Monday, 27 May 2019

I will, be thou clean

Sermon notes from Sunday 12 May 2019 pm
Mark 1 verses 40 – 45

This must have been an awful sight to see this man coming out of this leprous colony.  To see the hopelessness and helplessness he was in.  Witness him coming yet glorious to see him coming to Christ.  Luke tells us something of this man.  Luke was a medical doctor and he describes this man as “full of leprosy”.  No doubt it had got to an advance stage.  There was no remedy, he was a helpless case.  Luke also says in chapter 5 “a man full of leprosy who seeing Jesus.”  He began to cry out immediately he saw Jesus.

This man’s complaint.  He was full of leprosy.  Leprosy was an awful thing in the days of Jesus.  We can see some of the effects it had.  It not only affected the body but the clothes he wore.  It settled within the fibres he wore and made its home there.  The clothes had to be taken and burnt.  It would also affect the house in which he would live.  It would get into the plaster and the only remedy was to pull it down, strip it right back until the priest was content it was no longer there.  Imagine what it would be like for the neighbours seeing that house being demolished.  The consequences of leprosy.  Is it any wonder that the bible gives us such a picture of sin?  It came into the world through Adam and Eve.  God planted them in a beautiful garden.  They had everything they could want.  There was one tree they were not allowed to eat from.  Satan came into the garden and told Eve to look at that tree and see its fruit.  She was tempted to take of that fruit and give it to her husband.  From that day sin entered the world.  Sin gets into our lives, ruins our lives, gets into every thought, the mind and heart.  This man’s leprosy would affect his home, his life, his relationships.  He would have to leave his home, his village and make his way out into the colony.  There were boundaries set for him and his family.  He was not able to get out and his family were not able to visit him.  Think of lives ravished with sin, the consequences of sin.  Maybe you can say “I have never got to that stage”.  You are so near the kingdom but not there yet.  Perhaps you are a clean living person, a church going person but not saved.  Sin revealed itself in the young man we call the prodigal son.  He asked his father to give him his inheritance now.  It affected his home, his relationship with his father and older brother.  That young man’s sin got into his life and heart, his whole life.  Remember the young man who came to Jesus and was possessed of a legion of demons.  Those demons took him from his home, his father’s house, the love of his father and mother.  He was driven out into the wilderness and lived in the tombs.  He self-harmed constantly.  He was sold out to the power of the devil.  Then the Lord came across him one day.  He cast out the demons and the man fell at Jesus` feet.  He had changed for ever.  That is what the Lord does.  He changes us, makes us new creatures in Christ.  He takes the consequences of sin.

The man’s confession.  “If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”  I’m sure the Lord didn`t have to see what was before him.  A man covered in leprosy.  He is in a real bad state.  The Lord doesn`t have to ask him what was wrong.  He waited for that confession.  The Lord knows each of us.  There is no fooling God.  He knows where we are spiritually speaking.  Nicodemus was told “except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.”  A very religious man, good living, had so many things going for him but he was not saved.  This man falls on his face, looks to Jesus and admits he is a leper.  The Lord is waiting for you to come with confession, to fall down before him and say “I have sinned.”  “If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  This man was prepared to confess what he was.  It is sad we are not ready to do that, not prepared to own up to what we are, sinners in need of God’s salvation.  Each of us are lost in our sin, on our way to a lost and Christless eternity.  Thank God Jesus came into the world.  He is the only mediator between man and God.  “There is no other name give among men whereby we must be saved.”  Are you prepared to even do that?  What is your complaint tonight?  This man was a leper in need of cleansing.  We see our own unholy state, we confess our sin.  “If we say we have no sin we make God a liar.  If we confess our sin he is faithful and just and will forgive us from all unrighteousness.”  We think of the publican and Pharisee going up to the temple to pray.  The Pharisee said “I am glad I am not as other men.”  The Bible says “we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.”  He said I give of my money, I live a holy life, I am a man of prayer.  He couldn`t see his own sinful state because he was blinded by the god of this world.  He looked down his nose at the publican, couldn`t lift his eyes to heaven.  The publican however smote his breast and said “Lord be merciful to me a sinner.”  He needed grace to change his position.  King David a sinner before God found no contentment or rest until he came to God. “I acknowledge my sin unto thee, I will confess my transgressions unto God.”  Achan in the Old Testament when he stole the Babylonish garment hid it in his tent.  He hid the action in his heart.  He might have hid the spoils but hid the action in his heart.  He was stubborn hearted.  He wouldn`t confess his sin.  Judas Iscariot confessed but he did it when it was too late.  Maybe the Lord is asking you to come and be saved tonight.  Don`t take another change to hear God`s word again.  Napolean in battle of Waterloo, if he had just gone a little bit further he would have won the day but he waited for his generals to bring extra resources and in that action he was defeated.  Maybe you have waited too long.

The confidence he comes with.  He did not come with any doubts in his heart.  He saw Jesus and that is what made the difference.  You might come and hear the message but you need to see Jesus.  This is where this man got to – beyond the disciples, the crowd around him.  He was so firmly fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ.  He came with every confidence in the one to whom he had come.  He is able to heal.  The Lord is able to save you tonight.  He can save to the uttermost all that come to him.  Hebrews “without faith it is impossible to please God because when we come to him we must believe he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”  The Lord will save your soul if you come to him.  Hebrews 12 lists a catalogue of people all putting their faith and trust in the Lord.  Would you add your name to that list?  He was not beyond the touch of Christ.  Many believe they are beyond what Christ can do for them.  Wrecked and ruined lives by sin.  This man was full of leprosy, had no hope but one touch from the hand of Christ he was renewed.  Christ can do that for you.  Maybe you are sitting and feel you don’t need a Saviour.  You are on your way to hell because of what you are and what you have done.  In John’s gospel when Jesus came to Martha Lazarus had been in the grave for so many days.  Jesus delayed his coming.  When Martha came to meet him he told her “I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live.”  He looked at Martha, challenged her “believest thou this?”  If you want to be saved the Lord looks into your life, your heart and your eyes and asks you the same question.  Can you believe it tonight?  He is asking you “do you believe, will you believe?”

The cleansing – verse 41 “and Jesus moved with compassion”.  Society rejected this man, turned their backs on him.  Jesus didn’t.  He had compassion and touched him.  No-one else would have touched him.  Jesus spoke to him.  No-one would give this man the time of day.  What love he had.  What grace he had.  What mercy he had.  He has that same love, grace and mercy just for you.  “I will be thou clean.”  As soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him.  He was cleansed.  Notice the word “immediately”.  By seeing Jesus the one who came into the world to take your sin, who died on the middle cross of Calvary, by seeing the one resurrected from the dead, seated at the Father’s right hand even now, the one who is coming again.  Your sin is your condition.  You come to the one who is able to cleanse you from all that sin.  Come and give him your heart tonight.  Come to Christ.

What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

Sermon notes from Sunday 3 February 2019 pm
Mark 8 verse 34 – 38

One of the greatest statements that every came from the lips of Jesus Christ “for what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul.”  What is the Lord saying about the soul?  He is not willing that any should perish.  He can save a precious soul.  He sent his only son into the world just for you.  What more could he do that he would take the form of a servant and on the cross outside Jerusalem he would die for that soul of yours.  God is so concerned for your soul.  The compassion he has for your soul.

The reality of the soul.  This is none other than Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.  This is the one who left heaven’s glory to come down into this world to die on a cross for your soul.  A soul that one day will leave your body and where will it go?  Tomorrow is just eternity hidden from our view.  We don’t know what another day will bring forth.  There is a soul in your body tonight.  There is one thing that is certain tonight – the reality of the soul.  It can be lost.  There is but one of 2 places for that soul when our eyes close in death.  Heaven has been prepared for those who know and love him.  “I go to prepare a place for you that where I am there you may be also.” (John 14 verses 2 and 3)  Luke 16 speaks of an awful place to end up in when this life is finished.  That is the difference between man and the animals.  Man has a soul that shall live for ever.  Many of the religious groupings tonight do not believe that you have anything more than this life.  Paul said “if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable.” (1 Corinthians 15 verse 19)  He knew that when he died he would go into the presence of God for all eternity where there are pleasures for evermore.  The Lord said to his own disciples “do not fear those who can destroy the body, fear him who can destroy both soul and body.” (Matthew 10 verse 28)  Remember when we go back into Genesis 1 and 2 how the Bible tells us the Lord formed man out of the dust of the ground and it becomes a living being.  One day this body of mine will go to the ground and will decay there but that which God breathed in will live for ever and ever.  One day I will leave this body and go into the presence of God for all eternity.  Jesus left heaven to die on the cross.  That soul needs to be saved.  The farmer in Luke 12 spoke to his own soul about the days ahead.  He had much goods laid up for many years and he would enjoy himself.  James speaks of the engrafted word that is able to save your soul.  Lydia realised that – she realised she had a soul and on the day she heard Paul preaching God reached down and Lydia received the word of God.  She “attended” to what Paul was saying.  She was under no doubt that Paul was telling them that their souls would leave their bodies and go out into eternity.  Have you ever attended to the word of God? 

The reasoning of the soul.  Jesus is telling us of the pursuits of the world, the riches and wealth of this world then putting your soul on the other side.  What would be the benefit if you gained all on one side and on the other lost everything?  The rich young ruler came with all his wealth, he bowed at the feet of the Lord and asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  He came with sincerity.  We can come with all that sincerity but it will never save us.  You can be sincere, read your bible, do plenty for the church but what is it worth in the end?  The young man was sincere, he came to the feet of the Lord and asked “what must I do?”  He was prepared to do anything.  The Lord looked at him and told him to give all his wealth away.  He couldn’t go through with that.  He looked at his wealth and riches and turned away sorrowful.  If the Lord is drawing you with all your heart and soul, you know you need to be saved but somehow you say no then there is bound to be sorrow in your heart.  He put his value in his soul to the pursuit of worldly pleasure.  The devil took the Lord up into the mountainside and told him to turn stones into bread.  He showed him every kingdom in a moment of time and said “all these I will give you if you come and worship me.” (Matthew 4 verse 9)  The devil today is taking young and old to one side, he is offering them all the pursuits and enjoyment of this world, all they could want and telling them “I will give them to you if you come to me.”  Moses made this same reasoning.  He was a man who sat down and thought of the things of eternal issue – Hebrews 11 verse 25.  “He chose rather to suffer affliction.”  He began to count the cost.  The devil is holding you back from coming to Christ, he is perhaps showing you something so visible you are saying “I could never give that up.”  Is he holding you back from coming to Christ?  Moses was realising the pleasures he was enjoying were but for a season.  Is there something that he is holding over you, that you are not prepared to get saved because of it?  People listening to the message in Peter’s day said “what shall we do then?”  How many times have you sat in gospel meetings and said “I would love to know how to get saved?”  This meeting is about the reality of the soul.  Have you turned from your sin?  Have you trusted the Lord as Saviour?  Have you invited him into your heart and life yet?

The risk of the soul.  What is Jesus saying?  The one who left heaven’s glory to come down into this world is saying that there is a possibility you could lose your soul.  Perhaps you are going through life and all is well.  One day God will say “come up hither.”  Satan has blinded the minds of them that believe not.  Jesus speaks of the risk that soul within your body could be lost.  Picture Calvary, Christ hanging there on the middle cross, the 2 thieves on either side of him at the same time, the opportunity they had, the opportunity to taunt him, criticise him.  Then as darkness drew on one of the thieves saw the Lord in a different light.  He began to reason in his soul.  Here was one who could save him and he said to the Lord “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.”  Jesus turned to him and said “today thou shalt be with me in paradise.”  One thief went out into a lost sinners hell, the other was saved and in God’s presence that same day.  There are things we can lose – friendship and family for instance or our health but the loss of our soul can never be regained.

The ransom of the soul.  Verse 37 “or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”  In Luke 16 we read of a man who died was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes.  He could see Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom and he asked for someone to give him a drink of water because he was in torment.  In this world he had everything he could ever want.  A lovely home, clothes in his wardrobe, food on his table every day.  At his gate lay a beggar to whom he never gave a moments thought.  Christ died to redeem your soul.  This world holds nothing for our eternity.  When we lift up our voices to the Lord he will answer.  Will you come tonight if you are not saved.  If you are backslidden will you not come?  God has given you an opportunity to come to him.  Maybe God is inviting you to come to Christ, the one who died, gave his life and he is not willing that any should perish.  You have got to come and trust him, got to be saved tonight.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

It is time to seek the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 6 January 2019 pm
Hosea 10 verse 12
Here in verse 12 we find the motto verse for the year.  I want to point out one phrase in it – “it is time to seek the Lord.”  The Lord is not just talking about some happy prayer.  The Lord is pointing us to something that is very definite, of great priority.  “Strive to enter in at the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there are which go in thereat.”  There is a way that is broad which leads to damnation, destruction and death.  Many are on that way but there is another way, narrow is the gate and you have to strive to enter in.  Sometimes we make salvation so easy.  There is however a great enemy, the devil who wants to damn that soul of yours.  He waits until the word of God is proclaimed and then he comes and snatches it away lest you believe.  God speaking through Jeremiah the prophet said “you shall seek for me and find me when you seek for me with all your heart.”  Salvation is not just a matter of going through a few verses and asking the Lord to be saved.  Unless you are prepared to turn from all your sin, repent from it, come to the foot of the cross you will never be saved.   God is speaking directly to the people in this verse.  Maybe you have been used to gospel meetings and God is speaking to your heart tonight again, showing you your need of salvation.  He is opening the door of opportunity.  It is time tonight to seek the Lord.

He was speaking to them in their indifference.  He was stopping them in their tracks.  They were indifferent to the things of God.  They were following after the gods of the land in which they came to live in.  Here was the hand of God leading them.  He had led them out of Egypt into the Promised Land Canaan but somehow they forgot about God.  Maybe God is speaking to you.  There is time now to seek the Lord.  You have had opportunities in the past but have neglected them.  The Lord comes again.  Remember when Elijah climbed Mount Carmel and looked on the faces of the prophets of Baal and sees the people of Israel.  God challenges those people through him and his word.  “Why halt ye between 2 opinions, if God be for God serve him then if Baal be Baal serve him.”  How do you stand before God?

He was speaking to them because of the invitation he was giving them.  “Ye shall seek me and ye shall find me.”  Remember in Acts 16 the old jailer in Philippi.  Paul and Silas were in prison, every prison door was flung open with an earthquake.  The jailer thought every prisoner had escaped and he was about to fall on his sword.  Paul called to him and said “do thyself no harm, for we are all here.”  He looked into the eyes of these 2 men, he realised they had something he didn`t have and asked “what must I do to be saved?”  He was praying from the depths of his heart and God heard his prayer.  You can come to Christ right where you are.  The Lord is giving you an invitation.  What a privilege, to get an invitation to get saved.  Here are a people and they are recognised as being indifferent and unsaved.  They needed to come to Christ himself, trust him as their own personal Saviour.  Adam in the Garden of Eden put forth his hand and took that fruit.  It was on his mind to do it.  He ran away to hide when God came down because he was afraid.  God asked him “who told you you were naked?”  It was Adam`s own conscience working.  The Holy Spirit is the only one that can tell us if we are saved or not.  It is possible that you have a mere profession, that you have never taken the Lord as your own Saviour.  Is your heart troubled and disturbed right now?

God was telling the people to seek the Lord because of the incentive.  To get saved will result in a change in your life.  The Lord reigns righteousness upon me.  He saved that soul of yours.  “This is a worthy saying The Lord came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the chief.”  Paul said.  The Lord makes a change.  What a change it made for Paul.  He was saved on the Damascus road and led to Ananias’ house because of his blindness.  When the Lord saves he changes, he makes you a new creature in Christ Jesus.  The religious leaders in Peter`s day had to acknowledge that he was an unlearned and ignorant man but they could not ignore the fact that he had been with Jesus.  That is what makes the difference in our lives.  If there is no change there is something wrong.

The Lord says “is time to seek the Lord”.  This has to be with immediate effect.  He is warning that it is time to seek the Lord. Do you know what day it is?  Do you know what a day may bring forth?

No room

Sermon notes from Sunday 23 December 2018 pm
Luke 2 verses 1 – 7
In verse 7 we read I suppose 2 of the most saddest words in the context in which they are written – “no room”.  Why was there no room?  To whom was there no room?  Mary and Joseph had made their way to Bethlehem.  Mary was great with child.  They came to Bethlehem and found there was no room for them there.  Can you imagine the look on Joseph`s face when he was told those 2 words – “no room”.  What that person didn’t realise was they were turning away the Saviour of the world.  I wonder how many tonight sitting in meetings or maybe even in their own house is hearing those words “no room”.  Have we ever realised we are lost and undone?  The Lord told the rich young man who asked him “what must I do to inherit eternal life” – “you know the commandments.”  Here was a religious young man, a rich young man, a ruler, well thought of, appreciated.  “these commandments have I kept from my youth up.”  Jesus told him “one thing you lack, sell all you have, give it to the poor and then you come follow me.”  He came to the place where he wanted to be saved, wanted to know Christ as Saviour, wanted to know heaven as his home.  He came to that place and he stopped, he turned his back on the Lord Jesus Christ.  The sadness and the sorrow on Jesus` heart as he looks on the faces of people who turn away from him.  They don`t want to pay the cost or take Christ as Saviour and Lord.

No room because people were so busy.  Even today people are so busy, they cannot find time to come to the house of God.  In verse 1 we read that Caesar Augustus sent out a decree that everyone should be taxed in their own city.  People made their way to their own cities, people were rushing to make sure they had a place to stay for the night.  The place in Bethlehem was bunged out.  It was a bad time to be coming into Bethlehem.  Every place they tried was full.  No-one had room for this couple.  How many times have you turned the Lord away?  How many times have you said “no” to the Lord?  You have heard his invitation but said no.  Too busy at that moment in time.  The Lord spoke in the gospels of a man who made a great supper and he sent out invitations to all the people.  As they received their invitations they all began with one accord to make excuses not to come.  We have reasons why we don`t get saved.  One of the excuses was from a man who had bought a yoke of oxen and he had to go and prove them.  Another one had bought a plot of ground and he had to go and see it.  Another man has just got married and he couldn`t leave his wife to go to the feast.  There was a door opened when the Lord died on the cross.  Agrippa was sitting on the throne when Paul came to him in chains and fetters.  Paul told him all about his life, how he met the Lord on the road to Damascus.  That king sitting on the throne trembled.  He listened to every word Paul said, of the need in his heart then he said to Paul “I am busy today, I would love to be saved, I realise what you are saying is true, any other day I would have more time, when I have a convenient season I will send for you again.”  Isn`t it awful to listen to the gospel, hear the Lord speaking into our hearts yet say we are too busy to be saved.

No room because of the people’s blindness.  I can imagine those in charge looking at them, nothing different about them, never thought for one moment that before them stood the Saviour of the world.  Our eyes are blinded tonight so that even now we cannot see Christ speaking directly to us.  “If only I had known.”  Maybe as they opened that door and realised there was the Saviour of the world would they have done something about it?  Sometimes we put it down to emotions or feelings.  In John 4 the woman in conversation with Jesus, it was an everyday conversation when Jesus spoke to her of everlasting life.  In John 3 a very religious man came to Jesus.  There very few like him, Nicodemus was his name.  He was a master in Israel.  He was a preacher of the word of God yet he was blinded to the saving grace of God.  It is possible to be a good church member and not be saved.  It is possible to go through this life with churchianity but still at the end go to a lost and Christless hell.  That is the saddest thing about it.  They didn`t know who they were turning away.  Do not leave thinking the Lord will knock again.  He may never do that.  You may never hear him knocking again.  God gives us opportunities.  The people were blinded with busyness.

No room because the people couldn`t be bothered.  They had seen so many people coming and going, they were just another couple.  Maybe by this stage they couldn`t be bothered finding a room for them, let them go.  There is an apathy, a coldness, couldn`t be bothered.  “I am happy with my life just the way it is.“ The wise men arrived at the palace and inquired where the new king was.  Remember what Herod said – he gathered the scribes together and asked them “where is this new king to be born.”  They were able to point to the word of God, able to tell him from Micah the prophet that he would be born in Bethlehem.  They hadn`t the interest themselves to find him.  The unlearned shepherds once they heard the news of this new born baby left their sheep and went in search of the Saviour.  The scribes and Pharisees couldn`t be bothered.   Maybe you know you need to be saved, you know you need the Lord, you know everything about it.  You can point to the scriptures, show how the Lord was born and died on the cross, can point to the empty tomb but cannot be bothered taking that final step.  You don`t want that change in your life, the upset it will bring.  The Lord has come not to destroy our lives but to give us life and life more abundantly.  That is what he wants to give you.  Maybe the people cannot be bothered to squeeze another couple in.  In turning them away they turned away the Saviour of the world.  If you are saying no tonight you are saying no to the Saviour of the world.  Is it worth it?  Will you come and trust the Lord as your own Saviour?

Friday, 24 May 2019

The institution of the Lord` Supper

Sermon notes from Sunday 19 May 2019
Luke 22 verses 7 - 20

In Luke 22 we have what is often referred to as the institution of the Lord`s Supper.  The Lord and his disciples celebrated the Passover together the night before Jesus died. 

The significance of the Lord`s Supper.  They were remembering that night in Egypt when the chilren of Israel were under hard bondage and labour to Pharoah.  Pharoah represents a type of the devil and Egypt a type of the world.  As well as looking back they were looking forward to the cross.  The Lord came to Moses and devised this great plan to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt.  This was what was on the minds of the disciples.  They were thinking of the slavery of Egypt but also this great plan of God.  God had told Moses to take a lamb, put it to death and the blood was to be poured out.  A little hyssop, the weakest of all the shrubs grown out of the very blocks on the wall was to be used to apply the blood.  That hyssop reminds me of faith in applying that blood.  They were to dip it into the blood and apply it to the door lintels.  Every other plague had failed but the lamb would never fail.  As they looked back on that particular occasion they were thinking of the lamb that was put to death and the angel who passed through the land that night.  Now the Lord was participating in this supper with his friends.  He was pointing now to his departure, to the day when he would be betrayed, when he would be scourged and beaten, hung on a cross by his hands and feet with nails.  He told the disciples that night "this do in remembrance of me."  The Lord`s table speaks of fellowship and communion.  The Lord sat with his disciples around the table to eat this last supper with them.  The Lord`s Supper is for those who have been saved, the moment we trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord we became part of God`s family.  We died to all our ego, our selfish ambitions and now celebrate fellowship and communion with God himself.  One day we will join with him in heaven.  When the apostle Paul speaks of the Lord`s Supper in 1 Corinthians 11 he says "I praise you not that ye come together not for the better but for the worse."  In the early Chrisitan church there were agape feasts or love feasts.  The apostle Paul realised the church had hijacked this whole theme, they were bringing wine and food for everyone`s convenience.  The sentiment was good to the rich and poor that they could eat together, they were showing a love for each other in Corinth but there was also an abuse of this.  We read that there were divisions in the church.  Some were leaving the table in a drunken stupor and Paul condemned that practice.  They were coming together, not to eat the Lord`s Supper.  It was not a feast of the physical and temporal but a feast for us in spiritual things.  As the Lord sat around the table with his disciples he showed a love for them.  It is for us to celebrate in this great love.

The simplicity of the Lord`s Supper.  Jesus gave us a pattern to follow with the bread and wine sitting before him.  He said "this do in remembrance of me."  In other words "I want you to do this and nothing more."  Maybe the Lord knew how the religious world would take this religious supper for themselves.  The apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 gives the teaching to the church based on that which happened between the Lord and his disciples.  Verse 23 "For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread.  Paul learned this from the Lord himself.  The simplicity of it - a simple remembrance of what the Lord did that night with his disciples.  C H Spurgeon said "if we were to take the cover off the table we would find bread, ordinary bread and ordinary wine, not turned into the body of Christ or the blood of Christ.  In this respect we take the simple service as remembrance of what Christ has done for us."  We should not lose sight of the simple routine.

The scrutiny of the Lord`s Supper.  1 Corinthians 11 verse 27 "Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord."  Paul then goes on to say in verses 30 and 31 "For this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged."  Paul was not saying that many are cut down because of what they have done at the Lord`s table but it can happen.  "Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup." verse 28  Paul was saying that if something comes up with someone else, they were to get before the Lord and deal with it then and there and then let him eat.  We don`t go away first but rather deal with it immediately.  Examine means to consider our motives, our goals, our ambitions, our desires and then we can confess and take the emblems.

The scope of the Lord`s Supper.  Who can come to the Lord`s table and take little from it?  In Luke 22 when the Lord celebrated the bread and wine with his disciples he didn`t tell them how often they were to do it but in 1 Corinthians 11 Paul says "as oft".  Every time we do take the Lord`s supper it is in remembrance of the Lord.  It is a remembrance service, it proclaims Jesus` death for us, it proclaims Jesus` resurrection for us, it proclaims the promise that Jesus is coming back again for us.  Acts 2 verse 46 states that the early disciples celebrated the Lord`s Suppr "daily with one accord".  In Acts 20 we read of Paul in Troas preaching until midnight and then they broke bread.  At that meeting a young man called Eutychus fell backwards and died.  We can only celebrate the Lord`s Supper when we know the Lord as Saviour.  In Acts 2 verses 41 and 42 only those who received the word of God, were saved by God`s grace, "thy continued stedfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in the breaking of bread."  It is for those whom Jesus suffered and bled and died and gave his life for.  It is for those who have applied that atonement to their lives.  The Lord is looking for those who have applied the blood to their lives for the forgiveness of sins.  When we come to the Lord`s table we look back to Calvary, see how he was abused, tried and butchered, think of the blood running down his face from the crown of thorns placed on his head, see his back lacerated like a ploughed field, see the blood pouring from his side where a sword pierced him.  The Lord asks us to come and wait at the table and remember him.  Is that too much to ask for from the one who has done so much for us?

Sunday, 12 May 2019

The characteristics for Christian service

Sermon notes from Sunday 12 May 2019 am
Acts 3 verses 1 - 10

In chapter 3 verse 1 we find 2 men, Peter and John going up to the temple at the hour of prayer.  I want to think from this portion of scripture of the characteristics for Christian service.  These were great and exciting days in Jerusalem for the disciples.  Their great leader, this man called Jesus had been called up to heaven right as they watched.  The disciples met in the Upper Room praising and glorifying God.  The Holy Spirit came and filled them to the uttermost.  Days when things were happening.  People were committing their lives to God.  The disciples were filled and began to preach the gospel.  People were hearing it in their own language.  Peter preached and afterwards 3000 souls were saved.  These were days when God was moving in a mighty mighty way.  In Acts 3 verse 1 we see the mood has changed.  They are making their way to the temple to pray.  It was an ordinary day.  They came across the pathway of a man whose life was changed and as a result 5000 souls were saved.  Sometimes we think our own lives are mundane, but we do not know what a day will bring forth.  You and I don`t know whenever we will touch a life and through them make a mighty man or woman of God.  It is time not for Christians to sit back but for Christians to get involved.

The priority of Peter and John - prayer was their priority!  They were making their way up to the temple.  Nothing else was on their minds.  This was the hour of prayer, set aside time.  Prayer must be our priority today.  Here were 2 men separated and sanctified.  Peter had preached and 3000 souls were saved.  Now they were coming to pray.  "Can 2 people walk together except they agree?"  Peter goes to John and says "what are we doing today, we are going to the temple to pray."  In Luke 5 Jesus called his first disciples out to be fishers of men, to see men and women saved.  Then we see a leper comes to the Lord that day.  He says to Jesus "if you wilt, thou canst make me clean" and Jesus said "I will be thou clean."  Immediately afterwards we read "And he (Jesus) withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed."  He leaves everyone behind and this was not the first time we read of him doing this.  We need time to get aside from everything around us, just for a few moments, to come alone with God.  Jesus withdrew himself and he prayed.  That should also be our priority.  The early disciples went through difficult times.  They were beaten, threatened.  In Acts 4 verses 23 and 24 we read "and being let go, they went to their own company and .... they lifted up their voice to God with one accord."  Prayer was their priority.  Jesus himself said "men ought always to pray."  Paul said "pray without ceasing."  Priority for Christian service is to pray.  There comes a time when we cannot and things in life prevent us doing that.  Sometimes there is a weakness in our body, age prevents us.  The bible says "the night cometh when no man can work."  The night has come for some people but they can look back on the years of service to the Lord.

The possibilities that came to these 2 men.  "And a certain man lame from his mother`s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple."  Peter and John were not going to a large gathering to preach.  They were coming to a prayer meeting.  Here was a simple situation, one God was opening up to them.  Isn`t it wonderful what God can do.  Here was a man God stopped with.  Some 5000 were saved through this man.  The possibilities that opened up.  Acts 4 verse 4.  God gave an opportunity in the guise of a disabled man.  In Acts 16 we read of the Philippian jailer who asked "what must I do to be saved."  He knew he wasn`t saved, not right with God, not ready if he were to die.  He was told "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."  He had to believe that he was a sinner.  Heaven will never be your home if you die in that state.  The apostle Paul told him God loved him and he sent his son into the world to bleed and die on Calvary to save your soul.  That man believed - will you?  The Lord is standing at your hearts door.  "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in."  Will you allow him to be your Saviour today?  We don`t know the possibilities that a day might bring us.  These men had their priorities right.  They saw the invalid man, stopped with him but they never thought that people would be saved as a result of their actions.  We don`t know what one act of kindness will do today.  We might call it a very ordinary thing you are called on to do today but God can use you.  It may be that cup of water given in God`s name might bring forth something amazing today.  Remember the servant of Abraham when he found the bride for Isaac thought it was miraculous and wonderful.  He said "I being in the way."  The Lord not my ability.  This is the Lord.  If we give our lives totally to the Lord he can lead us, direct us, open us.  John Wesley said "proceed with much prayer and your way will be made plain."  Peter didn`t know when he went up to the roof top in Acts 9  that God would use him to open the door to the Gentiles.  He would be the man in charge.  You do not know, maybe you will be asked by someone to help them to find Christ for themselves.  Leave yourself open to God.

The patience shown on this occasion.  This man was sitting when Peter "fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us."  They stopped in their tracks with this man, gave him time.  That is the most precious thing you can give to anyone.  Maybe there is someone feeling down that you can speak to.  Here was a man of 40 years of age.  The religious leaders had no time to stop with him at the gate.  He was a nuisance and a pest to them.  Peter and John gave the only thing they had - time and patience.  Think of the parable of the Samaritan.  Robbers had fallen on a man, beaten him and left him for dead.  The Levite didn`t want to be involved with him so walked on the other side of the road.  The priest was going down to the temple, he hadn`t time to stop with this man, he had a very busy life.  Then Jesus points to the Samaritan making his way down to the city.  He sees the man left for dead.  He stopped, got off his donkey, got down beside him.  He cared for him, poured oil into his wounds and put him on his donkey.  He took him to the nearest place for help.  He left him there and told the owner of the inn to let him know if he owed any more money for his care.  The patience he had.  There are wounded people all around us  and they have been robbed by the devil and left for dead.  Have I time or are there things in my life that take up my time, that I don`t have patience for those around me?  Have I too many commitments today?

There is a poverty they confessed.  "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."  Physically they could do nothing for him.  Money they didn`t have but they could do something else though.  They introduced him to Christ.  They began to tell him of their faith in Christ, they took time to introduce him to Christ.  They showed a poverty they had.  If Peter and John had had enough money to throw into the man`s plate they might never have heard anything of this man again because in their poverty they were able to give to this man something more than he expected.  We cannot do anything for sinners.  We cannot create an anxious thought but can take timee to tell others of the love of Christ.  Someone in your family or in the workplace.  We don`t have all the answers or experiences people have but we can give something more precious - time and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Don`t get content by throwing money into the plate and say that is it until next week.  You and I have something more valuable than the money in our pockets - we have a message that can change lives.  Paul writing to the Corinthians acknowledged they gave of their finances but first gave their own selves to the Lord.  That is more precious.

A prize.  What did Peter do - he put out his hand, took the man by his hand and lifted him up.  That was the prize.  Is there someone we can give a hand to today?  That is the prize.  The characteristics of Christian service.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Decisions Part 2

Sermon notes from Sunday 5 May 2019 pm
2 Samuel 6 verses 1 - 11

A decision that David made.  There was a hunger and thirst in his soul for something that was not material.  It was for the presence of the Lord.  May that be the same for us.  That nothing else will suffice.  Heaven and earth will pass away but the presence of the Lord will never pass away.  There is a decision to be made tonight.  The God of heaven knows where we stand in his light.  David set his heart on restoring the ark of the covenant into its rightful place.  Have we that same desire?

David`s good intentions.  Good intentions will never save you, never take you to heaven.  Maybe you left the house tonight with the best of intentions.  "This is the night I want to get saved, to make everything right between God and I."  Somehow as you sit tonight the devil can come and take away those good intentions.  Good intentions will never save you.  David had really good intentions.  He knew the presence of the Lord was not where it should be.  He knew he needed the ark of the Lord to be in its rightful place.  In Acts 16 the Philippian jailer knew he hadn`t the presence of the Lord in his life.  He met the apostle Paul and Silas earlier that day.  He knew they possessed something he did not have.  There is a difference between a man and a woman who are saved and a man and a woman who are not.  The jailer realised this was a serious situation for him.  He realised they were saved by God`s grace.  Have you ever come into that relationship  with God?  Here was David the King of Israel wanting the ark of the covenant to be restored.  Moses in the wilderness was given strict instructions about erecting the Tabernacle.  There were special measurements for building the ark of the covenant.  It was a box and on top was the mercy seat of God.  There were 2 angelic figures cherubims on top.  They were all overlaid with gold, a very precious metal.    There at the top of the mercy seat something special would happen.  God promised that he would meet with Moses and speak with him.  It symbolised the very presence of God.  David chose out 30,000 men in verse 1.  It was his priority on this particular day.  There is no greater priority in our minds and hearts than to be right with God.  Is this maybe the final night that you will hear the gospel, closing in with God`s offer of mercy, never be saved?  David said "one thing I want to do is restore the ark of the covenant back to its rightful place."  We should not rest until we are right with God.  What if God was to take you out into eternity as he did in Luke 12 for the farmer who worked so hard.  He thought to himself "I will pull down my barns and build bigger, I have many years before me."  The Lord said "you are a fool."  Not because he had done everything possible to get the best out of the land. He was a fool because he had left God out of his thinking.  He was looking at the final hours of his life on earth.  David had the priority of getting the covenant back into the presence of God.  It was the symbol of the presence of God in the nation of Israel.  God hasn`t given us an ark to meet him as Saviour.  He sent his only begotten son into the world to die for our sins.  He resurrected him from the dead and is now interceeding on our behalf at the Father`s right hand side in heaven.  If you are not right with God tonight we need that same urgency, a priority to get right with God.  The rich young ruler who came to Jesus one day wanted to have eternal life.  He asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life but once he Lord put his finger on what was holding him back that young man was not prepared to set that to one side.  He lost the urgency and priority when the finger was pointed at him.  Jesus said "take up your cross daily and follow me."  The ark of the covenant had been missing for some 70 years.  David knew that God`s presence was missing.  What about our good intentions tonight?  Are we hungering for God`s presence in our lives?  Perhaps we have let it slip away.  We have faltered and failed God.  There is a priority to do that which will bring us back into the presence of God.  We are not looking to a box but to a cross where our Saviour bled and died, he finished the work of God`s salvation for you and I.  Where God meets with you and I to reconcile us to himself.  David would secure that presence once more.  He would take 30,000 with him to search for it.

David`s great interference.  As he approaches this ark he makes a new cart for the ark of God.  This was the very best of material David could find.  Everything was new.  Nothing but the best to transport this precious commodity.  We have to realise one thing however.  David`s interference.  He found the ark of the covenant.  He lifted and set it on a new cart but it never should have been on a new cart.  God never intended it to be done that way.  It was to be borne on the shoulders of the priests of God.  In Numbers 7 we read something very wonderful there.  The tribes were given wagons to transport their things in.  When it came to the ark of the covenant that was to be borne on the shoulders of the priests.  Joshua told the priests to bear the ark of the covenant on their shoulders and when they stepped down into the water the water would disappear and they would walk on dry land.  David overlooked a very important feature.  If he had only gone back into the book of Moses there he would have seen how this precious commodity was to be attended to.  God`s presence is only attained in God`s way and no other.  Genesis 3 begins my story.  My first parents in the garden, the enemy comes and tricks them.  Sin entered into the world.  Through that entry it has come into my heart and yours.  Job asked "how can I be made right with God?"  Many are trying to obtain God`s salvation their own way.  We must repent of our sin, turn away, leave it, walk away from it, move away from it.  We must come to the cross of Calvary, believe that Jesus died for my sins, that he rose from the dead for our justification.  Now we can have peace with God in the finished work of Calvary.  David did something he shouldn`t have done.  In Acts 8 Simon thought the gift of God was something to be obtained by money.  You and I cannot purchase or buy salvation.  It is not earned.  If we want to be saved we have got to come the way God says.  David should have brought the priests and borne the ark on their shoulders.  That was God`s way.

David`s grave implication.  Here was a move that bore great consequences.  It ended in the death of a young man driving the cart.  He should never have been put in that position.  He was driving the cart when it shook.  He reached forth to touch it.  That young man was cut down immediately.  To treat the things of God lightly has grave consequences.  You have to come God`s own way.  There is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is the way of death.  It does not involve coming to church, standing and singing the hymns, reading the bible, saying the prayers.  David thought it was right to set the ark on a new cart and bring it back into the land of Israel.  Sadly he made a mistake and that mistake resulted in the death of a young man.  Do not make that mistake.  Do not decide to come to God some other way.  The whole thing finished in disaster for David.  All was going well for a time.  They were making their way down.  There was joy in his heart.  There was music and celebration.  All of a sudden the cart stopped, the ark was about to fall off and the young man reached out to stop it when he lost his life.  Is it possible to make a bad decision tonight?  There are grave consequences from it as a result.  Maybe you have come in unsaved or are backslidden.  You could miss God`s salvation tonight through neglect and go out to a Christless hell for all eternity.  Would you leave your own endeavours, trying the best you can and come and simply trust Christ as Saviour.  Looking to him on the middle cross who died for you.  Will you trust him tonight?  Say "Lord I want to secure your presence in my heart and life, not in my way, not to follow any man`s teaching, I want to trust you as you would have me to trust you."  If so you can be saved, restored right where you are by crying out unto God in these final moments.  Don`t leave without getting right with God, come to Christ tonight.   

Sunday, 5 May 2019

The uniqueness of Christ

Sermon notes Sunday 28 April 2019 am Ken Goligher
Hebrews 1 verses 1 - 9, chapter 2 verse 3

Every book in the Bible has a particular theme.  Genesis is all about beginnings - the first day, the first man, the first sin, the first family.  We also have the beginning of the Jewish race of people.  In the book of Hebrews there is a key word - better or greater.  The key thought in this book is that Christ is greater than the angels, the prophets, Moses and the law, Aaron and the priesthood.  He is described as the great high priest who has entered into the heavens and is now personally pleading our case before God.  We can take heart this morning that we have a man in heaven who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities, was in all points tempted yet without sin.  Paul said to Timothy "this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came int o the world to save sinners."  He is still the man.  He was a real man on earth.  Matthew presents him as the king, Mark as the perfect servant, Luke the perfect man and John as the Son of God.  He is not on the cross any more, nor in the grave.  40 days after his resurrection he ascended to the Father from whence he came.  He is still sitting there as the man.  What a wonder and amazement he is to the angels presently.  All the angels can do now is worship him.  He is a man in heaven in the body with the marks of Calvary on his hands and feet.  He is the victor now.

The writer makes much of the uniqueness of the person of Christ, not only of his life on earth, his work on earth but the mighty sacrifice offered on the cross.  This is a uniquee book because it is referring to the supremacy of the Christ of God.  When he was born he grew up in Nazareth.  When he started his public minstry he was about the age of 30.  For 18 years there was no word of him,   Silence from the age of 12.  At 30 years of age his father could say of him "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."  The writer to the Hebrews is showing the supremacy of Christ above the angels.  We don`t see the angels now but we are surrounded by them.  They preserve us at present and probably preserved us before we were saved.  Chapter 1 verse 14 the angels have a part to play in salvation.  God uses his angels to protect his people.  As the Lord started out on his public ministry he proved by his miracles that he truly was the Christ of God.  Think of the first miracle he performed, turning water into wine was  a big contrast with Moses who turned the water into blood which spoke of judgment to come.  The first miracle the Lord performed speaks of joy and blessing.  Here is a Saviour who came to bless.  Right throughout his life he came to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, could even raise the dead.  The uniqueness of Christ, worshipped by angels.  What about us - have we any appreciation in our hearts of him?  Do you ever speak to the father about him?  There is nothing God loves more than to hear from our lips how we appreciate his son.  The uniqueness of his person.  Is he displayed in your life?  Do I live for Christ?  Do I behave as Christ would want me to behave?  We have the honour and privilege of representing Christ here on earth.  In verse 8 the Father speaking to his son reveals his deity.  He is God Jehovah.  Verse 8 shows the uniqueness of this person.  We take his name Christian meaning Christ in us.  The first word in chapter 1 is "God" and it is the only book in the bible that starts with that word.  After this word there is a little comma showing that we should slow down a little and consider him.  It is interesting to note that in the first book of the bible and in the first chapter 10 times we read the words "God says" and "God speaks."  God is still speaking.  If he didn`t how would we know anything.  Maybe not just through his word but through circumstancs.  The Hebrew people knew something about that in contrast to the people arround them who worshipped idols of wood, stone and metal.  Our God is a living God and he speaks today.  When Paul was writing to Timothy in 2 Timothy chapter 3 he said "in the last days perilous times shall come, men shall be lovers of their own selves."  He went on to describe 18 things about the last days.  Those are the last of the last days.  Here in Hebrews however the writer says that God will speak through his Son.  For the last 2000 years God has spoken through his Son.  God`s last message to man is his Son.  God has no other message because no-one is equal.  If you reject Christ there is nothing for you but the lake of fire.  You believe that there was such a historical person but you have rejected him.  In verse 2 we see God himself as the Son used the prophets as instruments in his hands.  Mary the mother of Jesus in her song referred to Jesus as God.  He is God manifested in the flesh.  There is an attack on the deity of Christ but he is God manifest in the flesh.   He is viewed in 10 different ways - 3 of them he is the son of Mary, the Son of Joseph, son of the carpenter.  Nazareth was identified as the place from which he came.  Nazareth was a despised place.  A place of ill repute.  There is a uniqueness in his person but there is also a uniqueness in his death.  In chaper 10 in contrast all the sacrifices offered on the Jewish altars Aaronic priesthood he is the great high priest.  The sacrifice that will never be repeated or need to be repeated.  "In the end of the age hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself."  Chapter 2 verse 13 "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation."  You cannot escape it.  Provision is made in his death on the cross.  This unique person - trust him.


Sermon notes from Sunday 5 May 2019
John 21 verses 1 - 14

Verse 1 "After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples."  The setting is the seashore among Jesus` disciples when Jesus appears to them.

The decision that Peter makes.  Verse 3 "Simon Peter saith unto them I go a-fishing."  Here is Peter with the rest of his disciples - Thomas, Nathaniel, James and John and 2 others.  Peter looks around him and decides to go fishing.  I don`t believe Peter was in the right mind to make the correct decision.  Maybe you are on the brink of a decision that no-one else knows about.  You have to make that decision for yourself.  Peter would make a decision that would be costly.  There were many things going through his mind.  Perhaps he felt he was a failure.  The Lord had told Peter one day "before the cock crows you will deny me 3 times." (Matthew 26 verse 34) Peter is now making a decision to go fishing.  I am sure the enemy was not too far away from Peter at this moment in time.  He remembered the time in the Garden when Judas kissed Jesus and in that act Jesus was arrested.  Peter had been let down, hurt by someone he thought a lot of.  No doubt Peter thought he was man he could trust, depend on.  David the Psalmist said "I looked all around me, there was no man who careth for my soul." (Psalm 142 verse 4)  Have you ever felt like that?  That the whole world has turned against you?  It is a lonely place to be in.  When they arrested Christ and took him to the Judgment Hall Peter was walking afar off.  Here he is now making a decision.  Maybe he felt he was the biggest failure.  He had been standing with Christ`s enemies, with those who cursed Christ, hated his name.  Peter was standing there weeping and when the cock crowed the tears flowed in earnest.  He had denied he knew Christ 3 times by that stage.  Those tears of bitterness.  Now he is making this decision to go back to fish.  Is there a decision you must make today?  Elimelech and his wife Naomi were going through a difficult time.  The place they lived in, Bethlehem-Judah was a place of famine.  Elimelech made a decision to go down to Moab, a God rejecting place.  Moab is a picture of the world today.  He was going to take his wife and family down there based on the circumstances around him.  He never thought to ask God, turning his back on God.  Peter is standing here that day making a decision that would change his life from that moment on.  Peter was going back to his old livelihood, turning his back on the things of God.  Perhaps there is something going through your mind, feeling perhaps you are a failure.  Perhaps there was a time when you stood up and witnessed for God.  Or perhaps given a tract to someone.  Maybe you are not in the right mind to make a spiritual decision right now.  Peter was in a place where his mind was full of everything that had happened in recent days.  John Mark made a decision based on what he felt at that time.  He no longer travelled with Paul and Barnabas.

The diversion it caused.  This decision would divert him off course, would take him back into his old life.  A dangerous thing even to contemplate.  Perhaps there are times when you listen to a song and you are transported back into a situation from many years ago.  Peter was going to make a decision that would soon engulf him.  "Commit thy way unto the Lord and he will sustain you." (Psalm 37 verse 5)  This is not what the Lord had for Peter.  Remember when he was first introduced to Jesus by his brother.  He came and met with the Lord.  Have you ever met the Lord at Calvary yet?  Christ died for us and he expects us to come to him, to take away our sins, make us new creatures in Christ Jesus.  He will save us.  When Peter came to he Lord he was told "thou art Simon son of Jona." (John 1 verse 42)  The Lord firstly gave him a new name and then a new character.  When Jesus came to Andrew and Peter on the sea shore he told them "follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4 verse 19)  Peter was now going back into his old role.  Jesus asked Peter to be a soul winner.  God expects you to do your own bit for him in your family, in your neighbourhood.  The Lord told Peter "feed my lambs."  He wanted him to be a soul winner, to preach the gospel, to be a shepherd to the lambs, not a fisherman.  Peter got diverted from the decision he made.  We cannot drift back into our own paths.  We cannot have a foot in God`s kingdom and a foot in the world.  The Lord has a role for you today.  We cannot be used by God if we have not laid all on the altar for him. 

The disruption it caused.  Decisions affect others.  The decision we make today is going to affect someone near us, in our families, in our homes, in our neighbourhoods.  When Elimelech and Naomi went down into Moab it affected their family.  That whole family was wiped out - both Elimelech and his 2 sons died.  Your decision will affect someone else today.  Peter was taking that role of fisherman once more - notice the little word "I".  It is my decision.  Then the rest of the disciples said to him "we also go with thee."  They all decided to go wih him.  Do you notice the danger in that.  Not only do we see Peter diverted from the path God had but we see him disrupt the plans God had for the rest of the disciples.  Sometimes the Lord comes to you or I in the quietness of our own homes, he has a task for us, something to do but our plans don`t fit with God`s.  Our decisions will affect the rest of our lives, our families.  That is why we need to be careful because others are watching us too.  Paul told Timothy "be thou an example to those around you." (1 Timothy 4 verse 12)  Peter wanted to go fishing and the rest decided to go with him.  We can influence others by our actions.  John Mark told Paul and Barnabas that he was returning to Jerusalem.  As a result Paul and Barnabas themselves separated.  Some times the decisions we make can disrupt others.  Remember the spies in the Old Testament who wanted to spy out Canaan first.  Caleb and Joshua brought back good reports but the rest of them brought back evil reports.  Disillusionment and disruption were brought to the people and they decided not to go into the land.  Remember someone is watching your life right now and whatever you decide could take them back into the world.  

The result of Peter`s decision was a barren night.  They fished all night and caught nothing.  When you are out of the will of God you will not catch anything.  The Lord appeared to them and told them to let down their nets and they caught a large amount of fish.  John told them it was the Lord who spoke and Peter didn`t wait.  He jumped right into the water.  He had his eyes now fixed on the Lord once more and saw him in all his glory.