Sermon notes from Sunday 12 March 2017 by Rev Caldwell Darragh
Hebrews 12 verses 1 - 3 - Running the Christian
In chapter 11 we see the athletes who ran
the race well for the Lord. Hope you are
in the Christian race today. Thank God
for knowing the joy as God`s word is preached across the world. It is possible for many to enter into the
Christian race well.
The conditions for entering into this
There is a starting point for evey race.
If he wants to receive the crown at the end he must start at the same
point as everyone else. "I have
fought the good fight, I have run the course." He was talking of a starting point in his
life. There is a starting time as well -
athletes cannot say "I am not feeling good at the moment I will start
later on, I will do it in my own time."
That is the way some people talk.
"I will get right with God sometime." We need to keep in mind it is not our time. "There is a time to be born and a time
to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted."
(Ecclesiastes 3 verse 2) When God`s
spirit talks to us we need to know what we need to do. It is God`s time. If the Lord is prompting you to get something
done then it is time for you to do it. 30
years ago there was a time when God`s work should be founded. There came a moment in the divine purpose of
God that the building should be started.
That is God`s timing. "Come
now let us reason together" says the Lord.
There was a time when Paul started out - at midday on the road to
Damascus. Are you able to look back to a
time and place? Maybe not sure of the
time or hour but that is not the important thing. If we know Christ that is the most important
time. The farmer is not concerned with
what time the lambs are born during the night, he is more concerned about them being
The instructions laid down. We can lay the weights that
would get us into down, lay our sins at the feet of Christ - "casting all
our care upon him for he careth for us."
"Come unto me and I will give you rest." There are weights that hold us from making
that spiritual progress in our life.
"Let us lay aside every weight" That includes the habits people have,
grudges, bitterness. We are told in this
passage that we have got to leave these things down. Thank God we have a wonderful message to share
with the world, to share with those who have burdens. To help them gaze at the cross and feel the
burden coming off their back. It is good
to know there are those around you who care.
Maybe you need to share it with someone.
God doesn`t want us to leave under these weights. He tells them to cast them aside. If you saw an athlete lining up to run for
the gold with a suitcase in either hand, overcoat on you would say there is
something wrong with that person. They
have so much baggage. There is a lot of
baggage around today. We can carry it
around and not be prepared to lay it down.
"Let us run with patience"
Husbands be as patient as you can with wives and visa versa and be
patient with everyone else too. Young
lives are spoiled today because haven`t been prepared to wait on God`s way and
timing to do a thing. God is good and he
is faithful to perform what he wants in our lives. The athlete also needs to watch the
diet. To eat what gives him strength for
the race. Christians cannot live on TV
programmes and questionable books. We
have to feed on the living word. Feed
your soul. You can become spiritual
skeletons. Let you soul delight in
fatness. The further the athlete goes
the weaker they become. For the
Christian athlete the further they go the stronger they become. That is why you can visit a man or woman on
their deathbed, saved for years who are dying in the comfort and peace of
God. They have run the race and have no
fears or regrets. Psalm 84 verse 7
"they go from strength to strength".
That is what God wants us to do, to go forward in strength not
fear. The Psalmist said "every time
I am afraid I will trust in God."
Paul to the Galatian church "ye did well what did hinder
you?" Are you running as well as
you did 5 years ago? If you are not a
committed Christian today there are obstacles, blockages in your way,
difficulties you get through, situations to get over, battles and
struggles. God gives the glory. If the athlete is running and there are those
on the side booing him or cheering him he cannot let any of that distract him from
going forward. When you find
difficulties God still leads us on. What
is the purpose of the running of this race?
Galatians 1 verse 15 part of the purpose is to reveal Christ to the
world, reveal Jesus to my workmates, children in my class. It is also to reach the great destination.
The reward -"henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
not to me only but to all who love his appearing." "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher
of our faith." The one who ran the
race from glory to Bethlehem, to Calvary and on to glory. "I press toward the prize of the calling
of Christ." Are you in the race
today? Do you look back and say
"yes there was a start", can point to a starting time and place, with
the help of God have been obedient to him and can say "I continue to this
day." Paul said "let us press
on." Let`s never despair, live
above the feelings for victory is there.
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