Sunday, 12 May 2019

The characteristics for Christian service

Sermon notes from Sunday 12 May 2019 am
Acts 3 verses 1 - 10

In chapter 3 verse 1 we find 2 men, Peter and John going up to the temple at the hour of prayer.  I want to think from this portion of scripture of the characteristics for Christian service.  These were great and exciting days in Jerusalem for the disciples.  Their great leader, this man called Jesus had been called up to heaven right as they watched.  The disciples met in the Upper Room praising and glorifying God.  The Holy Spirit came and filled them to the uttermost.  Days when things were happening.  People were committing their lives to God.  The disciples were filled and began to preach the gospel.  People were hearing it in their own language.  Peter preached and afterwards 3000 souls were saved.  These were days when God was moving in a mighty mighty way.  In Acts 3 verse 1 we see the mood has changed.  They are making their way to the temple to pray.  It was an ordinary day.  They came across the pathway of a man whose life was changed and as a result 5000 souls were saved.  Sometimes we think our own lives are mundane, but we do not know what a day will bring forth.  You and I don`t know whenever we will touch a life and through them make a mighty man or woman of God.  It is time not for Christians to sit back but for Christians to get involved.

The priority of Peter and John - prayer was their priority!  They were making their way up to the temple.  Nothing else was on their minds.  This was the hour of prayer, set aside time.  Prayer must be our priority today.  Here were 2 men separated and sanctified.  Peter had preached and 3000 souls were saved.  Now they were coming to pray.  "Can 2 people walk together except they agree?"  Peter goes to John and says "what are we doing today, we are going to the temple to pray."  In Luke 5 Jesus called his first disciples out to be fishers of men, to see men and women saved.  Then we see a leper comes to the Lord that day.  He says to Jesus "if you wilt, thou canst make me clean" and Jesus said "I will be thou clean."  Immediately afterwards we read "And he (Jesus) withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed."  He leaves everyone behind and this was not the first time we read of him doing this.  We need time to get aside from everything around us, just for a few moments, to come alone with God.  Jesus withdrew himself and he prayed.  That should also be our priority.  The early disciples went through difficult times.  They were beaten, threatened.  In Acts 4 verses 23 and 24 we read "and being let go, they went to their own company and .... they lifted up their voice to God with one accord."  Prayer was their priority.  Jesus himself said "men ought always to pray."  Paul said "pray without ceasing."  Priority for Christian service is to pray.  There comes a time when we cannot and things in life prevent us doing that.  Sometimes there is a weakness in our body, age prevents us.  The bible says "the night cometh when no man can work."  The night has come for some people but they can look back on the years of service to the Lord.

The possibilities that came to these 2 men.  "And a certain man lame from his mother`s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple."  Peter and John were not going to a large gathering to preach.  They were coming to a prayer meeting.  Here was a simple situation, one God was opening up to them.  Isn`t it wonderful what God can do.  Here was a man God stopped with.  Some 5000 were saved through this man.  The possibilities that opened up.  Acts 4 verse 4.  God gave an opportunity in the guise of a disabled man.  In Acts 16 we read of the Philippian jailer who asked "what must I do to be saved."  He knew he wasn`t saved, not right with God, not ready if he were to die.  He was told "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."  He had to believe that he was a sinner.  Heaven will never be your home if you die in that state.  The apostle Paul told him God loved him and he sent his son into the world to bleed and die on Calvary to save your soul.  That man believed - will you?  The Lord is standing at your hearts door.  "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in."  Will you allow him to be your Saviour today?  We don`t know the possibilities that a day might bring us.  These men had their priorities right.  They saw the invalid man, stopped with him but they never thought that people would be saved as a result of their actions.  We don`t know what one act of kindness will do today.  We might call it a very ordinary thing you are called on to do today but God can use you.  It may be that cup of water given in God`s name might bring forth something amazing today.  Remember the servant of Abraham when he found the bride for Isaac thought it was miraculous and wonderful.  He said "I being in the way."  The Lord not my ability.  This is the Lord.  If we give our lives totally to the Lord he can lead us, direct us, open us.  John Wesley said "proceed with much prayer and your way will be made plain."  Peter didn`t know when he went up to the roof top in Acts 9  that God would use him to open the door to the Gentiles.  He would be the man in charge.  You do not know, maybe you will be asked by someone to help them to find Christ for themselves.  Leave yourself open to God.

The patience shown on this occasion.  This man was sitting when Peter "fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us."  They stopped in their tracks with this man, gave him time.  That is the most precious thing you can give to anyone.  Maybe there is someone feeling down that you can speak to.  Here was a man of 40 years of age.  The religious leaders had no time to stop with him at the gate.  He was a nuisance and a pest to them.  Peter and John gave the only thing they had - time and patience.  Think of the parable of the Samaritan.  Robbers had fallen on a man, beaten him and left him for dead.  The Levite didn`t want to be involved with him so walked on the other side of the road.  The priest was going down to the temple, he hadn`t time to stop with this man, he had a very busy life.  Then Jesus points to the Samaritan making his way down to the city.  He sees the man left for dead.  He stopped, got off his donkey, got down beside him.  He cared for him, poured oil into his wounds and put him on his donkey.  He took him to the nearest place for help.  He left him there and told the owner of the inn to let him know if he owed any more money for his care.  The patience he had.  There are wounded people all around us  and they have been robbed by the devil and left for dead.  Have I time or are there things in my life that take up my time, that I don`t have patience for those around me?  Have I too many commitments today?

There is a poverty they confessed.  "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."  Physically they could do nothing for him.  Money they didn`t have but they could do something else though.  They introduced him to Christ.  They began to tell him of their faith in Christ, they took time to introduce him to Christ.  They showed a poverty they had.  If Peter and John had had enough money to throw into the man`s plate they might never have heard anything of this man again because in their poverty they were able to give to this man something more than he expected.  We cannot do anything for sinners.  We cannot create an anxious thought but can take timee to tell others of the love of Christ.  Someone in your family or in the workplace.  We don`t have all the answers or experiences people have but we can give something more precious - time and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Don`t get content by throwing money into the plate and say that is it until next week.  You and I have something more valuable than the money in our pockets - we have a message that can change lives.  Paul writing to the Corinthians acknowledged they gave of their finances but first gave their own selves to the Lord.  That is more precious.

A prize.  What did Peter do - he put out his hand, took the man by his hand and lifted him up.  That was the prize.  Is there someone we can give a hand to today?  That is the prize.  The characteristics of Christian service.

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