Monday, 7 February 2011

Focused on the call of God

Notes from a sermon heard on Sunday 6 February 2011 ...

Mark 1 verses 21 – 34

Following from looking at these fishermen and the call of God on their lives ...
We see men who were apt to give their all to the Lord and his cross. They were called to be soul winners, to be followers of Jesus Christ. Men who were venturing out into the unknown. When they left their nets and obeyed the call of God to follow him they were stepping out into the unknown. God promises to be our helper. Will we consider keeping our eyes on Jesus in this new year? We will be facing many trials and testings and perhaps many a tear. Need to get our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ. For these men they were going out to follow the Lord. There would be battles and blessings. Every child of God – men, women, boy or girl can lay hold of the claims of salvation but they will come under attack. For these fishermen before long the people of Jerusalem were talking about them. What were they saying of these poor uneducated fishermen? “They have turned the world upside down.” They filled Jerusalem with their doctrine. These men were unlearned, ignorant but were giving their all to Jesus. Here was a group of men going out into the work and the very foundations of hell would shake when they preached.

Notice how quickly they focused on their call – verse 21. “and straightway on the Sabbath Day he entered into the synagogue and taught.” Jesus led them into the synagogue and he began to teach them. Mark uses this word “straightway” often in his gospels. It places an emphasis on the speed and urgency of actions. These men were focused on the ministry they were called to do. Souls were gathering in the synagogue and they were there from all walks of life. They were there to hear the word of God. Not a moment to lose. A time to be active. They had a passion for souls. When God called them they realised they were going out to see men and women saved from a Christless eternity. They had a passion for souls. They focused on that passion. They wanted to see that work carried out. That calling comes to you and I today. Do we see our calling as children of God? Do we hear the voice of the master saying “follow me”? In Acts 3 we notice how these fishermen were urgent in the place of prayer. These men were on their way to prayer. We need to be urgent in prayer if we want to be a soul winner. Time set aside for prayer. They were coming to the temple to meet and seek with God. Praying for Gods will. Men who had filled Jerusalem with their doctrine. Men who had shook the place upside down were setting aside time for prayer. If you want to see hour families and loved ones saved you need to be a prayer seeker. When they came to the temple they found a man sitting at the gates with a little bowl in his hand begging. The big fisherman Peter comes to him and says “silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto you in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk.” That man got up and walked that day. In Acts 8 we see Philip the Evangelist, a man mighty in preaching the word of God had come down to Samaria. He had seen many precious souls saved. He was focused on what he was doing. Philip is called by the Spirit of God to a man who is sitting in his chariot reading the word of God. He was beginning to realise his need of salvation. Only God can do that today – open up the hearts of men and women. In verse 8 we read that Philip “ran” to the chariot. He was focused on what God would have him to do. An urgency about his action that day. When the fishermen went down to Capernaum they realised there were souls to be saved so went into the synagogue. They were focused on what they were doing.
They were faced with the enemy. verse 21 “and taught”. Jesus entered into the house of God and no doubt the leaders handed over the scripture to him. When the people couldn't get to the temple in Jerusalem to worship in various outlying towns they would have opened up synagogues. It took 10 Jewish families to open up such a place. They would have appointed a leader or rabbi. His task was to have a teacher or preacher there for the various services. The rabbi led the meeting and then handed over to the preacher. Verse 22 “and they were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority and not as the scribes.” This was not the same as before, something different had happened. Here was the Son of God and the Spirit of God was on him. The Lord Jesus Christ was centred on the atonement of sin. Verses 23 and 24 “unclean spirit” means a demon. The devils kingdom was being annoyed because of such preaching. Satan was being disturbed because of the effect of this ministry. Opposition began to be shown against the power of God. The devil was not going to give up without a fight. The opposition came so very quickly. The people were astonished at this preacher. They realised he was different from the scribes. We never read of any other disturbance when a scribe preached. Satan and hell would have been happier any other day than this one. When you take your stand for Christ you will always get a reaction. When you get serious in winning souls for Christ you will get a reaction. It came from a most unexpected source – right within the synagogue itself. That is what sometimes happens. There was not only spiritual opposition but sickness in the family. Mary and Martha loved the Lord with all their hearts, worked for the Lord yet Lazarus took ill. They took it to the Lord saying “the one whom thou lovest is sick” They thought he would rush to their side but the Lord waited. Lazarus was raised to life again but Jesus said it would be in his death that he would be glorified. Paul had a thorn in his flesh yet he didn't allow that to deter him.
How quickly their fruit appeared – verse 25. Jesus rebuked the enemy. They were seeing fruit already. “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” Peter's mother in law was sick and they told Jesus about it. Have you told the Lord what is happening in your home today? About those not saved in your home? They told the Lord about her sickness. Have we prayed and left it with the Lord? The Lord took care of the opposition and the sick. Whatever you are going through today focus on the ministry God is calling you to. You will be faced with the power of the enemy but keep focused on the Lord and there will be fruit in your life.

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