Sermon notes from Sunday 3 September 2017
Acts 10 verses 34 - 48
Acts 10 verses 34 - 48
We break into this portion of scripture at the point where Peter comes to Cornelius` house. If we had begun back in the first verse then we would have found it began with a man on his knees. Surely that is what God looks for tonight - people who are on their knees before him? This man was hungry for God. He had come to the end of himself, he didn`t know which way to turn anymore. He was seeking after a relationship with the God of heaven. It is important that we go back to basics, to rock bottom again. Man does not have a relationship with God in his natural state. As we are born into the world we are born as sinners, shapen in iniquity, with our face to a lost sinners hell and our backs to God. In order to have a relationship with God he had to do something for us to replace that broken relationship. It took God in his mercy to send his son into this sin cursed world to die on an old rugged cross at Calvary to reconcile us to himself. No good works will ever do it. No sitting at a communion table will ever do it. No attending a church week after week will do it. It is only by coming and trusting in Christ as Saviour that we will enter into a relationship with God. Cornelius had a yearning for God and he satisfied it with meeting with him. God wants to save your soul, to be ready to meet him on that great day. The angel`s message to Cornelius was to send for Peter, God had heard his prayers and Peter would tell him what he ought to do. As Peter came into that house we notice ...
A gathering. Peter found Cornelius and he embraced him. Cornelius was so glad to see Peter. In chapter 11 verse 14 we read "who shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved." Peter found that a crowd had already gathered in Cornelius` house. He wanted others to hear these words too. He was so excited about what he was going to hear. He would hear about God`s saving power. We have that same message to give every week. Imagine going through life and never hearing this message. Imagine closing your eyes from this scene of time and your soul would be lost for eternity. Here was a man who was busy. He wanted others around him to hear it too.
The guidance Peter had. Verse 34 "Then Peter opened his mouth and said Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons." Peter was preaching to a Gentile congregation. He commends to them the love of God, he assured them of God`s love. God is love. God commendeth his love towards us. Paul said "he loved me and he gave himself for me." The deceiver would like to tell us to look at the things we have done. Paul guarded the clothes of a man who was stoned to death for his faith. The devil may have come many times to him and reminded him that he was a good religious man but how could he ever be loved by God when he had stood at the feet of the one whose death he brought about? The devil still does that today. He reminds us of the past events in our life. How could we ever be saved he asks us. The thief on the cross took it on himself to call on the name of the Lord. He looked deep into his heart and realised he was dying for his own sin then he looked at Christ who was dying not for his own sin but the sins of the thief. He realised that this man Jesus was leaving his scene of time and going into another world to come. We are only passing through this scene of time. It is preparation time for eternity. "I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself." Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. The guidance Peter had as he spoke of how Jesus died on the cross and God raised him up again. These are the words that could save this man`s soul.
The grace. "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word." (verse 44) Except the Holy Spirit steps in and does his work then any preaching is in vain. Maybe the Holy Spirit has already come to your heart, shown you the condition you are in, that you need to be saved, he shows you the cross of Calvary and asks you will you not come to Christ. There will be no conversion unless the Holy Spirit comes. "Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God" (verse 33) Do you realise the words God wants you to hear? Have you obeyed them? Maybe you are not saved. These people were converted and saved. In 1 Timothy Paul said "I obtained mercy." That is what you need tonight. You need the mercy of God because you have broken his commands and laws. "For by grace are you saved, it is the gift of God."
A genuine testimony of faith. This was more than putting up a hand and being saved. "And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost." (verse 45) This was a new experience, a genuine conversion. Was there a moment when you accepted Christ as your Saviour? Or is there no change in your life? Are you prepared to go through with God? To be saved? Trust Christ as Saviour, don`t let another minute go past.
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