Sermon notes from 28 March 2017
2 Timothy 3
In this passage of scripture we see Paul remembering Timothy. Timothy was a young man who went out to preach the word of God. Paul has a few things he wants to teach him. He wants to tell him of some of the dangers that lie before him. Verse 1 we are going into perilous times today. What our children and young people need today is the word of God. Verse 14 "but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them." Not talking of the church but of his own home when his grandmother and mother taught the word of God. A family altar is more needed today that ever. What a great privilege Timothy had. In many homes today the Bible is not read and prayer is not made. That is why we have a Sunday School today, why we teach the word of God.
First and foremost because of the authority. Verse 16 "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." The book we have before us is the word of God. Think of this great God we have today. Did God sit back and let us get on with things? He now wants to communicate with us. He wants to break into our world and give us his precious word today. When I begin to think of that, that the God of heaven would begin to speak to us through his word, it is amazing. Psalm 33 "the word of the Lord is right." Not only that but it tells me in Hebrews "he upholds all things by the word of his power." The Psalmist could say God spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood firm. We are sent out. We want to be like the apostle Paul. It is of no value to teach our children because that is what our church stands for. What we want to teach them is in the conviction we have in our hearts that this is the word of God. There are those teaching today who do not even believe it is the word of God. There are things they don`t believe. This is the word of God - that you need to be born again. They will set that aside. This book 39 books of the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament written by some 40 different authors over 1500 years. All scripture is given by inspiration of God. 2 Peter 1 verse 21 "for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of God but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." God didn`t make them robots to write down what he said exactly. God gave them the words to say. The reformers came and they liberated the word of God. It is the word of God for the nation and world. The Reformers brought the word back for us. There is a problem today. Critics complain we are brain washing our children with that sort of stuff that cannot be proved. Don`t want creation taught in the schools, set aside because cannot be proved, not in the same context as evolution. This world is billions of years old. God spoke to Job, a man of great understanding "where wast thou when I laid the foundation of the earth, declare it." We teach this because of its authority - "heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away." It is the same great book today. So precious and priceless kept in glass cases in museums. This book is of more relevance than any other books. John 15 Jesus said "now ye are clean through the word I have spoken to you." Whatever moral values are today it is to the word of God we can draw our children to again and again. When Satan attacks the life bombarded every way. most useless person ever came into the world bombarded to tell them better out of this world. Satan takes them to that place of security. Only way can see how we are giving them something they can use in the future days. Greater is he than he that is in us than he that is in the world. When we use the word of God Satan will have to flee. When Christ was in the garden of Gethsemane they aske for "Jesus of Nazareth" and he immediately responded "I am he." When they uttered those words they fell backwards. This is why we teach. The centurion who came to Jesus one day said "I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, just speak the word only." Such was the power and authority of the word of God. Jesus stepped into the boat with all the wind and waves around them. The disciples were astonished at his word that even the winds and waves obeyed him. Matthew 7 verse 29 "when Jesus had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his authority."
He spoke because of the application of the word of God. It has to be applied or it means nothing. Paul said to Timothy "all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine." Teaching has to be applied that the man of God may be perfect. Jesus in reference to the application of the word said in Matthew 7 verse 24 "therefore whosoever heareth these words and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man who built his life on a rock." We may not have these chiren this time next year but want to teach them while we have them.
Because of the attacks upon this word. Have you ever heard of a day when there is more attacks on the word of God? That is why as a church today we will remain committed to the teaching of the word of God. Not popular nor will it get any more popular. The devil can if possible take the word of God out of schools. That is his aim. if you are a child of God trust and pray for them. Do all you possibly can to get them under the sound of God because one day we will stand before God of heaven and given an account before him. When Abraham heard God was going to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah he prayed and pleaded for God to save some. We are told today that children are too young to hear the word of God. Samuel was spoken to by God one night - about what - how he would change the leadership of the church. Are we prepared to fight for our children? There is only one place to do that - in the prayer house. That is why it is the smallest meeting in the house of God. No point for us to sit back and watch society doing what can do to redirect our children. We need to be involved. What a battle this is - to teach the word of God. The elders of Israel came to Samuel "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you but I shall pray for you."
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