Sermon notes from 28 January 2018
Philippians 4 verses 10 - 20
Psalm 27 verse 14 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and he shall strengthen thy heart, wait I say on the Lord."
The emphasis in this verse is of waiting on the Lord so much so that it is stated twice. There is a serious reminder to wait. That is what God`s word says to us as we go out into a new year. Don`t run ahead of me or lag behind me, wait on me. Maybe this direction is for those times when things are difficult, hard, when there are hills to climb and valleys that we see no way out of. Perhaps times when sickness comes into the home, when there are upsets or even death. That is the time to wait but not just wait idly. Not to throw up our arms in despair but to exercise our faith on the Lord. Be of good courage. Then comes that promise - "he shall strengthen thee". That is what took the martyrs to the stake, whenever the wood was placed around their feet and the light was put to it and the flames came up around them and burned them to death. They were there because of love for Christ. They would not recant and change their minds. The very same strength took them there. The advice of the Psalmist was given not just for the people of his day or the generation to come but for us in our generation. The picture painted for us is of the pilgrim who could go no further. He has gone as far as he could, he sees no way out, then comes the word of God - wait on the Lord. He is trusting, promising courage then the Lord`s word and strength comes. Maybe David is being chased by his son Absalom or maybe Saul is trying to put him to death. Can see David sheltering, resting in a cave with his friends around him. Can see one of those friends look at David and ask "did God not promise you that you would be the king of Israel." Those words were like a dart to his heart. When would this be fulfilled? Saul is still king, he is still on the throne. God had promised David to be on the throne one day. David turns to his friend and says "wait on the Lord, be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart." We need to learn to wait on the Lord whatever the difficulty is.
The secret of this strength. The strength will come right when we need it, not a moment before but just when you need strength. Whatever the problem is - a week before the operation or interview or when you have to meet with someone - the strength will come just when you need it. I don`t know how I am going to face this or that situation. Somehow when it comes we look back on it and say to ourselves - "how did I get though it?" The Lord gave you strength in that precious moment. I am sure the martyrs often thought `how will I cope, will I let the Lord down at the last moment?` They never did receive the strength from within, it was something outside of them. The secrecy of your strength is something outside of you, it is found in Christ and him alone. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Someone put it this way - a contented mind is an invaluable blessing." To be content is to be something that is sought after. We live in a discontented world, when we want the newestd mod con, the best of everything. Somehow we get disappointed. The apostle Paul had a contented mind. The secrecy of his strength was something only God could give him. This is where we need to take care. You see sometimes we often hear it said "they have a strong faith." In times of difficulty we think that is what has taken them through it. That is not what takes us through anything - it is the Lord and our faith in him that takes us through the difficult times. Not in my faith but my faith in the Lord. Whenever we falter and fail we feel we are not like so and so. You haven`t been asked to go through that yet, so and so might be going through turmoil and bearing up greatly. You wouldn`t be able to do it until you are in that same position. Be confident in the Lord, expect great things of the Lord and he shall strengthen thy heart. Paul to the Philippian church spoke of a gift he had received. It tells us in verse 13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." The church had gathered up the gift and sent it to him. So delighted as he sees fruit in their lives. God was working in their lives, opening up their desire to give this gift. "Not that I speak in respect of want I see that fruit in your lives." Something the gospel has done in your lives, opened up a generosity in your lives. Verse 17 I see it as fruit in your lives. Brings the focus back to himself not because I speak in respect of want. "I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content." He was content lying in prison as he was on the hills of Athens preaching the gospel. He was cast into the prison house in Acts 16. It was the coldest, wettest, darkest place of that whole dungeon. He had been beaten and lashed with rods. The men who beat him were trained to beat a man within an inch of his life. They took and cast him into jail and the jailer spread out his legs and put him into stocks. At midnight what is he doing? He is singing and praising the God of heaven because he is content in the state he has found himself in. The secrecy is in the Lord. As he writes to this church to encourage them no matter what trial, hardship, or difficulty, he says "I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me." Maybe tomorrow something will hit you like a bolt but remember God strengthens us. He will not lay something on your shoulders that he will not give you the strength to help you at that exact moment. When I need that strength I find it. Even facing death Paul says I am ready. The secrecy of it - at the right time.
The source of this strength. He shall strengthen you the Psalmist said. It comes from without, not built up within. Trusting the God of heaven. Psalm 27 "he shall strengthen thy heart." The strength comes when you need it most. The source of it - "I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me. " Think of Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane when the Lord was arrested - "and Peter followed afar off." As he makes his way to the Judgment Hall creeping through the darkness of the night, the fire is lit and Peter goes over and washes himself. The damsel comes and accuses him of being a follower of Christ and 3 times he denied it with oaths and curses. Then I see Peter in Acts 2 standing in Jerusalem. There were those who were ridiculing the other disciples saying all manner of things against them, saying they were drunk. Peter stands up and says "these men are not drunk". In Gethsemane he ran and fled. In the Judgment Hall he denied the Lord. Now he is standing with confidence and telling them of the gospel of Christ. What had happened? The day when he met afresh with the Lord in that Upper Room, when the Spirit of God came into the room and filled his life. Strength from the Lord that helped him that day. That is what each and everyone of us needs today, yes of course when you accepted Christ as Saviour but you and I need in this day in which we are living a fresh encounter with God. Peter met with the Lord again in the Upper Room when he was filled with the power to stand on the evil day. David going back to Ziglag saw the smoke and knew that all was destroyed. The army were standing with him there and then. He needed strength to face what would happen. He asked the Lord what to do - to pursue or what. The Lord told him to go in the strength from the Lord himself. Moses standing before Pharaoh now confident. Remember at the burning bush Moses was fearful, thinking the elders wouldn`t believe him. He couldn`t say the things needed to speak before Pharaoh. now he goes into Pharaoh and he tells them to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt. What had happened? Moses met with the Lord at the burning bush. He gave him strength to face Pharaoh. We all need that strength from the Lord today. A fresh encounter with the Lord. Filled with the Holy Spirit and power to stand on the evil day in which we live. It is not in us but in the Lord. When all had gone and the future seemed bleak he lifted his eyes to the Lord and he was strengthened in the Lord.
The sufficiency of this strength. The apostle Paul said "I can do all things through Christ." You can only prove it when you take the first step. We cannot save ourselves just because gave up a habit. We are right with God means we are prepared to turn away from the life we have lived. Secondly we have to acknowledge we cannot do anything to save ouselves. That comes from without. Thirdly we have to come to the cross of Calvary, acknowledge that Jesus was dying for someone like me. He was doing that that you might be saved, know sins forgiven when we turn from our sin, want to have done with them, then the Lord takes those sins and casts them into the depths of the sea never to be remembered again. We are on our way to heaven and home through that one action if I was to die. The Lord changes you, gives you a strength never thought possible. It is a sufficient strength. Whatever I am asked to do I know I can do it because I have the Lord. Isaiah said "they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength." Ananias was asked to go in and speak to the apostle Paul. He said "no I cannot do that". The Lord gave him strength to do it. It did not fail in the Psalmists life and it will not fail in ours. Many times you feel like giving up. As a prayer warrior many times it comes to us, never can go on as a father or mother, difficulties and tragedies, you cannot go on. Paul says I can do all things through Christ. That is where we get our strength. Just like Demas we don`t throw in the towel from a life of sin just to take it easier. The strength is just right at the right time. The source is Christ himself. The sufficiency - it will never let us down.
The scope of this strength. Did the Psalmist put any categories in there? He said "wait on the Lord." As we go into 2018 what great advice - "wait on the Lord, be of good courage." In other words to be confident, expectant of the Lord to do something and he shall strengthen thy heart. I say it again "wait on the Lord".