Friday, 30 March 2018

Fake News

Sermon notes from Sunday 25 February 2018
Galatians 1 verses 1 - 10, 2 Corinthians 11 verses 1 - 4

I want us to take a moment or 2 to think of a term that we have been listening so much to - fake news.  A term that is widely associated with the President of the United States Mr Donald Trump himself.  It is a term that speaks of lies, falsehoods against the government, society or maybe to someone in person.  Something that has been written about someone or is said about someone.  It is lies, sent with the intention that it might be believed.  Maybe there are some things you see in social media, that you read in papers, hear on the news in the evening, the moment you see them you realise something is wrong.  They don`t affect you.  You don`t realise they are real or fake because it doesn`t affect you.  Paul warns the Galatian and Corinthian believers, to those he had preached to in times past, he had met with them, watched them trusting Christ as Saviour.  He warned them of this happening.  There were men coming in and taking believers away from the true gospel.  The great subject is this message we have to proclaim.  It is a message preached by the prophets of old, by the disciples of the early church right down to this day and hour in which we live.  Therein lies the great importance.  What is the importance of fake news?  What is the importance of genuine news?  It is that your soul lies in the balance of what you believe in.  Have you come into this meeting with that reality?  That this may perhaps be your last night on this earth.  What you believe tonight might seal your fate for all eternity.  

The apostle Paul warns of a deceptive policy.  He had come to Galatia and Corinth, laid the foundations of the gospel, pointed men and women to Christ who had shed his blood on Calvary`s tree that he might reconcile your soul and mine to God, that he might save your soul tonight.  He came to Corinth and Galatia, preached the word of God and there were those who came to Christ and were saved as a result.  He returns now to them - verses 6 and 7 "I marvel that you are so soon removed from him."  He had preached the real genuine gospel but others came in after him and preached a perverted gospel.  They were drawing them away from Christ.  Are you saved tonight?  Are you in that place  where the Lord would have you?  He was addressing a situation that revolved around fake news.  People who came with another spirit.  Men and women were being drawn away.  A hardened warden in a American young people`s prison for those aged 15 - 17 years of age had heard so many stories and seen many situations but the hardest task he had to do, as he locked these young people up, was to sit down and convince them that they had done wrong.  "Everyone believes they are there because they believe they are innocent."  Isn`t that the most difficult task for the preacher - to take the word of God and persuade men they need to be saved.  How do you stand tonight?  Have you listened to the Saviour who came into the world to save souls?  There is a spirit in this world that deceives.  Maybe you are not saved tonight.  Maybe you can point to a date in the past and are living on that.  You do not have a real relationship with Christ at this moment in time.  Salvation is more than a stirring of the heart, agreeing with what the preacher says.  It is more than simply stepping out and walking to the front or raising your hand in a meeting  It should cause a change in behaviour, cause a hunger for the things of God, to have a life of holiness and righteousness sought after through God or are you still depending on something that happened 10 or 15 years ago?  That you have to confess really there is nothing there.  This is what Paul was preaching about.  Someone has got access to your mind and you are now believing a falsehood.  Jeremiah was preaching the word of God day after day, telling men and women if they wanted to escape the judgement of God they had to go into the hands of the king of Babylon.  There were people who rose up and said "don`t listen to him God will never pass judgement on his own people."  But that is what happened - they were carried away into captivity.  People listened to that false news, that God would never judge them.  Do we not hear that same message today?  How God will never turn you out of heaven.  He loved you so much that he sent his Son to die on Calvary.  If he loved you so much then he cannot turn you out of heaven.  That is false news.  Depending on God never turning you away.  He would have to turn you away.  On the cross he died for your every sin yet you have never claimed that atoning work.  You haven`t admitted you are a sinner, asked the Lord to come into your life, make you a child of God.  There was fake news in the Garden where the tomb was.  The disciples came to find the body of Christ was gone.  Fake news.  The soldiers said the disciples had come by night and stole the body away.  When God made creation all was good.  There was no sin.  The devil came in with his deceptive policy.  You will not die he said to Eve.  She replied  they could eat of every tree but there was one tree they were not allowed to eat.  In that day they ate of it they would die.  The devil said you will not die.  A deceptive policy to take her away from God, to form a wall between her and God, to destroy God`s wonderful creation.  She believed in his word.  The Lord was not talking of physical death but spiritual death.  In that one act we died to the holiness of God.  The apostle Paul had tremendous dread on his heart.  2 Corinthians 11 verse 3.  He was still concerned about that deceptive policy.  Paul said "besides those things that are without that which cometh upon me daily the care of all the churches." 2 Corinthians 11 verse 28.  He was afraid of this deceptive policy, drawing men and women from the faith.

Paul speaks of discrediting a person.  2 Corinthians 11 verse 4 "if he that cometh and preacheth another Jesus." A work to discredit the person of Jesus.  To carry out this idea would be to break up relationships the believer has.  The devil has to be so close that you will never give it a second glance.  I guarantee tonight that as we preach, invite, instruct - in the depths you could know you are not saved, that there is a battle on because the devil doesn`t want you to come to him.  In his great plan he has to discredit the person of Christ.  He is preaching another Christ.  He wants them to remember the Jesus Paul preached.  Do you remember the Christ I preached?  Acts 17 "They came to Thessalonica there was a synagogue of the Jews.  And Paul as his manner was went in unto them and 3 Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures."  He goes into the synagogue, begins to expound the word of God, alleges that Christ must needs suffer, he must rise again from the dead.  Not only a suffering Christ but a Christ that was dead and a Christ that was resurrected from the dead.  If anyone presents another Christ.  The false teachers present another Christ Jesus but not Jesus of the scriptures.  Not the sinless son of God, not born of the virgin Mary, not come to seek and to save.  Without sin the cults have another Jesus.  Paul preached about a dying Saviour, a resurrected Saviour, a glorified Saviour who is coming again.  Jesus to many is dead and in the tomb tonight.  He has made no atoning sacrifice, no salvation.  What a terrible life.  Where do you stand tonight?  Jesus turned the 2 disciples on the Emaeus Road to the word of God, to Moses, the Psalms and the prophets.  He convinced them who he was.  The Christ of the scriptures.  Is this the Saviour you are depending on?  We are not just talking about cults tonight.  We need to be careful tonight.  What do we see?  A discreditation of Christ`s work.  Man doesn`t need a Saviour.  He is on his way to heaven and home.  He can earn his own righteousness.  He will fling open the doors of heaven.  We do not need the atoning blood of Christ.  Just live the best life we can.  Attend church, say our prayers, sit at the Lord`s table.  It is fake news.  If that is what you are believing in tonight heaven will never be home to you.  Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me."  You need a living relationship in the saving blood of Calvary.

A denying of his power - chapter 11 verse 4.  Another Christ, another Spirit.  Isn`t that what the devil wants to do with a deceptive policy.  To take you away from Christ.  Invent another spirit tonight.  The false cults will tell you the spirit of God is not a person, not the third person of the Trinity.  He is nothing like that.  He is a sort of something you can depend upon at certain times but he is not an eternal power.  Remember what the apostle Paul said of the gospel.  He preached "it is the power of God to everyone that believeth."  Peter in Acts 2 took great theme of Jesus God`s son.  Peter took that message of a living Saviour.  How he came into the world, the miracles he wrought by his hand, his death at Calvary`s cross, spoke of his resurrection.  What was happening in the hearts of men and women?  They were "pricked in their hearts."  The preacher couldn`t do that.  There was an outside power working in the congregation, opening up hearts and lives to accept the gospel.  They realised they needed a Saviour.  Acts 10 verse 44 in the house of Cornelius he took the same message again. His miracles and his works.  While Peter spoke these words the Holy Spirit fell on them.  

There is also a destructive plan.  You can take that policy that disrupts and takes people away, speak of a person discredited, a power that is denied but the Holy Spirit finishes with a destructive plan - to take you away from Christ tonight.  To damn that soul of yours in a lost and Christless eternity.  What will it be tonight?  Satan said to Eve "thou shalt not surely die".  No qualms about it tonight.  Already as you consider the situation and condition are you realising for the first time that you are not saved?  You may have made a profession but you are not saved.  You know nothing of a life transformed, changed, an assurance of God`s salvation.  Will you not come to Christ tonight?  Trust him as Saviour.  Make certain of it tonight.  The devil said to Eve "you shall not die".  Maybe the devil is saying to your soul "that man has it wrong, God will never turn you away."  Why not come to Christ tonight, trust him as Saviour and Lord.  Have you been listening to fake news?  Maybe you have to step out, leave that old life and you have to come to Christ.  It will be a costly salvation.  Leave the old life behind.  Go through with God.  Allow him to teach you.  Come to him tonight.

The Times We are Living In

Sermon notes from Sunday 18 March 2018 (pm)
Rev John Hayes
2 Timothy chapter 3

I want us tonight to look at this scripture portion not just a particular text but the first 9 verses.  How relevant these verses are to the times in which we are living!  Look at verse 1 in particular "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come"  I belong to a company of people that believe those days are already upon us.  Paul wrote this epistle in 66AD.  This man was looking down the centuries and the Spirit of God gave him an understanding of what society would be like today.  It is significant that there are those trying to tell us the word of God is out of date, it is not relevant to the times in which we live.  Some years ago there was a man on a train journey through London.  He was a Pastor and he was sitting reading his bible.  In the same carriage were 4 other men who were reading the Sunday papers.  The Pastor became aware that all eyes were on him.  He said to the men "Gentlemen you are reading yesterdays news today but I am reading tomorrows news today."  That is how relevant the Bible is.  The Bible prophecy is the pattern of things that have happened in the past but also practical for what is going to happen in the future days.  This man under the inspiration of the Spirit of God revealed to him the way in which society would live.  Paul gives us clear picture of our society living and acting in the last days.  

Verse 2 the pursuit of self love will dominate the culture.  Have you noticed in todays society, today`s young people known as the Millenial Generation, born in the 21st Century, called the me generation, it is all about me, mine, I.  Social media has become the great thing.  One thing young people are prone to is their love to send selfies to each other.  Photographs of each other.  Some people are very good looking and that is true but it leads on to disturbing things.  A doctrine has developed today - you cannot love anyone until you love yourself.  That is a lie that comes from the devil himself.  That is a fallacy.  Matthew 23 verse 6 tells of a lawyer who stood up and questioned Jesus one day.  What is the greatest commandment he asked.  Jesus replied "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thyself."  Jesus never mentioned self.  The human being is bent towards self.  It must be dethroned.  The person who will give you the biggest problem in your life is your self.  That self life needs to be dealt with.  Only the power and the Spirit of God can do that.  Jesus needs to get control of your life.  That is really what it is all about.  There is a law of selfishness in the world today.  The pursuit of self will dominate the society in which we live.

Secondly proof of a rebellious culture will be overwhelming.  We have definite proof of that today.  We see it all around us.  People wanting what others have.  Jealousy, greed, pride, self examination.  If you went to a ladies bedroom the carpet would be perfect except in front of the mirror!  We live in a society where people use the name of Christ as a swear word.  Then you come next to the dishonouring of parents.  Parents are having a hard time today.  The powers that be, the experts are telling us how to bring up our children.  We cannot give a child a good smack because the child knows how to respond - by having parents arrested or reported to Social Services.  There is a full on attack on the family unit today.  Never before like what is happening now.  Someone once said recently "unless we have a return to the traditional family there is no hope for children."  In America 80% of those who have committed murder and are in American prisons have come from one parent families, a mother and no father.  Yet the powers that be say to us that 2 lesbians can adopt a child and that 2 homosexuals can adopt a child.  A father and a mother is what God decreed.  There is the necessity of a mothers love and a fathers control in the family.  There is an old song which rings true "A mother`s love is a blessing."  Nobody could contradict that.  See how a mother devotes herself to the child and a father is a stronger character to stabilise the situation.  God in his wisdom designed it just so.  Experts know better than God today.  The road we are going down today is heading to ruin.  Ruining families and destroying family life today.  The American dictionary defines marriage as "2 or more people who have decided to live together."  That is not a true definition of marriage, it is a traversty.

Their approval of immoral lifestyles will become common belief and practices.  If you were to write into a newspaper today about these issues, criticising how society has become what would happen?  You would bring the LGBT brigade down upon you like a ton of bricks.  On the internet you would be bombarded with filthy insults, there would be letter after letter written condemning you.  That you come from the ark, that you are an ignoramus.

Their accusations will contain false words.  They will make up untrue stories.  Their acceptance of the sanctity of human life will be lost.  That is happening today.  In May the Republic of Ireland will vote on abortion, to change the law to allow women in the Republic of Ireland to murder their babies in the womb.  Their acceptance of the sanctity of human life will be lost.  Imagine - a doctor can murder a baby in the womb.  He used to be allowed to do it early on in the pregnancy but now it can be done right up to the time the baby is born.  Murder is murder.  God almighty said "if you shed mens blood by man will you be shed." (Genesis 9 verse 6)  A murderer should die in God`s programme of things.  When you murdered your life had to be given for the life of that persons life taken in the first place.  Society wants to kill babies in the womb.  We are also getting a glimmer of euthanasia - dying with dignity.  It is an inconvenience to look after that older person today.  That day is coming.  We are living in an uncaring society that disregards the law of God.  Making a mockery of the bible.  False ideas and teachings are being instilled into our young people today.  They are being told that the world is billions of years old, that Genesis is not true.  The world is old and the word of God is wrong.  Thank God we have a lot of great scientists putting forward scriptures, Answers in Genesis and Creation.  These people are being raised up to defend God`s word.  "despisers of those that are good" anger against immorality will increase.  Comedians are mocking the word of God today.  Verse 4 we are in big trouble - when you cannot trust a person, how sad that you and I can come to a place where we cannot trust ourselves.  What is left?  That passion for pleasure will replace love for God.  When you arrange some ungodly event today people will come from miles away just to attend - pleasure more than lovers of God will control people`s lives through the lusts of the flesh.  2 Peter 2 verse 14 "having eyes full of adultery." 

The practice of religion will increase without the power of God - verse 5.  Our churches across the nation contain people that have a form of godliness, repeat prayers but very sadly there is nothing of the power of God in their lives.  I have seen people sit a lifetime in a church that has no mention of the gospel preached.  How many ministers come to church to preach the gospel and before too long they have to leave - the gospel of Jesus Christ is ignored or denied.  How sad today.
The pressure to compromise will intensify.  Don`t take clear stand on certain issues in case they might offend someone.  Not say anything about things in case someone might disagree with me so I will compromise.  Sadly this is all too common today.  The pursuit of knowledge will not include the knowledge of God`s truth or God`s word.  Never be a time when knowledge is so available.  It is absolutely amazing the knowledge that is available today.  It is not the knowledge of God`s word though.  "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" verse 7.  No relationship with God, never invited Christ to come into life, just struggling on week in and week out.

The practice of religious deception will not be able to replace the work of God - verse 9.  God is a sovereign God.  People who make foolish statements about God today.  We are living in a nuclear age.  Some mad man may press the button and we will all be up in smoke.  There is a sovereign God in heaven and he is still in control today.  The wrong button can only be pressed if God allows it.  The world will not end in that way - the bible tells us it will not end that way.  If the world wants to be brought to a conclusion where would you stand?  Will you be ready for such a thing?  The bible teaches us the wickedness of man came up before God.  Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.  What happened there?  Their wickedness moved God.  God could take no more.  Noah preached for 120 years but the people did not listen.  Eventually judgement fell.  Think of Ninevah in Jonah`s day.  Their wickedness came up before God.  There is a level that God will allow and we must be at it.  We are getting there and getting there fast.  God will take no more.  When a person or a nation can come between God`s patience and his wrath and it is a fine line today.  Society is getting there.  We are in the last days and soon Jesus will call the church home.  When the church is called home then God starts pouring out his wrath on this Christ rejecting world.  There will be a tribulation period then the battle of Armageddon will take place.  When Christ comes to deliver the nation of Israel and he will set up his Millennium kingdom.  He will reign on earth for 1000 years.  Christ is in control.  That day is ahead of us.  Are you walking with the Lord, serving him, pleasing him?  Thank God you can start tonight, so turn to him and trust him to be your Saviour and to be your friend.

The effectiveness of a testimony

Sermon notes from Sunday 18 February 2018
John 4 verses 27 - 42

I want us to continue with the theme we have been considering these past Sunday nights - that of testimony.  As we started off the series in February we realised that a testimony is something you are asked to be sure of - the facts that you know.  Not something you think of.  If called into a court of law you are not asked what you thought you saw and heard rather what you actually saw and heard.  A testimony of saving grace is to know without any doubt you are saved by God`s grace.

Paul said "examine yourselves to see if you are of  the faith."
The expression of a testimony
The effectiveness of our testimony to a community around us.

We read here of this woman, how Jesus makes his way and stops in Sychar.  He is tired and weary so sits down on the well.  Has greater purpose for one lost soul living there.   That soul comes out in the midday heat.  The Lord points here to himself.  The salvation of her soul that day.  She was changed.  Something dramatic happened and she couldn`t wait to tell others.  She started in Samaria telling others what happened in that day.  A testimony should always point to Christ himself.  Remember Lazarus in John 12.  There was a supper in Bethany.  All were gathered there.  It tells us many came just to see Lazarus but the chief priests insisted that they might also put Lazarus to death.  Why would they do that?    He was the man who was dead whom Jesus raised back to life out of the tomb.  Here he is now sitting at the table "because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus."  That is the effectiveness of a testmony.  The reason why they wanted him to be put to death.  Notice what is said of this man in verse 29 "come see a man which told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ?"and verse 39 "and many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman which testified  he told me all that ever I did."  Many believed on Jesus because of Lazarus.  Many believed on Jesus because of the saying of this woman.  "And many more believed because of his own word." verse 41 .  In verse 42 we read "now we believe not because of thy saying for we have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world."  

She spoke first of this man`s conduct.  She could only speak of the Saviour`s grace.  No word of criticism for her, no more condemnation for her.  The Jews and the Samaritans have no dealings with each other yet this man could stop where he was, draw me to himself and speak to me the word.  John 4 verse 9 he was about his father`s business.  That brought him from the realms of glory, from the worship of the angels.  Praise brought him into the world to an old rugged cross to save a lost mankind.  That I might be saved tonight.  If you have never been to Jesus` cross close in with his offer of mercy and goodness.  If you have never trusted Christ as your own Saviour, are still in your sin,  on the way to Christless hell for all eternity, the Lord bids you to come to him and he will give you rest.  He will give you eternal life.  "God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through him."  John 3 verse 16.  This woman could only speak daily of his conduct.  He didn`t point his finger at her but to the well of living water that she might receive eternal life.  We want to see you trusting him tonight.  Remember the woman caught in the act of adultery who was brought to the Lord.  She knew what the law said - she should be put to death.  Caught in the act itself.  The Lord said "let him that is without sin cast the first stone."  One by one they filtered away until there was none left.  He looked at the woman and asked her "where are your accusers?"  She told him there were none left and he said "neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."  What a Saviour.  That is the Saviour we are inviting you to tonight.  Pilate in the Judgment Hall said "I find no fault in this man."  Remember the thief on the cross.  He looked at the other thief and said "we are here because of our own misconduct, this man hath done nothing amiss."  Have you found a fault in the Saviour - is that why you are not saved tonight?  If you are looking at some person tonight, profess to be saved, not living up to the standard you would consider worthy of being called a Christian, get your eyes off them and get your eyes on Jesus himself.

A man who had so much concern for this woman.  Jesus came through this country especially to find her.  He stopped here at this well just to talk with her.  The God of heaven has brought you tonight to challenge you.  Another opportunity to get right with God.  Come to him, trust him as Saviour and Lord, be saved tonight.  Here`s this lady and you can imagine her telling her story to the Samaritans.  She waited until midday.  Perhaps she was fed up with gossiping tongues.  She had 4 husbands and the man she was with now was not even her husband.  She waited until the right moment so no-one would see her or stop her.  Then she saw a man sitting at a well on his own.  God always brings us people concerned for our salvation.  He was ready to engage her in conversation.  A Jew to a Samaritan.  This man was willing to stop with her.  He is also waiting for you to stop and talk with him tonight.  He was willing to take your sin.  Perfect in all his ways, sinless yet he was willing to take away your sin.  He was so concerned about us that he would take our sin, lay it on his body, paying the price of sin on Calvary.  Verses 13 and 14 Jesus spoke of the water in the well.  Here was a woman with a restless soul trying to find pleasure and friendship.  She could never find it.  We could never find that which never satisfies our soul not until we find Christ as Saviour.  He placed a great value upon this woman`s soul.  The Bible tells me "what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul." Are you content, satisfied?  Is there a peace that overwhelms you?  Would you be sure of going straight into the presence of God for all eternity? Is there still something lacking, hasn`t filled the void in your soul?  We would never be satisfied or can be satisfied until the Lord comes and takes control of our hearts.  Matthew 5 "and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that if one of thy members should perish and not that thy own body should be cast into hell."  We are talking about the severity of sin.  It will take you into a lost sinners hell tonight.  What else did this woman say in her testimony?  

The compassion he had - that he stopped with her.  He was waiting for me, explained all these things.  The compassion that took the the Lord to the cross for you and I.  He had concern for this woman when she had no concen for anyone else.  He was dying for you.  He died the just for the unjust to repair that broken relationship.  This woman is beginning to think of this water - "give me this water."  Is there one tonight and maybe at this stage you are crying out for something.  You would love to be saved.  He will save you if you trust him tonight.  Verse 15 this woman is beginning to turn away.  When this woman comes to this very place she knows what she should do, where she should go for this water.  Jesus says to her "go and tell your husband."  The Lord is getting her to that place where she has to acknowledge her sin.  Maybe she thinks I will avoid this question.  I don`t have a husband.  In telling the truth the Lord tells her he knows all about her, that she had 5 husbands and the one she was with now was not her husband.  Maybe she is saying I will avoid this question.  The Lord brings us to the place where we acknowledge we have sinned and come short of God`s glory.  If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves.  We are sinners in the sight of our holy God.  If we confess our sins and trust him as Saviour we will be saved.  Remember David and his sin with Bathsheba.  For 12 months he denied it then he acknowledged his sin.  It was for this reason that Christ came into the world that the world through him might be saved.  The woman said "come see a man that convinced me" verse 20.  She throws up a religious question - she is trying to avoid what Jesus is getting to.  This woman does not dwell on the subject of living water.  Their father worshipped in this mountain.  She started an argument, the most important question to answer tonight resounds back to you.  He invites you - the question is not where Cain got his wife, not what about the heathen being saved who live in the jungle.  The greatest question is will you be saved.  Trust him as Saviour and Lord.  Are you saved tonight?  She said to her audience come and see the Lord.  Opened up the word of God to her.  He convinced her she needed to be saved.  It matters not what I say, it matters not what any preacher says, it matters what the scripture says and what Christ says.  If there is the slightest glimmer of salvation in your heart why not come tonight.  Don`t be convinced any anyone else.  See what the scriptures have to say about your soul and the destiny of it.  The woman said to this people "come and see a man that changed my life."  She went out to the well that day, she met Christ that day and her whole life was changed.  She left the waterpot at the well.  She went into the city and spoke to the Samaritans - "come and see a man that changed me."  She told everyone she met "come and see Christ."  Come and see Christ tonight hanging on the middle cross, beaten, bruised, treated so badly, left to die for your sins and mine.  Will you not come and see him tonight?  He was bruised for our transgressions, with his stripes we are healed.  Have you entered into God`s salvation?  This woman going out into the village the next day, the next week, the next month - she would remember that moment she met with Christ.  There she was totally changed.  She received the waters of eternal life.  Will you be saved tonight, wll you call to him tonight.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Prayer - its seriousness, the sympathy it evokes, a singularity in mind and the subject of prayer

Sermon notes from 18 February 2018
Acts 4 verses 23 - 31

I want us to continue on following the progress of the church in the book in Acts, to pick out these wonderful dynamic situations the church of Christ found themselves in.  Men and women like you and I, not superheroes.  They had their faults and failures, had difficulties, burdens and problems.  That is what the church is made up of today.  In Acts 1 a group of men gathered on the Mount of Olives and witnessed Christ ascending from them.  They received the commission to take the gospel of Christ to the furthest ends of the earth.  Before that they had to return to Jerusalem to wait there.  They needed the power of God to do that.  If you wait there the Holy Ghost will come and empower you for the task.  For every child of God there is a responsibility to be filled with the Holy Ghost - yes saved by Christ, known the cleansing of sin but do we know about the anointing of God and the empowering of God on our lives?  The subject we want to look at is the subject of prayer.  In Acts 3 Peter and John came down to the time of prayer at the temple and met a lame man.  They healed the man of his lameness but as a result the devil became very active as Peter and John were arrested as a result.  R A Torrey said "pray for great things."  Maybe this is something we need to learn as we come into the house of God.  R A Torrey went on to say "expect great things."  We can pray and not expect God is able to do great things than we can ask or think.  As we come into God`s house let`s ask and expect great things from God.  "Let`s work for great things but above all pray."  The principle of the prayer meeting is not just above running into the prayer meeting and sitting down.  There is something we learn here.

The seriousness of prayer - verse 23 "and being let go."  We need to go back earlier in the chapter to find out what is happening here.  Verses 2 and 3 Peter and John were arrested, taken off the streets and put into prison.  They then are let go in verse 23 and being let go they went to their own.  What would they do then?  Pray.  Verse 21 the people could find nothing they could do so they let them go.  Peter and John had to go to the temple and this man had reached out his hand for some silver or gold.  Peter responded by telling him about the Lord and the power of the Lord healed him.  Peter helped him onto his feet and he was able to walk.  The old Pharisees could do nothing, had no words of comfort or cheer for him.  It had nothing to do with Peter, it was the faith the man placed in the Lord that raised him up.  It is not because of what we have done.  God has looked on you with grace and mercy, pointed you to his son, put your eyes on him, this is what I have done for you, then you believed and trusted and put faith in the Lord.  No longer are you on a Christless road.  Today you are saved and on your way to heaven and home.  The lame man went into the temple to praise the God of heaven and all the people saw this.  They thought it was something wonderful and great. When news got around Peter and John were arrested.  They could do nothing to them because of public favour so had to let them go again.  Where did they go immediately - back to their own people to pray together.  Maybe that is what happened to Demas.  He felt he had given the Lord enough and wanted to get out of the public eye.  There is a seriousness in prayer as we involve ourselves in it.  We realise the seriousness of it.  Prayer is a serious thing.  That is why they gathered together - to bring it to the Lord in prayer.  We are in a serious time at present and we need to take these matters to the Lord in prayer.  We need to seek the Lord in prayer, getting to grips with the seriousness of prayer.  The church is the mechanism by which the Lord will reach the multitudes.  That mechanism is fuelled only by prayer.  E M Bounds on the subject of prayer said "the church is looking for better methods, God is looking for better men, men who will give themselves totally over to the Lord.

The sympathy that is evoked.  We are not thinking of `poor me attitude`.  They had spent the night in prison, ridiculed, cautioned in so many ways.  It was not a case of being hard done by.  The people were of kindred minds and spirits.  That is important in the prayer meeting.  That we have kindred spirits, saved by grace of God, cleansed by the precious blood, filled with the Holy Spirit and have kindred minds.  The people in Acts made it a priority so they wanted to gather with this group of the same mind.  God`s word was under attack.  The only thing they could do was to band together and pray because had it in their hearts to do so.  Verse 23 "and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them."  They talked the issue through with one another.  We should bear one anothers burdens.  When we come to the prayer meeting we should share with one another.  Peter and John told them they were not to speak in the name of Jesus.  It is good to be informed when we come to pray.  It is good to know the problems the fellowship is facing.  When you pray for them you should do so with a good knowledge.  Here there was an attack on the word.  Verse 18 - not to teach in the name of Jesus.  These were Pharisees who would stand in the synagogue and reach from the scriptures yet they told Peter and John not to teach in the name of Jesus.  This prayer meeting was serious and sympathetic.

A singularity in mind.  When they heard what had happened to the disciples they had one mind and lifted up their voice to God with one accord.  It is good even in your own private time to pray aloud as it keeps you focused on Christ.  That is what was happening here.  These people were focused on what they were praying for.  There was an agreement.  Here are people coming from all walks of life.  Peter preached about Christ`s life, death and resurrection.  These people believed as a result.  They came from every walk of life, rich and poor, old and young, women and men.  They all believed what they had heard that day and were added to the church of Christ.  Saved by God`s grace.  When they came to pray they were of one mind.  Praying for the good of the church.  These people cried out "what shall we do" and Peter told them "repent and be baptised."  Oneness here, no descensions or disagreements or under currents.  They agreed with Peter and John and they prayed with a singleness of mind and heart.  When we come together we believe that Jesus died for all people.  The gospel is for all people.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

The subject of prayer - the sovereign Lord God.

The times in which we are living in

Sermon notes from Sunday 18 March 2018 (pm)
Rev John Hayes
2 Timothy chapter 3

I want us tonight to look at this scripture portion not just a particular text but the first 9 verses.  How relevant these verses are to the times in which we are living!  Look at verse 1 in particular "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come"  I belong to a company of people that believe those days are already upon us.  Paul wrote this epistle in 66AD.  This man was looking down the centuries and the Spirit of God gave him an understanding of what society would be like today.  It is significant that there are those trying to tell us the word of God is out of date, it is not relevant to the times in which we live.  Some years ago there was a man on a train journey through London.  He was a Pastor and he was sitting reading his bible.  In the same carriage were 4 other men who were reading the Sunday papers.  The Pastor became aware that all eyes were on him.  He said to the men "Gentlemen you are reading yesterdays news today but I am reading tomorrows news today."  That is how relevant the Bible is.  The Bible prophecy is the pattern of things that have happened in the past but also practical for what is going to happen in the future days.  This man under the inspiration of the Spirit of God revealed to him the way in which society would live.  Paul gives us clear picture of our society living and acting in the last days.  

Verse 2 the pursuit of self love will dominate the culture.  Have you noticed in todays society, today`s young people known as the Millenial Generation, born in the 21st Century, called the me generation, it is all about me, mine, I.  Social media has become the great thing.  One thing young people are prone to is their love to send selfies to each other.  Photographs of each other.  Some people are very good looking and that is true but it leads on to disturbing things.  A doctrine has developed today - you cannot love anyone until you love yourself.  That is a lie that comes from the devil himself.  That is a fallacy.  Matthew 23 verse 6 tells of a lawyer who stood up and questioned Jesus one day.  What is the greatest commandment he asked.  Jesus replied "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thyself."  Jesus never mentioned self.  The human being is bent towards self.  It must be dethroned.  The person who will give you the biggest problem in your life is your self.  That self life needs to be dealt with.  Only the power and the Spirit of God can do that.  Jesus needs to get control of your life.  That is really what it is all about.  There is a law of selfishness in the world today.  The pursuit of self will dominate the society in which we live.

Secondly proof of a rebellious culture will be overwhelming.  We have definite proof of that today.  We see it all around us.  People wanting what others have.  Jealousy, greed, pride, self examination.  If you went to a ladies bedroom the carpet would be perfect except in front of the mirror!  We live in a society where people use the name of Christ as a swear word.  Then you come next to the dishonouring of parents.  Parents are having a hard time today.  The powers that be, the experts are telling us how to bring up our children.  We cannot give a child a good smack because the child knows how to respond - by having parents arrested or reported to Social Services.  There is a full on attack on the family unit today.  Never before like what is happening now.  Someone once said recently "unless we have a return to the traditional family there is no hope for children."  In America 80% of those who have committed murder and are in American prisons have come from one parent families, a mother and no father.  Yet the powers that be say to us that 2 lesbians can adopt a child and that 2 homosexuals can adopt a child.  A father and a mother is what God decreed.  There is the necessity of a mothers love and a fathers control in the family.  There is an old song which rings true "A mother`s love is a blessing."  Nobody could contradict that.  See how a mother devotes herself to the child and a father is a stronger character to stabilise the situation.  God in his wisdom designed it just so.  Experts know better than God today.  The road we are going down today is heading to ruin.  Ruining families and destroying family life today.  The American dictionary defines marriage as "2 or more people who have decided to live together."  That is not a true definition of marriage, it is a traversty.

Their approval of immoral lifestyles will become common belief and practices.  If you were to write into a newspaper today about these issues, criticising how society has become what would happen?  You would bring the LGBT brigade down upon you like a ton of bricks.  On the internet you would be bombarded with filthy insults, there would be letter after letter written condemning you.  That you come from the ark, that you are an ignoramus.

Their accusations will contain false words.  They will make up untrue stories.  Their acceptance of the sanctity of human life will be lost.  That is happening today.  In May the Republic of Ireland will vote on abortion, to change the law to allow women in the Republic of Ireland to murder their babies in the womb.  Their acceptance of the sanctity of human life will be lost.  Imagine - a doctor can murder a baby in the womb.  He used to be allowed to do it early on in the pregnancy but now it can be done right up to the time the baby is born.  Murder is murder.  God almighty said "if you shed mens blood by man will you be shed." (Genesis 9 verse 6)  A murderer should die in God`s programme of things.  When you murdered your life had to be given for the life of that persons life taken in the first place.  Society wants to kill babies in the womb.  We are also getting a glimmer of euthanasia - dying with dignity.  It is an inconvenience to look after that older person today.  That day is coming.  We are living in an uncaring society that disregards the law of God.  Making a mockery of the bible.  False ideas and teachings are being instilled into our young people today.  They are being told that the world is billions of years old, that Genesis is not true.  The world is old and the word of God is wrong.  Thank God we have a lot of great scientists putting forward scriptures, Answers in Genesis and Creation.  These people are being raised up to defend God`s word.  "despisers of those that are good" anger against immorality will increase.  Comedians are mocking the word of God today.  Verse 4 we are in big trouble - when you cannot trust a person, how sad that you and I can come to a place where we cannot trust ourselves.  What is left?  That passion for pleasure will replace love for God.  When you arrange some ungodly event today people will come from miles away just to attend - pleasure more than lovers of God will control people`s lives through the lusts of the flesh.  2 Peter 2 verse 14 "having eyes full of adultery."  

The practice of religion will increase without the power of God - verse 5.  Our churches across the nation contain people that have a form of godliness, repeat prayers but very sadly there is nothing of the power of God in their lives.  I have seen people sit a lifetime in a church that has no mention of the gospel preached.  How many ministers come to church to preach the gospel and before too long they have to leave - the gospel of Jesus Christ is ignored or denied.  How sad today.

The pressure to compromise will intensify.  Don`t take clear stand on certain issues in case they might offend someone.  Not say anything about things in case someone might disagree with me so I will compromise.  Sadly this is all too common today.  The pursuit of knowledge will not include the knowledge of God`s truth or God`s word.  Never be a time when knowledge is so available.  It is absolutely amazing the knowledge that is available today.  It is not the knowledge of God`s word though.  "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" verse 7.  No relationship with God, never invited Christ to come into life, just struggling on week in and week out.

The practice of religious deception will not be able to replace the work of God - verse 9.  God is a sovereign God.  People who make foolish statements about God today.  We are living in a nuclear age.  Some mad man may press the button and we will all be up in smoke.  There is a sovereign God in heaven and he is still in control today.  The wrong button can only be pressed if God allows it.  The world will not end in that way - the bible tells us it will not end that way.  If the world wants to be brought to a conclusion where would you stand?  Will you be ready for such a thing?  The bible teaches us the wickedness of man came up before God.  Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.  What happened there?  Their wickedness moved God.  God could take no more.  Noah preached for 120 years but the people did not listen.  Eventually judgement fell.  Think of Ninevah in Jonah`s day.  Their wickedness came up before God.  There is a level that God will allow and we must be at it.  We are getting there and getting there fast.  God will take no more.  When a person or a nation can come between God`s patience and his wrath and it is a fine line today.  Society is getting there.  We are in the last days and soon Jesus will call the church home.  When the church is called home then God starts pouring out his wrath on this Christ rejecting world.  There will be a tribulation period then the battle of Armageddon will take place.  When Christ comes to deliver the nation of Israel and he will set up his Millennium kingdom.  He will reign on earth for 1000 years.  Christ is in control.  That day is ahead of us.  Are you walking with the Lord, serving him, pleasing him?  Thank God you can start tonight, so turn to him and trust him to be your Saviour and to be your friend.

If any man be in Christ he is a new creature

Sermon notes from 11 March 2018 pm
2 Corinthians 5 verses 14 - 21

Text verse 17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away behold all things are become new."

The Corinthian Church were a messed up church morally speaking.  Period of divisions, sued each other in courts, allowed anyone to take the Lord`s supper.  It is as if Paul comes to them and says "if a man is in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away."  It may be totally different if you are in Christ.  Radical is a word we are not supposed to use yet we are in desperate need of radical conversion.  People have had no real radical change in their lives, it is just the same but parcelled up in great garb.  Maybe you are mixed up just as the Corinthian church was.  Long to be totally different.  Life might be lived in an entirely different way tonight.  Christ is the answer. 

The implication that is tragic.  If you have to be in Christ then surely you have to be out of Christ.  Can you tell me of a situation most tragic in an age like ours?  Ephesians 2 verse 12 "that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world."  It is a dreadful thing to be out of Christ.  Ephesians 2 verse 13 "ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ."  Out of Christ, without a Savour, with no hope, no refuge.  Like a ship without a rudder.  How terrible to be out of Christ.  To be out of Christ, no Saviour, no pardon, no prospect of hope in heaven.  Doctor Martin Lloyd Jones` commentary on Ephesians 2 verse 12 said "without Christ, apart from Christ, not in a relationship with Christ."  Maybe there is nothing more terrible that can be said of anyone - they were out of Christ, living apart from Christ.  Are you out of Christ tonight? An implication that is tragic, utterly tragic.  Jonathan Edwards wrote "Saints in the hands of an angry God."  "Therefore let everyone that is our of God now awake and fly from the wrath to come."  Out of Christ without a Saviour with no hope.  How can you  dare to live or dare to die.  Are you going to live and die without a Saviour because you need to be in Christ.  It implies we must be out of Christ.

Second a conversion that is inconceivable.  "If any man be in Christ."  When a guilty rebel sinner, someone who hates God, has no time for God can come to this wonderful experience of being in Christ.  Paul speaks of being in Christ many times.  These Christians were geographically in Corinth but spiritually in Christ.  Are you in Christ tonight?  I have asked you if you are out of Christ but are you in Christ?  Romans 8 verse 1 "therfore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Charles Wesley wrote that great hymn PNo condemnation in him I dread." What a blessed thing it is to know a conversion experience, transformed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.  How wonderful to be in Christ.  "My hope is found in Christ alone."  What a blessed transformation.  An implication that is tragic.  

A transaction that is radical.  He is a new creation.  Spiritual conversion is a radical thing.  Birth is a radical thing.  One moment a child is in the womb and in darkness then all of a sudden he is out in this big world.  Paul to Galatians in chapter 6 verse 15 says "for in Christ neither circumcision availeth anything no uncircumcision but a new creature."  We are new creatures, new persons.  The idea of a complete change doesn`t appeal to many people today.  We want to be sure, on the right side when it comes to death but don`t want to change.  Same people with a religious garb is all we want.  New creatures completely new.  When you are truly saved by grace of God entirely new.  That is the meaning.  1 Samuel 10 verse 9 "God gave him another heart."    What a transformation, a new situation.  A transaction that is radical.  Jesus came to do not a remould, make a few improvements but came to bring something totally new.  The old is gone the new has come.  We are new people in Christ.  Born in his heart.  Wonderfully converted by the grace of God.  Paul is talking about not expecting to see old person if you profess to be a child of God.

A separation that is inevitable.  "old things have passed away."  A whole generation of Christians have come up believing it is possible to accept Christ without living the word.  Philippians 3 verse 7 "but what things were gain to me these I counted loss for Christ.  Yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the  excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them as dung that I might win Christ."  This was a man willing to part with the old life completely in order to follow Jesus.  A separation that is inevitable.  Old things will pass away.  Too many wanting to hold onto the old things.  Paul says you cannot do that.  Do you know what it is to experience this - has there been separation from the world.  Paul is saying if a man be in Christ he is a new creature old things have passed away.  

A transformation that is total, "old things become new."  Not just some things all things.  The mind thinking new thoughts, the body is completely new, voice, heart all new things.  Paul is telling us all things are become new.  We live in the midst of an old creation with a new creation all things become new.  For todays youth we must go beyond, modern youth must be taught why they believe and what they believe if we want to develop as mature Christians.  If we don`t see transformed lives we fail.

The Avenue to Christ

Sermon notes from Sunday 25 February 2018 pm
John 4 verses 46 - 54

Jesus as we noticed last week visited Sychar in Samaria, met the woman at the well.  She came out from her home with her water pot and was about to fill it when she met with Jesus.  The encounter she had and the effectiveness of her testimony was real.  When she began to tell the men of Samaria they began to flock out to meet this man.  Here was a woman who had an encounter that pointed to the Saviour.  Every testimony should point to the Saviour.  John the Baptist said "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1 verse 29)  That is the purpose of the gospel - to attract people to the great salvation found in him.  It was good for us to have been here Peter said years ago - can you say the same of this meeting tonight - maybe that will be your testimony even tonight as you leave.  Jesus departs now and comes to Galilee.  See this noble man approaching the Lord.  He had a son who was sick at the point of death.  This man makes his way to Christ.  No doctor has any control over this, only one man could help and that was Jesus Christ.  In your situation you find yourself in, born in sin, shapen in iniquity, on lost road to hell, there is only one who can save you.  He can come to you right where you are, take you to the work of Calvary, show you the work he accomlished there just for you.  I want to finish with the thought of testimony, thinking of this man.  Little topic heading - the avenue to Christ.  There are different roads to Christ but be careful there is only road to God through the Lord himself.  Not many avenues to God tonight.  Yes many to Christ but not to God.  There are 4 things here that I want to point out to you in this avenue to Christ. 

The trouble this man encounters.  He was an official in Herald`s household.  It doesn`t matter what social standing we have, you will always find trouble comes our way.  It can come very quickly, suddenly, tragic in so many ways.  Here was this man, his life was going so well for him.  One day he realised in his own home something was happening to his son.  He was getting sicker.  Doctors couldn`t help him.  One day he went up to his room and realised he was taking his last breath.  I`m sure he offered many prayers but he heard about the Lord, that he was in the very area he was living in.  If I could find the Lord, could get him to come in to my home, to look on my son, he would heal him.  Tremendous faith he went out with.  Maybe you are not saved, but realise you can be saved.  Isn`t it tremendous to know you can be saved through Christ.  You have a speck of faith in your heart.  Realise you can be saved right where you are tonight, in that very pew where you are.  No coming to the front, no putting up your hand, just acknowledging like this man that you are not saved.  That sin in your heart will take you into Christless lost hell for all eternity.  You lift your voice and cry out to God and you will be saved.  Here`s a man in trouble.  That started his journey.  Isn`t it wonderful the things that begin our journey.  Not always tragic circumstances but it can be many a thing.  For Enoch it was the brth of a child that got him to walk with God.  Not always a sad occasion.  Zacchaeus heard that the Lord was coming his way into that city where he lived.  He climbed up the sycamore tree just to see the Lord.  It was out of place for a rich man to be running down the street and climbing a tree.  Here was a man called Zacchaeus right up at the top of tax collectors, climbing a tree to find the Lord.  He was willing to shed his royal robes to get down at the feet of Jesus, to beg him to come into his home.  Whatever situation you are in the Lord wants you to invite him into your home tonight.  Was there a moment when you took Christ as Saviour?  Salvation is not something you drift into.  It happens when you come under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

The trial he had to face.  How important the son was to this man.  He comes and has a spark of faith in his heart.  He knows so much about the Lord, if he could only get him to come to his home, then he could do something for his son.  Would you come into my home and heal my son verse 48.  Jesus was saying to this young man "I can heal your son without going to your home, can you believe that?"  There was a trial.  His faith had brought him so far.  Once the trial came he couldn`t go any further.  There was a great obstacle to be overcome.  Maybe there is something tonight and God is putting his finger on it in your life at this moment.  You are not willing to give it up yet.  This man has got to prove the word of God in his life.  You will have to prove the word of God in your life.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in."  Simple but the Lord is putting his finger on your lide and asking you to give something up just for him.  When the rich young ruler came to the Lord he wanted to be saved with all his heart.  "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"  He was willing to do anything but there was nothing he could do.  It is a gift from God just by accepting it.  There are so many things can hold you back from getting saved - a relationship perhaps.  There is a trial tonight.  The Roman Centurion stood before the Lord, he had a servant at home sick.  He asked the Lord to come and heal him.  Then he told the Lord he was not worthy for the Lord to come under his roof and asked Jesus to simply say the word and his servant would be healed.  The Lord can save you tonight, can save you right in this meeting tonight.  He wants to save you and will save if you are willing to come.  This man asks him to come into his home.  God asks you and me to trust him that we might be safe.  Is there something now that means you have to take that final step.  The woman with the issue of blood.  The Lord came down the street.  She was weak, had suffered for 12 years like this.  She heard about Jesus and thought if I could touch the hem of his clothes.  She reached out in all her weakness and touched the hem of his garment and was greatly healed.  Then came the trial.  The Lord said "who touched me?"  She had to acknowledge it was her in front of all the friends, neighbours and community.  Maybe that is what is holding you back - by what people will say tomorrow.

The testimony he left with.  This encounter brought him to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  In verse 50 "go thy way, thy son liveth" Jesus said to him.  The Lord wants him to believe, he doesn`t have to be in his home to heal him.  He can heal him with his word. The Lord says to him "go thy way, thy son liveth."  The next phrase says "the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken."  It comes down to you believing the word of God for yourself.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  If you have the faith to come to Christ, trust him with all your heart, soul and mind, allow him to cleanse you from your sin, he will save you.  You have to believe that though.  That is the testimony he left with.  Just like Peter in the boat "if its you Lord bid me to come."  The Lord said "come".  Only when he realised the circumstances did he falter.  As long as he believed he could walk on the water. Remember Abraham of old - Romans 4 verse 3.  "Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness."

The trophy that resulted.  The trophy this man received when he believed Christ.  He made his way home.  He knew it was the same hour in which Jesus had told him to believe "thy son liveth".  What news greeted him.  The man realised it was 1.00 the previous day when Jesus said "thy son liveth."  Maybe you will look back and say "it was that time when Jesus saved my soul."  What a trophy this man found in his home.  That the Lord turned the penalty of death into the gift of eternal life.  "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life."  God can give you his eternal life.  Is that not worth trusting Christ tonight?  Will you not come?

Psalm 100 a Psalm of Praise

Sermon notes from Sunday 25th March 2018
Mr Jackson McVicker
Psalm 100

This Psalm is part of the Royal Psalms.  They start in Psalm 93 and this Psalm 100 is the last of them.  It`s like a crescendo, they build up until this Psalm.  It is like singing in church.  Sometimes can build up to the high notes and some of us cannot do that very well.  The Psalm is really wanting to bring something special concerning the Lord.  The title of the Psalm is a Psalm of praise or worship.  Martin Luther said "this is a Psalm of thanksgiving, a doxology to God."  This is a Psalm of uplifting, lifts us up from the mundane things of the day and sets our hearts and minds on things above.  Thank you is a good word  to use.  I wonder have you said thank you Lord for saving my soul?  Thank you is a word that is sadly in decline today.  It is not as popuar in society as used to be.  The attitude today is "I deserve this, I have the right to demand, I have the right to have such and such a benefit for my success."  This is a word that is seldom used.  It is nice to hear a child when given something say thank you rather than just snatching it out of the hand without a word of thanks.  Our world is becoming more self centred, it doesn`t appreciate the sources and benefits we have.  Our health and strength, the sunshine and the rain, the things we are used to having each day of our lives.  The food on our table - how many of us take it for granted?  Are we thankful for what we have?  It is to the Lord who ultimately produces everything.  Milk comes from the cow but the cow needs the grass to grow but the farmer needs to sow the seed - who gives the farmer strength in the first place?  God himself.  Think of people so brainy, have great intellect.  God gave them knowledge and understanding.  We don`t want to be influenced by the world, we have something to be thankful for today.  This Psalm encourages the practice of worshipping God, saying thank you for all he has given us.

The Psalm opens with the words "make a joyful noise unto the Lord."  Worship is joyful.  In the original word, the meaning is of making a glad shout unto the Lord.  Sometimes we are quiet about what the Lord has done in our lives.  When we come into God`s presence and are with God`s own people we should make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  How the Lord appreciates it!  The picture here is of the king`s subjects.  The people are all gathered around the King, just like our Queen when she comes out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace sometimes.  The people are below her, they are anticipating her appearance, they wait and then when she appears a great shout arises.  That is the same idea here.  When they see him they shout for joy.  That is the picture of this first verse.  Such a praise of adoration ascends.  Where is the Lord today?  "For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."(Matthew 18 verse 20)  The Lord is in the midst of his worshipping people.  We have come to meet with the Lord and our Savour.  It is as if the king has come into our midst.  He is so pleased to be here.  We should be glad that we are fit to come out today, to lift our hearts unto the Lord.  Our king is standing in our midst this morning.  Our song is sung unto him, our prayers are unto him, our needs are met in him.  As he stands before us we should worship him with a glad shout.  Make your voice known today.  The voice comes out of the mouth but it is coming from the heart.  Some of us cannot sing very well but we can make a joyful noise.  The Lord hears the cry of your heart in your soul.  He has heard the cry of your heart today.  We don`t forget our brothers and sisters all over the world either - "all ye lands".  We are just a speck today.  The Lord says to look at this truly and clearly - your brothers and sisters in  Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales - imagine if they all got together today, imagine if we joined in praise to God - what a noise that would be.  That is what God is hearing today.  We are part of that.  The whole world is encouraged to join in.  It makes us mindful of our brothers and sisters in Christ wherever they meet.  It doesn`t matter about where they meet, it is about the heart of the individual.  We are joining together with brothers and sisters around the globe.  The voice of praise arising this morning to God.  This worship ascends around the globe.  A voice of praise arising this morning to God.  This worship ascends, we are not alone.  

Not only are we to make a joyful noise we are to "serve the Lord with gladness." (verse 2)  We have to admit that we are not always enthusiastic in worship.  Sometimes we don`t feel 100%.  We are going through a bit of trial before coming to church.  Sometimes that trial has lasted for weeks.  Sometimes we are under the weather.  Sometimes we get weary in the work and especially preachers and Christian workers.  That is natural.  We are not weary of the work, we love to do the work.  That is why Jesus told his disciples "come aside and rest awhile".(Mark 6 verse 31)  Sometimes when we are ill we need that rest.  Sometimes we have to be sick before we actually take rest but it is needed.  We are told to serve the Lord with gladness.  We do get weary, need to get priorities right that we can prove the Lord in order to worship him.  We are paying homage to the king with joyful hearts.  Spurgeon said "worship not with sadness as at a funeral parade but worship as though bidden to a marriage."  There is a story in the bible, an example of weariness found in Luke 24 verse 13.  The disciples of Jesus were on the road to Emmaeus.  The Lord was crucified, their leader and friend was dead and they are sad.  As they walked they would have been weary.  Jesus came alongside and walked with them.  He talks with them and speaks to them in verse 17.  They are weary and are sad.  Jesus notices these wearisome disciples yet Jesus walked with them.  They didn`t know it was him.  He was with them all the time.  They were unaware until their eyes were opened - verses 31 and 32 "did not our hearts burn within us?"  What took place between verse 13 and verse 31?  They were sad and weary, lonely, hurting.  What happened?  Jesus Christ came and walked with them.  It was only when he left that they realised the Lord had been with them.  Some of us are going through trials and tribulations and it is hard.  When we come through the other side we can say "the Lord was with me."  Remember the story of the footprints in the sand.  The little boy and his father started off walking together and there were 2 sets of prints in the sand.  Then the little boy notices as they go on further that there is only one set of prints.  He says to his father "why did you leave me?"  The father replies "that was the time when I was carrying you."  Sometimes we are going through difficult times and don`t see him or sense his presence but God is carrying us at that moment.  If the Lord wasn`t there how much worse would it really be?  Jesus was in the midst, he brought joy to their hearts.  Jesus is in our midst today.  The disciples were out in the boat when there was a storm.  Think of those fishermen going crab fishing.  They go out in the harshest of weathers, when the waters fill their boats yet they are out working in it.  For Jesus` disciples the storm appeared.  It became very rough and they were scared so much so that they went to the Lord and asked him "do you not care we are going to die?"  What did Jesus say and do?  He rebuked the storm and said "peace be still."  Would he allow anything bad to happen to them?  Jesus was with them all the time.  "Serve the Lord with gladness" even in those times when it gets rough.  These portions of scripture are what we should turn to when things are difficult.  Remember the Lord is in our midst, we need to get our priorities right.

It also says "come before his presence with singing."  There is nothing more rewarding than when we come together in a service like this.  When we open our hymn books and lift those first few words of praise.  There is a joy as we worship and sing before the Lord.  Sometimes it is not enough to sit quietly.  We need to express our love and devotion to the Lord.  One of the ways to do so is by singing, making melody in our hearts to the Lord.  It has been said our singing down here is an anticipation of our singing in heaven.  Revelation 5 verse 9.  Here they are singing in heaven and what are they singing about?  Redemption.  They are singing about the worthiness of the blood of God that taketh away the sin of the world.  Anticipation of what heaven is going to be like.  A new song, a perfect song, singing in perfect harmony.  You will have no frogs in your throat then, it will be the best song you ever sung.  All joining together singing the song of the redeemed.  We will experience the presence of God in worship as never before experienced.  Singing happily unto the Lord.  

He reminds us in verse 3 we were created lovingly.  "It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves."  God is the creator and that is another reason to worship and magnify the Lord.  He has created us and given us what we have today.  Some people say "I am a self made man."  Nobody is self made.  God created man and woman, Adam and Eve.  God is reminding the world we were created and created lovingly.  "and not we ourselves" what we have, what business we have, the wealth we have is all because of the Lord.  He has created us, given us life in our mothers wombs - it all comes back to him.  The world has the wrong order in things.  No-one is self made.  God created us lovingly.  Man is full of his own arrogance and pride.

We are secure in him - "we are his people and the sheep of his pasture."  We are his people.  The Old Testament tells us that - Ezekiel 34 verses 11 and 12.  He is the shepherd and everybody knows what sort of shepherd he is.  He is "the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10 verse 11)  The New Testament teaches the same - John 1 verse 27 "my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me."  What happened when you heard the voice of the shepherd?  You followed him.  Remember the story in the Bible of the 100 sheep and one being lost.  You find that sheep was caught in the thicket and the shepherd heard the cry of that one sheep.  He heard it and he called to it and the sheep came.  He became our shepherd.  There are lots of goats among the sheep today.  Goats pretending to be sheep today.  Only the sheep follow not the goats.  The goats are made up to be like sheep.  False professors.  Sheep hear and follow.  I will give them eternal life, they are never going to perish "neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.  I and my father are one." (John 10 verses 29 and 30)  We are in Christ, in God thoroughly secure in him not in ourselves or in the church or in any religion.  In him and in God eternally.  Thankful chosen by the Lord.  The Lord has passed by others we know, our friends and families, they are still not saved but God picked us.  Why?  Because he loves us, he reaches out and provides for us in a daily fashion.  He gives us the manna and the quail, we feed on the finest of the wheat today.  He has provided for us, granted us wisdom and knowledge through his word.  That knowledge is the gift of God.  How do you know you are saved?  Because God says now I have put something in your heart, not earthly knowledge, not accumulated but through him the knowledge of the gift of God through his Holy Spirit.  1 John 5 verse 13 "these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye have eternal life."  It is not worked up, educated into our lives.  It is the gift of God to each and every one of us, the earnest of our inheritance.  In the Old Testament days you bought a piece of land and were only given part of it until you secured the rest of it.  What will it not be like when we get into the fulness of the blessing of God?  When we behold God in all the splendour of his fulness.  "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which  God hath prepared for them that love him."(1 Corinthians 2 verse 9)  There are no words for it, to explain it.  That is why it says "For God so loved the world."(John 3 verse 16)  He has accepted us freely.  

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise." verse 14  That is why you are accepted in him.  This is the picture of the tabernacle or tent in the wilderness.  Outside the tent there was a gate and when you enter into the gate the first thing you come to is the brazen altar.  That speaks of judgment, where the animal is slain.  When you go past you come to the laver which speaks of cleansing, washing.  From there you go into the Holy of Holies.  We are entering into the courts of God`s presence.  Only the priest could go into the Holy of Holies, no-one else was allowed there and he was only allowed in there once a year.  He could not go in unless there was the shedding of blood.  Today that is all done away with.  When we enter into the presence of God, the judgment of God has been laid on Jesus.  He has been judged for our sins.  We have been cleansed at the laver.  Then we go into the Holy of Holies.  We are not always there.  There are special times in our lives when we are in the very presence of God himself.  Now even coming into it is because of this nature and this earth.  The potential is there for us.  How we avail ourselves of it.  How much time we spend seeking the Lord.  We can live outside the gate, be nominal Christians and still get into heaven.  On earth we could enter into that by faith but there are special occasions when everything seems to be so real with God`s presence.  When we love to speak to God in prayer, when we can sit in his presence and enjoy his nearness.  We are accepted freely in him.  Today we are entering through Christ.  Hebrews 10 verse 12 "but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God."  There is no more need for the tabernacle.  We have the real thing.  We can enter into that place beyond the veil.  

That is why we worship the Lord.  Joyfully singing, happy.  We have been created lovingly.  We are secure in him, accepted freely.  The reason?  Verse 5 "for the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting."  The unmerited favour and love of God.  Our sins which are many have been forgiven. Psalm 103 verse 17 "But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children` children."  We can never experience that, it is not an earthly thing, it is the unmerited love and favour of God.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Lessons from Nehemiah

Sermon notes from Sunday 11th March 2018
Nehemiah 4 verses 7 - 23

This is a passage of scripture that speaks about opposition and discouragement.  Nehemiah had brought a group of men to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem.  They were getting on well until opposition began to appear.  That often happens in the work of God.  Sanballat opposed the work in Nehemiah`s day just as some oppose the work of God today.  Bitterness, sarcasm, threats, criticism, inuendos, temptation in the work that is being done.  How did Nehemiah face this?  He took it on board, he saw the work of God prosper and his enemies were defeated.  He resorted to prayer - verse 9.  What was the first thing he did?  He resorted to prayer.  It is a sad tragedy of the chuch today that we resort to everything but prayer.  We try all sorts of schemes and ideas, committees and organisation to worry the opposition but here`s a man who knew what to do.  It was the first thing he did, not the last thing.  It is always wise to resort to prayer.  Joseph Scriven wrote that lovely hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus" and in its lines we read

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer

E M Bounds said "To give prayer the secondary place is to make God secondary in life`s affairs."  Is prayer a top priority for you?  John Bunyan said of prayer "pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God and a scourge for Satan."  Nehemiah went to prayer. That not only applies to the church but to individuals today.  CH Spurgeon was the greatest preacher of the 19th and 20th Century.  He ministered at the famous Metropolitan Chapel in London.  He tells a story of seeing 4 young men waiting outside the doors of the church one night before a service began.  They saw Spurgeon coming up the steps but did not know who he was.  Spurgeon asked them what they were doing there.  They replied that they were studying ministry and thought it would be a good idea to come and hear the great CH Spurgeon preaching.  Spurgeon asked them if they would like to see the heating furnace but they replied they were not interested.  Spurgeon told them he would like them to see it nevertheless.  He took them down in the basement and opened a set of double doors.  There in that room were 700 people gathered in prayer before the service began.  Spurgeon preached to thousands of people every Sunday and we are still reading his books and quoting from him today.  What a difference it makes when men and women pray.  When our forefathers came up against opposition they went to prayer.  We seem to be masters of musical concerts and a variety of others things but not prayer.

The second thing Nehemiah did was he remembered the Lord - verse 14.  That word "terrible" should really be translated "awesome".  Today we are not only refusing to resort to prayer but we are forgetting the Lord some times.  The Lord is absent in churches and fellowships today.  There is no sense of his presence.  We have a great God, an almighty God, a powerful God.  In chapter 1 verse 5 we read "the great and terrible God that keepeth the covenant."  Many Christians hold God in little significance.  "If God be for us who can be against us?"  We need no more than God.  In 1886 Carl Boberg with a few other men were attending a meeting in a stately home in Sweden.  In that home there were a number of ladies who met together to knit and sew to send off items to missions.  On that particular evening the sun was shining over the lake beside the house when all of a sudden the sky became overcast and there was a rumble of thunder.  Then the rains came and poured down in torrents.  As they looked across the lake there was a little church whose bell was ringing.  A funeral service was being held but then the sky cleared again.  Carl Boberg wrote one of the greatest hymns as a result of that night 

O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds thy hand have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee
How great thou art, How great thou art.

Nehemiah encourages the people to remember the Lord, to remember his greatness but also his awesomeness.  We have not only a great God but we have an awesome God.  Victor Hugo the French novelist said "I did not study God I was dazzled by him."  When did it grip your heart?  The Presbyterian Shorter Catechism asks the question "What is God?" and the response comes back "God is a spirit; infinite, eternal and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth."  This is not just a man next door or upstairs as some refer to him as.  Nehemiah remembers the Lord in his greatness and his awesomeness.  Derek Swan was a Welsh preacher, a godly man, an educated man who ministered in Ashford, Middlesex.  He wrote an article in 1978 called "Congregational Convention"  in which he said "it leaves us breathless with joy and wonder."  Have you ever experienced being left breathless as you think of how God is so majestic and strong, so soverign.  Martin Luther said to Elymus the great scholars "your thoughts of God are too human."  Are your thoughts of God too human today?  Is God just human instead of being sovereign.  Nehemiah says to his people not only resolve to pray but remember the Lord is great and awesome.

The third thing Nehemiah did was he resisted the enemy - verse 9.  In verse 4 he told the people "be not afraid of them"  Urgent practical action to face the enemy.  We live in a world today where Christians believe Satan does not exist.  Here`s the enemy coming through human hands.  We need to resist the enemy, he is big out there today.  10 years ago we would never have believed we would be seeing the things we see today.  Now the Christian faith is made so little of.  We need to resist the enemy, must learn not to fondle Satan but fight him now through the name of Jesus and the merits of his blood shed at Calvary.

They returned to the work - verse 15.  If you are a Christian have you given something back to God`s work?  Maybe God is saying "get back to the work, get back to prayer."  These people returned to the work, not slacking any more.  They went back to the building of the walls.  At the collapse of France in World War 2 on 18 June 1940 Winston Churchill referring to Hitler said "if we stand up to him all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad sunlit uplands.  But if we fail then the whole world including the United States of America, including all that we have known and cared for will sink into the dark abyss of a new dark age made more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science.  Let us therefore brace ourselves that if the British Empire and its commonwealth last for a thousand years men will say this was our finest hour."  If every Christian resorted to prayer, resisted the devil and returned to the work we might be able to say "this is our finest hour".  Who knows what God might do if we accepted the challenge.  They did all this as the enemy was attacking.

The last thing they did was - they rallied together - verse 20.  United we stand and divided we fall.  They rallied together under their leaders to a place of united action.  There is no such thing as freelance Christianity.  They rallied together to serve the Lord - verse 21.  Remember the story of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses` hands.  Judges 20 verse 11  "So all the men were gathered against the city knit together as one man."  Think of those men and women you know, people who will die in their sin, go into a lost eternity.  Friends and family who are still outside of Christ.  Pray and ask the Lord, seek him for what he is able to do.