Sermon notes from Sunday 11 February 2018
Galatians 1 verses 11 - 24
We want to look at the expression of a testimony. What does that testimony tell others who are looking in? Romans 8 verse 16 "the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are children of God." Something happened to Paul on the Damascus road that had an affect on every child of God for that day. Galatians 1 verse 22 he was unknown to the church of Judea yet in verse 23 something filtered back to the believers. The church had a peaceful time, a time of rest when Paul got saved. Verses 23 and 24 what is a testimony? To bring glory to God in heaven. If our testimony is to glorify God as it did in Paul`s life to the believers then it is genuine and real.
Saul`s conversion. Saul of Tarsus when he set off for Jerusalem was a zealot, did everything in his power to bring down the church of Christ. Your testimon should should bring great glory and honour to God. In the very realms of glory the angels rejoiced and there is great joy when a sinner repenteth. The one who loved them, gave so much for them, desires to save their precious soul. God the Holy Spirit takes that very word to the hearts of men and women. In that moment they realise they need to be saved and cry out to God for his grace and mercy and believe in him with all their heart that he can bring about a change. At that precise moment in heaven there is great joy and rejoicing in the courts of heaven itself. In verse 15 Paul says the hand of God was on me even in my ignorance and sinful days. To Timothy he talked about doing things ignorantly but God gave him grace. What a witness. To witness God`s unseen hand on our lives, keeping us from the womb that he might use us in some later time in our lives. This is a tremendous thing, the calling by grace. Salvation is of the Lord. When you think of this young man, when you think of what he was, in Acts 8 verse 1 he was consenting to the death of Stephen in the church. He lived by faith. Saul hated him because he proclaimed the name of Christ. Acts 8 verse 3 "as for Saul he made havoc of the church." This is the sort of man saved on the Damascus road. When it came right back to heaven in Acts 9 verse 1 this is the very day he was saved. He was breathing out slaughters against the disciples of God yet on the Damascus road God spoke to him and saved him. God still speaks tonight to you and I. God broke into this man`s life and great glory was brought to God as a result.
The change that was made - the first man to witness the change in Saul`s life was Ananias. When Saul was saved and made his way into Damascus God called to Ananias to go and see Saul. His response was "I have heard so much evil against this man." He didn`t realise his life was changed. What did Ananias find in that home where Saul stayed - he found him praying. Such was the change in his life. His tongue used once to bring false accusations was now used to bring prayer and praise unto the God of heaven. Remember Lazarus, think of the time at the supper put on in the town of Bethany. People came in to this supper. Lazarus is the guest of honour. People came in to see Jesus. John 11 verse 9 much people of the Jews knew that he was there. They came not for Jesus only but that they might see Lazarus who had been raised from the dead. They were there because of the testimony of this man. Maybe some saw him being buried but didn`t see him being called from the tomb by Jesus. Here they had an opportunity to come and see him. They were there because of Lazarus. It brings glory and honour to the Lord.
What does this testimony show and prove - the company he seeks after. Notice what the apostle Paul is saying here in verses 12 and 17 and 18. What is he testifying to here. The company he sought after - his past life. Once he was a zealous Jew now he wanted company with those saved by God`s grace. A fellow believer. He went out into desert of Arabia, there alone with Christ. He learned so much there. He would later teach others about Christ himself. Isn`t it amazing to see that change in people when they come to Christ. The company we keep can tell so much. It is the company that keeps dragging us back to the gutters of sin. We need to make the break. Here`s the company this man was seeking after. Isn`t it good to want to be in the place where Christ is, where he is honoured and uplifted. "if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself." The jailer in Philippi. After he was saved he wanted Paul and the evangelists to come into his home. He relished their company. Lydia - she constrained Paul and the disciples to come into her house "if ye have found me faithful come into my house." When Peter stood in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and began to preach to the people gathered there the Holy Spirit moved and they cried out "what shall we do". God does something special when he opens up our hearts and minds. Let us see where we stand before God. No doubts about it. Whether you are saved or not the Holy Spirit moved in the crowd. Peter had only one word "repent and then be baptised and all that believed were together." Why - because they had a kindred mind and spirit, worshipping the one God. They came through one Saviour and one cross. Now one in Christ Jesus. What a wonderful bond - that is a desire for this kind of fellowship.
The commitment that they heard of. They heard of this man. News filtered back to them in Judea. Once this man so persecuted the church, sought to do so much harm was now preaching the faith of that which he had sought to put down. As a result they glorified Christ in him. Paul realised it was not enought to turn away. God had given him a ministry to reach the church, promote the work of the gospel. If you are saved by God`s grace the priority is to spread the gospel. You are responsible for the light that is in your soul tonight. The commitment that they had. James 2 verse 18 "yea a man may say thou hast faith and I have works; show me thy faith without they works and I will show thee my fiath by my works." Works don`t save. Works don`t take you to heaven. The expression of our testimony tonight is to bring glory and honour to the Lord who saved us. Is that what your life is doing tonight? Are you saved by his grace tonight, assured of it, walking in the light of God`s word, seeking out for company that enriches your life changed by God`s mighty work through?
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