Sermon Notes from Sunday 23 June 2019
1 Samuel 20
A seriousness about the task he was called to do. He knew nothing, not even why he was there in the field. He hadn`t got the bigger picture, he was unaware of the seriousness of the task. Jonathan goes into his house, is concerned about what David is thinking, he picks out one lad to do this task. He knew this lad would be trustworthy. Perhaps he had used him before on many occasions. He was a dependable lad. He had to obey the words of Jonathan. This was a serious task. The Lord still calls us out to do a task for him. Moses was 80 when he was minding the sheep in the desert and God called him to do a mighty task. He is calling out those he can depend on. Isaiah 6 the vision the prophet had "in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple." Isaiah recognised he was not worthy to receive such a vision. He recognised who it was he was seeing and who he was himself. The Lord asked the question "whom shall I send?" He wanted to turn the hearts of Israel back to himself again. Isaiah responded "here am I Lord send me." I am willing to do it, to go. He heard the call of God and was willing to do whatever the Lord wanted him to do. He was stepping out for God. God still calls today. We might look at Isaiah and Moses and think what mighty men they were but really they were only men who the Lord called. The Lord still calls people like you and me today. We have a serious task before us. David said of himself in verse 3 "there is but a step between me and death." Do not take the task too lightly. There is a battle we are fighting - for the lives of children. David`s life was in the balance of that young lad running after the arrows.
The simplicity of this task. The instructions were clear to this young lad. The command was that if the arrow came close all was well but if the arrow went beyond him then there was danger ahead. If the arrow went further it meant David had to leave immediately. The lad was only there to pick up an arrow. As he picked it up he didn`t see the big picture - that the future king of Israel`s life was in danger. The warning was going out to David. Maybe you think the task is too simple. The Lord uses the simple things. The widow woman in the New Testament watched all the rich giving in their offering to the treasury but all she had were 2 mites. She never thought it would be recorded for all eternity. She gave everything and the Lord recognised it. "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." Maybe you think your task is too simple. There is nothing too small about a work down in the Lord`s name.
The secrecy of the task. The lad knew nothing. Jonathan called out to him saying the arrow was beyond him. He didn`t realise the significance of that action. He didn`t realise. He listened to the voice of his master and in obedience to that voice David`s life was saved. Maybe as the Lord speaks to you about the task he has for you will you obey him? Anybody watching this situation in the field that day would have had no idea what was happening. No-one else maybe will see the significance of the work you do for God but God himself knows. This lad listened and obeyed the masters voice. He didn`t know that behind all the instructions he was helping to save the life of the king. Will you listen as God speaks today? We can be used by God and we don`t even know it. He was unaware of what was happening. Philip in Samara in Acts 8 was preaching the word, people were hearing and responding, people were healed of many sicknesses but God came to him and told him to go to a particular desert road immediately. Philip obeyed God`s word even though he was not given the full story. When Philp went down that desert road he met a eunuch from Ethiopia sitting in his chariot reading from Isaiah the prophet. Philip had the opportunity, he stepped up and led the man to Christ. When the Lord himself was preaching on the sermon on the mount he spoke of how the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. The secrecy of the work. Remember how Jesus said that when we pray we are to go into our closet and pray in private. Jesus himself knows the full picture.
The success of the task. This young man was oblivious to the seriousness of the task. He didn`t know the king`s life depended on him. There are people depending on us. People who know nothing of the Lord, about him dying on the cross, shedding his blood that we might be saved. That is the seriousness of it. There is coming a day, maybe quicker that we imagine, when doors will be closed to the preaching of the gospel. Jonathan and David had success - verse 40 "and Jonathan gave his artillery unto the lad and said unto him go carry them to the city." The task was finished but the lad was unaware of what had happened. The lad was not seeking any glory for himself. Perhaps the lad never knew what happened on that particular day, that David the King of Israel was hiding in the bushes watching his every move. That is how serious the task was. He was faithful in carrying out his master`s command, he didn`t stop until it was completed - will you be as faithful?
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