Tuesday, 30 July 2024

The darkest of times in David's life





Here we are at a dark time in David’s life, when he found himself discouraged, alone.  Last time we looked at Daniel and the words of chapter 2 “he purposed in his heart”.  Here we have a contrast in chapter 27 verse 1 “and David said in his heart.”  It was not from God.  He meant what he was saying.  “I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul.”  A wrong thought that he was thinking.  The darkest of thoughts.  Usually in those times these are always wrong thoughts.  In the workplace when we think about something someone has said or done, you could come home and think something is not right.  Everything was against David.  His life was one of constant battle.  When the Lord saved me that is when the battle began.  Because of David’s sin the Lord had said “the sword would not depart from his house.”  What made David great?  When we read these words we are not thinking of a great king but rather someone in defeat, who allows discouragement to come into his life.  Instead of putting it out they have dwelled in that discouragement.  What made David great was not the people around him or his surroundings, it was God who was for him, who had come to him and anointed him to be king over his people of Israel.  One of my favourite stories from David’s life is 1 Samuel 24 when Saul took 3000 men to hunt David.  Saul came to the cave where David was.  David had his back against the wall.  He could have killed Saul but he didn’t.  He was a man after God’s own heart.  “The Lord forbid that I should do this thing against the Lord’s anointed.”  Verses 6 and 7 everything was against David for a large part of his life, his circumstances were against him.  I want you to understand this morning circumstances can be against us as the children of God.  God is for us.  We can find ourselves in difficult or impossible situations but God is with us.  He can perform the miracle, turn the circumstances around in an instant.  That is what he did for David.    Not at this time though.  He allowed this to happen in his life.  He was not standing up to the giant Goliath at this stage in his life.  He found himself saying in his heart “I am now going to die.  One day Saul will take my life, I will perish.”  The real test of the Christian walk is how we treat others especially those who do us wrong.  David is a perfect example.  That is why he found favour with God.  That is why God called him “a man after his own heart.”  Samuel said these words to Saul after he had sinned against God.  Saul did not obey God in the war with the Amalekites.  2 Samuel 5 he was the first king of his own tribe, the tribe of Judah.  David is saying “I am going to perish.”  What a wrong thought that was.  We can be one moment rejoicing in God’s word then the next moment a thought can enter into our heart.  God provided for David.  He had proved his faithfulness in the past.  It is possible that these thoughts he was having now were not from God.  God’s focus was on David not on Saul.  David’s back was against the wall, totally defeated and discouraged just like the times when his brethren came against Goliath.  David finds himself in the same position.  Broken.  Defeated.  He wants to hang his head in shame.  It is always darkest before the dawn.  Saul was about to commit suicide.  David did not know that Saul would fall on his own sword.  God knew but David did not.  Saul had been running from God for years.  He had more opportunity to take Saul’s life and he didn’t do it.  Sometimes people do wrong things against us.  We can feel hurt.  That hurt is always strongest in the church.  Maybe been friends with someone for years and then all of a sudden things go astray.  It is what we do in those situations that is important.  Where we direct our thoughts.  The thoughts David had were not right.  They led him down a path of discouragement and defeat.  Away from the presence of God.  David was not singing any psalms at this point in his life.  He was not in a relationship with God.  Where was God?  He still had his hand on David.  No matter how far into the land of the Philistines David found himself God’s hand was still on him.  God allowed him to experience this situation.  David did not know why.  Maybe you are afraid of something this morning or someone today.  Persecuting you.  Damaging you.  Fighting against you.  Could you be feeling like king David felt?  God will prove faithful.  He will deliver you.  He will prove himself to you.  When I come against a difficult person I always come up with the same answer – “God will never forsake me.”  I have been praying for something for years.  This situation is getting harder and it feels like I am losing the fight, my back is against the wall.  Psalm 46 verse 1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.”  It might not be someone, it could be doubt, fear, illness, maybe nothing at all at the moment.  It is a life of battle for the Christian.  We are in a war against the evil one.  The devil is like a roaring lion and we could be days from his grasp.  Remember God is our refuge.  He is our strength.  Our very present help in trouble.  David didn’t need to fear that day, that one day he would perish at the hand of Saul because David had proved God continually in his life.  1 Samuel 17 David defeated the army of the Philistines by killing their leader.  Even when he was a shepherd boy minding his sheep he had killed a lion and a bear.  David knew his God and he knew that his God had delivered him in the past and one day he would deliver him again in the future.  The beauty about being a Christian is that we have this hope.  Our God is in the midst to defend us.  Why did David go through this?  I have asked myself the same question – why God have you allowed this to happen?  Maybe you are asking “why is this happening?”  Maybe you have a husband or wife or a child who no longer is walking with God.  Maybe there is a friend for whom you have been praying for years.  David learned so much through his experiences.  He asked for a land – verse 5.  He was planning to stay, not go back to the people of Judah.  The king, a Philistine gives him the land of Ziglag.  David would have learned so much in that land.  Prepared him for the plan God had for him.  In God’s plan nothing alters.  David’s plan would be for him to be king of Israel.  We look forward to the day when Christ will return.  God has a plan for the end of time.  He will come back and dwell amongst his people.  On the cross he was forsaken by man but one day he will sit upon the throne of David as the King of all the earth.  That is what we have to look forward to.  Sometimes we can look at the television and ask ‘why is this all going on?’  It is all recorded in scripture.  Wait until the Tribulation when it will be even worse for the Jewish nation.  We may not always know what God is doing.  We might not always understand the hand of God but we can trust the heart of God.  If you find yourself in a situation you cannot work out or you are worried about family members rest in God today.  Trust in him because God was the one that was faithful to David and he is the one who will be faithful to you.  You don’t need to doubt God in that sense.  We don’t need to be afraid.  “Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me.”  Our hearts get troubled and we look at situations instead of looking at God.  God was preparing David for a time when he would be king over Israel.  That is what God is doing in each of our lives today.  David was to find encouragement from God.  David went with the Philistines to fight against Israel.  David was put at the back of the army.  People asked what he was doing there.  They did not want to fight with him.  David left and went back to Ziglag where he discovered the place had been destroyed.    People blamed David for all that had happened.  He should never have been in that situation at all. David did what each of us need to do.  He encouraged himself in the Lord.  1 Samuel 30 verse 6.  David’s heart was turned back to God.  He came back to know God again and he gave him back all that he had taken from him.  God had a plan David didn’t know about.  He ran from that plan just like Jonah ran from God’s plan for the Ninevites.  God has a plan for us.  Why is the church decreasing?  Why are people leaving and are not interested in the things of God?  The time of the end “and they shall depart from the truth.”  Many will go down into the land of Philistines and seek refuge away from God’s people.  Therefore it is good to find ourselves in God’s house today.  It is good that God has saved us.  Where else would you rather be?  David got back to the place where he should have been with God.  He took 600 people with him.  A lot were killed while he was away from God.  Maybe your heart is not where it should have been.  Instead of saying “I shall now perish.”  Maybe it is time to come back to God, our refuge and strength in the time of trouble.

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