Saturday, 29 February 2020

Born again of incorruptible seed by the word of God

Sermon notes from Sunday 9 February 2020 pm
1 Peter 1 verses 13 - 21
Peter tells us in verse 23 "beng born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God."  The price of salvation.  We offer salvation for free, yes it is, but when we think of the cost to God in heaven taking his only sinless son, sending him into this world to see men rejecting and reviling him.  Hanging on a cross what a cost that was.  In John 3 Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night, a very religious rabbi heard of Jesus, seen the mighty things he has done, somehow he wants to come and ask him a few questions.  His heart is pondering.  As he makes his way to Christ there are things on his mind he wants to know.  "We know thou art a great teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles except God be with him." (John 3 verse 2) Is that how we have come tonight?  So thrilled with what Jesus has done?  Seen the many miracles he has done, heard the great preaching, wanting to hear more and know more of him? We are introduced to Nicodemus.  Jesus says to him "Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." (JohnJohn 3 verse 5)  If you are not saved heaven will be not be our home, we will never see it.  Peter takes it further to you and I.  He says "being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever."  How important is the word of God in our salvation?

The awareness that the word gives - makes us aware of what we are in the light of God`s word.  In John 4 the woman at the well spoke to Jesus and was converted.  Remember how she left her water pot, she did not want to take it back into her home because there was a possibility her partner would persuade her to stay.  A time of separation.  She told the people around her "come see a man who told me all things ever I did."  The word of God as it is opened up to us we realise what we are in in God`s sight.  There at the well Jesus revealed to her she was living in sin.  We are guilty, under condemnation of God.  Romans 5 I have taken on myself the nature of Adam when he turned his back against God, rebelled and ate of the fruit.  That is the very nature we have taken on.  The nature of sin.  We need to be born again.  I was born into this world once through my mothers womb.  If you want to see heaven you have to be born again through the incorruptible seed of the word of God.  My best will not suffice for heaven.  No matter how many goals I achieve never be good enough to attain God`s salvation for me.    Are we going to rely on the best we can do or rely on the finished work of Calvary?  He cried "it is finished".  Is that what you are depending on tonight?  The awareness of the word.

The authority of the word.  1 Timothy 1 verse 15 "moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel by which ye are saved, if ye keep in memory that which I have preached unto you."  Remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The enemy came on him.  We read "as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward and fell to the ground." (John 18 verse 6)  That was the authority of the word of God.  Man is saved through the word of God.  Psalm 19 verse 7 "the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul."  "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10 verse 17)  The "scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation." (2 Timothy 3 verse 15)  Think of Cornelius in Acts 10 when Peter entered into his house there were people sitting waiting in expectation of his coming.  They wanted to hear words whereby they could be saved as promised by the angel to Cornelius.  When Peter opened up the word of God and while speaking the Holy Ghost fell on them.  This is the wonder of the word of God.  If you have the opportunity to give a word from God`s own word let it plant a seed in your loved ones heart and it will produce a harvest in its time.

The acceptance of the word of God.  Proverbs 30 verse 5 "every word of God is pure."  Not just some but all of it.  The only part we can play is to accept it.  Jesus told Nicodemus "except a man be born again."  The only thing he could do was to receive it.  Remember the woman at the well.  Born again, why, because she accepted the word of God.  You have to accept the word when it says "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3 verse 23) On the cross of Calvary God laid every sin on him.  You have to accept that truth.  Accept that your sin was laid on him and you bear it no more.  Cornelius was saved only when he accepted the word Peter preached to him.  Zacchaeus was saved only when he was came out of the tree to meet with Jesus.  "Receive with meekness the ingrafted word which is able to save your souls." (James 1 verse 21).  Revelation 3 verse 20 "Behold I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the dor, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me."  Maybe you have never trusted Christ, trusted him as Saviour and Lord.  Remember the Roman centurion, he had a servant lying at the point of death.  Jesus said he would come with him and heal him but the centurion said "I am not worthy that you should enter into my house, just speak the word and he will be healed." (Matthew 8 verse 8)  What about you - this is not the teaching of the church or my philosophy.  Trust Christ, the authority to save your precious soul if you would only trust him.

The assurance the word of God carries.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10 verse 13)  Psalm 40 I was in an awful pit, my feet were in the miry clay, the Lord heard my cry.  I wonder was there a momnt when you cried in seriousness and genuineness and you lifted your heart to the Lord, realised he has died for you?  Did you ask him to save you?  Remember Peter stepping out of the little boat onto the waves?  He was walking to Jesus but he took his eyes off the Lord, he cried out "Lord save me." (Matthew 14 verse 30) The Lord reached out his hand and saved him.  The Lord wants you to call on him, to come to him, to trust him as Saviour.  That the seed of the word of God might be planted in your heart.  Will you come and trust him?

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