Friday, 30 March 2018

The effectiveness of a testimony

Sermon notes from Sunday 18 February 2018
John 4 verses 27 - 42

I want us to continue with the theme we have been considering these past Sunday nights - that of testimony.  As we started off the series in February we realised that a testimony is something you are asked to be sure of - the facts that you know.  Not something you think of.  If called into a court of law you are not asked what you thought you saw and heard rather what you actually saw and heard.  A testimony of saving grace is to know without any doubt you are saved by God`s grace.

Paul said "examine yourselves to see if you are of  the faith."
The expression of a testimony
The effectiveness of our testimony to a community around us.

We read here of this woman, how Jesus makes his way and stops in Sychar.  He is tired and weary so sits down on the well.  Has greater purpose for one lost soul living there.   That soul comes out in the midday heat.  The Lord points here to himself.  The salvation of her soul that day.  She was changed.  Something dramatic happened and she couldn`t wait to tell others.  She started in Samaria telling others what happened in that day.  A testimony should always point to Christ himself.  Remember Lazarus in John 12.  There was a supper in Bethany.  All were gathered there.  It tells us many came just to see Lazarus but the chief priests insisted that they might also put Lazarus to death.  Why would they do that?    He was the man who was dead whom Jesus raised back to life out of the tomb.  Here he is now sitting at the table "because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus."  That is the effectiveness of a testmony.  The reason why they wanted him to be put to death.  Notice what is said of this man in verse 29 "come see a man which told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ?"and verse 39 "and many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman which testified  he told me all that ever I did."  Many believed on Jesus because of Lazarus.  Many believed on Jesus because of the saying of this woman.  "And many more believed because of his own word." verse 41 .  In verse 42 we read "now we believe not because of thy saying for we have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world."  

She spoke first of this man`s conduct.  She could only speak of the Saviour`s grace.  No word of criticism for her, no more condemnation for her.  The Jews and the Samaritans have no dealings with each other yet this man could stop where he was, draw me to himself and speak to me the word.  John 4 verse 9 he was about his father`s business.  That brought him from the realms of glory, from the worship of the angels.  Praise brought him into the world to an old rugged cross to save a lost mankind.  That I might be saved tonight.  If you have never been to Jesus` cross close in with his offer of mercy and goodness.  If you have never trusted Christ as your own Saviour, are still in your sin,  on the way to Christless hell for all eternity, the Lord bids you to come to him and he will give you rest.  He will give you eternal life.  "God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through him."  John 3 verse 16.  This woman could only speak daily of his conduct.  He didn`t point his finger at her but to the well of living water that she might receive eternal life.  We want to see you trusting him tonight.  Remember the woman caught in the act of adultery who was brought to the Lord.  She knew what the law said - she should be put to death.  Caught in the act itself.  The Lord said "let him that is without sin cast the first stone."  One by one they filtered away until there was none left.  He looked at the woman and asked her "where are your accusers?"  She told him there were none left and he said "neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."  What a Saviour.  That is the Saviour we are inviting you to tonight.  Pilate in the Judgment Hall said "I find no fault in this man."  Remember the thief on the cross.  He looked at the other thief and said "we are here because of our own misconduct, this man hath done nothing amiss."  Have you found a fault in the Saviour - is that why you are not saved tonight?  If you are looking at some person tonight, profess to be saved, not living up to the standard you would consider worthy of being called a Christian, get your eyes off them and get your eyes on Jesus himself.

A man who had so much concern for this woman.  Jesus came through this country especially to find her.  He stopped here at this well just to talk with her.  The God of heaven has brought you tonight to challenge you.  Another opportunity to get right with God.  Come to him, trust him as Saviour and Lord, be saved tonight.  Here`s this lady and you can imagine her telling her story to the Samaritans.  She waited until midday.  Perhaps she was fed up with gossiping tongues.  She had 4 husbands and the man she was with now was not even her husband.  She waited until the right moment so no-one would see her or stop her.  Then she saw a man sitting at a well on his own.  God always brings us people concerned for our salvation.  He was ready to engage her in conversation.  A Jew to a Samaritan.  This man was willing to stop with her.  He is also waiting for you to stop and talk with him tonight.  He was willing to take your sin.  Perfect in all his ways, sinless yet he was willing to take away your sin.  He was so concerned about us that he would take our sin, lay it on his body, paying the price of sin on Calvary.  Verses 13 and 14 Jesus spoke of the water in the well.  Here was a woman with a restless soul trying to find pleasure and friendship.  She could never find it.  We could never find that which never satisfies our soul not until we find Christ as Saviour.  He placed a great value upon this woman`s soul.  The Bible tells me "what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul." Are you content, satisfied?  Is there a peace that overwhelms you?  Would you be sure of going straight into the presence of God for all eternity? Is there still something lacking, hasn`t filled the void in your soul?  We would never be satisfied or can be satisfied until the Lord comes and takes control of our hearts.  Matthew 5 "and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that if one of thy members should perish and not that thy own body should be cast into hell."  We are talking about the severity of sin.  It will take you into a lost sinners hell tonight.  What else did this woman say in her testimony?  

The compassion he had - that he stopped with her.  He was waiting for me, explained all these things.  The compassion that took the the Lord to the cross for you and I.  He had concern for this woman when she had no concen for anyone else.  He was dying for you.  He died the just for the unjust to repair that broken relationship.  This woman is beginning to think of this water - "give me this water."  Is there one tonight and maybe at this stage you are crying out for something.  You would love to be saved.  He will save you if you trust him tonight.  Verse 15 this woman is beginning to turn away.  When this woman comes to this very place she knows what she should do, where she should go for this water.  Jesus says to her "go and tell your husband."  The Lord is getting her to that place where she has to acknowledge her sin.  Maybe she thinks I will avoid this question.  I don`t have a husband.  In telling the truth the Lord tells her he knows all about her, that she had 5 husbands and the one she was with now was not her husband.  Maybe she is saying I will avoid this question.  The Lord brings us to the place where we acknowledge we have sinned and come short of God`s glory.  If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves.  We are sinners in the sight of our holy God.  If we confess our sins and trust him as Saviour we will be saved.  Remember David and his sin with Bathsheba.  For 12 months he denied it then he acknowledged his sin.  It was for this reason that Christ came into the world that the world through him might be saved.  The woman said "come see a man that convinced me" verse 20.  She throws up a religious question - she is trying to avoid what Jesus is getting to.  This woman does not dwell on the subject of living water.  Their father worshipped in this mountain.  She started an argument, the most important question to answer tonight resounds back to you.  He invites you - the question is not where Cain got his wife, not what about the heathen being saved who live in the jungle.  The greatest question is will you be saved.  Trust him as Saviour and Lord.  Are you saved tonight?  She said to her audience come and see the Lord.  Opened up the word of God to her.  He convinced her she needed to be saved.  It matters not what I say, it matters not what any preacher says, it matters what the scripture says and what Christ says.  If there is the slightest glimmer of salvation in your heart why not come tonight.  Don`t be convinced any anyone else.  See what the scriptures have to say about your soul and the destiny of it.  The woman said to this people "come and see a man that changed my life."  She went out to the well that day, she met Christ that day and her whole life was changed.  She left the waterpot at the well.  She went into the city and spoke to the Samaritans - "come and see a man that changed me."  She told everyone she met "come and see Christ."  Come and see Christ tonight hanging on the middle cross, beaten, bruised, treated so badly, left to die for your sins and mine.  Will you not come and see him tonight?  He was bruised for our transgressions, with his stripes we are healed.  Have you entered into God`s salvation?  This woman going out into the village the next day, the next week, the next month - she would remember that moment she met with Christ.  There she was totally changed.  She received the waters of eternal life.  Will you be saved tonight, wll you call to him tonight.

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