Saturday, 29 February 2020

The Publican and the Pharisee`s prayers

Sermon notes from Sunday 2 February 2020 pm
Luke 18 verse 9 - 14
A sinner`s prayer - "God be merciful to me a sinner."  

This is a man who is doing business with God.  He has come to the end of himself, can see no hope in himself.  Like the thief on the cross dying beside Jesus.  Both those thieves railed on the Saviour, ridiculed him and called him all sorts of names.  Somehow as that day drew to a close, for one of the thieves as his breath grew shallow he realised the one on the middle cross was one dying not for something he had done but for this thief`s own sin.  He cried out "Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."  We come tonight and ask "have you ever prayed the sinners prayer?"  We are not talking about the simple prayer "Lord come into my heart" but rather one that touches the heart of God.  This man in verse 14 went down to his own house justified rather than the other.  He was in a proper relationship with Jesus Christ.  Jesus gave this parable to teach those who were trusting in themselves, they were righteous and despised others (verse 9).  This man was saying "I don`t need a Saviour, I am not as bad as other people."  Many people feel the same way today.  They say others need to be saved, that they have never done anything wrong, I don`t need this salvation.  Jesus speaks this parable to you and I in our relationship with God.

See first the sinners company.  They went up into the temple to pray.  2 men went to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee, a man who would teach in the synagogue, gave his money to the poor, did so many good things.  The other was a publican.  He took taxes off the Jewish people.  These 2 men went into the temple to pray.  One was in a desperate situation.  Remember Zacchaeus - it cost him.  He said "the half of my goods I give to the poor and if I have taken anything by false accusation I give it back fourfold."  Jesus said "if any man come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  We are not told here the exact time of prayer.  2 Chronicles 6 verse 40 "now my God let I beseech thee, let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."  This is the place where God meets with sinful man.  It ishere that God has sent his only begotten son to die in our place for our sins, that our broken relationship with him might be mended, that we might be reconciled unto him.  God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  The publican walked behind the Pharisee.  He had his eyes on him.  We need to be careful who we have our eyes on today.  Remember the man who had a son with a dumb spirit.  He brought him to the disciples but they could do nothing for him.  He had to watch this son 24 hours a day because the spirit would take him out and cast him into the water or into the fire.  He heard of Jesus, how great things were happening through him.  One day he took his son to Jesus.  The disciples could do nothing for him however.  How disappointed he must have been.  If only he could get help.  He was let down.  Sometimes we are let down, disappointed by people around us.  We need to lift our eyes higher, to Jesus Christ.  That man found when he got to the Lord his son was delivered from that evil spirit.  Maybe your eyes are on others who have a false profession.  Get your eyes off them and onto Jesus.  Mark 1 verse 23 a man with a unclean spirit cried out as Jesus lifted the bible to preach.  This man began to disrupt the meeting.  Jesus told the demon to come out and it did.

We see the sinners conviction.  As he comes into the house of God he hears no doubt the prayer of the old Pharisee.  I am sure he was praying at the top of his voice.  He wanted everyone to hear him.  Verse 11 "I am not like other men ... even as this publican." He lifted up his voice.  The publican is listening, maybe he feels inferior.  Maybe saying in his heart "who am I to stand in the company of this man."  So caught up with the place of God, the presence of God and the power of God that he couldn`t even lift his eyes heavenward.  He came under great conviction.  Somehow he feels so bad in himself.  He smote his breast and said "God be merciful to me a sinner."  Verse 13.  What is conviction?  Acts 2 people standing listening to Peter, as he comes to the cross to the close of his message they were "pricked in their hearts."  That word means their hearts were turned asunder.  The Holy Spirit brings that same conviction in to the heart of the sinner.  Somehow he feels the power of God, feels so guilty standing before God.  The Pharisee stood as close to the altar as he could get.  The publican stands afar off, he wants to do business with God.  His heart is weighty and burdened.  No-one could see it, see the condition he is in.  Remember the centurion who came to the Lord on one occasion.  He had a servant at home sick.  He pleaded with God.  He is at the point of death.  The Lord said he would come and heal him.  The centurion said no I am not worthy for you to come under my roof.  He did not feel adequate in the presence of Christ.  When we come under conviction of sin there is only one thing we want to do - get right with God.  Remember Peter on one occasion.  He cried out "depart from me for I am a sinful man."  We need that conviction tonight.  Not an unhappy feeling, that somehow you can take God`s salvation or leave it.  When you realise you are a sinner, bound for a Christless hell for all eternity, that if God doesn`t move in your heart you will be lost for all eternity.

Notice the sinners confession.  Conviction was felt in the heart, coming to the realisation of what I am before God.  Now there is a public confession.  He cries out to God of heaven.  He has gone through the conviction that God has spoken to him, touched his heart.  The confession is now "I am a sinner."  That he had been born in sin, shapen in iniquity.  The only thing I need today is his mercy and grace before this Pharisee and others.  He owns up to his guilt and shame.  "If we say we have no sin we make God a liar." (1 John 1 verse 8)  This man admits he is a sinner.  "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the least." Paul could say (1 Timothy 1 verse 15)  When we make our way to Calvary and confess our sin and need of him he saves us.  Here`s a man who asks "be merciful to me a sinner."  He realises he is a sinner by nature and practice.  He acknowledges it.  Psalm 51 verse 3 "I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me.  Against thee and thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight."  Remember Achan who tried to hid the treasure he stole from the enemy.  The hiding of his sin brought destruction and disaster on him and his family.  The judgment fell not only on him but his entire family.

The sinners conviction.  "I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."  The word justified means in a right relationship with God.  We don`t hear of the Pharisee having that same conviction.  There is a serious question for you tonight when you come under conviction, when you make that confession - do we really get through to God and are converted?  If we say we have no sin.  You say "I have no problem with that."  We deceive ourselves.  You say "I have not deceived myself, I know heaven`s door is closed to me."  This man had come to this place of conviction.  Will you trust Christ tonight?  Will you take him as Saviour and Lord tonight?  Romans says "We all have sinned."  The publican was not willing to make God a liar, he was willing to take Christ as Saviour.  He confessed his sin and is now convicted of his sin.  "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins."

The sinners confidence.  God tells him he is saved.  The business is between you and God.  Will you come to Calvary and to the one who died for you?  He wants to open up the door of heaven and allows you to enter in.  It is his spirit witnessing with your spirit that you are a child of God - only he can give that assurance. 

Born again of incorruptible seed by the word of God

Sermon notes from Sunday 9 February 2020 pm
1 Peter 1 verses 13 - 21
Peter tells us in verse 23 "beng born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God."  The price of salvation.  We offer salvation for free, yes it is, but when we think of the cost to God in heaven taking his only sinless son, sending him into this world to see men rejecting and reviling him.  Hanging on a cross what a cost that was.  In John 3 Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night, a very religious rabbi heard of Jesus, seen the mighty things he has done, somehow he wants to come and ask him a few questions.  His heart is pondering.  As he makes his way to Christ there are things on his mind he wants to know.  "We know thou art a great teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles except God be with him." (John 3 verse 2) Is that how we have come tonight?  So thrilled with what Jesus has done?  Seen the many miracles he has done, heard the great preaching, wanting to hear more and know more of him? We are introduced to Nicodemus.  Jesus says to him "Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." (JohnJohn 3 verse 5)  If you are not saved heaven will be not be our home, we will never see it.  Peter takes it further to you and I.  He says "being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever."  How important is the word of God in our salvation?

The awareness that the word gives - makes us aware of what we are in the light of God`s word.  In John 4 the woman at the well spoke to Jesus and was converted.  Remember how she left her water pot, she did not want to take it back into her home because there was a possibility her partner would persuade her to stay.  A time of separation.  She told the people around her "come see a man who told me all things ever I did."  The word of God as it is opened up to us we realise what we are in in God`s sight.  There at the well Jesus revealed to her she was living in sin.  We are guilty, under condemnation of God.  Romans 5 I have taken on myself the nature of Adam when he turned his back against God, rebelled and ate of the fruit.  That is the very nature we have taken on.  The nature of sin.  We need to be born again.  I was born into this world once through my mothers womb.  If you want to see heaven you have to be born again through the incorruptible seed of the word of God.  My best will not suffice for heaven.  No matter how many goals I achieve never be good enough to attain God`s salvation for me.    Are we going to rely on the best we can do or rely on the finished work of Calvary?  He cried "it is finished".  Is that what you are depending on tonight?  The awareness of the word.

The authority of the word.  1 Timothy 1 verse 15 "moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel by which ye are saved, if ye keep in memory that which I have preached unto you."  Remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The enemy came on him.  We read "as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward and fell to the ground." (John 18 verse 6)  That was the authority of the word of God.  Man is saved through the word of God.  Psalm 19 verse 7 "the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul."  "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10 verse 17)  The "scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation." (2 Timothy 3 verse 15)  Think of Cornelius in Acts 10 when Peter entered into his house there were people sitting waiting in expectation of his coming.  They wanted to hear words whereby they could be saved as promised by the angel to Cornelius.  When Peter opened up the word of God and while speaking the Holy Ghost fell on them.  This is the wonder of the word of God.  If you have the opportunity to give a word from God`s own word let it plant a seed in your loved ones heart and it will produce a harvest in its time.

The acceptance of the word of God.  Proverbs 30 verse 5 "every word of God is pure."  Not just some but all of it.  The only part we can play is to accept it.  Jesus told Nicodemus "except a man be born again."  The only thing he could do was to receive it.  Remember the woman at the well.  Born again, why, because she accepted the word of God.  You have to accept the word when it says "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3 verse 23) On the cross of Calvary God laid every sin on him.  You have to accept that truth.  Accept that your sin was laid on him and you bear it no more.  Cornelius was saved only when he accepted the word Peter preached to him.  Zacchaeus was saved only when he was came out of the tree to meet with Jesus.  "Receive with meekness the ingrafted word which is able to save your souls." (James 1 verse 21).  Revelation 3 verse 20 "Behold I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the dor, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me."  Maybe you have never trusted Christ, trusted him as Saviour and Lord.  Remember the Roman centurion, he had a servant lying at the point of death.  Jesus said he would come with him and heal him but the centurion said "I am not worthy that you should enter into my house, just speak the word and he will be healed." (Matthew 8 verse 8)  What about you - this is not the teaching of the church or my philosophy.  Trust Christ, the authority to save your precious soul if you would only trust him.

The assurance the word of God carries.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10 verse 13)  Psalm 40 I was in an awful pit, my feet were in the miry clay, the Lord heard my cry.  I wonder was there a momnt when you cried in seriousness and genuineness and you lifted your heart to the Lord, realised he has died for you?  Did you ask him to save you?  Remember Peter stepping out of the little boat onto the waves?  He was walking to Jesus but he took his eyes off the Lord, he cried out "Lord save me." (Matthew 14 verse 30) The Lord reached out his hand and saved him.  The Lord wants you to call on him, to come to him, to trust him as Saviour.  That the seed of the word of God might be planted in your heart.  Will you come and trust him?

Asking for the old paths

Sermon notes from Sunday 16 February 2020 pm
Jeremiah 6 verses 16 - 20
"Stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths, where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls.  But they said We will not walk therein."

This passage is directed to the nation of Israel.  We can imagine a great battle going on.  The judgment of God is about to fall on this people.  The King of Babylon is about to attack Jerusalem.  The is a people swaying on the balance.  Similarly we come to this meeting with a battle that is on for the sou of men and women, for your soul and mine.  The enemy would seek to damn our souls in a lost and Christless eternity but the Lord took on us our sin on Calvary`s tree.  There in his final minutes he could say "it is finished", all we have to do is to enter therein.  I wonder have you ever come to the cross of Calvary, trusting him as Saviour and Lord.  The Lord gives us a picture of a traveller on his journey.  He comes to this part where there are a few roads he can take.  He is confused as to which road to take.  The Lord tells him to look and see the road he is on.  There is a great picture for us as sinners, we were born in sin and in iniquity, on a broad road.  Proverbs 16 verse 25 "there is a way that seeemeth right unto man but the end thereof is the way of death."  There is a religious way tonight, it accommodates many views, which ever one you want.  You could be all right, could have an out and our view, that there is no such thing as God, no place like hell.  Your churchianity will not take you into the splendours of heaven.    We are really looking for a narrow way, "few there be that find it" Jesus himself said. (Matthew 7 verse 14) The Lord is pointing out 4 things here.

There is a instruction to wait.  This is coming from the heart of God himself.  "Stand ye in the way".  He is saying "wait."  He was trying to break into their lives.  Somehow we are so busy.  People do not have much time.  Here are a people who have come to this place.  God is saying to them they must take time to assess where they are.  Is God saying to you "wait, take time and assess where you are."  Remember the story Jesus told of a man who prepared a great supper.  Everything was prepared for the great feast.  He sent out invitations, "come for all things are now ready."  They all cried with one accord, began to give an excuse, note not a reason but an excuse.  One man couldn`t come because he had bought a plot of ground and he had to look at it.  Another said he had bought a yoke of oxen and had no time.  Another one had married a wife and couldn`t come either.  Isn`t that what we find with the gospel in this day and age?  Men and women don`t have the time for the things of God, don`t have time to close in with his offer of mercy.  A man in the New Testament told Paul to come back another time and he would hear him again.  People lead busy lives today, even children.  There are so many after school activities.  Social media and television takes up our time, demands our attention.  The Lord says he wants them to wait.  Isaiah 1 we read "the oxen knowth his owner, the ass his masters crib but Israel doth not know my people, do not consider."  Will you take time to stop and consider your later end?  The one who was sinless, pure.  Will you take time to consider why he died?  Why he left his father`s heavenly home and was sent down into this world?  We are on our way to a lost sinners hell.  God took the very best he could offer and sent his son down into the world.  Have you taken him as Saviour?  Do you know him in your heart?  You are the only one who can say whether you are saved or not.  In the Old Testament the Children of Israel came out of bondage and slavery.  They were to establish the Lord`s house but they got complacent.  The Lord said through the prophet "its time to consider your ways."

An instruction to watch.  Watch for the direction they were to take.  A picture that shows confusion.  God knew they needed an instruction.  The course they were on - the judgment was about to fall.  The course they were on would bring disaster.  "Ask for the old paths."  What would they do?  Bring blessing to their soul.  In the book of Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 "if my people that are called by my name and humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear their prayer."  There is the old path.  God said to come to old paths which were repentance and humility, believing and trusting.  There is no other way to heaven.  You have to come to God as a humble child.  You have to turn from your sin, give your sin up and come to the Lord.  He takes you in.  We are living in a new era when we think differently.  God hasn`t changed, he saves in the same way.  Remember the promise given at his birth "thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sin." (Matthew 1 verse 21) Notice not in their sin but from their sin.  God sent Jeremiah to stand in the gate of the city.  He could see the sin in that nation, listened to false prophets.  Jeremiah all the time pointed back to the old pathways.  John the Baptist said "behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1 verse 29)  He was pointing to Christ himself, he is the one who would die for their sins.  Has he borne your sin?  Have you allowed him to take away your sin?  Matthew 7 verse 14 be careful the gate is narrow.  The devil has many directions, the cost of discipleship is not a few meetings here and there but what is the real cost?  Taking the name of Christ and saying "I am saved".  Jesus said "if any man will take up his cross, deny himself."  The cost is - how does Jesus want me to live my life?  In Judges we read "every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  God wants us to follow him.  The Lord said wait and he says to watch.  Jeremiah speaks of his own ministry.  Jeremiah 25 verse 3.  For 23 years I have stood to warn you, I have risen early in the morning, told you to turn back to the old paths.

The third instruction was to walk therein.  Are you walking with Christ tonight?  Are you saved tonight?  Walking with him?  The traveller has stopped and is examining every pointer available, the signposts that are available to him.  This is a picture of a man waiting, he is watching for someone to come to tell him the direction he should go.  There is a direction to follow.  Are you saved tonight?  Walking with the Lord?  Remember Matthew sitting at the seat of custom when Jesus walked past him.  Jesus said "follow me".  Matthew arose and followed after him.  In Acts 16 Jesus showed the guard his need of salvation.  Paul told him to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and he would be saved.  He brought them to his own home to bring his family into God`s family too.  Bartimaeus on the road "followed after Jesus". (Mark 10 verse 52)  Are you saved?  Are you studying the word?  Are you in the prayer meeting?  Are you out giving out invitations, talking to people about the Lord or is it one off on Sunday?  The Lord says to wait, to watch and to walk.  You have come to that place on the journey and you are not saved.  The Lord says it is time to consider your ways.  

An instruction that is wasted - verse 16 "but they said we will not walk therein."  We will not do it.  Verse 17 "we will not hearken."  We see this great instruction coming from the heart of God.  What do we say tonight - no - even if it means the very blessing of God on their soul because not prepared to do as God asks.  God wants your all tonight.  Jeremiah 6 this instruction has fallen on deaf ears.  Is this instruction wasted on you?      The keeper of a cemetery had his home inside the gates of the cemetery.  Someone said to him one day "does it not bother you watching the hearse going in and out on a daily basis?"  He replied "at the beginning it caused me sleepless nights.  Sometimes there are big coffins, others are small.  Sometimes I would get up in the middle of night but it doesn`t bother me now.  I have got used to it."  For many sitting in gospel meetings, have heard the gospel preached time after time to come unto Christ, to surrender their all.  Time after time they have walked away.  They have said no.  It hasn`t bothered them.  The old paths they will bring blessing to your soul.  It will mean an acknowledgement of your sin.  Come to the cross and repent of your sin, trust him as Saviour and Lord.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Man`s greatest need

Sermon notes from Sunday 23 February 2020 pm
John 3 verses 12 - 18
Subject: Man`s greatest need
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Man`s greatest need is to know that he is loved by a loving God.  One of the greatest blessings to the heart of a man or woman is to experience that love God has for every one of us.  Verse 16 what a love that was.  "Oh the love that drew salvations plan, Oh the grace that brought it down to man, Oh the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary."  God sent his son to die on Calvary.  He was reconciling the world unto himself, bridging the gap we could not do anything about.  Peter and Gordon were a famous duo who had a son in the 1960`s titled "What would this world be like without love?" written by Paul McCartney.  What a question!  There is an abusive love tonight.  Many young people have those sentiments on their mind.  They do not believe that anyone loves them.  The Psalmist said "I looked on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know me; refuge failed me;  no man cared for my soul." (Psalm 142 verse 4)  There are many who do not feel they are loved.  Many need to hear from God that he loves them.  There are 3 things to notice from verse 16 and the love of God.

A confirmation that God gives.  If ever we needed to know God loves us we should look at this verse.  The God of heaven loves you and me and he tells us that in his word.  It is from the lips of the Lord himself.  We have this great declaration from the lips of the sinless perfect lamb of God.  We have the message that God loves us.  Not only a declaration from the Lord himself.  We look to Jerusalem and Golgotha.  We see 3 crosses and hanging on either side of the middle cross are 2 thieves.  God`s son is hanging on the middle cross.  This is God in the flesh taking on himself the form of a servant.  A demonstration of that love because Jesus withheld not himself.  As they nailed him to the cross and put a crown of thorns on his head he said "Father forgive them."  What tremendous love.  He was praying for those nailing him to the cross, praying for them even then.  A confirmation of that love through his own son.  He was made to be sin for the world.  Every sin was laid on him.  Have you claimed that love for yourself?  We see many illustrations of that love as we go through the scriptures.  God as he looked down on Egypt as the taskmasters who took their orders from Pharaoh abused the Children of Israel.  God said to Moses "I have heard their cries, I have seen their affliction, now I am sending you to them."  Maybe God knows your affliction.  You are bound under the burden you are under.  He has such love that he would send his son to die for you.  He asks you to bring your cares to him.  In Nineveh the people who were so cruel and hard, had done so much against the Children of Israel, yet God was willing to send a message that if they repented he would save them.  That is the same message we hear even tonight.  Many are not saved because they have not turned from their sin.  God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and he wouldn`t go.  God sent a great storm on the ship and Jonah was cast overboard.  God then sent a great fish to swallow him.  God had a love for the people of Ninevah.  Jonah said "for I knew that thou art a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and repentest thee of the evil."  The people of Nineveh were delivered.  God told Jonah "And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city wherein are more than sixscore thousand person that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand and also much cattle?"  God has such love and grace and mercy for people.

A consolation this verse assures me of.  God did not turn his back and leave us in our sinful way.  God loves us no matter what we have done or where we have been or where we are right now.  Imagine loving someone like me.  Think of Adam in the Garden of Eden.  Remember how God created every tree and Adam was told he could eat of it freely except one.  Eve took of the fruit and gave it to her husband, he did eat of it and sin came into the world.  Adam ran away from God.  Hiding in his sin.  Isn`t that what we do - hide in our sin.  In a gospel meeting we try to hide behind people.  God is speaking to our hearts.  God called down to where Adam was.  He called for him and said "Adam where art thou?"  God is calling to you tonight.  The rich young ruler came to the Lord seeking after eternal life.  Jesus beholding him loved him.  He knew he would put his position and possessions in front of Jesus yet Jesus loved him.  Nicodemus finds his religion is of no value.  Even though he would turn his back on the teaching of God, would have denied Christ coming into the world, sacrifice on the cross of Calvary yet Jesus told him God loved him.  God never turned his back on us.  There is a great consolation tonight.  The man beside Christ on the cross throughout the hours of that day cast all sorts of blasphemies on Jesus.  As he begins to realise who this man is and his life is ebbing away he realised "this man is not dying for his own sin, he has done nothing amiss."  He asks "Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."  What did Jesus do?  He told him "today thou shalt be with me in paradise."  It is a confirmation and a consolation.

There is a consideration to be made.  "That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."  He loves you - that is confirmation.  How did he ever love me - that is a consolation.  What did you do with such knowledge?  That God loves me, that God gave his son to die for me?  Think of Moses leading the Children of Israel.  God showed his love to the Children of Israel throughout the wilderness journey.  As they stand before the Promised Land the Lord tells the people through Moses "I have set before you life and death and blessing ... choose life." (Deuteronomy 30 verse 19)  As we come to the cross can I plead with you - if you are not saved or are in a backslidden condition, cold in heart, depending on an empty profession, clear it all away and choose life.  Christ is coming soon.  Think of Pilate in the Judgment Hall looking into the face of the Lord.  The only Saviour we are looking into - that same face of the Saviour who said "come unto me all ye that labour and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11 verse 28)  Pilate looked into the face of the Lord and his conscience told him "this is an innocent men."  Are you listening to your conscience?  Pilate listened to his wife who said "Have thou nothing to do with this just man for I have suffered many things this day  in a dream because of him." (Matthew 27 verse 17)  Pilate sums up by asking 3 questions - "whom shall I release?" and the crowd cried Barabbas.  What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?  The people answered "crucify him".  The third question he asked - "what evil hath he done?"  And they took the Lord out and crucified him.  They put him to death.  Pilate called for a basin of water to wash his hands off the decision he had made. (Matthew 27)  You cannot reject Christ and wash your hands off it.  What will you do tonight with the Lord?  Will you take him, accept him as Saviour, trust him or will you be like Pilate and wash your hands off the decision.

The weapons of preaching, prayer and praise

Sermon notes from Sunday 23 February 2020 am
2 Corinthians 10 verses 1 - 11
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds."

We stand in great need of encouragement but we also need a challenge today.  Paul is dealing with the ongoing situation in the Corinthian church but what he says also speaks to the Christian life.  Did you know you are in a battle today?  Maybe Paul has sat in the prison house, sent a message to Timothy describing his life.  He doesn`t know when the door will open and the executioner will take him out to his death.  He said to Timothy "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing." (2 Timothy 4 verses 7 and 8)  Here in Corinth Paul`s credability comes under attack by the Jewish leaders.  They wanted the glory of the fellowship of this little church.  In doing so they were sowing seeds of doubt in the peoples minds.  Paul said to them "as I listen to these people criticising me, blinding you minds, I know the weapons are mighty in God`s hand."  Who gives us those weapons?  God does.  Are you discontented or discouraged today - encourage yourself in the Lord.  What are the weapons?

The weapon of preaching.  Paul was continually ridiculed.  Verse 10 "for his letters, say they are weighty and powerful but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible." All they could do to criticise was in his preaching.  Nehemiah was comissioned and called of God to go to Jerusalem.  He prayed to the Lord and the Lord told him to go down and do the work necessary to rebuild the walls.  Make them safe and secure, to give them something to glory in again.  He was working for the glory of God not man.  That is what is needed today - the glory of God is so important to any work down in Christ`s name.  The enemy could only sit back and watch them.  In Nehemiah`s day they couldn`t stop the work, could not hinder it.  Then the people criticised the Jews at work, criticised the people themselves.  Jesus said "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16 verse 18)  People will criticise the preacher and even you yourself as you witness in your family and among your friends.  They wanted to disparage the work of God and will do all in their power to pull you down in the process.  What did Paul say about his preaching - 1 Corinthians 1 verse 17 Paul could say "I have a calling to preach"  He was using the weapon of preaching.  He was not getting down to their level, not criticising them.  There is a temptation to say something about the person who is doing the criticising.  Paul in Ephesians 6 talks about the armour of God, the boots, the breastplate, the girdle around the waist, the shield of faith, the helmet and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.  "For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword" (Hebrews 4 verse 12)  That is the weapon you use.  Paul in Philippi met a young girl possessed with a demon spirit and able to tell the future.  Those who saw the young girl realised there was money to be made.  People were hearing this young girl telling the future.  The councillors of the town were making a fortune from her work.  The devil was setting up a stronghold that no-one could break.  Paul comes with the word of God and the young girl started to shout "these are men of God showing us the way of God`s salvation." (Acts 16 verse 17)  Paul did not want this attention being drawn to himself.  "I command thee".  He was speaking into the depths of her soul and heart to the very demon that lived in her.  "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her" and he did.  That is the only weapon we have - the word of God.  Don`t use your own intellect but rather the word of God.  Souls were given over to superstition, to false doctrine, demon worship.  In Acts 8 Philip found that when he came down to Samaria - verse 9 - "a certain man called Simon which beforetime in the same city used sorcery and betwitched the people".  The devil was using this man.  In Revelation 13 we read that the antichrist was given his power by the devil himself.  That is in the future yet to come but the devil can still do that today in the present.  How did Philip break the power of the man Simon?  He came to Samaria and he preached Christ unto them.  The demons cannot stay as a result.  The devil had to release his power.  Acts 8 "there was great joy in that city." (verse 8)  Paul used the weapon of preaching.  An encouragement for us to continue in preaching, telling others about Christ.  You will meet many who will oppose that.  We need to keep bringing before them the cross, teaching the things of God to them not whose church is the best.  

The weapon of prayer.  Prayer was used against Satan`s stronghold.  He invited people to pray for him.  Paul said in 1 Timothy 2 verse 1 to pray for people - why - "for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour" verse 3.  Remember the man with a son who was possessed of a demon?  That demon would throw him into the fire or hot water.  The father brought him to the disciples one day but they couldn`t do anything for him.  They tried but were powerless.  When the Lord delivered that young son the disciples asked why they could not do it.  He told them "this kind cometh not but by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17 verse 21)  Are we using the weapon of prayer to our ability?  Remember when the temple was dedicated by Solomon in Chronicles. "If this people turn away and come back will you hear their prayer?" Solomon asked God.  God`s reply - "if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7 verse 14)  Paul is using the weapon of preaching and prayer.  There is a great encouragement here for the place of prayer.  It is not a labour.  We need the sincerity to seek God.

The weapon of praise.  When we think of what the Lord has done for us we have so much to praise God for - 2 Corinthians 12 verse 10 "therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ`s sake, for when I am weak then am I strong.  Joseph to his brothers said "ye thought evil against me but God meant it unto good." (Genesis 50 verse 20)  James said "count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience" (James 1 verses 2 and 3)  "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8 verses 28)  God allows our trials for his purpose to be worked out in our lives.  "mighty through God" not through man nor intellect nor our own abilities but through God.  It is "not by might nor by power but my spirit saith the Lord." (Zechariah 4 verse 6)  As Peter preached in Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came.  It was not in his ability.  In Cornelius house "the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word" (Acts 10 erse 44)  It was not what Peter said to him.