Sunday, 30 June 2019

I have planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase

Sermon notes from Sunday 30 June 2019 am
1 Corinthians 3 verse 1 - 23
Last Sunday we were taking up a theme of unsung heroes.  We thought of the boy who followed the arrows and collected them for his master Jonathan in total obedience to his master`s voice.  He was actually saving the life of the king, King David.  As we went into the past week we were looking to bring the word of God to children but unaware of how that work would impact on them.  Remember the story of Nehemiah - his enemies and opposers of the work tried to stop him by asking him to come down and talk to them.  Nehemiah`s reply was "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down."  Last week was a great and mighty work.  1 Corinthians 3 deals with a condition that raised its head in this church - carnality.  Paul was dealing with a church that boasted of their spirituality, of their gifts and talents.  Paul could see the evidence of carnality beginning to rise in that church and it grieved his heart.  Verse 1 "I  cannot speak to you about spiritual things because you are carnal."  Carnality is the love of the world, going after the things of the world and bringing them into the church.  Carnality is the love of things that excite us and bringing them into the church.  Verse 4 this is what Paul cited as evidence.  There were those following after Apollos while others followed after Paul.  Each one who volunteered last week during our Bible Week was so important.  There were different tasks but each person had their own task and all were important.  Paul is saying "your work is important for we are all labourers together with God."  Today there are many comparisons being made on the things that excite people just as it was in Paul`s day.  We are looking for the big preacher or speaker, a man with a name.  That is what we need for our meetings as he would fill the church.  Paul tells us that if it is not built on a good foundation it is carnal.

1 Corinthians 3 verse 6 "I have planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase."

Paul was planting the seed of the word of God in the hearts of men and women.  He came to them, preached in the synagogue, reasoned with them, showed them their sin, how it would take them into a lost Christless eternity, then he showed Christ dying on the cross, made sin for them.  That is how he planted.  Paul was showing that there were 3 distinct stages - planting, watering and growing.  There are those who would love to plant but cannot.  There are those who would love to water but cannot.  God alone can give the increase, no-one else.  If we ask God he will give the increase.  If I don`t plant a flower it will not grow.  If we don`t plant the word of God we will not see a harvest.  Paul sowed the seed of the word of God in coming to Corinth.  Acts 18 verse 4 "he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks."  When he felt the pressure in Corinth God came to him in the night and told him not to give up.  He continued there a year and a half teaching the word of God.  Sometimes we do get discouraged and down.  Sometimes we think to ourselves it is time I stood down, stepped back, I cannot be involved any more but we all go through that.  Paul continued even through the opposition and discouragement.  James tells us in the first chapter verse 21 "receive the ingrated word, (that word that is implanted in the heart) which is able to save our souls."  The seed needs good ground.  The seed needs to be planted with prayer and the Holy Spirit.  Paul said we have the word of God in our hands, that is what we seek to do, to show children the word of God.  Saul of Tarsus was persecuting the church in Jerusalem so much that they had to flee.  They were then scattered.  Sowing is an agricultural term which basically means that everywhere they were scattered they were preaching the word of God not through evangelistic meetings but telling everyone they met.

The provision for growth - Apollos watered.  People were saying that Paul was the best preacher, others argued it was Apollos who was the better preacher.  Paul said all I have done is planting, Apollos is now watering.  Care needed to be taken now.  There was a certain degree of humility with that.  Apollos was a mighty man of the scriptures.  He was prepared to step in behind Paul to water the word.  Such care needs to be taken with a plant, someone needs to come behind and water it.  Paul is building the believers up.  There is the thought behind this of protection.  It is one thing to plant the seed, there needs to be care to water it.  You are looking out for diseases when watering.  Apollos was building on the work Paul had planted and seen saved.  Apollos was "mighty in the scriptures" - Acts 18 verse 24.  Paul said he was the best preacher, however eloquent he was.  He had to be harnessed by grace in the Holy Spirit.  Acts 18 verse 27 "helped them much which had been believed through grace."  It was not a matter if someone was saved, had to followed up.  Apollos came to those who were saved and helped them in their new found faith.  He watered.  Are we watering?  Acts 18 verse 28 he mightily convicted the Jews.  He convicted the Jews publicly, showed by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.  It is not to take the scriptures and put our own slant on it.  Jesus is the Son of God, died for them and could take away their sins if they asked him.  It is up to us now to continue the watering, to pray for children who have attended the meetings.  It is a sacrifice for all of us.

There is the end product.  Paul gets back to the main question - who is the greatest "but God gave the increase."  1 Corinthians 3 verse 5 "who then is Paul and who is Apollos."  Whenever you assign your task then you can say to yourself "who am I that I could do all these things this past week?"  Paul brings it down to that.  We are labourers together.  "but ministers by whom ye believe."  Salvation is not in the preacher.  People are following preachers today.  They think somehow salvation is in thse people but that is far from the truth.  Paul was saying "salvation is not of me nor of Apollos, we are depending on God to give the increase."  Notice this very carefully.  The events that God honoured.  Before God granted the increase he looked on the one who planted and the one who watered then he steps in and gives the increase.  Does God see us as a fellowship planting the word of God (by preaching), watering it (by praying) then God will step in and give the increase.  There are 2 active verbs here - I have planted which is in the past tense meaning something that has been done and completed.  There was a certain time when that was done.  Apollos watered which is also in the past tense but God gave the increase which is in the present meaning it is happening even today.  God is continually working his work through each of our endeavours.  Acts 2 verse 47 "and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."  In the original Greek God was adding together daily those who were saved.  God would give the increase.  Lets keep at the planting and sowing.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

The defence of the gospel

Sermon notes from Sunday 23 June 2019 pm
Romans 1 verses 1 - 7
Whenever we come to the book of Romans it is widely thought that the church in Rome was founded by Peter but that is not likely.  Not even the apostle Paul is accredited with the founding of this church.  The foundation of the Roman church we read about here goes back to the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 verse 9.  The people who were gathered were from many different nations, they all came to Jerusalem because of the Pentecost feast.  On that particular day they heard something they had never heard before.  They heard Peter preach and thousands were gloriously saved.  Acts 2 verse 10 "and strangers of Rome."  It is thought and assumed that people there that day travelled from Rome, taken the Lord as their Saviour and Lord then returned to Rome and started a church.  Paul now writes to them, gives to them some great doctrines to stand upon for the days ahead.  Paul takes it through this book and shows them what they need to believe.  These 7 verses give a great introduction to the apostle Paul and to the gospel of saving grace.  He doesn`t take too long to get to the gospel in this great introduction.

We find Paul defends his ministry.  Paul gives a threefold qualification for his ministry.  He was always opposed where he went, he was criticised in the words he preached and the ministry he had.  The devil is always quick to oppose anything that stands for Christ even today.  We find that those faithful to the way of God face opposition to it.  There were those gathered in Rome who could not listen to Paul.  Paul decides to defend the gospel.  In verse 1 the first thing he describes himself as is a servant.  The word used is really a bond servant, no better than a slave of Jesus Christ.  That is how he felt.  It was a public declaration because he is not ashamed of it.  He is the property of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If we are saved we are the property of Christ.  The Lord came down into the slave market of sin when he took on himself the form of a servant.  He purchased the slaves for himself.  Paul was a slave, he became the property of Jesus Christ.  When he came into the world he realised he was the property of the devil but now he was translated into the family of God.  Something happened that day on the Damascus road.  He knew he was changed.  He looked back to the day on the Damascus road when he had those letters in his pocket.  He hated anything to do with Christianity.  He was heading to Damascus to imprison other believers.  It didn`t matter who they were - young child or an old man or woman.  If they believed in Christ this man hated them with a vengeance.  He was determined to cast them into prison.  On that road he was brought to his knees.  He was saved by God`s grace that day.  This man knew something happened that day.  He became a slave of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In Acts 24 verse 26 Paul gives his testimony.  He was a young zealous Jew who could point to the place in the road where he met with the Lord Jesus.  Think of the woman at the well.  Jesus made his way to Sychar to the place where a woman came out to draw water.  The Lord spoke to her and she became a believer of Christ.  That well would be memorable forever in her life.  Zacchaeus lived in Jericho when he climbed a sycamore tree one day.  The Lord stopped and invited him to come down.  That tree would never leave his mind.  That is where he met with the Lord, changed his life completely.  I was greedy and envious but the Lord changed me and gave me salvation.  Paul is defending his ministry against these false preachers in Romans.  Can we point to a place, a time, a day when we trusted the Lord as Saviour.  Paul is taking them back to that time.  Are you saved by God`s grace tonight?  Was there a moment when the Lord convicted you of your sin and it is real to you tonight?  Then Paul goes on to describe himself as an apostle.  The word apostle means sent one.  He is proving his ministry here.  Acts 9 verse 15 Ananias was told by God "he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel."  He was qualifying his calling - "separated unto the gospel of God."  If you are a child of God you are a slave and God is your master.  An apostle is a sent one.  You have a message tonight.  You have a life transformed, changed.  In the home that you are living in there are people who want to see the Lord in our lives.  Paul defends his ministry.

Paul dispels a myth.  Paul is taking his hearers to the word of God.  Perhaps here in the roots of this church there were those who rejected this wonderful message because it is so old.  Paul goes back centuries to the prophets to prove his point.  He dispels a myth - based on the word of God.  There is only one book that counts.  Everything needs to be based on this one book.  Paul points them back in time.  Peter on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 when the people were speaking in tongues, knew they were unlearned, he pointed them back to Joel.  The people hearing these different languages could not understand what was going on.  They thought they were drunk.  Peter defends what was happening - this is that which was spoken of the prophet Joel.  He took them to the scriptures back in time.  Paul is dispelling a myth - you will find the gospel in these pages of the prophets.  Remember the Bereans when they heard the gospel being preached, how Jesus died on the cross, that God laid on him the sins of the world.  The Bereans went home and searched their own scriptures.  They wanted to see for themselves that what Paul was preaching was true.  Peter himself said "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2 Peter 1 verse 21)  Think of Moses as he gets the scroll into his hands - God wants to tell him about the creation of the world.  He wants Moses to record it all.  He then goes on to record the fall of man, the sinfulness of man.  Genesis 3 verse 15 is the first mention of the gospel - of a Saviour.  Paul was dispelling a myth.  This great salvation plan of God can be traced back to Genesis 3.  God took the animals, put them to death, took their skins and made Adam and Eve coverings.  It took Jesus to shed his blood to dress us in the righteousness of God that we might be able to stand before him without sin.  This is the word of God Paul says, how we can be saved.  He follows the salvation plan to Genesis 3.  Every lamb put to death from then on was a picture of the Lord being put to death.  The Jewish nation took those lambs as a sacrifice for their sin.  When Jesus died no more lambs were required, we are to come to Christ and trust him.

Paul develops this message.  In verse 3 we see the Lord`s own son Jesus` birth, death and resurrection through the scriptures.  Paul is developing this message.  He points to Christ and introduces his hearers to the 2 natures of Christ - "the seed of David" is the human side, the body he took on and in verse 4 "and declared to be the Son of God with power" we see the God nature.  In Matthew 3 verse 17 Jesus came out of the waters of baptism when the heavens opened.  The Spirit came down in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven said "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."  We cannot explain how God took on human flesh and came into this world, then on the cross of Calvary died for our sin.   Paul takes the Saviour right from where he was conceived in Mary`s womb, born into the world and right through his life sinless and perfect, right through his miracles and teachings to Pilate`s hall, being beaten then suffering and dying on the cross and rising from the dead, all for our sins.

He describes the means. How does the gospel transform lives - verse 16 it is the power of God.  It is that power that makes you a new creature in Christ.  In verse 5 we are told we receive grace.  I deserved a lost sinners hell.  "The soul that sinneth that soul shall die" but something happened - Christ looked at me and he loved me.  He knew that before we lay in a Christless hell for all eternity, He came down into the world to take your sin.  He placed it on his own body, died on the cross to pay the price for us.  What do you need to do with this message?  You need to believe it and simply accept what it says.  Believe it for yourself.  There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.  Would you seek to go back out again tonight, to take the chance you might slip into a Christless hell with no escape or will you come and trust him who can save to the uttermost and change your life?

Children of the Bible - a lad with an arrow

Sermon Notes from Sunday 23 June 2019
1 Samuel 20

As we approach our annual Children`s Bible Week our theme will be children of the bible.  In this passage we have a description of one child of the bible - "a lad".  We see here that David is in fear of his life.  He knows that Saul intends to kill him and if he gets the opportunity he will do it without hesitation.  David comes to Jonathan and asks him "what have I done to deserve to die?"  Jonathan tells him he has done nothing and that he knows his father does not plan to kill him.  David tells Jonathan it is because of their love for each other that Saul wants to kill David.  Jonathan tries to reassure him that Saul does not intend to kill him but David asks him "how will I know what you say is true?"  Jonathan comes up with the idea of meeting him in a field and shooting an arrow.  If the arrow falls on one side then everything is fine but if the arrow goes beyond a certain point then David will know something is wrong.  One lad in this story is the unsung hero.  He didn`t know anything about the agreement reached between Jonathan and David.  Verse 39 "but the lad knew not anything only Jonathan and David knew the matter." 

A seriousness about the task he was called to do.  He knew nothing, not even why he was there in the field.  He hadn`t got the bigger picture, he was unaware of the seriousness of the task.  Jonathan goes into his house, is concerned about what David is thinking, he picks out one lad to do this task.  He knew this lad would be trustworthy.  Perhaps he had used him before on many occasions.  He was a dependable lad.  He had to obey the words of Jonathan.  This was a serious task.  The Lord still calls us out to do a task for him.  Moses was 80 when he was minding the sheep in the desert and God called him to do a mighty task.  He is calling out those he can depend on.  Isaiah 6 the vision the prophet had "in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple."  Isaiah recognised he was not worthy to receive such a vision.  He recognised who it was he was seeing and who he was himself.  The Lord asked the question "whom shall I send?"  He wanted to turn the hearts of Israel back to himself again.  Isaiah responded "here am I Lord send me."  I am willing to do it, to go.  He heard the call of God and was willing to do whatever the Lord wanted him to do.  He was stepping out for God.  God still calls today.  We might look at Isaiah and Moses and think what mighty men they were but really they were only men who the Lord called.  The Lord still calls people like you and me today.  We have a serious task before us.  David said of himself in verse 3 "there is but a step between me and death."  Do not take the task too lightly.  There is a battle we are fighting - for the lives of children.  David`s life was in the balance of that young lad running after the arrows.

The simplicity of this task.  The instructions were clear to this young lad.  The command was that if the arrow came close all was well but if the arrow went beyond him then there was danger ahead.  If the arrow went further it meant David had to leave immediately.  The lad was only there to pick up an arrow.  As he picked it up he didn`t see the big picture - that the future king of Israel`s life was in danger.  The warning was going out to David.  Maybe you think the task is too simple.  The Lord uses the simple things.  The widow woman in the New Testament watched all the rich giving in their offering to the treasury but all she had were 2 mites.  She never thought it would be recorded for all eternity.  She gave everything and the Lord recognised it.  "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward."  Maybe you think your task is too simple.  There is nothing too small about a work down in the Lord`s name.

The secrecy of the task.  The lad knew nothing.  Jonathan called out to him saying the arrow was beyond him.  He didn`t realise the significance of that action.  He didn`t realise.  He listened to the voice of his master and in obedience to that voice David`s life was saved.  Maybe as the Lord speaks to you about the task he has for you will you obey him?  Anybody watching this situation in the field that day would have had no idea what was happening.  No-one else maybe will see the significance of the work you do for God but God himself knows.  This lad listened and obeyed the masters voice.  He didn`t know that behind all the instructions he was helping to save the life of the king.  Will you listen as God speaks today?  We can be used by God and we don`t even know it.  He was unaware of what was happening.  Philip in Samara in Acts 8 was preaching the word, people were hearing and responding, people were healed of many sicknesses but God came to him and told him to go to a particular desert road immediately.  Philip obeyed God`s word even though he was not given the full story.  When Philp went down that desert road he met a eunuch from Ethiopia sitting in his chariot reading from Isaiah the prophet.  Philip had the opportunity, he stepped up and led the man to Christ.  When the Lord himself was preaching on the sermon on the mount he spoke of how the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.  The secrecy of the work.  Remember how Jesus said that when we pray we are to go into our closet and pray in private.  Jesus himself knows the full picture.

The success of the task.  This young man was oblivious to the seriousness of the task.  He didn`t know the king`s life depended on him. There are people depending on us.  People who know nothing of the Lord, about him dying on the cross, shedding his blood that we might be saved.  That is the seriousness of it.  There is coming a day, maybe quicker that we imagine, when doors will be closed to the preaching of the gospel.  Jonathan and David had success - verse 40 "and Jonathan gave his artillery unto the lad and said unto him go carry them to the city."  The task was finished but the lad was unaware of what had happened.  The lad was not seeking any glory for himself.  Perhaps the lad never knew what happened on that particular day, that David the King of Israel was hiding in the bushes watching his every move.  That is how serious the task was.  He was faithful in carrying out his master`s command, he didn`t stop until it was completed - will you be as faithful?

Monday, 10 June 2019

The people we meet

Sermon notes from Sunday 9 June 2019 pm
Philemon 8 - 18
People we meet

As I read through this portion of scripture the thought came to my mind of the people we meet along life`s journey.  Onesimus met the apostle Paul.  In verse 9 we read that Paul is aged and in prison.  Paul is there for the preaching of the word of God.  He is there because of the stand he has taken.  It is there in that prison cell that Onesimus comes into the presence of God through Paul.  Isn`t it wonderful the people we meet, those who are a real blessing to us but some are also a hindrance to us.  The Ethiopian eunuch was in Jerusalem for worship.  As he made his way home he was sitting in his chariot reading from the prophet Isaiah.  As he lifted up his head he saw Philip standing before him.  Philip had been led by the Holy Spirit to where this eunuch was.  Philip was ready to proclaim unto him the unsearchable riches in Christ, to show him how he could be saved.  This man Onesimus met the apostle Paul.  He was Philemon`s servant.  One day he escaped from Philemon`s house, he likely got into bother in time and was put in prison, right in the cell where Paul was.  Onesimus came right to where Paul was.  The apostle Paul was not going to deal with the slave question, not interested in that but more interested in the salvation of this young man`s soul.

What might they have talked about?  The mistakes because of his sinful nature.  The whole letter to Philemon is taken up with the thought of reconciliation of Onesimus to his master.  The whole gospel is taken up with the reconciliation of man to God.  There is a separation in this world tonight.  It started in the Garden of Eden.  God had to remedy that situation.  He had to come down to earth, take on the nature of man, knew no sin but became sin for us.  Your sin that damned your soul to a lost Christless eternity, God placed it on his own son on the cross and he died for you.  You have to accept that reconciliation programme first.  This young man had to be reconciled to his master.  You have to be reconciled through the cross of Christ.  Paul begins to discuss the mistakes Onesimus had made.  A wrong turn in life, he had veered off on the wrong road.  Maybe we have been there ourselves.  Paul takes time to take Onesimus to one side.  He tells him his mistakes are from a sinful nature.  The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it.  In verse 18 Paul says to Philemon "if he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee aught, put that on mine account."  This young man has confessed his sin to Paul and Paul seeks to reconcile him back to his master.  We want to talk about our mistakes not about the sinful nature in our heart.  Many say when they hear the words "sinful nature", "I say my prayers, I go to church, I do the best I can."  Romans 3 verse 23 says "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  Not one of us is outside that mark.  We have all sinned.  Isaiah 53 also says "All we like sheep have gone astray, the Lord hath laid on him the inquity of us all."  God wants to reconcile you back to himself.  You may be able to reflect on the day when you received Christ as your own Saviour but tonight you are far from God.  Or maybe you have never been saved.  You might be a religious person but have never trusted Christ as your own Saviour.

The misery that it caused.  By his sinful nature this young man finishes up in a prison cell.  In his heart of hearts he wanted to get away from Philemon.  Maybe he did have a good wage, had a good life in Philemon`s house but for some reason he wanted to get away.  He never realised the misery it would cause.  He is in this prison cell because of his sinful nature.  It led him to steal, to break the law.  He had a longing deep in his soul because of his sinful nature.  That nature will take us right down to depraved sin.  Life brought Onesimus down into the misery of a prison house.  James in chapter 1 warned the people about sin.  James wrote about the temptation of the flesh drawing you away.  "But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed.  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death"  This young man was brought into the misery of sin.  For the prodigal son, his heart longed for more and more.  He knew his father had an inheritance that was ready to be divided up.  His father gave into him and he took off and enjoyed himself for a while.  It only brought heartache and misery, shame to his own heart.  He ended up lying by the pigs when all was done.  Paul shows Onesimus his need of salvation.  He believes he has got to the end of himself.  He asks himself "what am I doing here?"  He was there because of the sinful nature in his heart.  Maybe that nature hasn`t taken you so far down.  Maybe you are on a respectable road, with a little bit of religion.  That road still leads to death.  Will you not step off that broad road tonight?
The meeting where sin is talked about.  When this young man entered into the cell perhaps there was an adjustment being made.  He can hear the apostle Paul but then he speaks to him, introduces himself.  Think of Isaiah who came into the temple.  He saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train covered the temple.  When Joshua lay on his face before God after the defeat of Ai he was almost accusing God "why did this defeat happen."  God told him to get up because there was sin in the camp and it had to be dealt with.  There is sin in your heart and it must be dealt with tonight at the place called Calvary.  Are you prepared to acknowledge that sin?  Onesimus was brought face to face with the reality of his sin.  Paul was quick to get to the sinful nature and the remedy for sin.  People are being told everything is all right.  Preachers don`t want people going away sorrowful, that there is an awful place called hell that has to be avoided.

There is the miracle here to deliver from a sinful state.  Paul led this young man to the Lord.  Christ entered into his life and he was transformed.  In times past he wa unprofitable (useless) but now he was a new person in Christ Jesus.  The apostle Paul showed him his sinful nature, showed him the cross of Calvary.  He confessed his sin and turned from his sin, he trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord.  Paul could write and say he was a new creature in Christ Jesus.  He sought after the Lord, he confessed his sin, admitted it and asked God to forgive him for all his sins and asked Jesus to come into his heart and make him a new creature.

O sing unto the Lord a new song

Sermon notes from Sunday 9 June 2019 am
Psalm 96

Here we find these words in the very first verses "O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth, sing unto the Lord."  The Psalmist shows us what should be on our hearts and lips, to bring glory and honour to his great name.  Haven`t we got something to sing about today as a child of God, as a believer in Christ?  The book of Psalms is a tremendous book.  In the Psalms we find there are thoughts for every occasion, for those times when we want to rejoice or for those times when we feel depressed, or fearful, or when we have great decisions to make.  The Psalms touch every emotion we have.  David penned the largest amount of the Psalms thinking about particular incidents in his life, times when he faltered and walked afar from God in deep depression and times when he was rejoicing.  They are a great encouragement to us as believers.  The Psalmist picks out certain things to help in our reading of them.  The background to this Psalm is the placing of the Ark of the Covenant in its rightful place.  It had been away from Jerusalem for many years.  David decided to bring it back - 1 Chronicles 16 verse 7.  Why should there be a new song in our hearts today?

There should be a new song because of the witness of David`s own heart.  We can only sing these Psalms when we are born again of the Spirit of God, saved by God`s grace.  A singing congregation speaks volumes.  When a man or woman sings from the depths of their heart it speaks volumes.  Psalm 40 "he put a new song in my mouth."  Until the Psalmist was lifted out of the miry clay he could not sing that song.  After he had been placed on the solid rock, something that he could depend on, it was then that God put a new song in his mouth.  The very same person lifted him, set him on a rock and put that song in his mouth.  Are we saved today?  Have you ever been to that place called Calvary, looked on the sufferings of Jesus, the one who gave his life for your sin and mine?  Think of him in the grave as he rose on the third day when they went to anoint him.  Is that your experience today?  Remember Paul and Silas lying in the prison house in Acts 16, how at midnight they sang praises unto God "and the prisoners heard them" (verse 25).  We are speaking of the experience of the heart.  Psalm 51 verse 12 "restore unto me the joy of thy salvation."  David had wandered from God and knew that he needed that restoration - "deliver me from bloodguiltiness O God, thou God of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness."  The Ark of the Covenant was an important piece of furniture.  It represented the very presence of God.  The Lord promised to meet the people where the Ark of the Covenant was.  When the priests came into the Ark of the Covenant they recognised God was with them.  When we enter into God`s house we are coming into a place where God has promised to meet with us.  2 Samuel 6 verse 2 David went to bring back the Ark of the Covenant.  It ended in death that day.  Uzzah had reached out to steady the cart which David had built to transport the Ark of the Covenant.  As a result of his reaching out God struck Uzzah dead.  This time around David didn`t do that.  1 Chronicles 15 David made a house for the Ark of the Covenant.  He didn`t forget about God and his word.  Is God forgotten about in our homes today?  Is God forgotten about in our relationships today?  Is God forgotten about in our workplaces today?  Is God forgotten about in our neighbourhood today?  Is there a place prepared in your heart for the God of heaven?  Or are there other things crowding in that he cannot get on the throne of your heart today?  God had commanded that no-one but the Levites were to carry the Ark of the Covenant.  David learned the lesson the second time and he made sure the Levites were in charge.  Doing things God`s way.  In Revelation 3  the Laodicean church were going through the motions.  They were a strong church, a strong congregation, had the very best of preachers, a beautiful building.  One thing they didn`t have was the presence of God because he was on the outside.  "Behold I stand at the door and knock."  The Lord was not in his rightful place.  Are there things taking up where the Lord should be in your heart today?  You know you have sinned in your heart and that sin will keep you out of heaven.  Are you prepared to deal with it?  He has to be king and Saviour.  It means you coming and allowing Christ to come into your life again.  When David set the Ark in the right place he got before the Lord and was able to say "O sing unto the Lord."  When Jesus is in his rightful place then we can really sing from our hearts.  

He could sing because of the work of their hands.  Verses 2 and 3 "show forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people."  They were to serve the living God.  We cannot sing when we are out of touch with the Lord.  We need to be serving him day to day, as we read his word, praying and seeking God`s face.  Think of Paul and Silas coming to Philippi.  They had the greatest of intentions.  When they came to Philippi they began to preach and souls were saved.  A business woman named Lydia came to faith in Christ.  The devil soon came in though.  A damsel with a spirit of divination started to follow them and when they delivered her from the spirit the authorities didn`t like it.  The jailer "thrust" Paul and Silas into a cell.  They had been beaten and now were literally thrown in.  He basically opened up the door and pushed them inside.  Such violence that was used.  Paul and Silas` feet were put into stocks.  The Bible says "at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them."  What a witness that must have been.  They had been beaten and thrown into a cold damp and dark cell with their feet spread apart in stocks.  All they wanted to do was to sing praises to God.  It was some witness, a deep seated work of Christ in their hearts.  Here was the work of their hands, the praise and songs from their hearts.  It had a wonderful effect on the jailer.  He cried out "what must I do to be saved.?"  It is our work to spread the gospel today.  They were showing forth God`s salvation.  Psalm 96 verse 10 "Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth, the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved; he shall judge the people righteously."  It didn`t mater what pain and suffering Paul and Silas were in they wanted everyone to hear of the good news of the Lord.  Remember the demonic who was delivered of the demons in Jesus` day.  He wanted to follow Jesus but he was told to go back to his own people, to tell them of his experience.  "For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods."  Verse 5 "but the Lord made the heavens."  He is the great creator God that we worship.  He is the one who gives life to us today.  Pharaoh said "who is the Lord that I should obey him?" (Exodus 5 verse 2)  Imagine the king of Egypt and 2 of God`s servants coming in and he says this.  Remember the Psalmist David when he was only a child, he went out with that same aim in his mind.  When everyone else cowed behind the rocks, when they wouldn`t meet the great giant, David walked down into the valley, looked into his face and said "you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts" (1 Samuel 17 verse 45)  Is God your Saviour today?  "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; fear before him all the earth" verse 9.  With reverence we should bow down and sing and open our hearts to him today.  Have we the respect and reverence for the Lord?  Everything else needs to go when we come into the place of God.  "When Solomon had made an end of praying the fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house.  And the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord`s house." (2 Chronicles 7 verses 1 and 2)

They could sing because of the wonderful hope.  Verse 13 "for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth; he shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth."    The Lord died for me, he loved me so much, he is praying for me right now but one day he is coming again for me.  Is he coming for you today?  Will you rise to meet him in the air, saved by his blood?

Monday, 3 June 2019

The man who came so close

Sermon notes from Sunday 2 June 2019 pm
Mark 10 verses 17 - 27

Here is a man who came so close to the Lord, to the place of God`s salvation yet he walked away with his head turned down.  In his mind this is what he wanted and in his heart this is what he needed.  He turned away from the Saviour.  Think of Judas Iscariot on the night of Gethsemane.  He came up to Jesus, kissed him on the cheek and then turned away.  The young scribe was described by Jesus "thou art not far from the kingdom."  Agrippa told Paul "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."  That is disappointing.  When we put it into the spiritual, to look into the face of Jesus, hear the way of God`s salvation then turn and reject it.  That is a disaster.  How many have sat and will sit in the gospel meeting who will hear that gospel of saving grace, hear the invitation to come to the cross, almost there, love to be there, to be saved, to know Christ as Saviour but somehow you hear it and walk away.  That is sad but a sadder picture is those who are in a lost and Christless hell tonight whose minds can go back to mission meetings when they heard how they could be saved yet they turned away and were lost.  We see a man tonight who comes so close.

First of all we see a man who comes with haste.  This man meant business - "there came one running".  Perhaps he sat in his home, pondered in his mind, thought deeply about the things of God. He had heard so much about Jesus, how he came into the world to seek and to save sinners, he was able to deliver people from their sin.  Maybe he had heard Jesus and his invitation "come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."  Maybe the weight of his riches were weighing on him.  Now he had much of this worlds goods, he had invested very well in so much to gain so much but Jesus said "what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul."  He was rich, young and in a position of authority.  He had all that he could ever want.  There is one thing he doesn`t have - God`s salvation, assurance that he would be ushered out into the presence of Christ if he closed his eyes in death.  This is a man who means business.  He felt the pain and emptiness of his soul that he came running.  He knows he has to act in haste.  He doesn`t want to miss the Lord.  This was out of character, you wouldn`t have seen a rich man running down the street in bible times.  Zacchaeus was another rich man, he came out of his house, couldn`t see the Lord so he ran down the street and climbed a sycamore tree.  That was out of character but even more so climbing a tree.  He did not care what the crowd said of him.  There are those today who care what people would say - imagine going down to that church, attending those meetings, they will not come into the church because they are afraid of what others would say.  Even some would go further and say they would not get saved because of what people would say.  Jesus was passing through Jericho, Zacchaeus knew if he was ever to meet the Lord he would have to do it there and then.  This would be his final opportunity to meet Christ.  Maybe tonight this is your final opportunity to get right with God.  There might not be another gospel meeting.  "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near."  God may not always be found.  He may not always be near.  The opportunity is now to come.  The man who comes near is the man who comes in haste.

The man came with a hunger.  Think of the day when Jesus fed the multitude.  He healed the sick, taught as they sat on the mountainside.  Night came and the disciples asked Jesus to turn them home because they needed something to eat.  Jesus told them to feed them.  They told him they only had 5 loaves and 2 fishes.  The Lord took the fish and bread and fed the people.  There was enough left over afterwards.  Maybe this man knew all about that day, perhaps he had been in the crowd.  He had a physical hunger that was satisfied that day.  This was a spiritual hunger though down in his soul.  He knew he needed to come to Christ.  Perhaps you have that same hunger.  You know you have a need of the Saviour.  You have been convicted by the Holy Spirit to come to Christ.  Peter on the day of Pentecost preached about Jesus coming into the world as a baby, dying on the cross.  For the people gathered there when they heard this message they realised a spiritual hunger in their souls that could not be filled.  They cried out "what will we do?"  They were getting close to the kingdom of God, to the door of heaven.  Cornelius was on his knees praying when the angel came from heaven.  He told him "thy prayers have been heard, send for Peter, he will tell you words whereby you will be saved."  Cornelius was a great man, a respected man but he was not saved.  He was a religious man but so close.  If anything had happened to him he would have been lost for all eternity.  So close.  Don`t ignore the hunger for Christ tonight.  This man was not saved yet he came to the one who could fulfil that hunger.  This man came to the feet of Jesus and asked "what must I do."  You will find Christ if you seek him with all your heart.

This man comes with a hindrance.  Jesus didn`t hold up his hands and stop him half way.  He came right to the feet of Jesus and Jesus took time with him.  He is guaranteed an attendance with Christ.  You have a guarantee tonight from the Lord.  The Lord listened to him.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  No matter who we are Jesus will listen and he doesn`t matter if you are a king or a pauper.  All he asks is for you to come.  He will do the rest.  This man came with a hindrance.  His religion was of no benefit to him.  He had kept the commandments so well.  The Lord told him "one thing you lack, I want you to take all your possessions, sell them and give them to the poor, then come, take up your cross and follow me."  That is the hindrance.  He couldn`t do it.  His wealth and possessions were the hindrance from him getting saved.  Despite Jesus` love for him he could do no more.  He loved him with an everlasting love.  Jesus was grieved because he turned his back, could not go through and attain salvation yet Jesus would not push his way into his life.  This man felt he owned so much but he didn`t.  His posssessions owned him.  When it came down to it he couldn`t give them up.  His possessions ruled his life.  When he thought he could break them he couldn`t do it.  That was the hindrance.  What is it in your life?  What is the hindrance tonight?  Is there a desire to go on and through with God but somehow you couldn`t do it.  Maybe God desires for you to step out but there is a hindrance there.  Pilate when Jesus stood before him it was the fear of the crowd that stopped him from releasing Jesus.  "If you let him go you are not Caesar`s friend."  Pilate made his choice.  Will you make a choice tonight?  Recognise where you are, at the very door of heaven, sitting at the feet of Christ, his arms are outstretched biding you to come.  What is your hindrance - a friend, a loved one, a work associate, a old habit you cannot give up, something you are striving for - which is more important than the Lord?

This man leaves with hopelessness.  He looked into the eyes of the Lord, so close.  Imagine that for a moment, sitting on his knees listening to every word from Jesus.  So close.  Remember Agrippa on his throne.  Paul was standing before him in chains and rags.  Paul spoke to him, how he could be saved.  Agrippa told him "almost thou persuadest me."  How many times have you been almost persuaded?  The reality of his hopelessness - he was grieved and saddened.  He walked away without Christ.  He didn`t feel he was ready.  Paul says to be close is to be without Christ, without God in this world and in a world to come.

The axehead that floated

Sermon notes from Sunday 2 June 2019 am
2 Kings 6 verses 1 - 7

This passage gives us 2 thoughts - an example of Christian living but also there are the dangers in Christian living.  There are a body of believers, the sons of the prophets, sitting under the teaching of Elisha day by day.  They realised the place they are in is too small.  Maybe numbers are increasing and they realise they need something bigger.  They came to Elisha and ask him if they could go to Jordan and build a place there.  They wanted to expand, to stretch out, to glorify God, to see his name exalted.  Notice what Elisha says "go ye" but that didn`t satisfy them.  "We can`t go unless you go with us."  We should be stretching out every day with what the Lord seeks for us.  The prophets wanted Elisha to go with them.  The decisions we make must be with the Lord going before us not going separately.  We see at the outset a group of people but at the end the focus is on one man and what he is doing.  He is chopping down this tree which is what "felling a beam" means when the axe head he is using comes off and goes into the river beside him.  Work is stopped and he cannot do anything more.  Elisha asked him where the axe fell.  Elisha takes a stick and the iron floats to the surface.  A miracle is performed.

The commitment this man gives.  In verse 1 we see plans are being made which are made known in verse 2.  In verse 4 they carry out those plans.  We need to be committed to the work of God.  We should not be happy for what we have from the Lord but instead stretch forward.  Paul said "I haven`t attained but am ready to stretch forth for the mark of the high calling of God." (Philippians 3 verse 13)  We are saved by God`s grace today and that is good, to be on the way to heaven and home but we need more.  Here`s a man who has put his trust in the everlasting God.  Are we sure we have been to the cross of Calvary and taken from him eternal life, saved and walking on the pilgrim pathway today?  Be sure you are saved.  Here was a man certain of the God in whom he trusted.  He was in the activity and bringing down a tree.  In Acts 11 the Holy Spirit looks down on the church and says "separate unto me Paul and Barnabas for the work I would have them to do."  He singles them out for a work he had for them to do.  Something he had planned for them.  They were praying and preaching when the Holy Spirit had something more for them to do.  Saved by God`s grace.  Saul on the way to Damascus one day was brought to his knees and God spoke to him.  He was not just saved that day but he dedicated his life to Christ.  Peter preached one day and 3000 souls were saved as a result.  Then up on the roof top he is praying when God told him to go and open the door to the Gentile people.  Peter was ready and willing to do it.  He was dedicated and committed to take the next step for the Lord.  Remember the woman with the alabaster box.  It is said of her "she did what she could."  The Lord doesn`t ask us to do more than we can, expects us to do what we can do.  He expects you up and doing.  This man was not idle.  He was building for God`s glory.  The captives in Babylon, God began to move amongst them.  They had been carried away from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar.  Now they were in Babylon.  God was beginning to stir up their hearts.  It was near their 70th year.  It started with Daniel reading the prophecy of Jeremiah.  He read about the 70 years for the children of Israel to be in isolation.  He realised the time was coming to an end for the captivity - Daniel 9 verse 2.  What was Daniel`s response?  "I set my face unto the Lord God to seek by prayer, supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes."  He made it his purpose, everything else was set aside.  We need to set aside everything else and set our faces on God.  God was not just moving among the children of Israel and Daniel.  A man called Cyrus, the King of Syria was stirred up by the Lord.  He made a proclamation throughout his kingdom that the Lord wanted him to build a house for his people in Jerusalem.  He had to dedicate his life to do something that God had put into his heart.

The carelessness this man shows.  This is a borrowed axe.  He knew he had nothing to bring the tree down with.  He asks and borrows of someone.  While chopping down the tree he lost the axehead.  He cried out "it is borrowed."  There is a carelessness about him.  He knew he had nothing to work with - verse 6. The preciousness of this axehead.  Iron was of great value.  That speaks of what the Lord gives to you and I.  He gives us what we need to do his work.  As this man used this axe it didn`t fall off all of a sudden.  It had to wear away.  God gives us the tools - 1 Corinthians 4 verse 7.  Paul recognised that the people of Corinth were glorifying in their own abilities but they had to recognise it was God`s.  God gives a gift to each of us.  Ephesians 4 verse 8 - why - so that the work of God might continue after he left this earth.  Verse 11 some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and some teachers.  Why did he give them - verses 12 and 13.  1 Corinthians 12 verses 1 and 4.  We do not have the same gifts as the next person but we have the same Spirit.  Verses 5, 6 and 8.  By the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, to another faith, to another the gifts of healing.  A different gift but the same spirit that gives.  Verse 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirit, to another diverse kinds of tongues, to another interpretation of tongues.  Romans 12 verse 4 we all have different gifts according to our body.  Verse 6 exhortation to use the gifts.  Paul is pointing out the gifts we have for the extension of God`s kindom but are we like this man?  Are we being careless?  God has given us a gift specific to us individually.  He has given gifts to every man but what about you today?  We don`t have the ability to do certain things.  One day we will stand before God and he will ask "what did you do with the gift I gave you?"  We will give an account for what we did with that gift.  Think of the parable of the man going into the far country.  He gave gifts to his servants.  He didn`t want the work to halt.  When the Lord was taken out of this world he left gifts so that his work might continue on.  We will give an account one day of these gifts.  When the servants were given their gifts they were expected to give an account to the master one day.  One man said he didn`t use it, he had nothing to show for it.  Would you like to stand before God one day and say "I didn`t use it?"  Is there a gift that God has given to you?    Are you using it?

See the man in crisis.  He lost the cutting edge while doing the work.  It is possible to lose the cutting edge whilst working for the Lord.  Remember what Paul said to Timothy "wherefore I put in remembrance that thou stir up the gift that is in you."  It was the idea of rekindling the flame in a fire.  Paul says to Timothy, speaks of his gift of preaching and pastoring but Paul can see a neglect in it.  This man had a crisis.  The axehead came off.

The challenge that was represented.  When it fell into the water the man of God asked him where it was.  He had to confess that it was a borrowed axe.  There was honesty and sincerity in his confession.  The man had to point to where the axehead fell.  There was no bluffing here.  This man said it was there, that is where it fell.  Maybe we once did use the gifts God gave us but now we have to honest and realise where we stopped.  The miracle came - the axehead came to the top.  The man said "reach down and take it up."  God did the miracle - the axehead floated.  The young man had to reach down and pick it up.  God says to us today "there is something you have to do, I have loved you, I gave my son for you, I died on the cross to save you from your sins, gave you an ability in so many ways."  What about it?  We have to face up to it today.  Are we going on and through with God or sitting back?  One day we will answer to God at the judgement seat and then there will be no excuse at all.