Friday, 24 March 2017

A pardon that is granted

Sermon notes from 21 March 2017
Isaiah 55 verses 1 – 3, 6 – 8
“Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”

God would love to grant us a pardon tonight but maybe you are not willing to turn your back on your sin.  Who is it that requires the pardon?  Those who are guilty are the ones who need a pardon.  God has examined the hearts of all mankind, the heart of the righteous man, the heart of the Christian man, the Greeks, the Romans and all the rest.  “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.” (Romans 3 verse 12)  “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3 verse 23)  “He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already; because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3 verse 18)  When a man or woman hears the gospel there is a responsibility on his shoulders to respond or reject Christ.  Often you have turned your back on him and you are condemned already. 

The reach of the pardon.  God will abundantly pardon.  He forgiveth all the iniquities, both great and small.  You will read of men in the scriptures in all kinds of wicked situations.  God is a great God and he forgave them.  His pardon reached out to all the world.  “Ho every one that thirsteth” the invitation comes out to all the world.  God wants you to turn your back on sin, to cast your sin away and give you a pardon.  John 3 verse 16.  “Whosoever shall on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10 verse 13)  God is not willing that any should perish.  It is a pardon that reaches out all men.

The roots of the pardon.  This pardon is rooted in Calvary’s cross.  Without the cross there can be no pardon.  God is holy and just.  For God to be holy the pardon had to be paid.  When he died on Calvary he laid down his life.  He paid the price of my sin and because of that he is free to pardon me.  Someone took my place.  When Christ was being tried Pilate asked the crowd who they would want to be released, either Christ or Barabbas.  The crowd roared for Barabbas.  Barabbas was sitting in the prison cell, he could hear the jailer coming down the stones and hear the key turning in the door.  Barabbas was told he was free to go.  How can this be?  Another has been found to take your place.  The roots of the pardon are found in Calvary’s cross.  Someone has taken the place.  It was the shedding of his own precious blood.  The roots of the pardon is also repentance, returning unto the Lord.  Repentance is not just changing your mind, it is a complete about turn. Turning from your sin and turning unto God.  Repentance can be seen in these verses.  Leave your sin behind and turn unto the Lord.  There is also faith in these verses.  No man can come unto God unless he believes he exists and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  If you believe in God, that he wants to save you, repent and trust Christ.

The refusal of the pardon.  It can either be accepted or refused.  That is where you have a choice – will you accept the pardon he is offering, a free, full offering.  The blood of Jesus, God’s son will cleanse from all sin but what will you do with this pardon?  It does not say he might have mercy but rather he will have mercy for he will abundantly pardon – the choice lies in your hands.

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