid on the Jewish altar was sacrificed for their sin.  Then he took them to Calvary and showed Jesus dying on the middle cross.  Every lamb slain had its fulfilment on Calvary.  Once for ever Jesus died for their sins.  Those people turned their backs on Paul and the preaching of God`s word, the truth of God`s word and on God himself.  Paul told them if you are not going to believe this I will go to the Gentiles.  The Lord came to him in a night vision and told him to not be afraid, to hold his peace.  Maybe you feel you have had enough today.  You have pleaded with someone to come to Christ.  Follow Paul`s example here.  God said "I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee for I have much people in this city." (Acts 18 verse 10)  On that promise Paul continued to reason with the people for another 18 months.  He clung to that promise just like Abraham.

The plan of God revealed.  There was a plan to follow.  If that promise was to be fulfilled he had to follow the plan precisely.  Jesus` disciples after Christ was crucified decided to go for a nights fishing.  They could see someone the following morning on the seashore.  He had a fire going.  They did not recognise it was the Lord.  He asked them if they had anything to eat.  They replied that whilst they had fished all night they had caught nothing.  Jesus told them to go out again and let down the net on the right side of the boat and they would catch the fish. (John 21 verses 3 - 6)  They had to follow the plan before the promise was fulfilled.  Maybe God has given you a promise but you are not following the plan.  It was not left to Joshua`s own abilities.  To be told the city was his was one thing but there was a plan to follow.  God has a plan for our lives today.   They were not to attack the city with full force or come in steathily at night.  It had to be done in God`s own way - verses 3 and 4.  Notice there were 7 priests, 7 trumpets, 7 days and on the 7th day the 7 times they had to walk around the walls.  Number 7 is very important - it is the number of completion.  On the 6th day of creation God finished his  creation of heaven and earth.  On the seventh day he celebrated the completion of creation by resting. (Genesis 2 verse 3)  There were 7 weeks from Passover until Pentecost.  Passover reminds us of Calvary while Pentecost reminds us of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and church was instituted.  In verses 6 and 7 the priests were to take 7 trumpets before the ark of the Lord.  Everyone had their task and place.  That was very important.  You are so important today.  In this plan of God there was to be no noise.  They were to walk around the city once with no shouting, nothing.  This would be God`s plan and purpose.  When Jesus died it was the plan and purpose of God.

The power that was present on the seventh day - verse 20.  They were to shout this time and the walls woud fall down.  When God asks you to do something he will give his power and grace to do it at the right moment and time.  In Zechariah`s time the people were returned from Babylon.  They settled down to rebuild the temple.  Coldness set in, fears and doubts and the building came a stand still.  Maybe Zechariah was hesitant, reluctant as he contemplated and considered all this.  Zechariah while considering it all, the building to be done.  The Lord came to him.  "This is the word of the Lord  unto Zerubbabel saying not by might, nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord." (Zechariah 4 verse 6)  The Lord was telling Joshua, it is not going to be up to you and your strength, it is me that will do this.  There was to be no military involvement or outside work.  Remember what Jesus said to Peter "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16 verse 18)  This is the work of God today, not by our intellect or power but by his Spirit alone.  Think of Peter in Acts 12.  He was lying in the prison cell waiting on his execution the next day.  He was chained to the soldiers beside him.  A prayer meeting was going on in Mary`s house  They were doing it without hesitation.  God sent the angel into the prison house, tapped Peter, woke him up.  His chains fell off and he walked out of the prison into the street.  He realised this was God`s power and ability that had brought him out of that situation.

There was the prize that was theirs.  Verse 15 only on that day were they to walk around the walls 7 times.  They had to shout (verse 16) for the Lord had given them this city.  In verse 20 the people shouted with a great shout.  They followed the plan of God with the promise and power of God at their finger tips.  The promise was fulfilled and the city fell before them.  Maybe today you feel that fear today.  Why not let the Lord come into the problem of yours.  He will take care of it, give you power and grace for that situation today.