1 Peter 1 verses 1 – 12
In the life of every one of us there are times when things get difficult. It doesn't matter who we are, no matter what line of business we are in, how advanced in our Christian lives we are, there are times when we go through tremendously difficult times. We have been looking at fishermen who left their nets at the Sea of Galilee because God's call came to them. They left everything they had at the shore and followed after Jesus. Their ambition was to be soul winners. Peter the uneducated, the ignorant fisherman, trained in the universe of life. It is to Peter that we seek his word, his advice as we become discouraged in life. We don't go to philosophers or professors of universities. They could give reasonable educational answers for all the dark times we go through in life. Peter gives just one explanation for it all “it is the trial of your faith” (verse 7). Peter no doubt is a character who has experience in the fields of life. One day he was with Jesus when he met Moses and Elijah on top of a mountain. What a day that was for him. Tremendous for his spiritual experience. He looked to the Lord and said “it is good for us to have been here.” Sure there were times when we have felt the same way. Peter also knew what it was like to plummet to the depths of sorrow. Remember the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew what it was like to falter. He knew what it was to hold up his hands and say to the Lord “we have left all to follow you”. Is it any wonder we turn to him this morning for advice as we go through dark times. What does Peter say about his faith today? He talks about faith being tested – not about works but rather faith.
The centre of your faith. The faith Peter speaks of here is of a transforming faith. Our faith is placed on what today? Is is on someone? But they could never save us. The moment we are born into this world we are lost and on our way to a lost eternity. God has given to you and I eternal life and an inheritance in heaven through the death of his son on Calvary's cross – he died for our sins so that we might know his forgiveness today. Judas walked with the Lord, preached with the Lord, did many miracles with the Lord yet his faith came short at the end. The devil too has faith, he knows there is a God and he fears and trembles at the very name of God but he will not allow us to be saved. Faith should be centred on the finished work of Calvary, grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ. Your faith will be tested to draw you away from that saving faith. The devil will do all in his power to drag you away from Jesus today. That is his plan and ploy, make no mistake about it. Verses 2 and 3 God's plan of salvation began in his heart. That is what salvation is. It begins not in the mind of man. Man is hopeless, lost today but God in his grace and mercy took his son, sent him into this world, sent him to die on Calvary that we might be saved. Then Peter takes up the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes up the word of God which you have heard and opens it up, shows you your need of saving faith. That is the centre of faith. God's work was applied to our hearts through faith. Is that our faith today? Not faith in a church or a minister or a creed but faith in the finished work of Calvary. If so we have an inheritance in heaven waiting for us.
The course of our faith. Our faith can come up against many obstructions, many barriers. Peter moves on to the product of our faith. Thought of persecution and suffering. Some 12 times in the epistle Peter mentions these trials, temptations and testings. Sometimes as a Christian we can ask “why am I going through this ordeal?” Jesus spoke to Peter on one occasion and told him “Peter Satan hath desired to have you.” That was the ambition of Satan. Jesus said “remember Peter the day Andrew came and told you about me, how you came and listened to me and I talked with you and you trusted in me as Saviour?”, then “remember when I came to the shores of Galilee and told you to follow me? Well the devil has come and asked that he might tempt you but I have prayed for you.” Whenever we come to that T junction, that crossroads in the way there is a decision to be made. The devil is out to ruin and destroy you Peter. Caleb in the Old Testament saw the land God was giving his people as ready to be taken. However the people listened to the evil report received. The peoples hearts melted before them. Caleb stood up in the midst and took a stand saying “we can do this, if God has given us this land we should go in and possess it.” There might be something that comes up in life and you know it is wrong and you will have to take your stand. Caleb took a stand. He knew what the people were saying was wrong. Is there a move in your life today? Something in your life and you have come to this place, a decision to be made. It is good to strengthen the brethren. That is what Caleb did. The Bible tells us one of the things the Lord hates is a man or woman who sows discord amongst the brethren. Peter told these people that their faith was being tested – verse 6. Something that is very precious – your faith. We often read of Job, think of that man in the Old Testament. He got up every day before everyone else and prayed for his family. He made sacrifices for his family. There was only one thing of concern to him – that they might bring harm to anyone around them. One day he did this as usual but before that day was over everything was taken from him. What did Job say “he knoweth the way that I take, when he hath tried me I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23 verse 10) In other words God knows all about it. God takes us sometimes into the dark places to try our faith. The course has changed for us.
The continuance of our faith – verse 5. Although going through this difficult time Peter says “through faith”. Keeping power of of God. He has his hand on you at this moment in time. He will bring you through. We are kept by the power of God. The word “kept” speaks of a city surrounded by a garrison of troops. They are well trained to keep the city from harm. God says your life and my life are kept by the power of God. That is how you are kept today. Just like the garrison of soldiers around the city when we get saved God engulfs our lives and he keeps us as we keep looking to him. The Psalmist said “the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ear is open to their cry.” “even as the hills around Jerusalem so is the Lord around his own.” “The Lord encampeth around about those who love him.” Remember David as a shepherd watching his flock on the hillside. He came face to face with the lion and the Lord brought that lion down into his hands. That is what the Lord does. John 17 “Father I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am that they may behold my glory , which thou hast given me.” (John 17 verse 24)
The crowning of our faith. That will be ours. Paul said “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.” (2 Timothy 4 verses 7 and 8) That crown is waiting for everyone of us in heaven. The devil is trying to bring us down today. John said “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.”
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