Sermon notes from 20 March 2017
Proverbs 25 verse 25 "As cold waters to a thirsty soul so is good news from a far country."
As we look back through the centuries at the way news travels we have to go back to the day when there were no newspapers. News was shared by town criers then there came telephones, telegrams, newspapers, fax machines, computers, TV`s, radios, computers, laptops and smart phones. If we go back 200 years to the death of Abraham Lincoln it took 2 years for the news of his death to reach the remotest parts of the world. When John F Kennedy was shot in 1964 it took less than 2 weeks for the news to reach the world. When Donald Trump was elected 2 months ago it took less than 2 minutes for the whole world to be told. The first thing that comes to your mind when the telephone rings is `who it is`. The person on the other end of the line determines whether we answer it or not. It is important to know who the sender is. When it comes to computers there are hackers out there who do not want to do you any good. This message is from heaven - "from a far country". The government is probably spending millions of pounds putting satelites into space, hoping one day to get a return signal not just from our world but further away. Isaiah 13 verse 12. They came from a far country. This is God`s message to mankind. This is God`s word sent to all of us.
The sender of this message was not out to do you any harm. The Lord wants to bless you, make you ready for heaven. The message in this book never changes. When we think of the sender we automatically think of God as the creator. Job 26 verse 7. When God created the universe this world spins at 100 miles per hour. If it ever went off balance dear only knows what would happen. It never slows down. It is the same speed every day. Not only spinning but travelling around the sun. It never changes, gives us the 4 seasons each year. God has created the world. He cares for the world and no-one cares like he does. John 3 verse 16. As God looks down from heaven he saw the damage sin was doing in this world. God has provided the escape. 1 Peter 5 verse 7 "cast your care upon him for he careth for you." God is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance - why - because he cares for you. That is why he has given you this opportunity to respond to his grace. He is God, rich in mercy towards us. He created the world, he cares for the world but he communicates with the world. Hebrews 1 verse 1. God spoke to the Old Testament prophets through dreams and visions. God showed them the way he wanted them to go. This book is inspired of God. Someone once said even the words "Holy Bible" are inspired. It couldn`t be anything else. He has demonstrated his love and mercy right through this book. The God of heaven speaks to us through this word. It is good news from a far country. Have you read the story of the cross? The message comes from a far country and the messenger is God.
Look at the substance of this message. If we get an email it is up to us to decide if we want to open it and read it. This book is a revelation of Christ himself. Hebrews 10 verse 7. John 5 verse 39. John 1 verse 3 he created all things and all things were created by him, there was not anything made without him. He was there before the foundation of the world. I would love to have been there on that day after Jesus had risen and joined the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaeus. They were downcast in spirit. "Beginning at Moses he expounted unto them the things concerning himself." Wouldn`t you love to know how far he went back. Genesis 3 verse 16 talks about the seed of the woman, Christ himself. Abraham was on the mountain top when God said he would provide a lamb. He has now provided that lamb - John 1 verse 29 "behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Not only eternal in his being but exceptional in his birth. He was conceived of the Holy Ghost, no natural father. The bloodline always comes from the father. He was exceptional in his birth. Even the night he was born in Bethlehem God had put everything in place. He had to be in Bethlehem for the taxes to be paid. He was the perfect example in his life, he did only those things that pleased his Father. His Father could look down from heaven and say "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." He laid down his life for us. He didn`t have to go to the cross but because of his love he went to the cross, he was willing to take the judgment of God. Thank God he escaped from the tomb and is alive for evermore. He has ascended to the throne of God and is able to save to the uttermost. Hebrews 7 verses 25 and 26. What a triumph it was to be raised from the tomb. He is expected in the air one day. Christ came into the world with one plan and one purpose - to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19 verse 10. That is why he came. He is pleading for men and women to come. Yes it is good news from a far country.
The secret of the message. It is for a thirsty soul. If you are ever going to know God`s blssing in salvation you wil have to have this deep desire to know him. Psalm 42 verse 1. A man that is thirsty would do anything to get to the water. There is a thirst, a deep desire. There were 2 men in the New Testament who had a similar desire. Blind Bartimaeus was sitting at the side of the street and heard Jesus was passing by. He starts to shout and then even louder "Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me". He wanted to know Christ, the healing of Christ in his body. Zacchaeus had a desire to see Jesus, he came with one thing in his mind - to see Jesus. Nothing would stop him - he climbed up into a sycamore tree. He was putting himself to shame - rich men don`t climb trees. He was doing something extraordinary. He got beyond and above the crowd. He had that determination and desire deep in his heart to see Christ. Do you want to meet with Christ? If there is not a hunger or desire you will never find him. Whenever there is a seeking sinner there is a seeking Saviour. It is good news to your heart tonight. If you want to be saved there will have to be determination. Are you thirsting after Christ? As the God of heaven looks down he sees into your heart. He knows whether you want to be saved. You could sit in mission halls for years waiting for some great experience but you simply have to respond. You will never satisfy your thirst thinking about it or talking about it. Only satisfy my thirst when I took it. "If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink" John 7 verse 37. You can drink of salvation tonight, find it in the wells of salvation. To the woman at the well Jesus said "whosoever shall drink of the water I shall give him he shall never thirst again." If the gospel is going to bless your soul you need to take it in and accept Jesus died for you.
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