Sunday, 10 September 2017

Induction Service 1 September 2017

Nehemiah 2 verses 10 - 20
Whenever we turn to the book of Nehemiah we are turning to the life of a man under the backdrop of Israel returning to the land of captivity.  They were there for 700 years and had now been given leave by the God of heaven to return to Jerusalem, to build the house and walls of the city.  The walls were broken down, fires had burned them down and the people were scattered.

First Nehemiah and his prayers.  We are introduced in chapter 1 to Nehemiah walking in the garden up in the palace of Shushan some 1000 miles from home.  There was one thing in his heart.  As he walked in the garden he saw his brother and friends coming to meet him.  They had been down in Jerusalem.  He asked about the work there and the report was bad.  It is sad to say but the walls are not built, the gates are still broken down, the people are still scattered.  He got on his knees, he prayed, confessed his sin and the sin of his father`s house.  As he did that God put something into heart that particular day - verse 12.  Here was Nehemiah not in Jerusalem now, not there because of a notion on his mind or some fanciful idea.  He left his king and his palace, made his way to Jerusalem because God had placed it on his heart.  God had placed it there to bring him down to Jerusalem and do a work for him.  The man of God is a man of prayer.

Nehemiah and his passion.  He had a passion for the work of God.  He wanted to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.  He had a concern for them.  The Pastor needs a passion for the souls and that passion only comes from the heart for precious souls.  As you gather here tonight you are not saved.  You have never come to the foot of the old rugged cross, never trusted Christ as Saviour, never realised you are lost.  There is a need in your soul.  It is not the need of this church.  It is the need of the heart for Jesus Christ.  We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  If you die in your sins you cannot come to where I am God says.  Something has to happen in that life of yours.  Maybe tonight as the Holy Spirit comes and takes the word of God, shows to you your great need.  Your heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.  Then he takes you, opens up your mind, shows figure of man dying on the cross, dying for your precious soul.  He asks you to come.  There is a need tonight in your heart.  Remember Paul`s passion.  In Acts 17 in Athens did not come to see great architecture, he was ready to preach the word of God.  He watched people going by.  His heart was stirred within him.  Why?  because saw the whole city given over to idolatry, he saw these people not saved, going out into a lost sinless Christless hell.  His heart was stirred within him.  Hadn`t Timothy that same passion.  "I am sending you down Timothy, no man like him, he will naturally care for your souls."  What a tremendous calling to the ministry, to have a compassion for souls.  Paul took it from the example of Christ.  In Pilate`s hall a crown of thorns was placed on his head, then given a purple robe.  He was laughed at and they abused him, mocked him, took him out to Calvary, lifted him up between 2 thieves, nailed his hands and feet there.  There he cried out "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  That is a passion for souls.  The Lord doesn`t want you to be lost.

A man in his perils.  "When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel."  Sanballat was the enemy of God`s people.  The enemy knows why you are here, knows all about it.  He will do all in his power.  The enemy is the roaring lion and he seeks to devour.  That is what he will try to do.  The apostle Paul came to Thessalonica  John Wesley when he came to preach the gospel it would either be a riot or acceptance.  The enemy will do all in his power to bring this man down.  You need to do all in your power to help him.  The enemy here in Jerusalem brought accusations against Nehemiah.  They said he was only here for his own purpose.  They said if a fox ran up against these walls they will fall down.  They criticised his work.

Notice the man and his privacy.  Verse 16 there will be times whenever you think - what is the Pastor doing.  Times you will think he never tells us anything.  He is going wrong and there will be times like that.  He needs a certain degree of privacy.  Sometimes the Lord leads the pastor in ways no-one can fathom.  Maybe you will say we have done it that way before.  The last Pastor wouldn`t have done it like that.  That is all well and good.  The Lord is leading and guiding.  The new man is here now.  We have to be careful in jumping to conclusions.  Late at night Nehemiah was inspecting the walls for gaps and holes.  He told no-one about it.  Be careful about jumping to conclusions.  The Pastor needs that degree of privacy, to be allowed to do the work of God.

There is the man and his people - chapter 2 verse 18.  The people said "let us rise."  They put their hands to the building of the walls.  Chapter 4 verse 9 set a watch against them day and night.  They set watch against the enemy.  They were afraid of the enemy comin in.  Now is time to get to prayer, time to get on with the work, time to go forward.  Chapter 6 verse 15 so the way was finished.  The victory at last.  The charge I would say for the pulpit to night - keep at it, keep working, keep together and keep going and God will bless.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

The Empty Tomb

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 16 April 2017
John 20 verses 1 - 18
A Lonely Stand
As we turn again to this wonderful, marvellous resurrection account of the Lord Jesus, as we come to look into the tomb what does it teach us?  What are the lessons from it?  It is a story we never tire of speaking about.  We will never exhaust the great depths of this event that resurrection morning.  I see Mary Magdalene coming to the sepulchre before day light beings to dawn.  The experience she has here.  What a tremendous grace we see here.  This woman delivered from 7 devils is first at the grave, first to look in, first to hear the Lord speaking to her, to feel his touch.  What can we experience this morning?  You can see her standing at the sepulchre with tears running down her cheeks.  Her heart was broken within her.  She feels no-one else understands her position.  A lonely stand.  She comes face to face with the resurrected Saviour.  If only we would open our eyes to him today and trust him thoroughly.

The reason Jesus consoled Mary.  She is standing there.  The stone has been rolled back.  She is looking into the tomb.  Her heart is broken.  She is standing alone.  The resurrected Saviour comes to her.  She makes this great discovery and goes off to find Peter and John.  That is her first reaction.  Peter and John ran to the grave and make the great discovery that the tomb was empty but what did they do?  They went back to their own homes - verse 10.  What did they think of Mary standing there?  Perhaps they left her standing there.  Verse 13 the angels come to Mary and spoke to her "why weepest thou?"  She replies "they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him."  She is still standing on her own.  Mary remains while the disciples went home.  Waiting to the very end.  She is the one who will receive the blessing of God on this occasion.  The angels spoke to her and she turns away.  Then the Lord speaks to her, he has a word for her.  He simply says "woman".  A word in season for her.  Think of all he has suffered yet he speaks to her this day.  The Lord wants to speak to you directly today.  Perhaps you are going through a difficult time and need consoling.  Do you think of others?  Is there someone you know going through a great affliction and you haven`t given them a second thought?  Maybe this is a familiar scene to us.  In that lonely spot, let down by others, standing alone.  The risen Saviour wants to console you if only you will let him.  The resurrected Saviour came right to where Mary was and gave her the word she needed just at that time.  The apostle Paul felt so alone at Corinth preaching when he had no results.  He was about to walk away, to shake his garments.  You can be alone in the service of God today.  Maybe you are praying for your family, are bending over backwards to see them saved but nothing is happening.  Maybe you are doing something in God`s service and nothing is happening.  You feel like walking away.  Paul was like that but then the Lord spoke to him.  "Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace.  For I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee for I have much people in this city." (Acts 18 verses 9 and 10)  It was the resurrected Saviour.  On another occasion his friends left him and he was called before the emperor Caesar.  Paul said the Lord stood by him.  He was taken on board a ship and the captain decided to sail even though a violent storm was coming and Paul warned him not to.  Paul told the people on the boat "For there stood by me this night the angel of God whose I am and whom I serve. Saying, Fear not, Paul thou must be brought before Caesar and lo God hath given thee all them that said with thee." (Acts 27 verses 23 and 24)  

The concern the Lord had for this woman.  In her lonely stand God had concern for her.  The Lord is concerned about you today.  He asks her the question "why weepest thou?"  Mary is standing broken and the Lord says to her "why weepest thou?"  She couldn`t find her Saviour and she was weeping so strongly.  It is the same word used when Jesus met Mary and Martha as they wept over their brother Lazarus.  It is not the same word as "Jesus wept".  He had an inward weeping.  Here in these verses he was concerned about Mary.  The Lord is concerned about how you feel.  He died on Calvary to save your sins.  He raised Jesus for your justification that you might be raised to a right relationship with him today.  He is concerned for your soul.  He cares for the situation you find yourself in.  He was concerned about the 2 on the Emmaeus road.  In John 14 when Jesus realised he must leave this scene of time, knew he was leaving a team behind him and said to them "Let not your heart be troubled".  He was concerned about them.  He is concerned whatever the situation is down in your soul today.  Are you saved today?  The disciples were concerned about their future.  They stepped out in faith to follow Jesus.  What would they do?  Do not be concerned Jesus told them because the heavenly father knows everything you need.  The resurrected Saviour is the one who consoles us and is concerned for us.  As Christ hung on the cross dying, ready to give up the ghost, he looked at the people around the cross.  He looked to Mary and said "woman behold thy son" then turned to John "son behold thy mother."  He was making sure the woman who bore him was taken care of when he left this scene of time.  Not only cared for now in this scene of time but has taken care of in eternity.

The challenge in her lonely stand - verse 15.  The Lord said to her first "why weepest thou" and he was looking at her eyes and then her heart.  Now he asks her "whom seekest thou?"  There was one thought in her mind.  She came alone to the tomb with the spices for his body.  There was only one thing in her mind.  Then she finds the stone rolled away and there is no sign of her Saviour.  Jesus asks her "whom seekest thou?"  What a challenge to us today.  This is the same woman out of whom the Lord had cast 7 devils and delivered her.  Is it any wonder she was weeping?  We are not told how these devils affected her but we remember the young man of the tombs who was given over to fits of rage and anger.  He had superhuman strength because he was able to snap the fetters and chains off him.  No man could go near him.  What about the father who brought his son to Jesus.  The father told him that the devil some times casts him into the fire and water.  He couldn`t leave him because of that.  Mary had 7 devils within her and the Lord delivered them from her.  Is it any wonder she is here on this particular morning.  When she cannot find him she is weeping.  She realises what she has been delivered from, who delivered her and now he is gone.  She wanted to be shown where he was and she would go and take care of him.  Sadly the Laodicean church in Revelation 3 didn`t even miss the presence of the Lord.  He was on the outside knocking.  They didn`t even hear him.  They didn`t know he was gone - why - because they were so wrapped up in themselves.  They were so rich in themselves, didn`t need the Lord and didn`t know he was away.  Are we here because it is a Sunday morning ritual?  Because we want others to see us in church today?  Think of Zacchaeus, he ran down the street and climbed a tree - why - to see Jesus.  He wanted to find out more about him.  Is that how it is for us today?  Are we here to meet the risen Saviour?  It happened just as she was about to turn away, when she was going to leave and go home.  The close of any meeting is one of the most important times in the whole of the service.  Maybe for you in the last few seconds of this meeting God has a word for you like Mary.  She didn`t rush away, she tarried and received the blessing.

She received a commission from the Lord - verse 17 "go to my brethren."  She was to go and tell the disciples especially Peter.  Why should she go to them?  They were not concerned about her.  Peter and John walked past her and never gave her a second thought.  They didn`t see the tears, the brokenness, were not worried about Mary.  Why should she go to them?  She was commissioned.  Maybe you don`t feel this morning that there is a task you can do for the Lord but when you come to the Lord and are consoled by him, when you are challenged by him there is something else you must do.  You may not feel like it today but maybe the Lord has put a commission on your heart for a task that he alone wants you to do.  The resurrected Saviour is not here.  We can leave with a joy in knowing he is alive today and alive for evermore.

What does Easter mean to you?

Sermon notes from Sunday evening 16 April 2017
Ephesians 3

Perhaps a strange passage to look at for Easter Sunday night.  You might expect us to turn to a portion on the cross or tomb but this particular portion has been on my mind after reading an article entitled "What does Easter mean to you?"  In that article they had asked different people what it meant to them.  Some said it was a time to meet up with families, others a time to go out for a meal and for children it was all about Easter eggs and being off school.  There was not one person who mentioned anything to do with the cross or the tomb or the words "he is not here he is risen."  We come to a day and age when people don`t care, have no time to read what the gospel means to them.  Maybe Easter is the only time when the cross is ever considered and we pay lip service to it at that particular time.  The cross might never be talked about or preached from the pulpit until next year.  The cross is not just something we consider at Easter, it is at the forefront of our minds each and every day.  It is the only reason why you are here.  If he hadn`t went to the middle cross for you, touched that life of yours, you might as well have stayed in the house tonight.  It is not something to pick and choose at.  That time of Easter is where people will begin to think about what Jesus did at the cross.  What happened at the tomb on Easter Sunday?  In this portion of scripture Paul understood what the cross meant to him.  He had it at the forefront of his mind every day of the week.  Verse 14 "for this cause I bow my knee unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."  In each of his letters Paul understood the importance of prayer.  He understood the need that lay all around him.  That is why Jesus left heaven.  Calvary was not an afterthought.  God didn`t sit down and think this world has made an awful mess so we need to do something about it.  No right back in the Garden he had planned Calvary.  That is why Paul could set the cross at the forefront of his mind.  He understood the strength and power of the cross.  If we were to take time to go back to Acts 9 we would undertand the power of the cross.  He was "breathing out threatenings and slaughter" against those who followed Christ.  Then he saw a great light from heaven shining on him.  Paul dropped to his knees.  He had an encounter with the risen Christ that day.  He could picture back to the power that brought him to his knees.  Later on that day Saul`s men picked him up and took him to Ananias` house.  Think of what Ananias thought when he heard Paul was coming to see him.  "What is God doing bringing an evil man to my house?"  The Lord told Ananias "he is a chosen vessel unto me."  How can he go from verse 1 to a man now on his knees?  That is the power of the cross.  That is why Easter should not be something we pick up today and not give it much thought until next year again.  That is why this pulpit preaches the cross today.  He is the same God who can touch your soul tonight just like he did to Paul on the road to Damascus.  "For this cause" surely we have to ask ourselves one question - for what cause?  There is something he wants to tell us.  To bow the knee, remembering.  Why did he feel the need to bow?  When he considered the universal call of the gospel - verse 6.  "That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel."  It was the gift of salvation.  We could be outside the kingdom and God today, on our way to a lost eternity.  The cross of Calvary can still touch us at the point of our need.  Why?  Because the universal call of the gospel is still there.  Not talking here specifically to Jewish people.  He was saying it was for Gentiles but who are they?  We are the Gentiles.  God touched us because we are the Gentile people.  He has touched us, saved us.  How?  Because of the middle cross.  For this cross he could have bowed the knee.

He also bowed the knee because he considered the love of God to his soul.  Verse 8 "unto me who am less than the least of all saints is that grace given."  Many of us could put our names in there.  Paul did it.  Jesus went to Calvary just for me and you also.  Think of John 3 verse 16.  Now consider verse 8 - it is John 3 in action.  Grace was given to us freely without charge.  Grace is where God gives us the things we don`t deserve.  Do any of us deserve redemption?  There is a home in heaven reserved for us.  God loved us.  Not one of us deserved God`s mercy.  Not one of us deserved the mercy shown to us.  To take the punishment for your sin.  Even the great apostle Paul.  In Philippians 3 we read the credentials of this man.  A learned man, a scholar yet considered him to be the least of all the saints.  That is humbleness and humility.  What a loving God we come before.  The one who did not look at us and see all our flaws, all our sin..  The word "given" is the word to be thrown upon, to be bombarded upon.  So much grace flowing on top of us.  Paul bowed the knee when he considered the access he now had to God - "in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by faith in him."  God didn`t save us and leave us.  You have access to the throne room of God.  Why?  Because of Calvary.  We read in the scriptures that the temple veil was ripped from top to bottom when Jesus cried "it is finished".    No longer do we have to present that lamb before the priest.  We have direct access to God, all because of Calvary.  He could look at what Christ had done for him and think the only thing I can do is bow the knee.  Too many Christians forsake the source of power and strength available trying to make it their own way.  Can we afford not to be in prayer for our world today, for the church itself or families and loved ones.  Can we afford not to be in place where we have direct access to God because of Calvary?
He bowed the knee when he considered the one he came before.  Unless we get an insight of the one we come to this evening then we miss the point.  What is God like?  To many God sits on a throne and has a great white beard.  That is not what we should be saying.  In Isaiah 6 the throne room of God was like Revelation 4.  It tells us the cherubims and seraphims go through the throne room of heaven crying "holy, holy, holy" yet Jesus left the splendours of heaven to hear them shouting at him "crucify him".  Isaiah 53 "he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities"  God is not someone sitting on a cloud.  Jesus left the environs of heaven.  When the angels shielded their faces because they couldn`t look at him.  To come into a sin cursed world to have his beard ripped from his face, have his face slapped as he walked past.  Is it any wonder Paul could say "for this cause I bow the knee"  For everything God has done for me.  Verse 17 "that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith."  We talk a lot at Easter of the cross.  He is not there.  He is at the right hand side of the father making intercession for us.  Verse 17 "that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge."  How can we know all that if he is still dead today?  Calvary is much more than one day a year.  A place of sacrifice.  He laid down his life for you.  A place of victory.  A sealed tomb couldn`t keep him.  Calvary is a place of decision.  The thief cried out "Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom."  The other thief looked into his eyes and went into hell itself.  Why did Paul say "for this cause I bow my knees".  He looked at the access he now had, what the Lord had done for him.

Running the Christian race

Sermon notes from Sunday 12 March 2017
Hebrews 12 verses 1 - 3 - Running the Christian Race
In chapter 11 we see the athletes who ran the race well for the Lord.  Hope you are in the Christian race today.  Thank God for knowing the joy as God`s word is preached across the world.  It is possible for many to enter into the Christian race well.

The conditions for entering into this race.  There is a starting point for evey race.  If he wants to receive the crown at the end he must start at the same point as everyone else.  "I have fought the good fight, I have run the course."  He was talking of a starting point in his life.  There is a starting time as well - athletes cannot say "I am not feeling good at the moment I will start later on, I will do it in my own time."  That is the way some people talk.  "I will get right with God sometime."  We need to keep in mind it is not our time.  "There is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted." (Ecclesiastes 3 verse 2)  When God`s spirit talks to us we need to know what we need to do.  It is God`s time.  If the Lord is prompting you to get something done then it is time for you to do it.  30 years ago there was a time when God`s work should be founded.  There came a moment in the divine purpose of God that the building should be started.  That is God`s timing.  "Come now let us reason together" says the Lord.  There was a time when Paul started out - at midday on the road to Damascus.  Are you able to look back to a time and place?  Maybe not sure of the time or hour but that is not the important thing.  If we know Christ that is the most important time.  The farmer is not concerned with what time the lambs are born during the night, he is more concerned about them being alive.

The instructions laid down.  We can lay the weights that would get us into down, lay our sins at the feet of Christ - "casting all our care upon him for he careth for us."  "Come unto me and I will give you rest."  There are weights that hold us from making that spiritual progress in our life.  "Let us lay aside every weight"  That includes the habits people have, grudges, bitterness.  We are told in this passage that we have got to leave these things down.   Thank God we have a wonderful message to share with the world, to share with those who have burdens.   To help them gaze at the cross and feel the burden coming off their back.  It is good to know there are those around you who care.  Maybe you need to share it with someone.  God doesn`t want us to leave under these weights.  He tells them to cast them aside.  If you saw an athlete lining up to run for the gold with a suitcase in either hand, overcoat on you would say there is something wrong with that person.  They have so much baggage.  There is a lot of baggage around today.  We can carry it around and not be prepared to lay it down.  "Let us run with patience"  Husbands be as patient as you can with wives and visa versa and be patient with everyone else too.  Young lives are spoiled today because haven`t been prepared to wait on God`s way and timing to do a thing.  God is good and he is faithful to perform what he wants in our lives.  The athlete also needs to watch the diet.  To eat what gives him strength for the race.  Christians cannot live on TV programmes and questionable books.  We have to feed on the living word.  Feed your soul.  You can become spiritual skeletons.  Let you soul delight in fatness.  The further the athlete goes the weaker they become.  For the Christian athlete the further they go the stronger they become.  That is why you can visit a man or woman on their deathbed, saved for years who are dying in the comfort and peace of God.  They have run the race and have no fears or regrets.  Psalm 84 verse 7 "they go from strength to strength".  That is what God wants us to do, to go forward in strength not fear.  The Psalmist said "every time I am afraid I will trust in God."  Paul to the Galatian church "ye did well what did hinder you?"  Are you running as well as you did 5 years ago?  If you are not a committed Christian today there are obstacles, blockages in your way, difficulties you get through, situations to get over, battles and struggles.  God gives the glory.  If the athlete is running and there are those on the side booing him or cheering him he cannot let any of that distract him from going forward.  When you find difficulties God still leads us on.  What is the purpose of the running of this race?  Galatians 1 verse 15 part of the purpose is to reveal Christ to the world, reveal Jesus to my workmates, children in my class.    It is also to reach the great destination.

The reward -"henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, not to me only but to all who love his appearing."  "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith."  The one who ran the race from glory to Bethlehem, to Calvary and on to glory.  "I press toward the prize of the calling of Christ."  Are you in the race today?  Do you look back and say "yes there was a start", can point to a starting time and place, with the help of God have been obedient to him and can say "I continue to this day."  Paul said "let us press on."  Let`s never despair, live above the feelings for victory is there.

A life defining moment for Saul of Tarsus

Sermon notes from Sunday 7 May 2017
Acts 7 verses 54 - chapter 8 verse 8
I was listening to a programme and a lot of it was dedicated to a young man who spent some 32 hours on a surf board.  It was thinking about fears he had, what was going on all around him, could see no hope whatsoever.  It was a life defining moment.  Things that happen to us that mean life could never be the same again.  That young man`s mind will go back to that day drifting along in the sea with no hope until he saw the helicopter in the skies.  Or think of the young racing driver who was in an ordinary race at 120 miles per hour coming around the track when all of a sudden there was a stationary car.  He lived to tell the tale but lost both his legs.  These are life changing moments.  Life defining moments.  We have also a life changing moment for the young man called Saul who later became Paul of the apostles.  It was not only a life defining moment for him but for the church of Jesus Christ.  A changing of the course for the church.  Chapter 8 verse 1 there was great persecution caused by Saul.  A religious zealot who had been brought up in the Jewish religious faith.  There came a moment when that all began to change.  It happened as he stood and watched Stephen being stoned to death. Saul guarded the clothes of them that stoned Stephen.  Look at Acts chapter 22 verses 19 and 20.  Not only was Saul standing by but he was watching.  "I kept the raiment of them that slew him."  Standing in this religious crowd, they had quizzed Stephen, tried to get him to recant of all he believed in then lifted the stones to stone him.  If we could lift our eyes away from the scene we would see Saul standing on the opposite side watching all that was going on.  Here was a man being stoned to death at his request.  There was something there that left a mark on Saul`s life.  Have you ever had a life changing moment experience?  Look at the experience Saul had.

Saul witnessed the cause for which Stephen was stoned.  This religious zealot cannot see the gospel of saving grace.  Something had to happen.  For us when we come under the teaching of the gospel the Holy Spirit had to come and take that veil off our faces, lift it up so that we might see.  Don`t think that just because you are saved you are any better than anyone else.  A life defining moment happened.  Have you ever really thought about that moment when your last breath is about to be taken where will your soul be in eternity?  Saul witnessed something definite and real.  He signed the consenting note for Stephen`s death.  In Acts 6 we are introduced to this man Stephen. A conflict had arose in the church.  The Grecians felt they were being left out.  When did this happen?  "when the number of the disciples was multiplied."  When we see God working in a situation we also see the devil rising in opposition.  He starts the murmuring among the church members.  What was the answer to it?  We find men like Stephen stepping forward.  Verse 3 the apostles speaking to the laymen of the church.  They are described as "of honest report".  In other words they had a good name in society.  They were "full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom."  They wanted to appoint some over this business.  Ordinary men with special qualifications to sort out this murmuring in the church.  They had a longing desire for the things of God.  It is only when this desire is evident that we can know the working of the Holy Ghost within us.  Paul commended Priscilla and Aquilla - why - because when times were difficult for Paul these two would have laid down their lives for him.  We are talking here about real commitment, ready to die for the cause of Jesus Christ.  That is the sort of thing the unsaved are looking for.  Men and women prepared to see us not just taking up a pew on a Sunday morning but prepared to do something for the Lord in the rest of the week.  Paul referred to Mary and said "she bestowed much labour on us."  Not everyone is called to preach but that should not exclude us from whatever task God would have us to do.  The local fellowship is not just about the evangelist or the Sunday School teachers but the body of Christ working together to see men and women saved. In verse 2 the apostles have gathered together as a fellowship but now there is a division, a dispute has arisen.  They realised they couldn`t do their own work and try to sort out this division too.    They would have to leave the study of God`s word and prayer.  They were not being big headed but they could see what was happening.  The enemy, the devil was involved in this.  The devil was trying to take away the word of God from their midst.  The apostles were asking them to choose out men full of the Holy Ghost, dedicated and consecrated to the Lord.  Are you and I today like that?  Here was a man ready to die for Christ.  As Saul of Tarsus watched this stoning he could see the same thing.  Agabus took Paul`s girdle and wrapped it around both his hands.  He then said that the person who wore this girdle would be bound, fettered, chained and imprisoned all because of the gospel.  The church turned to Paul and told him not to go down to Jerusalem because of this.  Paul said he was prepared to die for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Saul witnessed the calmness in Stephen`s suffering.  Stephen had a calmness in his approach to settling the dispute in the church.  That calmness only comes from the Spirit of God.  In chapter 6 verse 8 he was standing firm even at the point of death.  God was using him so very well that even the devil took notice of him.  The devil stirred up religious momentum that he had him arrested and stoned to death.  Think of Nehemiah in the Old Testament.  The word came to him that Jerusalem had been torn down and the people were not attending the place of worship.  God`s word came to Nehemiah that he wanted him to do the work but Nehemiah pleaded with God that he was not able.  He was only a cupbearer in the king`s palace, how could he do such a job.  When God is in something, when he separates us we can do it with his help.  When Nehemiah went down the enemies were grieved.  They saw a man who cared for the welfare of the people.  What a wonderful testimony.  Not out to make a name for himself or to become rich.  He left a great job in the palace serving the king, no doubt had a great wage and prospects but he left it all to go and serve the Lord.  He went and undertook the job God called him to.  Here is Stephen, when the enemy was in the church telling lies and stories, when they tried him and could not find anything to accuse him of.  Chapter 6 verse 10 they were able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke.  They were clever, asking him great theological questions but Stephen`s face shone like an angel.  The God who could make the calmness on his soul at the point of his death is the same God we have today.  You are afraid because there is something you have to decide today, let God take control and charge.

Saul witnessed the confession Stephen made - Acts 16 verse 15.  He was faithful to the end.  He started well, ran well and finished well.  Here he was being stoned and it was at that point that he looked up into the heavens and saw the glory of God.  He could see the Lord Jesus standing waiting on him.  What a great vision he had.  Imagine if that was our vision on the day we die.  Now contrast it with the sinners death.  Not saved, not born again of the Spirit of God, what do they see?  Not the glory of the Lord.  Before them is only darkness, a lost sinners hell for eternity.  A life defining moment is what you can have today if you come to Christ, trust him as Saviour and Lord.  There were men and women years ago burned at the stake for their faith.  Men like Martin Luther who led the great Reformation.  They died to give us liberty.  We should never give up that freedom to worship, to give out the tract on the streets so that men and women might be saved.

Saul witnessed a great challenge.  Did he leave this scene in bitterness?  Knowing the last breath was about to leave his body?  No, he said "Lord lay not this sin against their charge."  A young man of grace and compassion.  Could we pray for those who would hurt us as this young man prayed?  This was a life changing moment for Saul of Tarsus.  He would never forget about that moment in the future.  I trust God has brought you to a place where you will never ever forget because he wants to do something in your life from here on.  The pastor will never do it nor the evangelist, nor coming Sunday by Sunday - only the Lord can do it for you this very moment.

Suffering for Christ`s sake

Sermon notes from Sunday 4 June 2017
1 Peter 4 verses 12 - 17
This was written by the apostle Peter.  One of the things about letters you always know who it is from by the ending of the letter.  Peter wrote this slightly differently.  The destination to whom this letter was written. These places were there in Peter`s day but are not known to us today.  He did that in order to let us know under the direction of the Holy Spirit`s authority.  It was also written to us today.  A text message can be read in 2 or 3 ways.  Misread a meaning even though the same words are used.  It is important to know what it really means.  Peter is remembered for many things but one main thing stands out in my own mind is when the chips were down and what Christ really needed someone beside him where was Peter?  Where was Peter when Christ was going through mock trials, false witnesses being wheeled out - where was Peter?  He was following from a distance.  A lump of a man who was a fisherman.  He knew what it was to suffer for Christ.  It was a maid that questioned him.  His tongue gave him away.  None of us is perfect.  We have let God down many times not intentionally but we still do it.  A few scholars say this letter was written around AD63/65/66, some 30 years after Christ was crucified.  Peter had been on the road speaking of Christ to believers.  He had a lot of experience under his belt.  The Holy Spirit prompted him to write this letter.  Verse 12.  You probably have been through a few trials in the family, hospital visits for tests but what is Peter talking about here?  Remember he is talking to those who believe in Christ.  Verse 13 not just talking about a wee trial of hill health but rather being associated with the Lord Jesus.  Don`t think it strange if you are going to have both.  John 16 verse 33 "fear not for I have overcome the world."  Reiterating something what Christ has already said.  When will Christ`s glory be revealed - in the last times when he comes as king and conqueror.  We will receive the reward due to us for following him.  When we leave this scene of time we will know what it is to be rewarded.  In NI our trials are not so very trying in the grand scheme of things.  I am sure you are aware of Open Doors, they try to minister to people living in countries that face persecution.  If you are a pastor in this country you could face many many years in prison for preaching the gospel.  This is a real trial.  Verse 14 "if ye be reproached for the name of Christ happy are ye when you are facing opposition." The Bible says "happy are ye".  What that means is this.  The Bible says you can be happy because you show enough of Christ`s love.  People recognise it and will antagonise you for that faith you have.  You demonstrate the love of Christ in your every day life.  When you face trials because of your faith he will help us because he is near us.  He will give us joy and contentment.  Verse 15 can be a bit strange.  What does Peter mean when he says this?  If you suffer for the name of Christ then happy are you.  You are suffering for the sake of your Saviour who loved you and gave himself for you.  Loved you more than you can every understand.  If you suffer for Christ`s sake you will be blessed in the life to come.  There are lots of suffering in this world not just because we believe in Christ.  When we call people their own worst enemy bring things upon themselves no need to bring on themselves.  Peter says "let none of you suffer as a murderer"  Don`t been tempted to go and do something.  Do not be tempted.  Talking here about his own personal experience.  One of the things he did in the Garden was when he took a sword and cut off a piece of a man`s ear.  That man was called Malchus a servant of the chief priest.  Peter was a quick tempered individual.  Thought his Saviour would come in as a lion and throw the Romans out of their country, take over like a military coup.  Peter was going to throw the first strike.  Christ healed the man.  Peter knew what it was like to be quick tempered, speaking from a background knew what it was like.  When you suffer as a murderer, thief, evil doer or as a busy body in another man`s matters.  It is surprising to think that the Bible speaks of busy bodies such as this.  The Bible speaks against it.  Serious thing when it is put in same sentence as murderers and thieves.  We are not to be interfering in other peoples affairs.  Verse 16 Peter knew about that and Paul knew about that.  Stephen knew about that.  Christ knew about that.  Something to be taken seriously today.  The Bible has told us we will suffer for Christ`s sake.  Verse 17 in other words if we as Christians we will come through the fiery trials and we have God to protect us who has our lives mapped out from the time we are born to eternity - how much worse will it be for those who do not believe. The Gospel of God - what is it - the good news of Christ who came to seek and to save that which was lost.  Brillant, tremendous news.  He came out to seek - how - Isaiah 61 the people of God were called, sought out and sought after.  God is trying to reach you and I.  Maybe if not a believer more powerfully now than ever before because time is going on.

God wants to save your soul.  The verse asks the questions what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?  Revelation 21 verse 8 let the word of God speak for itself.  The first 2 categories in this verse - "the fearful and unbelieving."  There are people in there who are scared to follow Christ, fearful to put trust in God`s hands yet the Holy Spirit gives them power to do.  The unbelieving cannot be there.  I believe in a designer not some sort of biological accident today.  People have lost the realisation they are precious as an individual.  You are not a glorified monkey, you are a person whom God breathed into.  Adam became a living soul that would never die.  Just as in the account of the rich man and Lazarus.  The rich man opened up his eyes in hell.  He begged to dip his finger in water to cool his tongue.  He asked for someone to "Go and tell my brothers."  It was too late though.  Where do you want to be in eternity?  Simple question and most would say they would like to be where Christ is.  They do not want to be in that place called hell you have just described.  Are you willing to be saved?  Everyone wants to be saved but very few are willing to be saved.  Leave you with a question - are you willing to follow Christ?  Willing to take him as Saviour?  Are you willing to be saved?

A debt to be paid

Sermon notes from Sunday evening 26 February 2017
2 Kings 4 verses 1 - 7
In 2 Kings 4 we meet a woman who has been bereaved of her husband.  The situation in her own home is given right away.  We see in these verses the pathway to the man of God`s door.  That is where this woman came to.  Only one place where she might find help - at the door of the man of God.  There is a greater door to consider - the pathway to heaven`s door.  Maybe you have never made your way to that pathway to heaven.  The gate is still narrow.  There are few that find it.  There are many on the way to heaven yes but compared to those making their way on the downward path there are few heading for heaven tonight.  This was not an easy pathway for this woman.  The gate to the pathway to heaven is not easy to find.  What this woman needed was supernatural help.  As we come into this meeting there is one source of help for you tonight.  Supernatural help, not in any one else, found in Jesus Christ.  Have you come to the road to seek him as Saviour and Lord?  This might be a great night for you.  This might be the night you leave behind your life of sin and make your way to the pathway of heaven.  Nothing short of a miracle would help this woman.  What you need tonight is a miracle of grace.  She found a miracle in her lap.  You need a miracle to lift you from where you are to be set on the pathway to heaven and home.  We are not talking about turning over a new leaf, a little more churchianity, doing the best you can.  We are talking of a miracle of grace.  You coming to the foot of the cross, taking at the hands of the Saviour eternal life.  A miracle takes place at the foot of the cross.  You might have all the religiousity but it will never take you across the bridge tonight.  Not an easy pathway for this woman.  She had a debt to pay and nothing to pay it with.  You have come in in the same situation.  You owe a great debt and nothing that will take you into the glories of heaven tonight.

Notice first the complaint that brought her to this door.  Her search began with a heavy heart and sorrowful soul.  If you haven`t come to search for the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind you will not find him.  It is only the Lord that can make the heart sorrowful.  He is the only one who can show you the situation of your heart, make you sorrowful.  Only then will you search for Christ truly with all your heart.  Her search began with a heavy heart.  Her pain is described here "my husband is dead".  With his passing he had left a debt she could not pay.  Here was a woman who came to the door of this man of God.  She had a complaint and that brought her to his door.  If affected her and her family.  The creditor could come and take her sons away, make them his servants and she would never see them again for 7 years.  Where has sin brought you tonight?  Your heart is heavy and sorrowful, burdened down with your sin.  You are a candidate for God`s salvation.  Maybe you have a complaint in your heart but feel you cannot bring it to the Lord.  The Lord has placed this complaint on your heart just so that you would acknowledge God himself.  Sin can influence your home, can keep your family away from the cross because they are following your example.  This woman realised her sadness and sorrow was not over.  She realised now she would lose her 2 boys, the great loss she would have.  If I only could paint the picture of a lost and Christless hell that will be your destination if you do not come to the cross.  Your here today.  Some say there is more than one way to heaven.  Every bit of that religion is good, apply it until one day we get to heaven.  Wouldn`t it be awful to close your eyes in death to a lost eternity.  This woman began to realise the great loss she encountered.  Isn`t that what brought Jairus to Jesus.  He realised that the person he needed was Jesus.  If you were to come into my home then I know my daughter would be better.  The pain of loss.  His daughter brought him to Jesus.  Whatever it is that will bring you to Christ don`t turn it away.

The compassion she was met with.  Maybe you have never come to Christ, prayed a simple prayer of faith "Lord come into my life."  Maybe you think your sin is too vile tonight.  The Lord will never accept me.  Saul of Tarsus had blood on his hands yet he found mercy on the road to Damascus.  Elisha had time to stop with her, to talk with her.  Many find that same compassion in the Saviour.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  Isn`t that the same compassion here.  The woman caught in adultery was found and pushed in front of the religious leaders.  She was arrested and brought her to Christ, they wanted to trick him, wanted to hear what he would have to say.  They had no answer to her sin.  When she stood in the presence of Christ she found one full of compassion - "let him that is without sin cast the first stone."   When he looked up again no-one else was there.  Jesus asked the woman "where are thy accusers?"  "There are none" she said.  "Neither do I go and sin no more."  What a compassionate Saviour.  Christ knows your sin and he is willing for you to come.  The compassion in the Saviour.  The old thief found life to his dying breath.  The old thief looked at the Saviour and said "Lord remember me" and Jesus said "today thou shalt be with me in paradise."  The Lord didn`t turn him away nor is he going to make a mockery or fool of you.  If you come tonight you will be saved.  He came to find you - he came to "seek and to save that which is lost."  He came to give his life as a ransom for me.  He is not willing that any should perish.  Remember the lepers who came to Jesus.  They were total outcasts and not allowed in the city.  They came to the feet of Jesus.  The Lord touched them.  Not another person would touch them.  They found in him one full of compassion.

There was the challenge that faced her.  Elisha was compassionate.  The answer he gave was by way of challenge. It was all on condition that she believed the Lord.  Elisha told her to take her cruise of oil, close the door behind her, borrow all the vessels she could get then begin to fill them.  She would have to prove Christ.  She ony had a little cruise of oil but she began to pour it into the first vessel.  She continued to the last vessel and her son told her there were no more vessels.  It must have seemed foolishness to lift down that cruise of oil.  If you want to be saved isn`t it foolishness.  The Greeks and the Romans just thought that too.  That a man or woman steeped in their sin would come to the foot of the cross and get down on their knees.  Look at the great sin barrier being delivered.  By faith invite Christ into your life.  That is what it is to trust Christ as your own and personal Saviour.  1 Kings 17 Elijah came to the very gate of the widow woman.  As he came this woman was out gathering a few sticks.  She only had a handful of meal and a cupful of oil.  She had enough to make one cake and then she would die.  Elijah told her to make his cake first for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the meal shall not waste and the oil shall not fail.  That is what makes the difference.  "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" Paul told the Philippian jailer.  Will you come tonight.  Tonight that is the challenge - will you leave your religion tonight.  That is the challenge.  Will you turn from the self righteous life tonight?  That is the challenge - will you come and acknowledge Christ as your Saviour?
There is the commandment that followed - verse 5.  She took all the vessels.  The oil still remained.  She came and told Elisha.  He told her to sell the oil and pay the debt and live thou and thy children on the rest.  God has paid the debt for your sin and he will give you the grace to live day by day.  A young ruler came to Jesus wasn`t prepared to leave all to follow Christ - are you prepared to leave all and follow Christ tonight?

The formation, function and fruits of the government

Sermon notes from 26 February 2017
Romans 13 verses 1 - 14
Looking at the government from a biblical perspective.  The responsibility a Christian has in this political arena.  The first thing to notice is the formation of the government.  As I open up the word of God I find that theme through every book from Genesis to Revelation.  Look at God`s plan from the beginning.  Man has his view of it but what is God`s plan?  What does he have to say?  Maybe the politicians need to learn a lesson from God`s word.
The formation of government - verse 1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."  Notice it is "every soul" not just one.  The God of heaven is working behind the scenes.  Maybe you need that word of encouragement today, in your life, in your situation, in your home, in your life, in your family. God is working in the realms that you do not see for your benefit and mine even though times are difficult for us "for all things work together for good to them that love God." (Romans 8 verse 28)  God is working out a plan for this province even today.  We would do well to remind ourselves of that.  God raises and brings down kingdoms.  It is good to remind ourselves how powerful God is.  If we were to watch our TV screens we would think man is an elevated being and God is somehow listening to his dictates.  He is almighty, he does not need anything of us whatsoever yet he took his very best from heaven to save our souls.  Maybe you haven`t allowed him to save your soul.  Think of Joseph, the youngest son of the patriarch Jacob.  God had a plan and purpose for this young man.  He was hated and despised by his brothers. 30 years of age he was sitting on the most influential throne of that day, second in line to Pharoah.  Before that he was sold as a slave into Potiphar`s house where lies and slander were told of him.  He had to spend years in a prison.  God was working it out.  A time of crisis.  Pharoah knew nothing about him.  God had it in his plan and purpose to bring him to the throne of Egypt.  That is what God does.  Genesis 41 verse 40 "thou shalt be over my house and according unto they word shall all my people be ruled."  What did he say to his brothers?  "You meant it for evil but God meant it for good."  We wrestle not against flesh and blood.  Man is not our enemy.  He can give himself over to Satanic powers to come against us.  Think of Esther - "who knew you would come to this kingdom for such a time as this."  God used her to reign over his people of Persia.  God raiseth up the kingdoms of the world and bringeth down the same as quickly too.  It is God who brings all the power, the formation of the government who raises up and puts down.  See that by illustration in the book of Daniel.  Nebuchadnezzar couldn`t sleep when he dreamed of a great image of different materials portrayed.  As he looked at this image he saw a head of gold, the most expensive of all materials.  "Thou, O king, art a king of kings, for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power and strength and glory." (Daniel 2 verse 37)  It was a gift because Israel had rebelled against the King of heaven and God had allowed Nebuchadnezzar to take them captive.  God had the authority here.  In chapter 4 verse 29 we have a picture of the same king out strolling in his garden.  "Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for honour of my majesty?"  He was taking the power back to himself.  Daniel had told him God had given him this great kingdom, power and authority.  In verse 31 we read "While the word was in the king`s mouth there fell a voice from heaven, saying O king Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee."  God was listening to this man`s very thoughts.  God gave the kingdom to him and now he was going to take it away from him.  As this man was raised up so too God will take them away.  Man can do nothing but from God today.

The function of the government.  What has God purposed for the government?  Verse 3 "For rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same."  Today we see the opposite happening.  Call good evil and evil good.  We think of Esther again.  There we see in that palace a man rising to great prominence through the normal system - Haaman.  The king honoured him with a position of authority - Esther 3 verse 1.  He came to power in the kingdom of Persia but that kingdom is gone today as is Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar`s day.  God is working behind the scenes.  He will replace Haaman.  He was a pompous man, a proud man, a glory seeking man.  He would hatch a plot against the Jewish people - Esther 3 verses 8 and 9.  Maybe there are those today trying to destroy this province.  We have a greater God who has better plans than we could ever think.  God brought Esther to the throne.  He overthrew all Haaman`s plans.  Haaman was hanged on his own gallows.  Esther was there to save the day.  Genesis 50 verse 20 God had a plan for Joseph "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive."  We should vote for candidates that defend the rights of the vulnerable, the week, the poor and needy, for the unborn child, who believe in marriage according to the Bible.

The fruits of government.  Paul has said here in verse 4 "For he is the minister of God to thee for good.  But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain; for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."  We are to be subject to those powers.  Paul was a Roman citizen, I`m sure it wasn`t easy to be subject to that government when those powers disagreed with the word of God.  How do we respond to things that are against God`s government?  We are told to be subject to them.  There has to be revival prayer.  The Christian has got to give himself to prayer.  We are subject but don`t agree with all that comes from this government.  There will be a shopping list at the end of the election - equality of marriage, a man can marry a man, a woman can marry a woman, new abortion laws. Wouldn`t it be awful to see things coming in against the word of God whether it be right in the sight of God.  Paul encourages our prayer support - "I beseech thee therefore that all prayers should be made for all men, for kings and those in authority that you may lead a quiet and peaceable life in godliness and honesty."  In Acts 16 when Paul was beaten and thrown into prison word had got back to the magistrates.  They told someone to go and let them go free.  Paul says we are Roman citizens, wrong has been done to us, if they want us to go out from prison let them come in and tell us to go. (Acts 16 verse 37)  We are subject to a higher authority.    I encourage you this week to come to prayer.  The province is at stake.  What we believe is at stake, everything we believe is at stake this week.

Friday, 8 September 2017

The importance of the word of God

Sermon notes from 28 March 2017
2 Timothy 3
In this passage of scripture we see Paul remembering Timothy.  Timothy was a young man who went out to preach the word of God.  Paul has a few things he wants to teach him.  He wants to tell him of some of the dangers that lie before him.  Verse 1 we are going into perilous times today.  What our children and young people need today is the word of God.  Verse 14 "but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them."  Not talking of the church but of his own home when his grandmother and mother taught the word of God.  A family altar is more needed today that ever.  What a great privilege Timothy had.  In many homes today the Bible is not read and prayer is not made.  That is why we have a Sunday School today, why we teach the word of God.

First and foremost because of the authority.  Verse 16 "all scripture is given by inspiration of God."  The book we have before us is the word of God.  Think of this great God we have today.  Did God sit back and let us get on with things?  He now wants to communicate with us.  He wants to break into our world and give us his precious word today.  When I begin to think of that, that the God of heaven would begin to speak to us through his word, it is amazing.  Psalm 33 "the word of the Lord is right."  Not only that but it tells me in Hebrews "he upholds all things by the word of his power."  The Psalmist could say God spoke and it was done.  He commanded and it stood firm.  We are sent out.  We want to be like the apostle Paul.  It is of no value to teach our children because that is what our church stands for.  What we want to teach them is in the conviction we have in our hearts that this is the word of God.  There are those teaching today who do not even believe it is the word of God.  There are things they don`t believe.  This is the word of God - that you need to be born again.  They will set that aside.  This book 39 books of the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament written by some 40 different authors over 1500 years.  All scripture is given by inspiration of God.  2 Peter 1 verse 21 "for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of God but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." God didn`t make them robots to write down what he said exactly.  God gave them the words to say.  The reformers came and they liberated the word of God.  It is the word of God for the nation and world.  The Reformers brought the word back for us.  There is a problem today.  Critics complain we are brain washing our children with that sort of stuff that cannot be proved.  Don`t want creation taught in the schools, set aside because cannot be proved, not in the same context as evolution.  This world is billions of years old.  God spoke to Job, a man of great understanding "where wast thou when I laid the foundation of the earth, declare it."  We teach this because of its authority - "heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away."  It is the same great book today.  So precious and priceless kept in glass cases in museums.  This book is of more relevance than any other books.  John 15 Jesus said "now ye are clean through the word I have spoken to you."  Whatever moral values are today it is to the word of God we can draw our children to again and again.  When Satan attacks the life bombarded every way.  most useless person ever came into the world bombarded to tell them better out of this world.  Satan takes them to that place of security.  Only way can see how we are giving them something they can use in the future days.  Greater is he than he that is in us than he that is in the world.  When we use the word of God Satan will have to flee.  When Christ was in the garden of Gethsemane they aske for "Jesus of Nazareth" and he immediately responded "I am he."  When they uttered those words they fell backwards.  This is why we teach.  The centurion who came to Jesus one day said "I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, just speak the word only."  Such was the power and authority of the word of God.  Jesus stepped into the boat with all the wind and waves around them.  The disciples were astonished at his word that even the winds and waves obeyed him.  Matthew 7 verse 29 "when Jesus had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his authority."

He spoke because of the application of the word of God.  It has to be applied or it means nothing.  Paul said to Timothy "all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine."  Teaching has to be applied that the man of God may be perfect.  Jesus in reference to the application of the word said in Matthew 7 verse 24 "therefore whosoever heareth these words and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man who built his life on a rock."  We may not have these chiren this time next year but want to teach them while we have them.

Because of the attacks upon this word.  Have you ever heard of a day when there is more attacks on the word of God?  That is why as a church today we will remain committed to the teaching of the word of God.  Not popular nor will it get any more popular.  The devil can if possible take the word of God out of schools.  That is his aim.  if you are a child of God trust and pray for them.  Do all you possibly can to get them under the sound of God because one day we will stand before God of heaven and given an account before him.  When Abraham heard God was going to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah he prayed and pleaded for God to save some.  We are told today that children are too young to hear the word of God.  Samuel was spoken to by God one night - about what - how he would change the leadership of the church.  Are we prepared to fight for our children?  There is only one place to do that - in the prayer house.  That is why it is the smallest meeting in the house of God.  No point for us to sit back and watch society doing what can do to redirect our children.  We need to be involved.  What a battle this is - to teach the word of God.  The elders of Israel came to Samuel "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you but I shall pray for you."

Monday, 4 September 2017

An invitation to a marriage feast not accepted

Sermon notes from Sunday evening 11 June 2017
Matthew 22 verses 1 - 14

We are told here in verse 1 that Jesus speaks to the crowd in parables.  A parable is an earthly story which Jesus takes up and places on it a heavenly meaning.  The Lord paints this picture of a king.  What is happening in the royal household?  He has a young son who has come of age and is taking to himself a bride.  A great marriage is taking place and he wants to share this great day of celebration.  He wants to invite all and sundry to a great supper.  3 times he sends out the invitation - verses 3, 4 and 9.  He never tires of inviting or sending out the invitation.  Don`t we see that great picture of God.  Every Sunday night a great invitation is given to you and I that we might be saved for all eternity.  He gives that invitation to you.  Invites you to come to the cross, to lay your sin down and take eternal life from his hand.  See here the picture he paints. entrance into this supper is by invitation only.  Entrance into the kingdom of heaven is by sins forgiven.  We can never attain it or earn it or gain favour with God in any other way.  The invitation into heaven is also here explained in a way that brings a chill to our soul.  Verse 5 "but they made light of it".  They never gave him a second thought.  Imagine as this invitation came to their very door to come to the great marriage supper.  These very same people thought little of it.  As we gather in another gospel meeting what do you think of it?  Something you do not give very much thought to?  Not relevant to you?  The God of heaven comes with this invitation, extends it to you again.  People expressed their opinion of this invitation.  Let`s consider through these verses that wonderful gospel message.

The first thing I see they thought little of was the function that was before them.  Instructed by servants to issue the inviations.  That king had a son who was getting married and there was to be a great celebration with a dinner for everyone who was invited.  The king is presenting his son, holding him up before all.  He wanted this to be the greatest day of his life.  no-one is to be excluded.  Then see the people discussing it, seeking one another`s advice about it.  God has a great function for us - that Jesus Christ came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.  After Adam and Eve rebelled in the Garden of Eden sin entered into the world.  We were cut off from God.  We needed to be reconciled to him again.  He sent his son into this world with one purpose in mind - to die on the cross for the world`s sins - yours and mine to buy us a way into heaven.  What if God had turned his back on the world?  We would be facing a lost sinners hell for all eternity tonight but he didn`t do that.  In his great love and mercy he sent his son.  John 3 verse 16 "that he gave his only begotten son" yet we say I never thought of it.  Tonight will you give it some thought?  Consideration of the people here.  It doesn`t matter what the king has done.  We don`t care about that.  See them blatantly turning their back.  How sad it must be for God.  Nothing to do with the church or the preacher or the communion table.  When he gives that invitation men and women turn their backs on God.  They think little of the salvation he offers.  How it must be for God when he pleads with you.  Shows you what he has done for your soul.  How it must grieve his heart when you turn your back on him.  Yet time and time again he comes again with that great invitation.  Verse 5 so caught up in their own activities hadn`t one day to give to the king to celebrate the marriage of his son.  They couldn`t even do that.  Maybe already our minds are so taken up with what is going to happen tomorrow that we are giving so little time to the things of God.  The function is God loves you, sent his son to save your soul.  He came unto his own and his own received him not.  They turned their backs on him, it didn`t matter to them.  The greatest privileges he has given us.  The cross is forgotten about tonight in many meetings.  Way back in Sodom in Genesis 18 God looked down on that city and reached down from the very realms of heaven.   A s he went down to that place they were warning Lot to flee from the wrath of Sodom.  They wanted Lot to deliver him out of that city.  When Lot sat with his sons in law he told them God was going to destroy these cities.  We need to get out as quickly as can.  The sons in law thought that Lot was mocking them.  They thought little of the judgement of God.  The Philippian jailer when he got his opportunity he closedAdams in with God`s offer of mercy.  He asked Paul "what must I do to be saved?"  He thought he had to do something to be saved.  Maybe you feel you have to have good attendance at church, give your money in, be a better person than you are at present.  Jesus has done it all at the cross of Calvary for me "therefore repent of your sins, turn away from them and trust him as Saviour and Lord."  Here`s a man saying in his heart `I am ready to do anything to be saved, I want God`s salvation, to be sure I am saved, I don`t want to miss out on this savlation.`  Paul said "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."  Believe that God loved you and gave his son to die on the cross of Calvary, believe and you will be saved.  That man went home believing on the Lord.  Maybe you are not saved tonight and the invitation comes again.  Zaccaeus sitting up in the tree when the Lord said "come down."  He wasn`t taking these things lightly, he was going to reach out, he was prepared to take his wealth and prosperity and give it away as long as he could secure his salvation.  Is that what salvation means to you?  Can you set it aside for one minute?  These people made light of this function.

They made light of the feast prepared.  If you are coming to Christ you are coming to someone who is more wonderful than you can ever imagine.  He will give you a joy, an understanding that passeth all understanding, you will never be judged because of your sin.  Not walking at enemity with God.  This was a royal feast coming from the very palace.  Jesus offers you this same feast tonight.  I am confident that whatever crowd comes they will be catered for.  The Lord has confidence in the cross tonight.  He is able to save all that come to him.  Jesus says "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  They were not asked to bring anything, just invited to come.  Maybe they assessed the tables, looked at the tables, thought why would I go there?  Sure I have as much in my own church.  I have my own religion but no relationship with Christ.  That is the difference tonight.  Isaiah 53 "he shall go up before him as a tender plant there is no beauty that we should desire him."  Here was a people who thought little of the invitation.  God says "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."  Remember the woman at the well.  Jesus was speakng to her about water in the well and water he could give her.  The woman looked at Christ, what he had, nothing to draw the water out with and said  "the well is deep you have nothing to draw with."  Thinking light of the things he was offering.  When you look into the face of Christ do you see him as the Son of God, able to forgive your sin tonight?  Many would love to be saved but think to themselves not enough in Jesus.  That is the bottom line.  I wonder tonight what do you make of the provision of Christ? Take heed to what Felix said.  He listened to what Paul had to preach.  He listened with intent and trembled.  "Go your way when I have a convenient season I will call for you again."  Putting it off, made light of it.

Made light of their freedom.  No barriers, hindrances, everyone was invited.  Everyone had freedom to chose.  "Ho everyone that is thirsty," "whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  How many times have you heard the gospel, left the meeting saying `I must do something, get right with God?`  Here`s your invitation tonight again.  "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Remember those words from God.  Felix thought he would use his freedom again.  That one day he would just call for Paul - we don`t read of him ever doing that again.  God has come to you time after time and he calls you but tonight might be the last time he calls.

Made light of their fate.  As they made light of the king`s generosity they never realised that grace would be recalled, that they would be destroyed.  Such was the result of that choice.  We say `God is a God of love and he will not turn his back on everyone` but one day he will though.  "It is appointed unto man once to die and thereafter the judgement."  "For the time is come that judgement must begin at the house of God."  If you are not sure tonight come and trust him.  

Life changing events - birth of a child Methuselah

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 11 June 2017
Hebrews 11 verses 1 - 13
Genesis 5 verses 21 - 24
I want us to turn to the little topic of life changing events, situations that make us think about the way we are living. First of all we looked at Saul of Tarsus as he watched Stephen the first martyr of the Christian church being stoned to death.  Saul the great persecutor of the church realised there was something lacking in his life.  From that moment he was changed.  He became the great apostle Paul.  We thought of Moses and how a little fire caused so much sensation.  It burned but did not burn away.  The voice of God spoke to him from the middle of the bush enough to change Moses` direction.  Have we had a life changing experience?  Are we going on with God?  Enoch was a man who had one event that stands out in his life that changed his family and spiritual life.  It was the birth of a child.

First of all notice this family celebration.  It came at that point of celebration in his home - verse 21.  "Enoch lived 60 and 5 years and begat Methuselah."  Maybe that will not be the same in our life time.  A relatively young man.  In his family home he gets news he is going to have a baby.  That has a great effect on him - verse 22 "after he begat Methuselah".  It was after this child was born that he began to walk with God.  In a dark period came a time of celebration and rejoicing for this young man.  Remember the wedding in Canaan of Galilee.  Simple things can change lives.  A wedding feast changed the life of many.  In John chapter 2 we read of a celebration when 2 people came together to exchange marriage vows, when 2 families became one.  In the midst of that rejoicing the wine ran out.  They came to the Lord.  Isn`t it wonderful the Lord was in the centre of that situation.  He has brought you to that very point in time.  Maybe celebration, sickness in the home, the Lord is in the midst of it.  When they ran out of wine his mother came and said "they have no wine."  Getting every eye in that place to focus on Jesus so that they could concentrate on his word.  Isn`t that the purpose of the preacher, to get every eye and gaze on Christ?  He came to seek and to save that which is lost.  Get you to that point of need.  Everyone gazing on him, wondering what he would do.  "Fill the pots with water and he changed them into wine."  In the midst of that situation the disciples believed on him.  Their lives were changed, see the Lord in such a different light.  Here in the midst of this celebration lives were changed.  Remember the shepherds as they fed and watched their sheep by night.  Remember how the angels came down and told them of another birth.  The shepherds left their sheep on the mountain and hurried to that place where the baby was born.  They realised everything was exactly as had been told.  They went away rejoicing.  The shepherds were looking down on that particular day.  They were the first to gaze on the Lord.  Their lives could never be the same again.  The wise men came from the east.  The infant was about 2 years of age.  They went to their own country another way.  Their lives were changed.  There is maybe something happening in your life today forward.  Here was this young man living in a society that the scholars claim was uneducated.  Here was a society with a rising tide of wickedness and evilness spreading across the whole land.  Enoch could see it.  God comes into the midst of this celebration and gives him a child.  In chapter 4 we read of how Cain was responsible for the taking of the life of Abel.  Murder is coming into society.  Cain turned his back on God.  Verse 20 here was the father of such as dwelt in tents.  He was beginning to move out of that society.  Verse 21 music coming into society, entertainment.  This is the society that according to the academics could not read or write.  Verse 22 here is culture and technology opening up.  Verse 19 Lamech took unto him 2 wives.  Total disregard for the law of God.  This is the society in which this young man was growing up in.  Chapter 6 verse 5 such was the society.  Verse 6 "it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him."  Verse 3 "my spirit shall not always strive with man."  Verse 7 "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth."  Society was getting worse and worse.  In the midst of this darkness we see a celebration.

A time of consecration.  There is a time of thinking and reflection when this child was born into his home.  God has blessed this child.  Thinking of the reality of this child before him.  He is thinking of the revelation of this child before him.  There is a reality here.  Another little child coming into the world.  Knows this child has completely transformed him.  When a child comes into the home that home is never the same again.  The parents lives are never the same.  A reality God has given to us.  A responsibility to this child.  A great revelation.  Reality strikes home as Enoch looked into this child`s eyes.  He could see his features.  He saw the reality of God before him.  This couldn`t have come about by chance.  Maybe that is what turned him to God.  Is there something in your life telling you to go deeper with God?

There is a responsibility too.  The responsibility God would give him to teach him to be an example to do what he could do for him.  Enoch would have responsibility to look after this child.  That child had a nature cut off from God through sin.  He would have to learn about the things of God.  Judges 13 verses 2 - 5.  The woman rushed home and told her husband.  Verse 8 "and teach us what we should do unto the child that shall be born".  He went into the presence of God, got down before God, would you let this messenger come again to us, we need to know how we conduct this child, how we will raise him.  Not worrying about everything could do for this child nor his education.  He was worrying about the responsibility that came into that home, asked the Lord to teach them.  He is beginning to consider this.  Joshua leading the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.  Head of a great multitude of people.  It was time to take the people across the river Jordan.  He knew he had that responsibility of people on him.  Also had the responsibility of his own children "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."  He was keeping his eye on the Lord for himself and his family.  Maybe that is what Enoch felt.

Consider the revelation.  The name of this child born and the meaning of it.  Methuselah.  He was a child born into the family of Enoch.  God said he would destroy the world with a flood.  When would it happen?  At the death of Methuselah some 900 years later.  Imagine that for a moment.  Enoch is looking on this child, a revelation from God.  Great celebration going on but he knows when this child dies judgement would fall on the earth.  He didn`t know Methuselah would live to a ripe old age.  He lived in the knowledge that God would judge the world after his son`s death.

The opening of the Gospel to the Gentile nation

Sermon notes from Sunday 3 September 2017
Acts 10 verses 34 - 48

We break into this portion of scripture at the point where Peter comes to Cornelius` house.  If we had begun back in the first verse then we would have found it began with a man on his knees.  Surely that is what God looks for tonight - people who are on their knees before him?  This man was hungry for God.  He had come to the end of himself, he didn`t know which way to turn anymore.  He was seeking after a relationship with the God of heaven.  It is important that we go back to basics, to rock bottom again.  Man does not have a relationship with God in his natural state.  As we are born into the world we are born as sinners, shapen in iniquity, with our face to a lost sinners hell and our backs to God.  In order to have a relationship with God he had to do something for us to replace that broken relationship.  It took God in his mercy to send his son into this sin cursed world to die on an old rugged cross at Calvary to reconcile us to himself.  No good works will ever do it.  No sitting at a communion table will ever do it.  No attending a church week after week will do it.  It is only by coming and trusting in Christ as Saviour that we will enter into a relationship with God.  Cornelius had a yearning for God and he satisfied it with meeting with him.  God wants to save your soul, to be ready to meet him on that great day.  The angel`s message to Cornelius was to send for Peter, God had heard his prayers and Peter would tell him what he ought to do.  As Peter came into that house we notice ...
A gathering.  Peter found Cornelius and he embraced him.  Cornelius was so glad to see Peter.  In chapter 11 verse 14 we read "who shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved."  Peter found that a crowd had already gathered in Cornelius` house.  He wanted others to hear these words too.  He was so excited about what he was going to hear.  He would hear about God`s saving power.  We have that same message to give every week.  Imagine going through life and never hearing this message.  Imagine closing your eyes from this scene of time and your soul would be lost for eternity.  Here was a man who was busy.  He wanted others around him to hear it too.  
The guidance Peter had.  Verse 34 "Then Peter opened his mouth and said Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons."  Peter was preaching to a Gentile congregation.  He commends to them the love of God, he assured them of God`s love.  God is love.  God commendeth his love towards us.  Paul said "he loved me and he gave himself for me." The deceiver would like to tell us to look at the things we have done.  Paul guarded the clothes of a man who was stoned to death for his faith.  The devil may have come many times to him and reminded him that he was a good religious man but how could he ever be loved by God when he had stood at the feet of the one whose death he brought about?  The devil still does that today.  He reminds us of the past events in our life.  How could we ever be saved he asks us.  The thief on the cross took it on himself to call on the name of the Lord.  He looked deep into his heart and realised he was dying for his own sin then he looked at Christ who was dying not for his own sin but the sins of the thief.  He realised that this man Jesus was leaving his scene of time and going into another world to come.  We are only passing through this scene of time.  It is preparation time for eternity.  "I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself."  Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.  The guidance Peter had as he spoke of how Jesus died on the cross and God raised him up again.  These are the words that could save this man`s soul.
The grace.  "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word." (verse 44)  Except the Holy Spirit steps in and does his work then any preaching is in vain.  Maybe the Holy Spirit has already come to your heart, shown you the condition you are in, that you need to be saved, he shows you the cross of Calvary and asks you will you not come to Christ.  There will be no conversion unless the Holy Spirit comes.  "Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God" (verse 33)  Do you realise the words God wants you to hear?  Have you obeyed them?  Maybe you are not saved.  These people were converted and saved.  In 1 Timothy Paul said "I obtained mercy."  That is what you need tonight.  You need the mercy of God because you have broken his commands and laws.  "For by grace are you saved, it is the gift of God." 
A genuine testimony of faith.  This was more than putting up a hand and being saved.  "And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost." (verse 45)  This was a new experience, a genuine conversion.  Was there a moment when you accepted Christ as your Saviour?  Or is there no change in your life?  Are you prepared to go through with God?  To be saved?  Trust Christ as Saviour, don`t let another minute go past.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Are we sanctified for the Lord`s service and ready to give an answer for Him?

Sermon notes from Sunday 3 September 2017
"But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the Lord, that we may inquire of the Lord by him? And one of the king of Israel`s servants answered and said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah."

1 Peter 3 verse 15 says "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts; and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."  The one who saved you, called you, the one who lifted you out of the miry clay, took your sin away and is one day taking you to heaven is asking you today to set the Lord apart from everything else that is in your life.  Today we read of a man who did just that and who was ready to give an answer no matter what the crowd or company thought of him.

He was a man that was respected.  This man of God was respected in Israel.  Israel was on the brink of war.  The king of Moab was compelled by Ahab the king of Israel to give an offering every year of so many sheep.  He had a fear for Ahab and he gave it willingly every year.  There came a change in the monarchy though when Ahab died and his son came to the throne - Jehoram.  The king of Moab decided not to send any more lambs.  He gathered the armies of Israel together, brought Jehoshaphat the king of Israel with him against the king of Judah.  In verse 9 we discover there was a problem - no water for the men and the animals.  What would they do?  Jehoram thought it would be God`s plan to bring them down.  Jehoshahat in verse 11 asked if there was a prophet that they could ask for his opinion from God.  The king had respect for the man of God.  The world has no respect for you or I today but there are times when that respect may be seen but only by those who live close to the Lord.  "But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself." (Psalm 4 verse 3)  The Lord has a purpose for your life today.  If we have been called from the world the Lord has done that.  He has a plan for you.  When there is a problem in your family, in your community, in your neighbourhood, in your work place do people come to you about it?  Why is that?  Because they have a respect for your testimony?  They will seek your advice and help.  God sets us apart when he saves our souls and sometimes that can be seen when there is trial and difficulty.  Remember the maid in Naaman`s house?  Naaman was a man the people looked up to and respected but he had leprosy.  His maid probably told her mistress about the prophet back in her own country who could heal Naaman.  God calls you and I in every situation.  In chapter 2 of 2 Kings we read that Elisha was asked for his advice by the government of the land.  In chapter 3 it was the kings of the land who asked for his advice and in chapter 4 a woman who came to him for advice.  We earn respect by living a godly life among the people around us.  People have got to see the change, the difference that God makes in us, that he has set us apart.

The man of God`s reference.  Notice in verse 11 the contempt and scorn the servant of the king of Israel had for Elisha.  "which poured water on the hands of Elijah."  People today can pour scorn on our fellowship with each other.  People question who we are and what position we have in society, that is the contempt of the world.  God will use this man that is looked down upon.  God uses men and women who are looked down on today.  The implication was that Elisha was merely a servant of Elijah`s.  That is how he started off his work.  He walked with Elijah, communicated with him.  He had such a humble beginning.  Remember the great work of God in the 1859 revival started off with 4 men who came together to pray in a small school house.  "I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet`s son, but I was an herdman and a gatherer of sycamore fruit." (Amos 7 verse 14)  Think about Samuel - "And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord." (1 Samuel 3 verse 20)  Samuel as a young child was taken by the hand of his mother into the temple of God and presented to the priest Eli.  He heard the word of God even at that young age.  Martyn Lloyd Jones was a great believer in allowing children to remain in church rather than be taken out for their own meeting because he believed they needed to hear the word of God and they would miss out in leaving the service.  Samuel ministered unto Eli by opening the door of the temple each morning and closing it at night.  He made sure that Eli got into bed each night and he became a mighty prophet known from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south.  God can still do that today and he will take us step by step.  Sometimes it is painful and sore but the Lord can teach us s much through these times to make us men and women of God.

This man`s reluctance.  Notice Elisha`s response in verse 13 - "what have I to do with thee?"  He looked into the face of the king of Israel and asked him this question.  Sometimes we have to be careful of our company.  Elisha was careful with those he associated with.  In verse 2 we read that Jehoram the king of Judah "wrought evil in the sight of the Lord but not like his father and like his mother for he put away the image of Baal that his father had made."  He turned his back on God, he followed an evil pattern but he put away the image of Baal.  Jehoram took this image and locked it away.  He took it out of sight.  He didn`t destroy it, he didn`t burn it or cut it down.  Sometimes we put things away, put them out of sight, camouflage them.  This man was seeking the advice from the man of God.  The prophet was not going to have anything to do with this idolotrous man.  We cannot get involved in some of the things people are doing.  Today some would say that the Reformation was a big mistake, they feel a great deal of hurt.  They say that today we should be softer because times have changed, that Rome is more open to the gospel but that is not true and we need to be careful.  The Thessalonians turned from their idols (chapter 1 verse 9) and the believers in Ephesus brought out their magic books to be burned in the town square. (Acts 19 verse 19)  That is why the apostle Paul said "come out from among them and be ye separate." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 17) "for what fellowhip hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communication hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6 verse 14).  We have to be careful.  That is why Martin Luther and those men long ago would not be involved in things others were doing.  That is why they were set apart and they got involved in the Reformation.

The man of God and his reliability.  Jehoshaphat came to Elisha because he knew he could be trusted.  That is the lesson for us today - that we may be trusted.  There were countless prophets of Baal but Jehoshaphat didn`t trust one of them.  Sometimes we are expected to be glib but that is not what the bible teaches us.  If someone is not living up to God`s standards we should have nothing to do with them.  In Acts 6 when the church was in its birth they picked out 7 men who were full of faith and full of the Holy Ghost, men that could be relied upon.  Can you and I be relied on today?  To keep the church burning bright?  To see people saved by God`s grace?  Are we going to be reliable?