Sunday, 5 May 2019

The uniqueness of Christ

Sermon notes Sunday 28 April 2019 am Ken Goligher
Hebrews 1 verses 1 - 9, chapter 2 verse 3

Every book in the Bible has a particular theme.  Genesis is all about beginnings - the first day, the first man, the first sin, the first family.  We also have the beginning of the Jewish race of people.  In the book of Hebrews there is a key word - better or greater.  The key thought in this book is that Christ is greater than the angels, the prophets, Moses and the law, Aaron and the priesthood.  He is described as the great high priest who has entered into the heavens and is now personally pleading our case before God.  We can take heart this morning that we have a man in heaven who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities, was in all points tempted yet without sin.  Paul said to Timothy "this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came int o the world to save sinners."  He is still the man.  He was a real man on earth.  Matthew presents him as the king, Mark as the perfect servant, Luke the perfect man and John as the Son of God.  He is not on the cross any more, nor in the grave.  40 days after his resurrection he ascended to the Father from whence he came.  He is still sitting there as the man.  What a wonder and amazement he is to the angels presently.  All the angels can do now is worship him.  He is a man in heaven in the body with the marks of Calvary on his hands and feet.  He is the victor now.

The writer makes much of the uniqueness of the person of Christ, not only of his life on earth, his work on earth but the mighty sacrifice offered on the cross.  This is a uniquee book because it is referring to the supremacy of the Christ of God.  When he was born he grew up in Nazareth.  When he started his public minstry he was about the age of 30.  For 18 years there was no word of him,   Silence from the age of 12.  At 30 years of age his father could say of him "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."  The writer to the Hebrews is showing the supremacy of Christ above the angels.  We don`t see the angels now but we are surrounded by them.  They preserve us at present and probably preserved us before we were saved.  Chapter 1 verse 14 the angels have a part to play in salvation.  God uses his angels to protect his people.  As the Lord started out on his public ministry he proved by his miracles that he truly was the Christ of God.  Think of the first miracle he performed, turning water into wine was  a big contrast with Moses who turned the water into blood which spoke of judgment to come.  The first miracle the Lord performed speaks of joy and blessing.  Here is a Saviour who came to bless.  Right throughout his life he came to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, could even raise the dead.  The uniqueness of Christ, worshipped by angels.  What about us - have we any appreciation in our hearts of him?  Do you ever speak to the father about him?  There is nothing God loves more than to hear from our lips how we appreciate his son.  The uniqueness of his person.  Is he displayed in your life?  Do I live for Christ?  Do I behave as Christ would want me to behave?  We have the honour and privilege of representing Christ here on earth.  In verse 8 the Father speaking to his son reveals his deity.  He is God Jehovah.  Verse 8 shows the uniqueness of this person.  We take his name Christian meaning Christ in us.  The first word in chapter 1 is "God" and it is the only book in the bible that starts with that word.  After this word there is a little comma showing that we should slow down a little and consider him.  It is interesting to note that in the first book of the bible and in the first chapter 10 times we read the words "God says" and "God speaks."  God is still speaking.  If he didn`t how would we know anything.  Maybe not just through his word but through circumstancs.  The Hebrew people knew something about that in contrast to the people arround them who worshipped idols of wood, stone and metal.  Our God is a living God and he speaks today.  When Paul was writing to Timothy in 2 Timothy chapter 3 he said "in the last days perilous times shall come, men shall be lovers of their own selves."  He went on to describe 18 things about the last days.  Those are the last of the last days.  Here in Hebrews however the writer says that God will speak through his Son.  For the last 2000 years God has spoken through his Son.  God`s last message to man is his Son.  God has no other message because no-one is equal.  If you reject Christ there is nothing for you but the lake of fire.  You believe that there was such a historical person but you have rejected him.  In verse 2 we see God himself as the Son used the prophets as instruments in his hands.  Mary the mother of Jesus in her song referred to Jesus as God.  He is God manifested in the flesh.  There is an attack on the deity of Christ but he is God manifest in the flesh.   He is viewed in 10 different ways - 3 of them he is the son of Mary, the Son of Joseph, son of the carpenter.  Nazareth was identified as the place from which he came.  Nazareth was a despised place.  A place of ill repute.  There is a uniqueness in his person but there is also a uniqueness in his death.  In chaper 10 in contrast all the sacrifices offered on the Jewish altars Aaronic priesthood he is the great high priest.  The sacrifice that will never be repeated or need to be repeated.  "In the end of the age hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself."  Chapter 2 verse 13 "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation."  You cannot escape it.  Provision is made in his death on the cross.  This unique person - trust him.

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