Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Jesus' authority in the synagogue






There are a lot of different events taking place in Mark’s gospel. Last week we were looking at the calling of the fishermen, Peter, Andrew, James and John. Following the obedience of these men we see what happens next in the life of Jesus. Jesus was in the synagogue at Capernaum. He was there not to listen to some religious teacher, good respected person of the day, to listen to the good living that they would often share around. His reason was to overthrow that way of further, to teach the word with great authority further proving his identity as the Messiah, the Son of God. His immediate desire was to go into the Father’s house and unite in worship with others. Hopefully I want to share my desire to be in church as much as I can. There are many we know who do not have that same implanted desire. To be in the house of God at every opportunity As Jesus was teaching and ministering in the synagogue during that eventful day we see one of the first reactions and interactions to his ministry. As through his authority and rebuking of the unclean spirit the spectators were soon recognising and acknowledging that this was no ordinary man who had got this power trip. They thought this was different, there was real authority and superiority shown in this man Jesus. Jesus superiority in the synagogue.

1.      He taught with authority – verses 21 and 22

2.      He acted with authority – verses 23 to 26

3.      They recognised his authority – verses 27 and 28

He taught with authority – verses 21 and 22. What I see and want you to gather is that Jesus had a desire to teach. A significant amount of time has passed since Jesus called the disciples to be his followers. Jesus had a real desire when he entered into the synagogue. To teach the word of God and to do it with great authority. Capernaum was located on north west shore of the sea of Galilee. This was the place to be in bible history. If anything was going on it was to be found here. Many merchants were all there because there were wealthy people who were able to sell their wares. Old Greek language it was known at the village of comfort. Many people were coming and going. Many buying and selling. Great location. Conducted many miracles he here. We see that through the remainder of the gospel. Jesus knew the steps his father wanted to take as ministry unfolded here on earth. This city would become a home base of sorts, a central  part of bringing redemption into the world. When Jesus arrived in the city time was not given to stop for food. He had never been here before. Disciples hadn’t been here either. The focus was not to take in the sights of the city, the focus was to teaching the truth. That remains resolute and unchanging to this day. Jesus wants us to know the good news that will change our eternal perspective. It is still for the lost and sinful man to see the truth. Without it they are lost. Jesus saves and wants to save them from their sins. Many would listen to these teachers for years. They would look to individuals. They thought they were the be all and end all. This was the closest thing to God himself. All thy taught were their own rules and regulations, selfish, seeking to serve their own agendas. This is maybe the part when the Lord is speaking to you to receive Christ as Saviour. He wants you to hear the truth as Jesus wanted these people to hear the truth. He had immediately gone into the synagogue. He had this desire to be in the synagogue. Would be the same for any Jewish man. But this really shows the passion and desire he had to be in his Father’s house, to be close to the one who sent him here to earth. His port of call was to be in a place of worship and be about his Father’s business. Examine yourself – do I have that hunger to study the bible when I can? Not just when you come into church but in your own time. Do you have the desire to study the bible, to grow in the knowledge of the Lord? Do we have that continued desire to do so each and every day all the time? As Christians, being with other Christians learning from God’s word - that is what we should be wanting. We should be coming with joy. It is a wonderful privilege to be here. We cannot thank him enough. Your saving profession should be compelling you to read more, to be found in the house of God whenever the opportunity is given to us. We notice through the truth of God’s word that Jesus was unique.  He was not the same as these scribes. He had great authority and knowledge in the things of God because he was the Son of God. Jesus was now providing physical evidence to those around him. Many said he was just a physical man but now he was proving that he was the Messiah promised from generations upon generations. The servant king had finally come to save these people. Were these people going to notice that and take it in first hand? Jesus had a desire to teach. What was the reason for doing so  – verse 22. Jesus taught them differently than anyone else. He was unlike the religious leaders. His words and directions were not dictated by man made ambitions, to get him further in life, to do better than other people. His desire was to share the good news of the gospel. The men in the synagogue who talked often were appealing to human interest and going after their own gain. Jesus spoke with great power and appealed to their eternal future, the future of heaven and hell. His words resonated with these people all without reference to people in the past. His message was unique unlike anything heard before. We need to let Jesus speak and hear what he is saying to us. My role is to share what Jesus has given and let the truth speak for itself. I cannot save anyone. It is through the work and conviction of the Holy Spirit. The bible does not need to be propped up by my opinions. It does not need anything added to it. A danger many churches and Christians fall into is that they seek to manipulate and dilute the gospel message, to make it more acceptable and appealing to our modern society. It is the job of ever Christian is to be faithful in sharing the truth, just as Jesus did. We need to let the word of God speak. This is the reason for Jesus’ preaching - that the truth of the word would be heard and applied into people’s lives. How are they going to hear if the word is not preached?

Jesus acted with authority – verses 23 to 26. As Jesus continued to teach in the synagogue we read of an encounter that took place with a man with an unclean spirit. We really see his authority coming into play. There was resistance from the enemy firstly. Amongst this vast crowd this man was there an with unclean spirit. As Jesus spoke with power and authority it caused this man to cry out against Jesus and what he was teaching. The enemy didn’t want the truth shared. He didn’t  want people to be saved. The truths being taught were so grave in their nature that Satan was uncomfortable in the presence of God. That they had to cry out. The resistance of the enemy has not changed. Our world has changed but the enemy has not. The very fact that you are here tonight listening to this message, Satan hates that. He hates the truth, the love, the grace, the peace and the security Jesus brings to someone who was once lost. He hates God’s word being read aloud. Because when that happens people are amazed at the selfless love that Jesus showed on the cross. He doesn’t want you to be here, he does not want you to pick up your bible or ever pray another prayer again. But you are hearing a truth that will always overpower the evil powers of the enemy. There was resistance here from the enemy. There was a recognition. The spirit recognised who Jesus was – verse 24. Even though the spirit resisted what Jesus was saying. Even in all its wickedness, hatred, anger and sin it had to recognise Jesus was the Christ. What we actually see here is a fear on the part of the unclean spirit. He recognised Jesus had arrived to destroy it. It knew it could never add up to anything that Jesus could do against it. He was not as powerful nor would be. He had power over this poor weak innocent man but it was content in its domination of this man. As soon as it saw and encountered Jesus it knew it would stand no chance against him. That is why this interaction is happening. Jesus would now show everyone his superiority, his power and authority in this synagogue. This spirit had no desire to take in anything Jesus was saying, to come out of this man of his own volition. Above it all we see the forces  of Satan acknowledge the power of God. This spirit was working against the Messiah. He  continues to seek to work against God and anything that love him. Does it break your heart that there are people today who never will recognise Jesus’ power? It may shock us but this is the climate we are living in. It is not what we lived in 20/30 years ago. People refuse to admit their sin. Reject the authority and power he has to change their lives. But there is coming one day when every heart confess Jesus is Lord. Philippians 2 verse 10 “that at the name of Jesus every knee should now of things in heaven  and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess hat Jesus Chris is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  There was a recognition of the enemy. There was a rebuking of the enemy. The enemy had played its part. Jesus now beginning to work in this situation. Now taking action in verse 25. He commands the spirit to come out of this man. Jesus had previously shown his authority in his words and his teaching but he now shows his authority and power to remove the spirit from the body of this man. It was not pleased with what God had done. When the direction was given the spirit caused this man’s body to convulse, to move and shake and finally crying with a loud shriek as it left his body. This would have been an unusual and upsetting experience to witness.. Above the great and gruesome nature of what was happening here, there was great hope to be found here. When we see people coming to Christ we see that Jesus has power and authority over past mistakes mentally and physically. He has power to rescue us from the clutches of the enemy. When Jesus comes the enemy has no chance. Satan would have to depart in the name of Jesus. How brilliant it is to know that is it true that there is nothing in this life beyond the reach and capability of our own powerful God. Even though our life may not be as tragic as this man was, we too are bound in sin. If still outside of Christ our life is controlled by Satan. We will be defeated. This man was unable to rid of this unclean spirit. Jesus is the one who can transform your life and bring forgiveness and redemption because he has all authority and power. Jesus acted with authority in verses 23 to 26.

The people recognised his authority – verses 27 and 28.  The first response to what had taken place in this event was that they accepted now that Jesus had authority. In verse 27 we see they were all amazed at what had taken place. This should come as no surprise to us as readers either. Not just surprised at what Jesus had taught but also the casting out of this unclean spirit. This man was unique. Not only having authority over what he taught but authority over unclean spirits. Could this finally be the Messiah, the promised son, promised long ago? Only God could act and teach these people. Do you still stand amazed at Jesus? Are you like this people standing back and realising this is Jesus, this is what he has done. Have you asked yourself why am I losing the vision of who he is? Are you amazed at the price paid for your sins? Are you amazed that he would take the time to speak to our hearts and reveal the need we have with him? To stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene? The people accepted the authority of Jesus. They were going to tell others about it as well. Going to spread this authority all around. There was an initial amazement and acceptance of who Jesus was. But the story closes with the spreading of the news throughout Galilee, of what they had seen happening in the synagogue. The people could not stay quiet about what they had seen. They were completely amazed at what he had done and wanted others to know too. We have heard the name of Jesus, encountered him personally, he has rescued us from our sins. We are amazed by him. Why then do we not tell others? Why do we not share it with others when we have the opportunity? Why do we not share it with our families? We know the joy he has brought into our hearts so are why are we not sharing it with others? For others to experience that same joy and forgiveness. I pray that we will be determined to make him known in our world today. He is the answer to this world’s sins. He still has the authority today. He is still superior over the enemy. Dwell on that fact, soak it up in your Christian life. Use it for the glory of God.

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