Saturday, 10 February 2018

Continuing the work of Jesus today

Sermon notes from 4 February 2018
Acts 1 verses 1 - 12

Whenever we come to the book of Acts we are very clear on what it is - the continuation of what Jesus Christ is now doing on this earth.  He has gone back to heaven but there is still work in progress.  In the gospels we read of a work he did on the streets and countryside.  Now we are going to read what the Holy Spiirt did through the disciples of Jesus.  In this scene before us I see the Lord takes his little group out to the Mount of Olives.  In a discourse one with each other telling them what he wants to see happening.  He must leave them shortly but the work must continue.  The preaching and saving of mens souls must begin in Jerusalem then it would reach out to Judea, Samaria and the whole world.  What a charge he brought them on this particular day.  As the disciples stood around that day the Lord was taken from their very midst.  It was a gradual thing.  The disciples were gazing up and looking into the skies to see where he went.  One moment you are listening to the Lord, speaking to you then all of a sudden he is ascended into heaven.  The angels looked at the disciples that day.  The commission came to them that day "why stand ye gazing up".  That Olivet vision was clear.  Finish the work they had to do now.  As we read the scriptures and take time, maybe the Spirit is saying to us "why sit you gazing into the bible there is a work to be done, get on with it."  "This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go." verse 12.  They returned into Jerusalem there to wait for the instruction of how they would reach the lost.  Verse 8 "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you."  That is what we need today.  The greatest need we have is the need of the Holy Spirit.  Nothing else will compensate for it.  Are we seeking after the infilling of the Holy Spirit today?  This is going to be the fundamental truth, the very basis for the church - that Jesus is coming again.  Do we believe that today?

The revelation of a tremendous truth - that Jesus Christ is a living Saviour.  He is alive today.  As we look at other religions what have they got in common - a dead leader in charge.  The Christian faith believes in a risen powerful Saviour and the promise he is coming again, not coming as baby or as a man dying on the cross but as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  What he is coming back at - Jesus Christ is a living Saviour.  The disciples were standing on the Mount of Olives when all of a sudden Jesus Christ is taken up from their midst.  They were given great news - that Jesus is alive today. Those who knew death were confronted that Jesus was dead.  When they came to them the other 2 had their legs broke and that meant life could not be sustained any longer and they died.  He fulfilled scripture that not a bone in his body would be broken.  When Joseph of Arimathea came to beg for the body of Christ from Pilate he went out, took the body down, wrapped him in clean linen.  He was dead, placed in the tomb and on the third day he rose again, he showed himself to the disciples and his followers in the next 40 days then was taken up into heaven and he is now seated at the right hand of God in heaven.  This same living Jesus will so come again.  No doubt the disciples were taken by surprise.  They were slow of heart to believe.  Sometimes we can be like that too.  Remember Mary and the women who made their way to the tomb, they realised the stone had been rolled back and there was no body.  "Why seek ye the living among the dead?"  Slow of heart to believe.  He was not there.  He was risen.  When we stand behind the word of God today we are preaching a living Saviour.  He is coming again for those born again of the Spirit of God, for those saved by God`s grace.  For you if you are in that category Jesus is alive.  He had been raised from the dead.  He came to his disciples, told them .  Luke 24 "and their words seemed to them as idle tales and they believed them not."  Remember how Mary spoke to them - "they have taken away the body and we know not where they have laid him."  What a revelation of a tremendous truth.  This same Jesus is coming again.  If we need a revelation today it is here before our very eyes.  Jesus is alive and alive for evermore.  John 14 Jesus speaking to his disciples about his death "I have to leave you, go the way of the cross, going back to my Father, I go to prepare a place for you."  How could a dead Saviour prepare a place?  He is alive today.  Jesus is the living Saviour and he is coming again.  Notice also the very full programme that God lays out for our lives.  Jesus Christ is alive and coming again.

There is a reunion that is promised.  The angels said to the disciples "this same Jesus will come again."  It came as a great encouragement to the disciples on the hillside that day.  This is the one who they walked with for 3 1/2 years, heard him preach, pray, taken all their problems to him.  He is coming again.  There is a tremendous encouragement today, to know Jesus is coming back.  We listen to the scientists, university professors tell us the world is 100 million years old.  All this is going to happen in the future.  Man is destroying the world.  God is in control.  When it comes to the end God will fold up this world as a man closes up a garment.  That is the picture that one day Jesus is coming again.  That promise Jesus gave to his disciples "I am going to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also."  A tremendous reunion that will be.  What a day when he comes again in so like manner as he left.  He will come in the clouds.  Not content with that he wants me to be where he is for all eternity.  In John 17 Jesus prays to his Father in heaven.  "I have finished the work you have given me to do."  In his heart and mind it was.  Verse 24 "Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world."  What does he say about them - that they might be wise and be where I am that they may behold my glory.  Of all those that are saved my hearts desire is that they would be where I am.  There will be a great reunion one day.  Jesus comes back to his disciples, to those who were saved by God`s grace.  Luke 21 verse 28 things that Jesus says will come to pass.  Signs in the moon, signs in the stars and sun, warnings in the sea and waves.  When you see those things happening you look up because your redemption draweth nigh.  Are you looking around the world today, seeing famines, pestilences, earthquakes, nations divided within themselves?  The Lord says look up for your redemption draweth nigh.  The coming of the Lord is drawing near by the hour.  "Somewhere in outer space God has prepared a place for those who trust him and obey."  Paul reminded the people of Thessalonica of that reunion.  The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and a trumpet sounding.  Every person that has died, that has accepted Christ as Saviour, is buried in the ground tonight, they will rise first.  Their graves will be opened.  Then we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, we too shall be called up to meet the Lord in the air.  What a reunion.  That is an encouragement to us today.  This is a great revelation but what a reunion it will be.  We all have loved ones passed on saved by the grace of God.  We will meet them one day.  Paul finished by saying "wherefore comfort one another with these words."  Jesus Christ is coming agan - "we shall be caught up."  Raptured.  W P Nicholson preaching on this subject said "we shall be caught up, but there will be millions caught out."  Jesus Christ is coming again.  Put the profession to one side and get the reality of God`s salvation.

A reminder of what they should be about - verse 11.  No time for gazing up to heaven.  This same Jesus is coming again.  Ye must be about your master`s businesss.  The work began on the streets of Jerusalem.  Acts 5 verse 28 "ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine", reached out to Judea, persecution came, reached out to Samaria, from there reach out to the ends to the earth.  You and I this morning we have the responsibility of reaching the furthest end of the earth.  We are the continuation of the same work today.  The same Holy Ghost working in those disciples is filling us today.  There is no time for idleness, for the Lord is returning again. You must be busy.  You and I need to be ready today.  The urgency of this message has to be seen.  We are still in the day of grace.  Today I live with the constant remnder of one of these days Jesus will come again.  If Jesus were to come again, at this very moment will you rise to meet him in the air or be left in the pews?

There is the rewards of that day.  2 Timothy 4 verse 8  Paul sat in the prison house, didn`t think of the pain he was in or why he was in that situation.  "Henceforth there is laid up for me ... and not to me only but unto all them alo that love his appearing."  You and I are to be found busy for him in that day - will we?  C H Spurgeon told the story of visiting a woman one day.  He found her on her knees on the front step washing the step.  Spurgeon watched her.  The lady looked at him "if I had known you were coming I wouldn`t have been busy."  Spurgeon replied "you have been busy about your duties, I hope when the Saviour comes that I will be found as busy in my duties."

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