Friday, 7 June 2024

The armour of God



SERMON NOTES FROM SUNDAY 2 JUNE 2024 – Mr Philip Robinson


Ephesians 6 is a well known portion of scripture.  It was written when Paul was in prison.  A dark, wet, unpleasant cell.  The first 3 chapters of Ephesians are the doctrine of the book.  Chapters 4 to 6 are the more practical aspects for the Christian. The Christian experiences much spiritual warfare in the world today.  The devil is trying to get into the minds and hearts of young people particularly in the workplace, in universities and our schools.  It is important to think of the whole armour of God, not something we can pick and chose.  There are 3 simple things to consider in this passage.


What do we do with the armour God has given. Paul is telling us to put on the whole amour of God.  It is a command for all Christians to do.  Notice that in verse 11 “put on”.  He is telling us to do something.  It is not an option to take or leave it, to put on certain parts when we feel like it.  We are going into battle all the time.  The devil is very good at attacking us on a day and daily basis.  David Attenborough said that lions will go for the separated animal because they are the weakest.  The devil is described in God’s word as “going about like a roaring lion.”  It happens to us all.  Every Christian experiences these attacks from the devil.  Paul uses the phrase “whole”.  Other translations have it as complete.  It is not a pick and choose scenario.  He mentions it twice – in verse 11 and then again in verse 13.  When we see something repeated for a second time then we need to pay special attention because there is greater meaning to it.  It is to drive home the point of the necessity of putting on the whole armour of God.  We face spiritual warfare every day.  If we are in the army you have to wear all the elements to go out into battle otherwise you wouldn’t last too long in a battle.  If we don’t have all the elements we will be like the soldier with no armour.  The armour helps us against the attacks of the devil that happen on a daily basis.  “Stand against the wiles of the devil.”  The devil goes around like a roaring lion 24/7 trying to trip us up.  No-one is excluded from his attacks.  He is manipulative and cunning.  We are good at putting on the armour in the gospel aspect – “I am a good person, I don’t need God. “  How often do we forget about reading the word of God?  The devil tries to attack us throughout the day.  No-one is exempt.  We are soldiers of Jesus Christ.  That is how we are described in the word of God.

Secondly, why do we need the full amour?  In verses 14 – 17 the full armour is described.  Paul explains what the armour is.  Hebrews 13 verse 5.  Christians can take this promise to themselves – God will never leave us nor forsake us.  It is important to keep our eyes on Christ. In Matthew 14 the disciples were in the boat when Jesus appears walking on the water.  Peter wants to get out of the boat and walk to Jesus.  As soon as he takes his eyes off Christ he starts to sink.  He took his eyes off Christ.  We need to keep our eyes on Christ, the one who saved us from our sins.  When we take our eyes off Christ we can be like Peter and begin to sink.  We can look at what is going on in the world and become disorientated.  We take our eyes off Christ.  When we keep our eyes on the one who saved us in the difficulties of life he can help us.

The first piece of armour is the belt of truth.  It was worn close to the body.  We should hold God’s word close to our hearts.  If the soldier was going into the battle he would be ready.  God’s word has to be close to our hearts.  The belt was the place where the weapon was stored.  Be ready to give an answer Peter says.  More often if someone finds out you are a Christian you will be asked many questions.  God’s word is not something to open on Sunday’s and then put on the shelf the rest of the week. It is only through reading we get to no Christ.  We need to spend time with Christ.  We can talk to God anywhere.

The breastplate of righteousness.  It protects the vital organs.  The Christian is protected if they are under attack.  Paul is referring to the protection of the heart, the soul, the mind of the believer.  We are born with blackened hearts full of sin.  The devil tries to pull us away from God.  1 Peter we can rely on God to reach us and pull us out of the dark paths of sin.  The devil knows what weakness we have.  He will use that to make us fall into temptation.  The breastplate protected the vital organs and with Christ we are protected.

The shoes or boots the soldier wore.  This gives us protection to claim the good news of the gospel.  Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20 God commands us to go into all the world and preach the gospel.  God gives us all that commission today as Christians.  It can be terrifying to tell people the gospel but we all need to do it.

The shield of faith.  “Above all” – the importance of putting on the whole armour.  Not like the modern army, the Roman soldier held their shields up to stop the darts coming across over the head.  That is what Paul is talking of – protecting the body and head.  Hebrews 11 verse 11 – the whole chapter talks of the faith of many found in the Old Testament.  Each verse says “by faith”.  “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen.”  We have faith in Christ, that he is always with us.  Stephen Baxter of Crusaders Football Club said when the reporters ask about my Christian faith I use the illustration I cannot physically see that third title, I trust that it will be there at the end.  As I trust Christ as my Saviour, I cannot see him physically here on earth but one day I will.  Faith is vital to the Christian.  The believer who knows Christ personally.  Without faith we wouldn’t believe.  Faith is the key to the Christian.

The helmet of salvation.  The word “take” is used – an action word again.  Not put on.  Help us to discern against false doctrines and teachers.  So many are not teaching the true gospel.  1 John 5 verses 11  - 15.

The sword – what the soldier uses to fight the opposition.  Paul is referencing this to the bible.  This is our sword.  It is harper than any two edged sword.  Hebrews 4 verse 12.  The bible is sharper than any two edged sword.  This book can help us in the valleys and the hill tops.  Remember the sword drill in Sunday School. Is our sword closed or ready to be drawn?  To be used in battle against the devil? The challenge is to find time to read God’s word. As Christians we are in hand to hand conflict with the devil every day.  The Christian has to carry that sword to fight the enemy. In Roman times the sword was long and sharp.  The Bible is our sword.  Do we spend time in reading and prayer every day?

Thirdly, how prayer is the key to the Christian in the spiritual battle – verse 18.  Prayer is important to the Christian.  Think of it in the context of the army.  If you are out in the battlefield there is a radio to talk to the commander.  Christ is like that commander.  We can talk to him 24 hours a day.  We can talk to God all the time.  Prayer is the key to heaven and the key for the Christian.  Leave your burdens at Christ’s feet.  We can pray over the things we struggle with.  Remember the curtain in the tabernacle in Exodus – the curtain is torn in 2 today.  We have complete access through Jesus’ blood shed on Calvary.  Do you spend time with God in prayer?  Christianity is not just a Sunday experience.  Notice it says “praying always. “  As a Christian when we think of the context of prayer it is something  we can struggle with.  We know we can talk to God anywhere.  God is always with us.  We can pray when driving to work, driving on the way home, pray when we are working.  Spend time with God in prayer.  We face a battle every day and we need to put God first in all of our lives.


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