Monday, 11 December 2023

Romans 8 - what a great God we serve who never changes!





One of the greatest truths of scripture is that we are privileged to serve a great God who never changes.  He is always the same.  Hebrew 13 verse 8 “he is the same yesterday, today and forever.”  At the end of the Old Testament in Malachi 3 verse 6 we also read that he is the Lord who changes not.  We live in a world today that is relentlessly changing, it is unstoppable.  Yet in the midst of it all Jesus remains constant.  He is fantastically true.  The Lord never changes but he is always doing new things – in your life, in your church, in the world we live in.  He is always doing new things, brand new things.  We find that as we read Romans 8.  We see a monumental change in this chapter.  In the opening section we have a new pattern from the king.  We are no longer living under a dark cloud of condemnation.  We have a new friend, the Holy Spirit himself.  When you come to Christ you are energised by the spirit of life.  We have a new obsession.  He has given a sparkling new mind and heart.  He gives to every one of us a genuine reason for living.  There are many other new things for us to sink our teeth into.  We follow someone new.  We belong to someone new.  We speak to someone new.  We inherit something new.  We experience something new.  Paul has some unfinished business in verses 12 and 13.  He is going for the jugular.  He reminds us in 2 verses we have, as the people of God, a serious obligation to fulfil.  Paul spells it out in a few easy to understand words.  In verse 12 we are responsible to the Spirit.  Verse 13 we are re-enforced by the Spirit.  You know we ought to take those together.  The challenge for every one of us is – let’s be different.  Let’s be distinctive.  I want you to live your life on the sharp edge of faith for God.  If we toe the party line we are onto a real winner.  We are blessed of God.  We experience victory.  We experience life with a capital L I F E.  Life that is full and overflowing with godly optimism.  However, if you prefer to do your own thing, go your own way we are losers every single time.  Why?  Because the flesh is never satisfied.  The old man is never content.  We will know from experience the more we give in to it the more it demands and the more it wants.  When we come to the point where we repent and are converted that is the moment when loyalties switch.  We march to a different drum.  Paul says there is no point in a life in bondage when you are a liberated people.  We have freedom in Christ.  We might as well enjoy it, live it to the full.  “When it comes to our walk with God there is no point in drinking skimmed milk when you can drink full milk.”  Count your blessings – that is what you have right here. We see here the benefits that will be ours.  In verses 14 to 17 we see that God leads us, each step, each mile of the way.  “God leads his dear children along.”  When we think of that marvellous message there are certain truths that we need to underline. 


First when God does the leading we do the following.  We can rest assured that the Lord will never lead us where his grace will not be able to keep us.  There are things we question in our lives.  God knows exactly what he is doing all the time.  As we follow hard after him he will not lead us where his grace will not go before us. 


Secondly he will never lead us contrary to the word of God.  He is consistent in all his dealings with us.  We must trust him at all times.  Verse 14.  The fact that we are conscious of God’s leading in our lives is a sign that we really do belong to him. He is our heavenly father.  He wants nothing but the best for us.  We can rely on him to lead us down the paths that ultimately in his time and his purpose will always do us good.  It will not always be easy, we know that.  When God does the leading and we do the following God’s way is always the best way.  He never gets it wrong.  God’s not going to lead you into a spiritual cul-de-sac or a dead end.  God does the leading, we do the following. 


In verse 15 he re-enforces the truth of our adoption into a global family of God.  We can reflect on that daily when we come with freshness and vitality.  The moment we become a believer the Lord did a special work of grace.  He did not take us and leave us to get on with life.  He did not shortchange us.  He did not give us a spirit of dread.  He has adopted us – you and I have been personally chosen by him.  We were not only born a second time and we were, but we were handpicked by him.  He not only saved us from sin but adopted us and placed us into his forever family.  If you are a child of God legally you are in his family.  You are there to stay. It is for time and eternity - no matter how long we have in this life.  He has placed us in his global family.  Come what may out there or even in there that is our secure position right now and that will not changed.  It does not matter what blessings there are, we have access to it all and so much more.  The genius of God’s astounding grace.  Adoption in this context of Romans was very important.  The people back in first century knew what Paul was talking about.  When a child transferred from one family to another 3 things happened.  The adopted person lost his rights in his old family.  He gained legitimate rights in the new family.  The child got a brand new father.  Secondly by law the old life of the adopted person was completely wiped out, the debts were wiped clean.  Thirdly in the ceremony the adopted son received the right to carry the name of the new family as well as a share in the family fortune.  That is what God has done for us.  In the Lord we have been taken from the family of Adam and placed in the family of God.  We should never ever forget God adopts wrongdoers, failures, rebels.  J I Packer said “adoption is the highest privilege of the gospel. The traitor is forgiven, brought in for supper, and given the family name. To be right with God the Judge is a great thing, but to be loved and cared for by God the Father is greater.”  Grace that is greater than all our sin.  As a consequence of all that has happened to us we enjoy intimate relationship with God.  God our Father is not someone out there far away.  Uncomfortable, remote and distant.  He is up close relational specialising in personal touch. We can look him in the eye and say “father” or “father my father”.  Not only follow a divine leadership but a divine relationship.  We experience divine worship.  Verse 15.  “we cry unto him Abba Father.”  That word “abba” means “daddy” or “pappa”.  If you were in the land of Israel today children talking to their father would say this.  In Paul’s day this was a totally new concept.  No Jew ever dared called God father.  The cross made all the difference.  As the redeemed of God we can say to him “abba Father”.  That is a term of rich endearment.  Loving trust.  Utter dependence on him. It shows our bonding with the father is real, genuine.  It has a ring of reality to it.  It suggests to me today that whatever comes into your life from that direction or from the opposite direction it does not make any difference.  The thrilling truth is it does not matter what our life is like, when we know Jesus as Lord, God is our father and we love him and he loves us.  The Methodist Charles Wesley said


“my God is reconciled

His pard’ning voice I hear

He owns me for a child

I can no longer fear

With confidence I now draw nigh

And Abba Father cry”


In verse 16 we see another blessing.  “The Spirit himself bears witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God.”  He comes to us at all hours of the day and night.  He convinces us that we really do belong to the living God.  The fact that you know the Lord and it is not a figment of your imagination, you are not someone living in cloud cuckoo land.  It is a cast iron certainty.  God gives us his word and his word is his bond.  The transaction is legally binding, complete, never to be unravelled, sealed and signed for ever and ever.  The Spirit confirms and affirms our relationship with God.  We are reconciled. Why does he do it?  He knows the devil will come along.  The adversary will plague and pester us with all kinds of doubts and fears.  We live in a world of anxiety.  We are buffeted with all that life throws at us.  It is tough down here.  He gives us the assurance – blessed assurance – that enables us to hold our heads up high.


If one should ask of me, how can I tell?
Glory to Jesus, I know very well!
God’s Holy Spirit with mine doth agree,
Constantly witnessing Jesus loves me.


That is something you can do when you know the Lord.


Now I belong to Jesus

Jesus belong to me

Not for the years of time alone

But for eternity


In verse 17 Paul brings it to a finale.  The future for the child of God is getting broader and better as the days go by.  Your name and mine is written with indelible ink in his last will and testament.  It will never be blotted out.  It cannot be accidentally erased or removed.  As a child of God we are home and dry.  What a mind blowing inheritance we have to look forward to.  The value of inheritance is determined by the worth of the one who bequeathed it.  The inheritance we have is from the creator, owner, sustainer of the world.  The Lord is rich in so many ways.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  Earth belongs to him. There is nothing mean about our benevolent God.  Not impoverished.  He is there for you and I to enjoy.  Maybe you are saying great but what have we inherited?  We are heirs of God.  That is fascinating.  We fully inherit everything that God owns.  That is a lot we inherit.  All that God has.  The second way to look at we inherit God – our inheritance is God himself.  We inherit all that he has.  We inherit all that he is talking about.  An inheritance cannot beat that.  Paul throws a spanner in the works.  Earthly grace is guaranteed.  Getting from here to there will not be plain sailing.  We all have good days and bad days.  Days of sun and days of shade, the best of times and the worse of times.  Sooner or later in your life there will be difficult days of suffering and trial.  Moments when our back is against the wall.  In moments like that, that is when we are called to share in the sufferings of Jesus.  God doesn’t have to tell us why.  We live our lives grounded on the promises of God.  God will take all that happens to us and will purge us from sin.  He will use us to conform us more completely to the image of his son if we are going to share his glory for eternity.  What is a few days of heartache by comparison?  Whatever happens down here will prepare us for life in a better place.  When we step out into that life we will appreciate things so much more.  No matter how difficult life is today or in the future cannot compare to the glory that is coming our way.  Paul reminds us of the ultimate reason – the joy of glorification.  Grace today enough for today but grace tomorrow too.  The hurts in your life will be followed by hallelujahs.  If this does nothing else it gives us a breathtaking insight into heart and mind of God.  What he thinks of every one of us.  How much he values and treasures us.  He sees our worth.  It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.  Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Jesus.  Just one glimpse of Jesus.  So bravely run that race until you see Christ.  While we run that race until heaven lets count our blessings.

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