Wednesday, 16 November 2016

The presence of Christ can bring confusion

Sermon notes from Sunday 13 November 2016

Luke 4 verses 16 – 30

Here we find something that is wonderful and remarkable.  In verse 16 the Lord comes back to the place of his youth, the place where he was reared.  Nazareth was built on a hill.  Even after they listened to the preaching of the word of God they took him outside Nazareth and would cast him over the hillside.  What a privilege it really should have been for these people.  The Lord had come back to the place of his childhood.  It was the custom to enter into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.  What a privilege they had.  The presence of God was there.

Notice the courtesy Jesus was paid.  He was invited to read.  The chief rabbi took the word of God and offered it to him.  He was going to read from the book of the prophet Isaiah.  It was the custom for a visitor to read the word of God and bring a thought on it.  You have the presence of Christ, the word of God being proclaimed.  The power of God was experienced and he was given the place to read.  We need to have that courtesy tonight.  As we listen to the Lord in his still small voice.  He was known to them.  They were happy to share in their worship.  As we come into the house of God it is wonderful to know that same presence.  There were no objections to his word being opened up.  This is a mighty thing to have the presence of the Lord in our midst.  Samuel Rutherford stood to contend for the faith.  Stood in his day when others were being put out of the pulpit for preaching.  He was cast into prison and he wrote to his parishioners to encourage them.  “The strangest thing happened to me even as I lay in my bed in prison cell something happened, Jesus Christ stepped into that cell.  Every stone began to gleam like a pearl of the most costliest price.”  The Lord has promised to be one of our number when we meet together.  How often we favour the testimony, the singer in the meeting, the big named preacher.  Somehow we miss the presence of the Lord, miss his touch because we have our eyes on something else.  Every eye was fastened on the Lord as he opened up the word of God and preached.  I would not want to point you to this preacher but to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.  The blood flowed from his side.  He is the one who is able to redeem and save your soul.  That is what he wants to do tonight.  Maybe you are not saved, maybe you are cold at heart, know you have wandered far from God, not where you once were.  Because of the precious blood, the sacrifice he made for you he can draw you back to himself.  If you know you are not walking with the Lord he wants to draw you back to himself.  In verse 17 he opens the scripture and reads aloud.  Imagine the voice of the Lord falling on their hearts.  What an experience that must have been.  Tremendous that the people listened.

The claims that Jesus makes.  He was given the scroll of the prophet Isaiah.  Sometimes we find that in a meeting like this this was the very portion of scripture for that very day.  Notice in verses 18 and 19 the claims he was making.  He was speaking of one who would come into the world to set the captives free.  Jesus came to set you free from your sin.  Isaiah spoke of the birth of Christ right through to his death in chapter 53.  What a sad situation if we miss the truth about the death of Christ.  We can be saved through that wonderful work at Calvary if we turn the search light on our hearts.  Is the courtesy we give him as Saviour and king of our lives?  What about the claims he makes on us?  We have sinned and never can come to Christ only through the cross of Christ.

The complacency Jesus found – verse 22.  They admired him then they said “is not this Joseph’s son?”  In other words is he not the one who grew up amongst us?  They had grown so familiar with him.  You and I could grow so familiar with the gospel of saving grace.  That is why we can sit in the gospel meeting night after night.  So familiar with the teaching of the cross of the Saviour who came to seek and to save that which was lost.  Therefore we leave him aside, never bothers us very much.  Felix trembled when he heard what Paul had to say.  Maybe there was a time when you felt the burden of your sin, you trembled at the preaching of God’s word.  Almost responded but not now.  That day is gone.  That is sad, sad when people can listen to God’s word and it never affects them.  We grow complacent.  Jesus stood in their midst with power.  They shrugged their shoulders.  They had that complacency.  We have that same complacency tonight.  There was a complacency in Pilate’s judgement hall.  Here was a man who had listened to Christ, got to know him so well but all the people could cry out was “crucify him”.  They didn’t want him any more.  Many churches don’t want this teaching any more.  Does the word of God not affect us any more?  Jesus was given courtesy this day.  We will give him courtesy.  Also think of the claims he makes.

There is the conscience that Jesus teaches – verse 28.  The Holy Spirit was taking the word of God and started to teach them.  Their conscience made them angry.  Maybe it was the claims he had made about himself, that God was speaking directly to their hearts.  Their conscience was pricked.  Maybe the word of God has come to your heart in other meetings.  The Holy Spirit has been touching you, showing you your need of salvation.  In Acts 2 the multitude gathered and Peter was preaching to the people that day.  The Holy Spirit pricked their hearts.  They cried out “what shall we do, how shall we escape if we neglect this great salvation.”  Peter told them “repent and be baptised.  Sometimes we come into a meeting like this with an idea in our hearts that we are alright, not perfect but we are alright.  They were Gentile people and that was the last straw.

The confusion Jesus bears – verse 29.  There was such anger and malice.  They couldn’t get rid of him quickly enough.  They tried to throw him over the cliff where Nazareth was built on.  John the Baptist told Herod he was doing wrong and Herod had him cast into prison.  Verse 30 in all the confusion they were trying to push him over but Jesus slipped away in their midst.  Maybe tonight you will let him slip away from your grip.  Will you listen to him tonight?  Accept him as your Saviour?  Don’t let him slip away, come to Christ, trust him as Saviour, give him your all.  Come to Christ and trust him.

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