Friday, 30 March 2018

The Times We are Living In

Sermon notes from Sunday 18 March 2018 (pm)
Rev John Hayes
2 Timothy chapter 3

I want us tonight to look at this scripture portion not just a particular text but the first 9 verses.  How relevant these verses are to the times in which we are living!  Look at verse 1 in particular "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come"  I belong to a company of people that believe those days are already upon us.  Paul wrote this epistle in 66AD.  This man was looking down the centuries and the Spirit of God gave him an understanding of what society would be like today.  It is significant that there are those trying to tell us the word of God is out of date, it is not relevant to the times in which we live.  Some years ago there was a man on a train journey through London.  He was a Pastor and he was sitting reading his bible.  In the same carriage were 4 other men who were reading the Sunday papers.  The Pastor became aware that all eyes were on him.  He said to the men "Gentlemen you are reading yesterdays news today but I am reading tomorrows news today."  That is how relevant the Bible is.  The Bible prophecy is the pattern of things that have happened in the past but also practical for what is going to happen in the future days.  This man under the inspiration of the Spirit of God revealed to him the way in which society would live.  Paul gives us clear picture of our society living and acting in the last days.  

Verse 2 the pursuit of self love will dominate the culture.  Have you noticed in todays society, today`s young people known as the Millenial Generation, born in the 21st Century, called the me generation, it is all about me, mine, I.  Social media has become the great thing.  One thing young people are prone to is their love to send selfies to each other.  Photographs of each other.  Some people are very good looking and that is true but it leads on to disturbing things.  A doctrine has developed today - you cannot love anyone until you love yourself.  That is a lie that comes from the devil himself.  That is a fallacy.  Matthew 23 verse 6 tells of a lawyer who stood up and questioned Jesus one day.  What is the greatest commandment he asked.  Jesus replied "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thyself."  Jesus never mentioned self.  The human being is bent towards self.  It must be dethroned.  The person who will give you the biggest problem in your life is your self.  That self life needs to be dealt with.  Only the power and the Spirit of God can do that.  Jesus needs to get control of your life.  That is really what it is all about.  There is a law of selfishness in the world today.  The pursuit of self will dominate the society in which we live.

Secondly proof of a rebellious culture will be overwhelming.  We have definite proof of that today.  We see it all around us.  People wanting what others have.  Jealousy, greed, pride, self examination.  If you went to a ladies bedroom the carpet would be perfect except in front of the mirror!  We live in a society where people use the name of Christ as a swear word.  Then you come next to the dishonouring of parents.  Parents are having a hard time today.  The powers that be, the experts are telling us how to bring up our children.  We cannot give a child a good smack because the child knows how to respond - by having parents arrested or reported to Social Services.  There is a full on attack on the family unit today.  Never before like what is happening now.  Someone once said recently "unless we have a return to the traditional family there is no hope for children."  In America 80% of those who have committed murder and are in American prisons have come from one parent families, a mother and no father.  Yet the powers that be say to us that 2 lesbians can adopt a child and that 2 homosexuals can adopt a child.  A father and a mother is what God decreed.  There is the necessity of a mothers love and a fathers control in the family.  There is an old song which rings true "A mother`s love is a blessing."  Nobody could contradict that.  See how a mother devotes herself to the child and a father is a stronger character to stabilise the situation.  God in his wisdom designed it just so.  Experts know better than God today.  The road we are going down today is heading to ruin.  Ruining families and destroying family life today.  The American dictionary defines marriage as "2 or more people who have decided to live together."  That is not a true definition of marriage, it is a traversty.

Their approval of immoral lifestyles will become common belief and practices.  If you were to write into a newspaper today about these issues, criticising how society has become what would happen?  You would bring the LGBT brigade down upon you like a ton of bricks.  On the internet you would be bombarded with filthy insults, there would be letter after letter written condemning you.  That you come from the ark, that you are an ignoramus.

Their accusations will contain false words.  They will make up untrue stories.  Their acceptance of the sanctity of human life will be lost.  That is happening today.  In May the Republic of Ireland will vote on abortion, to change the law to allow women in the Republic of Ireland to murder their babies in the womb.  Their acceptance of the sanctity of human life will be lost.  Imagine - a doctor can murder a baby in the womb.  He used to be allowed to do it early on in the pregnancy but now it can be done right up to the time the baby is born.  Murder is murder.  God almighty said "if you shed mens blood by man will you be shed." (Genesis 9 verse 6)  A murderer should die in God`s programme of things.  When you murdered your life had to be given for the life of that persons life taken in the first place.  Society wants to kill babies in the womb.  We are also getting a glimmer of euthanasia - dying with dignity.  It is an inconvenience to look after that older person today.  That day is coming.  We are living in an uncaring society that disregards the law of God.  Making a mockery of the bible.  False ideas and teachings are being instilled into our young people today.  They are being told that the world is billions of years old, that Genesis is not true.  The world is old and the word of God is wrong.  Thank God we have a lot of great scientists putting forward scriptures, Answers in Genesis and Creation.  These people are being raised up to defend God`s word.  "despisers of those that are good" anger against immorality will increase.  Comedians are mocking the word of God today.  Verse 4 we are in big trouble - when you cannot trust a person, how sad that you and I can come to a place where we cannot trust ourselves.  What is left?  That passion for pleasure will replace love for God.  When you arrange some ungodly event today people will come from miles away just to attend - pleasure more than lovers of God will control people`s lives through the lusts of the flesh.  2 Peter 2 verse 14 "having eyes full of adultery." 

The practice of religion will increase without the power of God - verse 5.  Our churches across the nation contain people that have a form of godliness, repeat prayers but very sadly there is nothing of the power of God in their lives.  I have seen people sit a lifetime in a church that has no mention of the gospel preached.  How many ministers come to church to preach the gospel and before too long they have to leave - the gospel of Jesus Christ is ignored or denied.  How sad today.
The pressure to compromise will intensify.  Don`t take clear stand on certain issues in case they might offend someone.  Not say anything about things in case someone might disagree with me so I will compromise.  Sadly this is all too common today.  The pursuit of knowledge will not include the knowledge of God`s truth or God`s word.  Never be a time when knowledge is so available.  It is absolutely amazing the knowledge that is available today.  It is not the knowledge of God`s word though.  "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" verse 7.  No relationship with God, never invited Christ to come into life, just struggling on week in and week out.

The practice of religious deception will not be able to replace the work of God - verse 9.  God is a sovereign God.  People who make foolish statements about God today.  We are living in a nuclear age.  Some mad man may press the button and we will all be up in smoke.  There is a sovereign God in heaven and he is still in control today.  The wrong button can only be pressed if God allows it.  The world will not end in that way - the bible tells us it will not end that way.  If the world wants to be brought to a conclusion where would you stand?  Will you be ready for such a thing?  The bible teaches us the wickedness of man came up before God.  Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.  What happened there?  Their wickedness moved God.  God could take no more.  Noah preached for 120 years but the people did not listen.  Eventually judgement fell.  Think of Ninevah in Jonah`s day.  Their wickedness came up before God.  There is a level that God will allow and we must be at it.  We are getting there and getting there fast.  God will take no more.  When a person or a nation can come between God`s patience and his wrath and it is a fine line today.  Society is getting there.  We are in the last days and soon Jesus will call the church home.  When the church is called home then God starts pouring out his wrath on this Christ rejecting world.  There will be a tribulation period then the battle of Armageddon will take place.  When Christ comes to deliver the nation of Israel and he will set up his Millennium kingdom.  He will reign on earth for 1000 years.  Christ is in control.  That day is ahead of us.  Are you walking with the Lord, serving him, pleasing him?  Thank God you can start tonight, so turn to him and trust him to be your Saviour and to be your friend.

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