Sunday, 24 November 2019

The go betweener

Sermon notes from Sunday 24 November 2019 am
Acts 9 verses 23 - 31

We want to return to look at Barnabas - the go betweener.  He came between the apostles and Saul when Saul came to Jerusalem.  It took Barnabas to bring him to the apostles and sort things out.  It is good for us to examine the lives of these men.  They are ordinary men, just flesh and blood but they were out and out for God.  They were sold out to the cause of the Lord.  They had to become fishers of men.  The Lord has a purpose and a plan for ever life in this house today.  Do not excuse ourselves because we are too old or too young.  The Lord has endeavours for each of us.  One day we must stand before the God of heaven and give him a report of all we have done for him.  Have we verred from the purpose God has for us?  The apostles were unlearned, ignorant men but they had been with Jesus.  That is what makes the difference as we spend time in the word of God, seekng time in prayer.  Just as when Moses came down from the mountain he couldn`t look at the people and the people couldn`t look at him - why - because he had been in the presence of the Lord.

The concerns of this man of God.  He has one deep concern - for the work of God.  He has got a concern for the work of God.  Not a concern about himself or his reputation, more about the work of God.  God looks for that concern from us today.  In our hearts are we concerned this morning?  King David looked around him, looked to his left and right hand but could find no refuge - he said "no man cared for my soul."  Barnabas had a conern for the word of God.  He was given a name of identity by the apostles.  He was the son of consolation, an exhorter, an encourager.  That is what Barnabas was.  Someone who comes alongside, has a friendly handshake, an arm around the shoulder.  Paul said the one thing that weighed him down was the care of all the churches.  He was willing to lay down his life for the churches.   Barnabas steps into the forefront again.  In Acts 4 Barnabas was there when the apostles returned from the scribes and Pharisees.  They had been questioned after they seen a man healed.  He hadn`t walked for 40 years and they wondered how this was done.  Pharisees threatened them not to preach in that name again.  Peter stood to his feet and said "we would rather obey God than men".  When they left they realised this was a matter that had to be taken to God in prayer.  When they got to that secret place the first one they met was Barnabas.  They "went unto their own."  They got together and prayed.  They prayed for boldness that they might preach the word of God.  Sometimes we get worked up and concerned about things happening around us.  Maybe illnesses, difficult times we are going through.  That is all we pray for.  We really need to pray for boldness, that the Lord would help us in the affliction we are in, to carry out his plan and purpose.  2 other people who had a similar concern were Aquilla and Priscilla.  They were waiting on Paul when he came to Corinth.  They were going to take Paul into their own home.  They were of the same trade - tentmakers.  They would make sure his needs were met.  They wanted to make sure that Paul only had to preach the word of God.  They would take the rest on themselves.  Paul could say of them in Romans 16 verse 4 "these people have laid down their life for me."  There was a man who spoke one day in the local synagogue.  He was very eloquent in his preaching but something was lacking.  Apollo was his name  Aquilla and Priscilla took him to one side at the end and expounded the word of God more fully to him.  They were encouragers in the work of God.  Barnabas took Saul by the hand and brought him to the apostles.  The Lord is looking for similar people today.

The challenge now that is offered.  Things are beginning to change in the church.  The apostles had doubts in their minds about Saul.  Barnabas steps forward, he sees the challenge before him.  It is easy to go with the flow.  We are challenged every day, it is a new day of grace.  What are we going to do for God this day?  Are we stretching ourselves today?  Facing challenges?  Moses was 40 years in the wilderness.  He had an unfinished task.  Moses is sitting at the burning bush and God is speaking to him.  Maybe we have started something and maybe the road has become difficult and hard, friends have deserted us.  We left off that task but God doesn`t forget about it.  God wants Moses to return to Egypt.  Caleb one of the spies went into the Promised land.  He said it wouldn`t be easy, he knew the enemy was there to be defeated but he told the people "if God is for us we can take it."  The Israelite people turned against Caleb, Joshua and Moses but 40 years later Caleb was still challenging, he reminded God of his promise 40 years before and asked for the promise to be renewed.  Has God been challenging you today?  Is there perhaps something you need to step out and do for God?  Verse 27 "Barnabas took him".  Great encouragement for Saul.  That this man would step out, believe in him and introduce him to the apostles.  It showed great courage.  He was willing to step up to the mark.  It didn`t matter what others thought of him.  He reached out.  Ananias had been told to go and find Saul praying.  Ananias was afraid because he had heard much about Saul that was not good but he had to step up to the mark.

He was conforming here to the events.  He not only stepped up but spoke up.  He knew that in the past Saul had put so many people to death, what will the apostles think of me now when I introduce Saul to them?  These apostles were men that trusted Barnabas.  So often that stops us from serving the Lord.  Fear what others might think or say about us.  Barnabas didn`t care what people thought of him.  He had one thing on his mind - to see people saved.  Esther found favour with the king.  Then there was the plot by Haman to put all the Jews to death.  She had to step up to the mark.  She had to forget about what everyone thought of her.  She was willing to take her stand and speak up to save her people.  Barnabas vouched for Saul - verse 27 "and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way."  I am laying my life here on the line for this man.  Are you willing to lay your reputation on the line, to give yourself wholly to the Lord?

The cheer that Barnabas` message brought - verse 31 "then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied."  We need one who is willing to step out, stand up and speak.  Can you imagine if Barnabas had stopped in his tracks, shunned this man Paul.  What a tragedy that would have been.  Maybe someone in our families tells they are being shunned today.  Maybe you need to go and see them.  Maybe they need you to go and say "come with me."  Maybe they would never enter into the church because of so many fears but if you brought them with you they might come.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

The beginning of revival

Sermon notes from Sunday 15 September 2019 am
Acts 16 verses 1 - 10

In chapter 16 we read about Paul and evangelists waiting patiently on the lead of God.  There were various areas they could have gone into but the spirit of God closed the doos to them.  There are various places he would have gone but somehow they were closed to him.  In a vision in the night Paul receives a message from one man "come over into Macedonia and help us."  Thinking again of the man Cornelius the Roman centurion.  The events in his life, the marks and the features of a God given revival.  Cornelius was unsaved man.  We are only looking at the features of a revival around his life, prepare our hearts with the same vigour and zeal he had at the very thought that God was coming.  In Acts 16 the man from Macedonia pleaded for God to come over.  Acts 10 glimpse of Cornelius.  First glimpse of a man on his knees.  This is the beginning of revival.  

First of all here`s a man wanting God to do something.  Sitting in his own home on his knees before God of heaven pleading and praying.  Reminder of Hannah being taunted by the second wife to discourage and get her down.  She took the whole situation to God in the temple - "she poured out her heart."  The bible says that is where God begins to move.  When we get before God and pray, it is then that God sees the desire of our heart.  Man of Macedonia sees the need in his heart and prays and pleads for Paul to come and help him.  If ever we needed anything in 2019 it is a move of God.  We need a people to pray for the province again.  We need God in these days.  This man sees the need all around him, gets before God and prays, pleads with Paul to bring the gospel to them.  Psalmist looking over the apathy around him.  Psalm 119 "it is time for thee , Lord to work." (verse 126)  The Psalmist had come to the end of himself.  His heart was burdened down, weighed down and says to the Lord "it is time for you to work."  Here was Cornelius falling on his knees, wanting God to do something for him that could not be done by anyone else.  Revival has spread through the villages and byways.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." (Matthew 6 verse 33)  "Ye shall seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29 verse 13)  "without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  Cornelius sitting on his knees praying and pleading for God to work.

A man waiting on God.  It is a lonesome place.  Lone figure praying then saw angel coming into him.  That angel brought a message from the throne room of heaven.  That is where we are told to come to find help and mercy in our time of need.  God has promised that.  Here`s Cornelius getting this word.  This answer was to send for Peter.  How precise that word was.  Knew where Peter was.  He is lodging with a man called Simeon.  He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.  He sends off immediately for Peter.  He must wait for the word of the Lord from Peter himself.  He had a the promise of the word of God.  Jonathan Edwards said "revival will break out when a man or woman will sit down with the Bible and believe it word for word."  Acts 10 verse 30 4 days ago.  He waited for that length of time.   Romans 5 verse 3 "we glory in tribulation also knowing that tribulation worketh patience."  Patience is a great characteristic as we wait on God.  Luke 18 parable on prayer.  Shows us widow woman following after an ungodly judge, only thought of himself, never caused her a favour.  She needed that favour from him.  She followed him day after day with the same complaint.  He came out and gave her her plea.  The Lord says this is an example of prayer.  Men ought to pray and not give up.  That woman did not give up.  She followed that man until he came out and asked what her problem was.  Then she poured out her heart.  The Lord said look at this woman "lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said Hear what the unjst judge saith.  And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them."  1 John 5  "And this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us." (verse 14 )

Here`s a man watching for God.  Acts 10 verse 24 he called his kinsmen and nearest friends to tell them what was going to happen.  Peter was going to come to where this man was and tell him how we might be right with God.  Important news.  Jesus speaks of a hell "where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched", where suffering never comes to an end.  "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24 verse 35)  "Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people."  Made up of people who gave themselves over to the Lord himself.  Cornelius went and told his friends and family.  

A man working for God.  He invites people to come and hear the word of the Lord.  He was telling everyone, gathered all his kinsmen and friends.  Matthew left his seat of custom and invited all his friends into his home for a great supper.  Then he invited Jesus.  He loved his friends and family but he now loved Jesus more.

A man witnessed great things.  Not disappointed because in verse 44 we read that Peter came into his house, stood up and began to preach the words God gave him.  As he did so the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard the word of God.  He witnessed the power of God coming down into that house.  This man witnessed the Holy Ghost coming and seeing people reached.

Monday, 18 November 2019

We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said I will give it you

Sermon notes from Sunday 17 November 2019 pm
Numbers 10 verses 29 - 36

You will be aware as we broke into this passage that we are dealing with a situation as Moses is leading the children of Israel across the wilderness to the promised land, of a conversation Moses is having with his relatives.  Verse 29 shows a confession of Moses` faith.  He is witnessing of what God is going to do "we are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said I will give it you."  When Paul was preaching the word of God he said "I am what I am by the grace of God." (1 Corinthians 15 verse 10) Are we what God would have us to be?  Are we taking the Lord as Saviour tonight?  The Psalmist could say "The Lord is my shepherd."  What a wonderful confession of faith.  We cannot look away to the church we belong to and say we follow them.  That has nothing to do with it.  The Psalmist David when fighting Goliath took 5 little stones.  Goliath laughed at this young boy`s attitude - to step out and face him.  David told him "I am coming to you in the name of the God of Israel."  He testified that when out in the wilderness with the sheep and the bear had come against the flock he had put it to death.  He could say "I shall not want."  Can we trace our story back to Calvary?  We are journeying to the place because God has promised it to us.  Pau said "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." (2 Timothy 1 verse 12)  There is a day coming when we must leave this world behind and step into God`s eternity.  Paul was not worried about that day coming.  "I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4 verses 6 and 7)  He had no last minute plans or plots.  That is how we should be - ready to leave this sin cursed earth into the glories of heaven, into the presence of God for all eternity.  In Exodus 3 Moses was out in the wilderness with his sheep when he saw something he had never seen before.  He stood and marvelled at this bush burning but it was not consumed.  It should have gone up in smoke in the heat of the desert but it didn`t.  Moses decided to draw near and when he did God spoke to him.  That is how God works in our lives sometimes.  Perhaps through a time of sickness or disappointment.  Perhaps something happening around us in our families or circumstances or community.  God speaks to you through different means.  Will God speak to you tonight?  Will you make certain for heaven and home?  God has promised us this land and we are on our way to this land.  "Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, Today if ye will hear his voice,  harden not your hearts." (Hebrews 3 verses 7 and 8)  God spoke out of the burning bush.  "I have seen the affliction of Israel and I am sending you to my people."  God had seen what was going on.  Pharaoh however would not let the people go as God commanded right to the last plague when all the baby boys were killed.  Then he decided to let them go.  "We are going to the place God has promised" the people were able to say when they left Egypt.  Can you say you are here in this place because of the faith you have placed in Christ one day? It is a gift of God that you can take.  The Philippian jailer as he came into Paul and Silas` cell asked "what must I do to be saved?"  Have you ever asked that question yourself?  Here was a man prepared to do anything yet he got it wrong because there is nothing you can do to be saved.  It is a gift of God.  Accept it.  Make your way to Calvary.  Jesus is giving his life for you on the cross.  Accept what he has done for us.  Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness.  Have you got that savlation tonight?  Simply believing in Christ is all it takes.  Moses` confession of faith. 

His commitment to follow.  He saw the strong arm of the Lord in dealing with the enemy, breaking the power of Egyptians, now the people are marching to the Promised Land.  He is now following.  He believed and is now stepping out, was willing to prove God.  When the Lord came to where Matthew was sitting at the seat of custom he said to him "follow me."  Matthew arose and followed Christ.  2 actions were required.  He stood to his feet but then he had to put a step to his feet.  He had to follow after the Lord.  Moses could see what God had done.  He needed the answer.  God had promised the people the land.  Now he must follow.  James said "if any man be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass; For he bbeholdeth himelf and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he is."  He sees what has to be done then forgets about it and walks away.  God`s word can do nothing for us.  We need to look at Calvary.  What it means.  Jesus stepping into the world, taking the form of a man, allowing himself to be nailed to the cross, to have a crown of thorns placed on his brow.  We go back to that scene once more night after night.  People hear this message all to no avail.  God delivered men and women and set them free out of Egypt but they must follow after the Lord.  God broke the fetters on this people, set them gloriously free but now they must follow.  Many are free but not following Christ.  I wonder will you follow?  You say you believe in Christ, what he has done.  James said "thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well; the devil also believe and tremble." (James 2 verse 19)  Moses needed to move out of Egypt.

The confidence Moses had about the future.  "We are journeying unto the place which the Lord said I will give you."  Moses was looking for the land God had promised.  He was possessed of a hope that was steadfast and sure.  Are you sure of that place tonight?  Jesus said "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also." (John 14 veres 3)  Moses kept his eye on the cloud when it moved and he knew it was time to get up and walk.  When it rested they stopped and waited.  We do not speculate about heaven toight.  It is a certainty, whether we go there or not.  If you are saved you are on your way there.  The confidence of the future.  Joshua leading the people of Israel, going through the Jordan, when the priests lifted the ark of the covenant the people were to keep their eye on it.  "You haven`t travelled this way before."  We dare not miss the ark today.  We need to keep our eyes on Christ.  Are we following tonight?  The Psalmist said "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."  Have you that confidence?

Moses` concern for his family.  "come thou with us".  Moses knew all that God had for his children, every promise he had and wanted to extend it to his family.  What a man.  We are on our way to heaven and home - have we invited anyone to come with us?  Have we said to our loved ones, asked them to be saved.  They need to come to Christ, trust him as Saviour and Lord.  Moses knew there was a land he was going to but he wanted others to be with him.  Is there a longing in our hearts to see our loved ones gathered with us there?  1 Thessalonians 2 verse 19 "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ as his coming?"  Rahab took the spies in, let them down with the crimson chord.  She asked for her family to be saved when they came back.  They told her to have the cord hanging when they returned.  She gathered as many as she could into that house so they could be saved and they were.  David said "no man careth for my soul." (Psalm 142 verse 4)  May we not be a people that have no concern for souls, selfishly going to heaven without attempting to bring our loved ones with us.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

The man who stands out

Sermon notes from Sunday 17 November 2019
Acts 4 verses 32 - 37

This pasage tells us about Joses or Joseph.  He was given a name by the apostles inner circle as Barnabas.  The interpretation of his name is the son of consolation or one who consoles.  A man who encourages, always seems to have the word of exhortation.  We live in an awful dark age and there is much discouragement and disappointment.  When we look at Barnabas this was a man who was always there.  It is good to have someone you can depend upon.  He is not the one to shout about it, a man who is aways there.  We see that highlighted in his life qualities.  He is the man who stands out.  

A distinguished man.  Barnabas was a man of experience, a man of God who followed the Lord Jesus.  Acts 11 verse 24 "he was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of faith."  He was not just good by nature alone but with faith.  Many people were added to the church through him.  The wise man Solomon said in Proverbs 22 verse 1 "a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."  This man was simply an encourager.  He stepped out when others stayed in the background.  These were difficult times for the church.  It was the first incident of persecution that had come against the church since Acts chapter 2.  Maybe you are as far as you can possibly go, so discouraged, can hardly lift your head from the pillow, feel cannot go on another step, things have been turning against you.  Somehow you feel you cannot go on.  Take encouragement from this man.  Maybe this morning you need a word of encouragement or consolation or maybe it is possible God wants to use you as that encourager.  Is there someone you know who is going through difficult times and you could be there for them?  Maybe you are the person to take that opportunity.  Barnabas was that kind of man, he was a man whose glass was half full.  He doesn`t listen to Murphy`s Law - if it can go wrong it will go wrong.  This man got up and made himself useful.  This was a distinguished man.  He had a special quality - verse 32.  He was one of them in the number.  Are you in that number today?  Would set this man apart.  He was saved by God`s grace.  Remember when Peter spoke on the day of Pentecost, he preached the gospel of saving grace.  Isn`t it tremendous to see the work of salvation?  It is through the preaching of the word of God that men should be saved.  If we lose that preaching, the anointed preaching of God`s grace that we will see men and women saved.  It is important to invite people in.  The Lord could come at any moment in time.  If that happened there would be many in our families lost and lost for eternity.  We see here the preaching of Peter and God sent the Holy Spirit as a result.  It is through the Holy Spirit that the word of God is applied to every heart.  Remember when Jesus asked his disciples "whom do men say that I am?"  Peter replied "thou art the Christ the son of the living God."  Jesus replied "blessed are you for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you but my Father which is in heaven."  Here on this day of Pentecost Peter preached the word of God and men and women cried out "what will we do?"  The repy came back "repent and be saved."  Barbanas was distinguished because he responded to God`s word.  Elisha as he passed by the woman`s house, she saw him continualy coming.  She knew that there was something different about him.  She couldn`t ignore him.  Remember Daniel carried into Babylon, used there to come in before the kings and interpret the dreams.  Belshazzar threw a feast one day for all his princes when all of a sudden handwriting appeared on the wall.  It brought everything to a standstill.  We can be enjoying life to the fullest and all of a sudden there is the writing on the wall.  None of the wise men could tell the king what this meant until the king`s grandmother came in.  She remembered a time in Nebuchadnezzar`s life when he had a dream and one man distinguished himself.  She told Belshazzar "there is a man in the kingdom in whom there is the spirit of the Holy Ghost."  Barnabas was an encourager, a consoler.  He brought comfort.  He was a child of God.  That is what distinguished him.  We need to have experience of being brought into the kingdom of God.  Verse 36 shows he was from the tribe of Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, the order of the priesthood is given to this tribe.  That family was to organise and help in the temple house of God.  They owned no land of their own, they were not to buy land of their own.  This man however owned land.  He came from a good heritage but he still needed to be saved.  Maybe we have a good background, perhaps even attending church every week.  Saul was brought up in a strict religious home but he still needed to be saved.  Am I one of the multitude today?  He was a distinguished man.

He was also a dependable man.  James describes such a man as "not unstable or double minded".  A man of God and in the work of God.  Barnabas will be be there every time, you could trust in him.  Think of another couple whom Paul trusted so well - Priscilla and Aquilla.  Acts 12 firstly they had to leave their home, they had to up sticks and move away because of persecution.  In chapter 18 verse 2 we read "Paul found a certain Jew called Aquilla ... because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome."  We then read "and because he was of the same craft he abode with them."  Galatians 2 verse 9 speaks of James, Cephas or  Peter and John who "seemed to be pillars."  We need to be similar in the church.  Joshua and Caleb were sent out into the land to investigate and bring back a report.  They came back with a glowing report but all the rest of the spies were not happy.  Caleb and Joshua stood up in front of everyone.  We need people who want to get things done, are dependable.  Verse 23 when the disciples were released "they went to their own company."  Peter had been arrested by the Saduccees and were threatened but they came together to pray.  Barnabas was dependable.  It is good to be dependable.  Someone you can trust.  Samuel was a small boy when his mother took him up to the temple and gave him back to the Lord.  He was a gift from God.  Hannah told Eli "this is the child I prayed for and God has blessed me.  Now I am giving him back to the Lord."  Think of Samuel each day getting up and opeing the doors of the temple and then at night closing them again.  He grew up to tbe the greatest prophet Israel ever had.  He was always there.  Dependable.  To do the chores requested of him.  Could God depend on you?  Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher had the privilege of opening the boiler room to show those who were praying for him.

A man of discernment.  Verse 34 and 37.  The church had many needs at this time.  He was discerning enough to see the need.  He could see what was happening there.  In chapter 11 he was sent down to Antioch to see the work of God.  Barnabas went down.  He realised what these people needed.  He saw the people being saved, transformed and changed.  Here was a need.  This congregation needed something - chapter 11 verse 25.

A man of devotion.  "having land he sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet."  The discerning man sees what needs to be done, sees what is happening.  The devoted man does something about it.  Devoted to the one who save his soul.  He had some land, took it and sold it and gave the money to the apostles to be used wherever it was needed.  He didn`t say someone else can do it, he did what he could.  The woman with the alabaster box of ointment had done all she could.  God does not ask one more thing than is needed.  Barnabas was willing to give to what people needed.  Are we prepared to give what others need?  We can give no less if saved by God`s grace.  God doesn`t want the scraps or left overs  He wants all we have today.  This man took all he had.  It cost Barnabas greatly to put everything he had into the work of God.  Are we putting everything into the work of God, giving God all we have?  Are we devoted today or just getting by in the Christian experience?  Never really giving what it costs in terms of finance, time, abilities and gifts?

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

The people of Gennesaret

Sermon notes from Sunday 3 November 2019
Mark 6 verse 53 - 56

Mark sets out for us a challenge.  The thought of a welcome visit.  Here we see the Lord approaching Gennesaret.  It is a welcome visit.  Many will feel the benefit of his visit there.  Maybe God tonight will touch our hearts.  Maybe he will speak as he did to Lydia at the riverside on the Sabbath day.  As Mark puts forth this challenge there is a challenge for each of us saved or not.  How big is God?  Jesus exercises his power and authority over the very natures around us.  Not many could take 5 loaves and 2 fishes from the hand of a young boy, break them and feed over 5000 people.  Not too many would step on the waters and walk to Jesus himself.  He was able to do that.  Not too many could heal.  Many of you are saying `I couldn`t be saved.`  The Lord is able to save.  He walked on water and says "all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  He can make you a new creature, give you a new name, new aims and goals but he starts with your sin.

The plight Jesus faces.  As he steps off this boat and steps onto the shore and makes his way into Gennesaret the people recognised him.  In the midst of that voyage there was a real storm in the boat.  Jesus walked across the waters and brought comfort to his disciples.  We find the people recognised him.  They brought all out to meet him.  People that were in beds of sickness just to let him touch those people.  Do we see the consequences of seeing people going out into a lost eternity tonight?  What a terrible plight for such people.  Here was a people who recognised the need, gathered all that were sick in those villages.  Verse 55 they were sick but none too sick for him to heal.  Verse 57 "that they might touch" and "as many as touched him were made whole."  There are many who need that touch from the Lord tonight.  Only if you reach out and touch the Lord.  Maybe the Lord has spoken to you before.  Clinging onto something that is not real.  The Lord cannot save you if you will not reach out.  They were not only sick but they had to be carried.  Could do nothing to help themselves.  Not one of us can help ourselves because of our sin.  God in his great love for us had to send his only son because he loved us, he cared for us, doesn`t want to see us lost.  He died and shed his blood that we might be saved.  What a Saviour.  Verse 55 they brought them to where Jesus was.  No point in bringing them to a place where he wasn`t.  So too we need to bring people to where Jesus is.  Not to a place whre his name is never mentioned.  We cannot do that.  Think of the woman bound for some 18 years sitting in the synagogue.  She hadn`t straightened for 18 years.  Sabbath after Sabbath going through the motions.  She would hear all the singing and preaching, came in and out just as she was.  One day the Lord sought her, called her to where he was, brought perfect healing to her body.  The Lord still calls us to himself.  The situation in our lives when he went out on the streets.  He saw all the sick, he did not rush away from it.  Another time he went into the temple, saw those lying around the pool of Siloam, some couldn`t walk, some were blind.  He didn`t shy away from coming for everyone.  That night in Gethsemane when he realised what would happen in days to come, when he had to die on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world he said "not my will but thine be done."  The Lord has done that for you and I.  Will you come to Christ, will you trust him?  The Lord wants you to be saved.  That is why he took the form of a servant, why he came into the world in the first place.

The passion he saw.  He saw people who wanted to be well, to be healed.  He saw those who maybe were helped on the streets.  Friends had gone out and brought them to the place where Jesus was.  They wanted those people to come to Jesus.  A ray of hope is in their hearts, jumped at the chance to meet Jesus.  People had to consent to come and be healed.  I`m sure there were those who said no to the invite to come and be healed.  There are those tonight as we meet them they cannot be bothered to come and hear the message of God`s salvation.  These are the lies and excuses of the enemy, the devil.  Remember how Jesus spoke to the Pharisees, spoke to them about their sin.  They were those who stood in the synagogue, brought and preached the word of God.  They would not come and have eternal life.  This people acknowledged they were sick.  That is what we must do first - acknowledge that we have sinned.  People acknowledged they were sick and if so they could be healed.  The Pharisees stood in condemnation of Jesus when they socialised with sinners.  They couldn`t get over this, never thought they were sinners in need of Christ themselves.  Jesus rebuked them.  "they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick."  If you want to be saved you have to acknowledge you are a sinner.  It is the greatest acknowledgement we have to make.  If you haven`t done that you are not saved.  Here were a people who had a passion to be saved.  Jesus says "him that cometh to me he will not be cast out."

The privilege Jesus offers.  Simplicity of it all.  Just to touch the hem of his garment.  People recognised Christ, then they lifted up their voices, prayed that if they could touch the hem of his garment these people could be saved.  Maybe there is one who is praying for you right now.  Jesus came right where they were, offered this great remedy for those people.  Like the woman who suffered for 12 years, one touch of the masters garment and she was gloriously healed.  Have you called on the Lord tonight?  Called on his name to save you?  There were many on that day when the woman touched his hem.  The people were pushing and shoving but only he recognised and acknowledged the woman.  Maybe there is only one call tonight that God will recognise.  You have come to the point where you realise you need to be saved, you have to call on the Lord.  Coming from a heart that is broken.  A heart that is truthful.  Will you call on the Lord?  What a privilege it was for Bartimaeus that day.  Jesus passed by him.  He also passed by Zacchaeus in the tree.  "For by grace are you saved through faith it is not of ourselves it is a gift of God."  Have you that grace tonight?  Are you saved?  You cannot have a foot in both worlds tonight.  Jesus didn`t ask how long they had been sick.  They touched his garment and they were healed.  Didn`t ask what manner of sickness they had or what was the nature of that illness.  Knew only one touch and they were healed.  Are you afraid to come tonight?  To acknowledge you are a sinner?

The prize they achieved.  "As many as touched him where made whole."  Christ has taken your sin, made it his very own on his body when he died.  He bore it on the cross of Calvary.  He hung and suffered until he cried "it is finished."  Are you saved by God`s grace?  Has your sin been placed on him?  Have you eternal life tonight?  Will you make sure tonight?