Sermon notes from Sunday 9 June 2019 pm
Philemon 8 - 18
People we meet
As I read through this portion of scripture the thought came to my mind of the people we meet along life`s journey. Onesimus met the apostle Paul. In verse 9 we read that Paul is aged and in prison. Paul is there for the preaching of the word of God. He is there because of the stand he has taken. It is there in that prison cell that Onesimus comes into the presence of God through Paul. Isn`t it wonderful the people we meet, those who are a real blessing to us but some are also a hindrance to us. The Ethiopian eunuch was in Jerusalem for worship. As he made his way home he was sitting in his chariot reading from the prophet Isaiah. As he lifted up his head he saw Philip standing before him. Philip had been led by the Holy Spirit to where this eunuch was. Philip was ready to proclaim unto him the unsearchable riches in Christ, to show him how he could be saved. This man Onesimus met the apostle Paul. He was Philemon`s servant. One day he escaped from Philemon`s house, he likely got into bother in time and was put in prison, right in the cell where Paul was. Onesimus came right to where Paul was. The apostle Paul was not going to deal with the slave question, not interested in that but more interested in the salvation of this young man`s soul.
What might they have talked about? The mistakes because of his sinful nature. The whole letter to Philemon is taken up with the thought of reconciliation of Onesimus to his master. The whole gospel is taken up with the reconciliation of man to God. There is a separation in this world tonight. It started in the Garden of Eden. God had to remedy that situation. He had to come down to earth, take on the nature of man, knew no sin but became sin for us. Your sin that damned your soul to a lost Christless eternity, God placed it on his own son on the cross and he died for you. You have to accept that reconciliation programme first. This young man had to be reconciled to his master. You have to be reconciled through the cross of Christ. Paul begins to discuss the mistakes Onesimus had made. A wrong turn in life, he had veered off on the wrong road. Maybe we have been there ourselves. Paul takes time to take Onesimus to one side. He tells him his mistakes are from a sinful nature. The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it. In verse 18 Paul says to Philemon "if he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee aught, put that on mine account." This young man has confessed his sin to Paul and Paul seeks to reconcile him back to his master. We want to talk about our mistakes not about the sinful nature in our heart. Many say when they hear the words "sinful nature", "I say my prayers, I go to church, I do the best I can." Romans 3 verse 23 says "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Not one of us is outside that mark. We have all sinned. Isaiah 53 also says "All we like sheep have gone astray, the Lord hath laid on him the inquity of us all." God wants to reconcile you back to himself. You may be able to reflect on the day when you received Christ as your own Saviour but tonight you are far from God. Or maybe you have never been saved. You might be a religious person but have never trusted Christ as your own Saviour.
The misery that it caused. By his sinful nature this young man finishes up in a prison cell. In his heart of hearts he wanted to get away from Philemon. Maybe he did have a good wage, had a good life in Philemon`s house but for some reason he wanted to get away. He never realised the misery it would cause. He is in this prison cell because of his sinful nature. It led him to steal, to break the law. He had a longing deep in his soul because of his sinful nature. That nature will take us right down to depraved sin. Life brought Onesimus down into the misery of a prison house. James in chapter 1 warned the people about sin. James wrote about the temptation of the flesh drawing you away. "But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" This young man was brought into the misery of sin. For the prodigal son, his heart longed for more and more. He knew his father had an inheritance that was ready to be divided up. His father gave into him and he took off and enjoyed himself for a while. It only brought heartache and misery, shame to his own heart. He ended up lying by the pigs when all was done. Paul shows Onesimus his need of salvation. He believes he has got to the end of himself. He asks himself "what am I doing here?" He was there because of the sinful nature in his heart. Maybe that nature hasn`t taken you so far down. Maybe you are on a respectable road, with a little bit of religion. That road still leads to death. Will you not step off that broad road tonight?
The meeting where sin is talked about. When this young man entered into the cell perhaps there was an adjustment being made. He can hear the apostle Paul but then he speaks to him, introduces himself. Think of Isaiah who came into the temple. He saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train covered the temple. When Joshua lay on his face before God after the defeat of Ai he was almost accusing God "why did this defeat happen." God told him to get up because there was sin in the camp and it had to be dealt with. There is sin in your heart and it must be dealt with tonight at the place called Calvary. Are you prepared to acknowledge that sin? Onesimus was brought face to face with the reality of his sin. Paul was quick to get to the sinful nature and the remedy for sin. People are being told everything is all right. Preachers don`t want people going away sorrowful, that there is an awful place called hell that has to be avoided.
There is the miracle here to deliver from a sinful state. Paul led this young man to the Lord. Christ entered into his life and he was transformed. In times past he wa unprofitable (useless) but now he was a new person in Christ Jesus. The apostle Paul showed him his sinful nature, showed him the cross of Calvary. He confessed his sin and turned from his sin, he trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord. Paul could write and say he was a new creature in Christ Jesus. He sought after the Lord, he confessed his sin, admitted it and asked God to forgive him for all his sins and asked Jesus to come into his heart and make him a new creature.
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