Sunday, 10 December 2017

What is a sinner?

Sermon notes from Sunday evening 3 December 2017
1 Timothy 1 verses 12 - 2

In this season of the year it brings to our minds and thoughts through cards, calendars and many other things of a great event that took place 2000 years ago.  Paul brings us back to that event once more - verse 15.  The apostle Paul takes us right to the very basics of the gospel message.  Writing to young Timothy he brings our thoughts to this great event 2000 years ago - "that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the chief."  Thinking tonight of this verse at this season of the year reminds us why Jesus came into this world, reminds us of that which he came to do.  He came to save sinners.  Are you a sinner tonight?  Then he has come to save you tonight.  Notice the word sinner.

The first thing I want to think about when we think of the word sinner - some don`t recognise that they are sinners.  That is the problem tonight.  As people come into the gospel meetings they don`t recognise they are sinners.  That is a real danger that many don`t recognise the state they were born in and feel very offended when adddressed in such a manner.  Each and every one of us has been born in sin.  The scriptures make it clear about that.  Can prove it.  We have been born in sin - "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3 verse 23)  Paul said the problem is we don`t recognise we are sinners.  The Psalmist could say he was conceived in the very womb as a sinner and brought forth as a sinner.  Until we receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord we remain in a sinful state.  Isaiah said "all we like sheep have gone astray and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53 verse 6)  Paul was one who had been for so long duped and deceived because he was a religious man.  You might say someone who is an awful sinner, given to drinking or drug abuse, well there is no problem in saying they are a sinner.  What about that man who has a little religiousity about him, doing everything he can for anyone, sits at the communion table every week?.  Paul was like that for a long time.  In verse 13 he describes the type of person he once was.  The apostle Paul was bearing his soul, confessed he was a sinner.  Is there anyone like Paul tonight?  A blasphemer or injurious person, a persecutor.  Paul had such malice and hatred in his heart.  He would go to other villages that he might arrest Christians who had trusted Christ as Saviour of their sin.  He would arrest them, put them in prison, perhaps even put someone to death.  Is that you tonight?  This was a man who did these things ignorantly.  The truth of the matter tonight is - it doesn`t matter whether you realise it or recognise it the Bible says you have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  He was pleading ignorance of the way in which God made man or woman.  Do you have to be such a clean living person?  Christ came into the world to save sinners and Paul felt he was the chief.  If there hadn`t been another person in the world God would have given his son to save your precious soul.  Acts 17 Paul addresses the people in Athens.  They were given over to idolatry.  He told them "you were too religious, given over to so much superstitution."  God views the situation in their lives and said "he winked at it" but now he was bringing them to the truth.  He expected them to turn from their sins and accept Christ as Saviour and Lord.  Maybe that is what God has done for you.  He says to you tonight "I am challenging you to turn from your sin, to leave it behind you, to receive eternal life.  Some do not recognise they are sinners.  There are people who are rejecting any notion that they are a sinner.  Paul tried to justify himself.  He realised that he had sinned and come short of the glory of God.  He realised there was a heaven to gain.  He was trying to gain it his way - by living a good religious life.  He thought he would be in heaven and home because of such a life.  In Matthew we read that Jesus was invited into the home of Simon.  I`m sure he gave him the best seat, thought highly of Jesus, he gave him all the best food but that night Mary came and wept and kissed Jesus` feet.  Simon said "all this could have been sold and given to the poor".  Mary washed Jesus` feet with her tears.  Simon said "if the Lord knew who this woman was he wouldn`t allow her to do this."  She realised she was a sinner and she was doing this because she was forgiven.  Simon rejected any notion that he was as bad as this woman.  He had invited the Lord into his home.  He thought he would be in heaven and home one day.  It is a common problem today.  We think we are alright but we all have a common problem today - "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  Remember the Pharisee and Publican who went to the temple to pray.  The Pharisee looked down at the man next to him.  He thought he was on his way to heaven and home.  He rejected any notion he was as bad as this person next to him.  It doesn`t matter how you live your life.  If you miss Calvary you will miss everything.  The Publican thought the sin in his heart condemned him - he cried "Lord be merciful to me a sinner."  Are you willing to come to the cross of Calvary?

There are also people who ridicule such an idea.  Remember Festus, he listened to Paul.  King Agrippa was with him when Paul gave him his testimony.  Festus thought it was all such nonsense.  "Paul thou art beside thyself, much learning hath made thee mad."  In Acts 17 those learned men when they heard him preaching said he was a babbler, setting forth of foreign gods, they laughed at Paul, thought such nonsense.  There are many who take the name of Christian today but they have never come to the cross of Calvary.  Maybe tonight you would laugh at such an issue, ridicule such an issue.  As you sit tonight you are not saved at this moment.  You are on your way to a lost Christless hell for all eternity.  Those are the facts tonight.

A people who received such a term.  When Paul realised he was a sinner he accepted it, applied it to himself.  The Philippians jailer had no problem either.  The thief on the rugged cross knew on his own merits he would never be with Jesus in heaven.  He spoke out to the other thief "this man has done nothing amiss, Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."  The Publican couldn`t lift his eyes.  He had no problem admitting he was a sinner.  If you are there tonight you are on your first step to heaven and home.  When you realise you are not on way to heaven, when you realise you have sinned, you are on way to hell without Christ for ever.  

A people who find a remedy for such a term as sinner.  Once we realise the ailment we know the remedy is at hand.  The remedy is the Lord.  When he came into the world he came to die, to go to he cross of Calvary.  Every sin of this world was placed on his shoulders.  He became the sacrifice for sin.  Unless we acknowledge it and apply it we will never be saved.  We need to apply what Christ has done and acknowledge him, otherwise we will never ever receive the remedy for our sin.  What about it tonight?  Jesus said "The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."  Many tonight have found the remedy for sin.  This is a serious subject and issue tonight.  Are you in the meeting tonight saved by God`s grace, on your way to heaven and home or have you never come to that place tonight?  Are you depending on something that never happened?  There is only one remedy and that remedy is in the Lord and in his work on Calvary.  If you come seeking after God he will not turn you away.  Do not come half heartedly because you will go away empty.  Do you want to be saved tonight?  Not in a person or church but in a relationship you will form with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Would you love to be saved tonight, with all the assurance.  Come and trust him tonight.

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