Romans 5 verses 1 – 12
“Wherefore as by one man
sin entered in to the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all
men, for that all have sinned.”
apostle Paul points us right back in time in history. The problem we have in the world tonight is
sin. That thing we have inherited. If I want to know the earnestness, the
seriousness truth of it we need to understand not only why we need to be saved
but from what we need to be saved. To do
that we need to go back to the time referred to by Paul – Genesis chapters 1 to
Man’s creation. The apostle Paul had no problem with man’s
creation. 1 Corinthians 15 verse 22 “For
as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” Following the days of creation on day 6
something special happened. On that day
God said “let us make man in our own image.”
When he had made man in his image then he put something special on him –
he declared him to be “very good”. In
whose image was he made? God’s. That begs the question ‘has God got a face,
arms, legs, body?’ “God is spirit and
they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” The likeness we have with God is that we have
a will power to care. There is one
distinction between man and the animals – man has a soul. When an animal dies he goes inward but man’s
soul goes upward. The day that soul will
leave your body it will go to one of 2 places – there are no second
chances. There is a heaven that is
prepared or a hell that is prepared.
Heaven is prepared for those saved by God’s grace. Hell is prepared for the devil and all his
angels. Have you realised you have a
soul tonight? “God breathed into man and
he became a living soul” (Genesis 2 verse 7)
Remember the account of the rich farmer in the gospels. He had his share of this world’s goods. He had a good harvest but God called him a
fool. He told this man “this night thy
soul is required of thee. Then whose shall those things be?” Where would his soul be in eternity?
Man’s company – “it is not good that
the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Genesis 2
verse 18) God gave Adam a wife. The plans God had for man were plans for good
and not evil. They were born out of a
heart of love. God has still a great
love for you and I. “For God so loved
the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3 verse 16) God had it all planned, for his son not to
die as a martyr but as a Saviour. If you
go through Genesis 2 you will see that all the animals made by God were not a
match for Adam. There was nothing so
good that God had to create a woman for him.
Man’s commission – “and God saw that it
was good.” (Genesis 1 verse 21) There
was no sin in these 2 chapters. Man was
a perfect being. There was no sin in his
nature and in his environment. “And the
Lord God commanded the man, saying Of every tree of the garden thou mayest
freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not
eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
(Genesis 2 verses 16 and 17) God was
pointing out man’s free will to choose.
God has placed that will in each of us – either accept Christ as Saviour
or turn your back and go out without Christ again. Man wasn’t made as a robot to obey
perfectly. God expected man and desired
man to obey him but man chose to disobey him.
Maybe you are not sure whether you are saved. God has given you a choice. It is not the will of God that you should
perish. He will not break into your
heart. He doesn’t want you to be lost in
a sinner’s hell. He wants you to come to
Calvary, to gaze on the one who died for you.
His blood avails for your sin.
His arms are standing outstretched.
He wants you to come.
Man’s carelessness. You know you need to be saved and you know
why you need to be saved. When man had
that free will placed in his heart he chose not to accept it. In chapter 3 we see another of God’s created
beings coming into the Garden. A fallen
angel. A created being, the devil was
not there from all eternity past. God
created him and he fell. He came into
the Garden to trip up God’s creation.
Eve succumbed to the temptation and took of that fruit. “She gave me of the tree and I did eat”
(Genesis 3 verse 12) Adam in his wilful
choice reached forth his hand and took the fruit from Eve’s hand. He was careless. Are you carelessly listening to someone who is
turning you away from the things of God?
Maye it is not a partner, a husband or wife, a son or daughter but it
could be anyone.
Man’s condemnation. Adam ran away from God when he heard him calling
because he knew he was condemned. The
conviction of sin was set in his heart.
God came calling in the cool of the day “Adam where are you?” You can hide behind many a thing – a good
personality, the conduct of life, good churchianity, good upbringing but they
are holding you back from coming to Christ.
You are still prepared to wait another while. Adam heard the voice of God. Are you hearing the voice of God
tonight? Are you hiding from God
Man’s calling – chapter 3 verse 21
“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and
clothed them.” Adam had to take skins of
the animals to make a covering for himself and Eve. Death had to take place in the Garden to make
atonement for Adam’s sin. God had to
take his son to die in our place to make atonement for our sin. Sin entered into the world by Adam and from
then on into every generation. It was
passed down from one man to another because Adam disobeyed God. Sin has entered into the world. Jesus is the remedy for sin. He came into the world to pay the debt and
price of sin. You need to come and trust
Christ. The debt has been paid. All you need to do is come and accept
it. There is salvation for you but it
will never be yours until you bow the knee and trust Christ as your own and
personal Saviour, invite him to take away your sin and make you his child.
3 verses 1 – 9, 22 – 24
chapter points to a specific time in the world’s history. In chapters 1 and 2 we see the beauty of
God’s creation. God looked and behold it
was very good. Chapter 3 gives a pointer
to something that is about to change.
“Now the serpent was more subtle.”
This verse takes us on a journey.
Critics are keen to play down these first 3 chapters of the bible. Chapter 3 is written to deter us from
sinning. If there is no sin there is no
need for forgiveness and no need for judgment, no punishment, no harm being
The danger of sin. The passage starts off with the portrayal of
sin, how the devil takes up his entrance into the Garden of Eden. He took on the role of a serpent and was able
to creep up on Eve without her knowing.
The devil is able to attack the souls of men and woman until their souls
drift out into eternity. Verse 9 “where
art thou?” A question asked by God to
Adam and Eve. A question asked by God to
you tonight. Spiritually speaking where
art thou? You may take on persona of a Christian,
doing all the right things. Where does
God see you tonight? Forget how many
times attend church, help out your neighbour.
If you don’t see the danger of your sin you will not realise the
importance of that question. We must
understand the danger that Adam and Eve were in. As the gospel message goes forth he is on the
prowl again, longing to take that soul of yours.
Sin causes deception. Satan used deception as he tricked Eve. “Hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree
of the Garden.” A seed of doubt was
placed in Eve’s mind. Verses 4 and 5 “ye
shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your
eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil.” He was telling Eve everything she wanted to hear. I am sure she had looked at that fruit on
previous occasions, knew by looking at it that it was good. Up to now she avoided it. Now the serpent comes into the midst and
appeals to her conscience. Try one bite
of it. Maybe you have been close in the
past to accepting Christ. Maybe it is
churning around. Now there is fear in
your mind, your friends will never accept it if you get saved. You are a good person as you are, a church
attender, surely God cannot mean you to repent right now. All the fiery darts he has been firing since
that day to now are the same deceptive power of soul. Sin will take you further than you want to
go. Maybe you want to live for as long
as you can rather than get saved. Would
sin be so appealing if the wages were paid to you immediately? The scriptures say the wages of sin is
death. How awful to neglect your
salvation for the pleasure of sin for a season.
That is the work of the devil tonight.
Don’t overlook your salvation tonight.
2 Corinthians 4 verse 4 “the God of this world hath blinded the eyes of
them that believe not.” Do you see your
need or has sin already caused that deception in your heart?
Sin causes destruction – verses 7 and 8. Up until this point Adam and Eve lived in
harmony with God. That relationship was
broken. They hid themselves from the
presence of God. Up until this point
they had happily communed with God now their first instinct was to run away. Sin had deceived and sin had destroyed and it
led to the first shedding of blood in scripture. All because of sin. What a price was paid. Adam and Eve lost their communion with
God. That animal lost its life all
because of sin. Did Eve ever accept all
these events would occur? Looking at the
short term effects and ignoring the long term consequences. Are you prepared for the consequences of
neglecting salvation? That sin, refusing
to give it up? Is it really worth it
when you consider the consequences of what will happen? God is showing you your need of salvation. For some reason we look at what we will be
giving up rather than what we will be gaining.
Don’t let sin deceive or distract you from that relationship with a
loving God. We have a Saviour who left
the splendours of sin to give us redemption through his blood. We find sin much more appealing than what is
on offer – salvation in Christ.
Sin causes division – verses 23 and 24. Look how far sin had taken Adam and Eve from
the day of creation. Closeness with God.
He would come down to the garden in the cool of the day. They enjoyed that every single day. Verse 8 God knew what had happened. Imagine how that must have seemed. Sin had now entered that garden and there now
came a division. They knew God could not
come into such a presence. He is of
purer eyes than to behold iniquity Isaiah.
Your iniquities have separated from you and your God. If you are outside of Christ there is that
separation from you and God. Look on
that soul of yours, sin is still causing deception and destruction and
division. The fellowship was broken but
there was complete separation in the Garden.
God sent down a cherubim that stood in the entrance to the Garden. Complete separation. There is coming a day when there will be
another separation. One day God will
come back to this scene of time. He will
take those who are his home to heaven but those who are not will be refused
entry into heaven. The Bible talks of 2
destinations. There will be those saved
and those lost for ever. Sin is real and
division is real. Satan blinded Eve to
the last moment.
Sin commands a decision. It was Eve’s decision to eat that fruit. We live in the consequences of that sin yet
we still have a decision to make. Each
of us have made a decision already in this mission. You have got up and left the mission still in
your sin. No-one can make that decision
for you. Eve passed it to Adam. He had the choice either to leave it or take
it. He tries to blame everyone else –
verse 12 “the woman whom thou gavest to be with me she gave me of the tree and
I did eat.” As you look into the face of
Christ he asks you “what have you done with my son?” You can make as many decisions as you like
but remember the consequences when it comes to the end of your life. Tonight I need to make a decision to turn to
God or do nothing about it at all. Verse
9 “where art thou?” That question comes
to you once more. If you do not
understand the dangers of sin you will not understand the consequences of that
Genesis 3 verses 1 – 9, 22 – 24
This chapter points to a specific
time in the world’s history. In chapters
1 and 2 we see the beauty of God’s creation.
God looked and behold it was very good.
Chapter 3 gives a pointer to something that is about to change. “Now the serpent was more subtle.” This verse takes us on a journey. Critics are keen to play down these first 3
chapters of the bible. Chapter 3 is
written to deter us from sinning. If
there is no sin there is no need for forgiveness and no need for judgment, no
punishment, no harm being done.
The danger of sin. The
passage starts off with the portrayal of sin, how the devil takes up his
entrance into the Garden of Eden. He
took on the role of a serpent and was able to creep up on Eve without her
knowing. The devil is able to attack the
souls of men and woman until their souls drift out into eternity. Verse 9 “where art thou?” A question asked by God to Adam and Eve. A question asked by God to you tonight. Spiritually speaking where art thou? You may take on persona of a Christian, doing
all the right things. Where does God see
you tonight? Forget how many times
attend church, help out your neighbour.
If you don’t see the danger of your sin you will not realise the
importance of that question. We must
understand the danger that Adam and Eve were in. As the gospel message goes forth he is on the
prowl again, longing to take that soul of yours.
Sin causes deception. Satan
used deception as he tricked Eve. “Hath
God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the Garden.” A seed of doubt was placed in Eve’s
mind. Verses 4 and 5 “ye shall not
surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes
shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil.” He was telling Eve everything she wanted to hear. I am sure she had looked at that fruit on
previous occasions, knew by looking at it that it was good. Up to now she avoided it. Now the serpent comes into the midst and
appeals to her conscience. Try one bite
of it. Maybe you have been close in the
past to accepting Christ. Maybe it is
churning around. Now there is fear in
your mind, your friends will never accept it if you get saved. You are a good person as you are, a church
attender, surely God cannot mean you to repent right now. All the fiery darts he has been firing since
that day to now are the same deceptive power of soul. Sin will take you further than you want to
go. Maybe you want to live for as long
as you can rather than get saved. Would
sin be so appealing if the wages were paid to you immediately? The scriptures say the wages of sin is
death. How awful to neglect your
salvation for the pleasure of sin for a season.
That is the work of the devil tonight.
Don’t overlook your salvation tonight.
2 Corinthians 4 verse 4 “the God of this world hath blinded the eyes of
them that believe not.” Do you see your
need or has sin already caused that deception in your heart?
Sin causes destruction – verses 7 and 8. Up until this point Adam and Eve lived in
harmony with God. That relationship was
broken. They hid themselves from the
presence of God. Up until this point
they had happily communed with God now their first instinct was to run away. Sin had deceived and sin had destroyed and it
led to the first shedding of blood in scripture. All because of sin. What a price was paid. Adam and Eve lost their communion with
God. That animal lost its life all
because of sin. Did Eve ever accept all
these events would occur? Looking at the
short term effects and ignoring the long term consequences. Are you prepared for the consequences of
neglecting salvation? That sin, refusing
to give it up? Is it really worth it
when you consider the consequences of what will happen? God is showing you your need of salvation. For some reason we look at what we will be
giving up rather than what we will be gaining.
Don’t let sin deceive or distract you from that relationship with a
loving God. We have a Saviour who left
the splendours of sin to give us redemption through his blood. We find sin much more appealing than what is
on offer – salvation in Christ.
Sin causes division – verses 23 and 24. Look how far sin had taken Adam and Eve from
the day of creation. Closeness with God.
He would come down to the garden in the cool of the day. They enjoyed that every single day. Verse 8 God knew what had happened. Imagine how that must have seemed. Sin had now entered that garden and there now
came a division. They knew God could not
come into such a presence. He is of
purer eyes than to behold iniquity. Your
iniquities have separated from you and your God. If you are outside of Christ there is that
separation from you and God. Look on that
soul of yours, sin is still causing deception and destruction and
division. Knowing God loves each
soul. The fellowship was broken but
there was complete separation in the Garden.
God sent down a cherubim that stood in the entrance to the Garden. Complete separation. There is coming a day when there will be
another separation. One day God will
come back to this scene of time. He will
take those who are his home to heaven but those who are not will be refused
entry into heaven. The Bible talks of 2
destinations. There will be those saved
and those lost for ever. Sin is real and
division is real. Satan blinded Eve to
the last moment.
Sin commands a decision. It
was Eve’s decision to eat that fruit. We
live in the consequences of that sin yet we still have a decision to make. Each of us have made a decision already in
this mission. You have got up and left
the mission still in your sin. No-one
can make that decision for you. Eve
passed it to Adam. He had the choice
either to leave it or take it. He tries
to blame everyone else – verse 12 “the woman whom thou gavest to be with me she
gave me of the tree and I did eat.” As
you look into the face of Christ he asks you “what have you done with my son?” You can make as many decisions as you like
but remember the consequences when it comes to the end of your life. Tonight I need to make a decision to turn to
God or do nothing about it at all. Verse
9 “where art thou?” That question comes
to you once more. If you do not
understand the dangers of sin you will not understand the consequences of that
Genesis 5 verses 18 – 24
we have been trying to ascertain in the mission? The critics would wish to destroy the
integrity of the book of Genesis. If
there is one book they would try to take out of the bible it would be Genesis. Even some theologians would say these
creatures were mythical, not real people and these events never took
place. They cannot believe in a 6 day
creation, it must have taken place over generations of time. They cannot believe in a young earth that is
only 10/12000 years old. They give us
proof of fossils and rocks that are years older than that. They cannot believe in Adam and Eve. I want tonight to look at the man called
Enoch in verses 22 – 24.
was a turning point in this man’s life. He was 5 generations from Adam. There was a very definite place that he came
to. A time in his life when he had a
great change of heart. Everything around
him began to change. He got his eyes off
the temporal things of earth and placed his eyes on the God of heaven. Was there such a turning point in your
life? We need a relationship with
God. Our relationship has been broken
through sin. Whenever Adam and Eve
sinned against God something happened – sin entered in. With that came a separation between man and
God. It was only rectified when Jesus
was sent to the cross of Calvary. As he
died he shed his blood. He was
reconciling mankind to Christ. God was
in the world reconciling mankind unto God.
“I have finished the work you called me to do.” He died so that the relationship broken in
the Garden of Eden would be reconciled.
Not talking about relationship with church membership, with anybody, no
a relationship with God experienced through the Lord. Was there a moment when you turned around and
came to the foot of the rugged cross, a moment when you turned and began to
live your life for God? Enoch was born
into this world. Romans 5 verse 12 “as
by one man sin entered into the world.”
Is it any wonder people want to get rid of the events in the garden of
Eden, because it takes us right back to the beginning of time. In the beginning God created. God took from the soil of the ground and
breathed into man. From him he took a
rib and made his wife Eve. Yet the world
says we cannot take that. This man Enoch
walked with God but there was also a time when he didn’t walk with God. Something happened – a child was born into
his home. Maybe that spoke to him. Methuselah came into this home. Enoch realised he needed a relationship with God
now. The greatest thing we can do is to
put forth and trust in the Lord. In
Judges 13 when the woman was told of Samson’s birth she went out and told her
husband. Manoah her husband ran back to
where the angel was and asked him to repeat what had been said. Manoah then asked “how shall we order this child”.
That is what we need. Whenever
Enoch saw this little one his first thoughts were on him and then to God of
heaven. Surely there is a God in
heaven. There was a turning point when
he looked into the face of his little child.
Remember Lydia in Acts 16. She
had a turning point. When she went out
into the gospel meeting by the riverside and Paul opened up the word of God, as
she listened to the word of God, God reached down into her soul and she opened
up her heart to God. Paul and Silas in
the prison at night singing praise to God.
At midnight there was an earthquake.
The prison house began to crumble.
The prison guard decided to take his own life there and then. Paul told him to stop. The guard cried out to Paul “what must I do
to be saved?” It was a turning point in
his life. Was there a moment like that
in your life? A time you trusted
him? Seen him taking your sin, dying
just for you? When you asked him to come
into your life? A time you trusted him
and he came in? He died just for
you. Ask him to come into your heart and
save you.
trust that was personal. After the birth
of this little boy he placed his trust in the Lord. We are not told of any other members in his
family doing the same. He took a
decision to walk with God. May have been
walking with God before that, we don’t know. When this child came into his home that
changed his heart. He decided to walk
with God from that day on. Maybe this is
the day when you begin your walk with God.
Your husband or your wife cannot decide for you. This is a personal choice which God can only
bring you to. Only God can bring
conviction of the heart, show you your true nature, show you the cross of
Calvary, the blood that was shed for your sins.
If there is the slightest glimmer in your heart that you need to be
saved don’t mess about with that. Pilate
came to that same dilemma. His wife told
him “have nothing to do with this just man I have suffered much by way of a
dream about him.” Pilate’s own
conscience told him he had to make a decision.
He could find nothing wrong with him.
His conscience was telling him this was an innocent man. He turned to the crowd and listened to
them. He looked to his position and the
social ladder he was climbing. He
decided to give Jesus into the hands of the sinful men. He washed his hands and tried to justify
himself. What will it be for you
tonight? Will you try to wash your
hands? It was a personal decision. He heard his wife, knew his conscience, heard
the crowd but he had to ask himself what shall I do. As the Lord is presented to you what will you
do? Methuselah’s name means ‘when he is
dead it shall be sent.’ His name was
looking at the judgment of God because it was pointing forward to the flood. When the son died the judgment would
fall. When we close our eyes in death
judgment will come. “It is appointed
unto man once to die and after this the judgment.
testimony that is pleasing. Hebrews 11 verse 5. Enoch had a testimony of pleasing God. This man had a living testimony. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature
old things have passed away behold all things have become new. That is the proof in your life. A day in your life when all the old habits
were broken and gone. It is not a
question of you trying to keep it. It is
the Lord that keeps it. It is the Lord
who cleanses and breaks the power in your life.
Many are happy to sit in the old places they sat in before they were
saved. Here was a man who had a living
testimony. Onesimus was a servant of
Philemon. Paul said he had become a
profitable servant but he wasn’t before.
He stole from his master and ran away.
When he met Paul in the prison house he met Christ as his own
Saviour. That was a turning point for
him. Before we are saved we cannot
please God. Without faith it is
impossible to please God. Acts 22 speaks
of Ananias, a devout man having a good report in the city. When God worked mightily in that city the
people brought their books and burned them.
Those books tied them to a past of witchcraft and sorcery. They were cutting their ties with the past. That is what God does. Have you that clear testimony?
transport that was powerful – verse 24 “God took
him”. He didn’t pass through the valley
of the shadow of death. He was the
second man as such like this. There was
a day in history when he was sitting in his home or maybe out in the fields, we
don’t know when God reached down from heaven and took him. A beautiful picture
here. One day the Lord will come again
and it is nearer that we think. He will
come to the air and with a shout and the trumpet. He will take those who have been saved, their
bodies will rise up to meet their souls in the air. Those who are saved. We may not enter into the valley of
death. 1 Corinthians 15 we shall not all
sleep we shall all be changed. Some of
us may not die but be risen with Christ one day in the air. The Lord is going to come and he will take
every child of God home to be with him.
Genesis 3 verses 4 – 15
have been spending these few nights in the mission in the book of Genesis going
back to the root of the problem of mankind.
Need to know that remedy that mankind needs because we come to the place
of Calvary. Genesis is a book of
beginnings, the origin of creation, how the world was formed. How the animal and mankind came into
being. How relationships came into
being, marriage was instituted. Sin came
into being, the fall came because of sin.
The first night we looked at Adam and his disobedience. Then we looked at Cain who was defiant. God pointed to him that the sin offering was
sitting at the door, that would appease the holy God if brought into his
presence. Cain was adamant that he would
not turn to God. Many are like that –
defiant and they will not come to God.
Jesus said to the Pharisees ye
would not come to me. Many know the
way of the cross yet are defiant. They
say we will go our own way. Last night
we looked at Enoch who was a disciple.
He walked with God. As we turn
tonight have you begun to walk with God?
That you have stopped one day at Calvary, brought your sin to him, taken
from him salvation. You have a
relationship with God himself tonight.
We see Christ as great and mighty deliverer. John 4 the woman at the well met Christ that
particular day who gave her water that she would never thirst again. Come
see a man that told me all things that ever I did. This mission has no other goals or aims
tonight. It is not a mission to build up
our own ego, build up our church but to point men and women to Christ whereby
they might be saved. Philip found
Nathaniel and told him we have found the
one who was to come into the world.
Nathaniel said can any good thing
come out of Nazareth? Philip replied
come and see. The Psalmist said “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” When Jesus said to John’s 2 disciples come and see when they asked him where
he was going. You have got to come to
the cross and trust him as your own Saviour.
simplicity of his arrival – verse
15. We find here the first gospel
reference. Sin entered into the world
and right on the heels of that God comes and gives the remedy for sin. Is it good church attendance, doing the best
you can, coming from good family, all the good works you can possibly do? God had to reach down and take the innocent
animals to put them to death, shed their blood and take their skins to cover the
sinfulness of Adam and Eve on that day.
That is what had to do on that day.
For you sin and my sin. God
cannot take the little animals, he wouldn’t sacrifice an animal. He took his only son and sent him into the
world to die for our sins. We have got
to come to the cross, trust the Lord as Saviour and Lord. This text suggests, depicts something of the
simplicity of his entry into the world.
700 years before Christ’s birth Isaiah 7 verse 14 the name Emmanuel
means God is with us. Christ would be born
into world through the virgin Mary.
Jeremiah 31 verse 32 “The Lord hath created a new thing in the
earth.” Remember how the angels came
down and rehearsed these words to Mary “thou shalt conceive in thy womb and
bear a son.” To Joseph he said “and she
shall bring forth a son and you shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his
people from his sins.” Not to be born in
a palace but in a stable in the back streets of Bethlehem. Nothing to boast about in this. The simplicity of the one who came into the
world as a baby. The wise men came to a
palace of King Herod – why – because they thought it was the place where he
would be born. He shall be born of a
woman. The simplicity of his birth. The sincerity of it. He came into the world sinless and perfect. There was no sin found in him. Even on the cross of Calvary he said “Father
forgive them for they know not what they do.”
is a separation he causes. God speaks of 2 differences – the seed of a
woman is primarily Christ. The dividing
line is those who are of the devil. There was a division of the people because
of him. The same separation is still
present in this world. Many fail to make
the decision to the direction of their own soul. There are 2 families – the family of God and
the family of the devil. Many believe
that there is but one family alone. We
are all on our way to heaven and home.
Sadly that is not true. Jesus
taught us of the wheat and the tares in the parable. The seed was sown and as it grew the enemy
came in and planted his tares. Jesus
likened it to those in the world – Jesus’ children and the devil’s children who
are so similar. Dare not risk separating
them – let them grow together until the harvest time then separate them. When it comes to harvest time of this world,
there will be those who are saved and who will go out into the splendours of
heaven but there are those who go out into the caverns of the damned. Are you in the family of God, on your way to
heaven and home? Was there a moment when
you trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord?
We can be the very best of church people, people who do so much for
society yet not be saved. Saved means to
know the Lord as Saviour, to have your sins forgiven. Jesus came into the world to seek and to save
that which was lost. The preaching of the gospel is to them that
are lost foolishness. Are you
saved? Do you know the Lord as your own
and personal Saviour. There is a
dividing line and it might be even in your own home.
suffering that he encountered. It shall bruise thy seed and thou shalt
bruise his heel. The devil will cause an
injury to the Saviour. The devil would
bruise his heel. Isaiah he saw in a
vision Calvary’s cross. He said in
chapter 53 all about the suffering Saviour.
He could see 3 crosses, the Lord standing in his very midst yet it
pleased the Lord to bruise him. It
doesn’t mean that God was satisfied in the pain he was enduring. That was the only way we could be saved. Verse 5 he was wounded for our transgressions
bruised for our iniquities. God wants us
to see this promise of the Saviour, coming into the world to die for us. We have remission through his blood, not in
any church or preacher.
sovereignty that he will
exercise. He shall bruise thy head. The devil will bruise his heel but Christ
shall bruise the devil’s heel. Death
cannot hold him. He has the power to
salvation that he achieves. Isaiah 53 verse 11. Will you allow him to bear your
iniquities. He has born them on the
cross now wants you to come simply and accept what he has done. Take the pardon and liberty he wants to give
you. Justified by the power of God. The woman said come and see the man. That is the man we are pointing to. The man Christ Jesus through the eye of faith
you can see the man who died to take your sins.
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