Sermon notes from Sunday 23 February 2020 pm
John 3 verses 12 - 18
Subject: Man`s greatest need
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Man`s greatest need is to know that he is loved by a loving God. One of the greatest blessings to the heart of a man or woman is to experience that love God has for every one of us. Verse 16 what a love that was. "Oh the love that drew salvations plan, Oh the grace that brought it down to man, Oh the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary." God sent his son to die on Calvary. He was reconciling the world unto himself, bridging the gap we could not do anything about. Peter and Gordon were a famous duo who had a son in the 1960`s titled "What would this world be like without love?" written by Paul McCartney. What a question! There is an abusive love tonight. Many young people have those sentiments on their mind. They do not believe that anyone loves them. The Psalmist said "I looked on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know me; refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul." (Psalm 142 verse 4) There are many who do not feel they are loved. Many need to hear from God that he loves them. There are 3 things to notice from verse 16 and the love of God.
A confirmation that God gives. If ever we needed to know God loves us we should look at this verse. The God of heaven loves you and me and he tells us that in his word. It is from the lips of the Lord himself. We have this great declaration from the lips of the sinless perfect lamb of God. We have the message that God loves us. Not only a declaration from the Lord himself. We look to Jerusalem and Golgotha. We see 3 crosses and hanging on either side of the middle cross are 2 thieves. God`s son is hanging on the middle cross. This is God in the flesh taking on himself the form of a servant. A demonstration of that love because Jesus withheld not himself. As they nailed him to the cross and put a crown of thorns on his head he said "Father forgive them." What tremendous love. He was praying for those nailing him to the cross, praying for them even then. A confirmation of that love through his own son. He was made to be sin for the world. Every sin was laid on him. Have you claimed that love for yourself? We see many illustrations of that love as we go through the scriptures. God as he looked down on Egypt as the taskmasters who took their orders from Pharaoh abused the Children of Israel. God said to Moses "I have heard their cries, I have seen their affliction, now I am sending you to them." Maybe God knows your affliction. You are bound under the burden you are under. He has such love that he would send his son to die for you. He asks you to bring your cares to him. In Nineveh the people who were so cruel and hard, had done so much against the Children of Israel, yet God was willing to send a message that if they repented he would save them. That is the same message we hear even tonight. Many are not saved because they have not turned from their sin. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and he wouldn`t go. God sent a great storm on the ship and Jonah was cast overboard. God then sent a great fish to swallow him. God had a love for the people of Ninevah. Jonah said "for I knew that thou art a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and repentest thee of the evil." The people of Nineveh were delivered. God told Jonah "And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city wherein are more than sixscore thousand person that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand and also much cattle?" God has such love and grace and mercy for people.
A consolation this verse assures me of. God did not turn his back and leave us in our sinful way. God loves us no matter what we have done or where we have been or where we are right now. Imagine loving someone like me. Think of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Remember how God created every tree and Adam was told he could eat of it freely except one. Eve took of the fruit and gave it to her husband, he did eat of it and sin came into the world. Adam ran away from God. Hiding in his sin. Isn`t that what we do - hide in our sin. In a gospel meeting we try to hide behind people. God is speaking to our hearts. God called down to where Adam was. He called for him and said "Adam where art thou?" God is calling to you tonight. The rich young ruler came to the Lord seeking after eternal life. Jesus beholding him loved him. He knew he would put his position and possessions in front of Jesus yet Jesus loved him. Nicodemus finds his religion is of no value. Even though he would turn his back on the teaching of God, would have denied Christ coming into the world, sacrifice on the cross of Calvary yet Jesus told him God loved him. God never turned his back on us. There is a great consolation tonight. The man beside Christ on the cross throughout the hours of that day cast all sorts of blasphemies on Jesus. As he begins to realise who this man is and his life is ebbing away he realised "this man is not dying for his own sin, he has done nothing amiss." He asks "Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." What did Jesus do? He told him "today thou shalt be with me in paradise." It is a confirmation and a consolation.
There is a consideration to be made. "That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." He loves you - that is confirmation. How did he ever love me - that is a consolation. What did you do with such knowledge? That God loves me, that God gave his son to die for me? Think of Moses leading the Children of Israel. God showed his love to the Children of Israel throughout the wilderness journey. As they stand before the Promised Land the Lord tells the people through Moses "I have set before you life and death and blessing ... choose life." (Deuteronomy 30 verse 19) As we come to the cross can I plead with you - if you are not saved or are in a backslidden condition, cold in heart, depending on an empty profession, clear it all away and choose life. Christ is coming soon. Think of Pilate in the Judgment Hall looking into the face of the Lord. The only Saviour we are looking into - that same face of the Saviour who said "come unto me all ye that labour and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11 verse 28) Pilate looked into the face of the Lord and his conscience told him "this is an innocent men." Are you listening to your conscience? Pilate listened to his wife who said "Have thou nothing to do with this just man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him." (Matthew 27 verse 17) Pilate sums up by asking 3 questions - "whom shall I release?" and the crowd cried Barabbas. What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? The people answered "crucify him". The third question he asked - "what evil hath he done?" And they took the Lord out and crucified him. They put him to death. Pilate called for a basin of water to wash his hands off the decision he had made. (Matthew 27) You cannot reject Christ and wash your hands off it. What will you do tonight with the Lord? Will you take him, accept him as Saviour, trust him or will you be like Pilate and wash your hands off the decision.
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