Sunday, 8 October 2023

He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him




Psalm 126 was a special psalm to the Children of Israel.  They were reminded of the past work and the promise to carry them into the future.  The people had returned from captivity and were called to be thankful.  At last they were free.  Terror and fear had been removed.  Their mouth was filled with laughter and their tongue with rejoicing.  All the surrounding nations had to admit that the Lord had done mighty things for them.  Verse 4 “Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south.”  When the people returned to their homeland much work had to be done.  There was much labour before them.  They had to work to return the land to its former glory. The Lord told them to thank God.  They praised the Lord then they went straight to work.  If they were going to see a bountiful work they would have to labour for it.  If we are going to see precious souls saved, won for the Lord there is work for all of us to do.  The field must be ploughed, the seed must be sown and watered with tears before we can bring the sheaves in.  Verse 6 is our focus today - “He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his seed with him.”


Notice the pathway – “he that goeth forth.”  Note the person who works this pathway.  Without a person the work of sowing the harvest is impossible.  Sowing, cultivating, planting, reaping – it all depends on individuals.  We could sit back and do nothing or go forth and do something.  The returned captives wanted to see food on their tables. They had to put their hand to the plough.  To take action and go forth.  It is one thing to have individuals but another thing having individuals going to work.  They had to work.  When we are thinking of the great work of soul winning it all depends on individuals.  Only God can save a dying soul.  No man can save a soul from everlasting eternity.  Only God can save but he is depending on us to go forth and do the planting.  Before the Saviour left this scene of time, he made sure there were men left on earth who would go forth and proclaim the gospel.  To Peter and Andrew Jesus said “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”  Before he descended into heaven he told his disciples “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”.  It is quite clear from scripture the Saviour is looking for individuals to go forth and spread the message of redeeming love.  He is depending on us his people to proclaim the message of the gospel.  God wants his children to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  To fulfil the great commission.  Are we willing to go forth and see that the seed of the gospel, that the world desperately needs, to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ?  Could it be that God is speaking to you and saying “go forth?”  The Lord needs you to go forth and proclaim his truth to a dying world.  He is depending on you to broadcast the greatest news the world has ever heard.  Who then is willing to consecrate his service to the Lord?  The pathway – go forth.


Secondly the passion – “he that goeth forth and weepeth”.  When the captives returned to their homeland it was a new beginning.  There was a certain amount of frustration.  They were upset as they saw their seed from the first crop.  The sower had a big decision to make before he sowed the seed.  He could keep it and have food for his family or sow all of it and have an abundance of fruit for his whole house.  He came to a decision to sow.  As he reached into his apron for a handful of seed to sow the tears began to flow.  He was going forth weeping but why was this man sowing his seed and crying?  He was thinking of his wife and children.  They would have to live sacrificially until the day of the harvest.  He was taking food out of their mouths.  If he was ever going to have more food to last them for long he had to go forth and sow more seed.  The great compensation would be by seeing much ripened grain in the barn.  It applies to the spiritual life too.  We may have to endure times of deprivation but what is that compared to seeing precious souls saved and one day standing in heaven and worshipping the Lamb upon the throne.  “He that goeth forth and weepeth.”  I wonder is there a price we are prepared to pay today – to go forth with the seed of the gospel weeping over the dying souls of men and women, to see God’s spirit move, to see revival again.  There is a price to be paid.  Some one said winners of souls are first weepers for souls.  Do we have that passion and zeal to see the lost won for the Saviour in today’s society?  Weeping may seem too emotional for some people buy someone needs to care if people are going to be saved.  The Lord Jesus shed his blood to save lost souls.  Surely we can shed tears for them?  Paul in his reflections to the Ephesians said – “Therefore watch and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” (Acts 20 verse 31)  The problem today is that our ministry is not watered by our tears.  Why is there so little fruit?  Do we stop and go into the closet and weep and pray for them?  During his earthly ministry the Lord wept.  He wept as he stood at the tomb of his friend Lazarus.  Even though he knew he would raise him from the dead he wept at the depths of sin and anguish of those close to him.  He also wept at the city of Jerusalem who would not turn to Christ for salvation – “And when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it.” (Luke 19 verse 41)  When the good shepherd was in the garden of Gethsemane he wept for the lost world.  His tears were mingled with his precious blood, such was his agony.  To have that same burden the Saviour had for the lost should be our priority.


Thirdly, the product – “bearing precious seed”.  Notice the Psalmist is not just talking of seed but the “precious seed”.  Remember this was precious to the returning captives.  It was all they had to survive on and sow in the land.  It was their only source of survival whether eaten or sown.  It all depended on the seed.  They couldn’t sow anything else.  There was no other alternative.  Only the precious seed would produce lasting results.  It satisfied their physical needs.  There is nothing more essential to eternal life than the precious seed of God’s word.  If believers are going to survive spiritually it is essential to feed on the word of God.  It depends on the sacred words contained in this wonderful word.  If there are no scriptures what course of direction would the believer take?  We have the word of God.  The precious seed is available at our disposal.  It brought us on the right path and keeps us on the right path.  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119 verse 105)  Just like the sower in Jerusalem who had the seed in his hands, we have the precious seed of God’s word.  Our attention, affection and meditation must always be on God’s word.  We must also note through the sowing of the seed, the preaching of God’s word, that men and women are saved.  It is only then that individual lives are changed.  There is no other way.  If the returned captives found another way of producing food for their families they would have done it but they couldn’t.  There was no other way.  They could only take the little seed they had and go out to the ground and sow it.  If we want to see souls saved from sin, to see lives saved we must proclaim the precious word of God.  There is no other way.  No gimmicks.  No alternatives.  It is only the preaching of the glorious message of the gospel that we see conviction.  Romans 10 verse 17 “faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”  There is life in the seed and there is power in the seed.  If you have the right seed planted in the wrong place it can do an immense amount of damage.  There is such life and power in one seed.  If left long enough it could crack concrete.  There is power and life to be found in the seed of his precious word.  It has the power to overcome all opposition.  We must go out and plant the seed, spread it, broadcast the gospel.  What if people don’t receive it?  What if they reject it?  In some ways that is not our concern.  That is God’s concern.  We sow the seed, he takes care of the results.  There will be those who will reject it but it is our place to go forth and proclaim the word in season and out.


Fourthly, the promise – “shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him.”  What a promise this was to the returning captives.  The word “doubtless” means undoubtedly, certainly, absolutely.  There could be no question cast on the sufficiency of sowing.  When they sowed their seed it was certain, without any doubt see results.  It is not suggesting that the farmer would always have a bountiful crop.  Some years there would be a good crop and some years a bad crop.  However there would come a year when they would reap a harvest of joy, when they would bring their sheaves with them.  The sower was claiming that promise that they would have a harvest of joy.  Reaping the benefits of suffering, sacrifices had paid off.  They went forth reaping and returned rejoicing.  Little sowing became much reaping.  What a promise.  What an encouragement this is to the servant of God who goes forth preaching the word of God.  “He shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him.  We must note that God does not promise everyone will be saved nor everyone we preach to will be saved but he does promise that sooner or later we shall reap a harvest of joy.  All the sacrifices and hard labour will pay off when we enter into glory bringing our sheaves with us but the challenge for us is clear – “he that goeth forth and weepeth”.  That is the challenge for us all – when we sow in spirit and truth we shall reap.  Is that the desire of your heart today?  Of my heart?  Do we weep and pray over the dying souls of men and women?    Do we listen to the voice of God?  Do we listen to a lost world?  Will you come to take up the seed of the precious word of God to a world that desperately needs to hear of Jesus?  There were 2 Salvation Army Officers who had set out only to meet failure.  They appealed to their General to close the rescue mission.  General Booth send back a telegram with 2 words on it – “try tears”.  When they followed his advice they witnessed a mighty revival. 

“He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his seed with him.”




Psalm 126 was a special psalm to the Children of Israel.  They were reminded of the past work and the promise to carry them into the future.  The people had returned from captivity and were called to be thankful.  At last they were free.  Terror and fear had been removed.  Their mouth was filled with laughter and their tongue with rejoicing.  All the surrounding nations had to admit that the Lord had done mighty things for them.  Verse 4 “Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south.”  When the people returned to their homeland much work had to be done.  There was much labour before them.  They had to work to return the land to its former glory. The Lord told them to thank God.  They praised the Lord then they went straight to work.  If they were going to see a bountiful work they would have to labour for it.  If we are going to see precious souls saved, won for the Lord there is work for all of us to do.  The field must be ploughed, the seed must be sown and watered with tears before we can bring the sheaves in.  Verse 6 is our focus today - “He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his seed with him.”


Notice the pathway – “he that goeth forth.”  Note the person who works this pathway.  Without a person the work of sowing the harvest is impossible.  Sowing, cultivating, planting, reaping – it all depends on individuals.  We could sit back and do nothing or go forth and do something.  The returned captives wanted to see food on their tables. They had to put their hand to the plough.  To take action and go forth.  It is one thing to have individuals but another thing having individuals going to work.  They had to work.  When we are thinking of the great work of soul winning it all depends on individuals.  Only God can save a dying soul.  No man can save a soul from everlasting eternity.  Only God can save but he is depending on us to go forth and do the planting.  Before the Saviour left this scene of time, he made sure there were men left on earth who would go forth and proclaim the gospel.  To Peter and Andrew Jesus said “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”  Before he descended into heaven he told his disciples “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”.  It is quite clear from scripture the Saviour is looking for individuals to go forth and spread the message of redeeming love.  He is depending on us his people to proclaim the message of the gospel.  God wants his children to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  To fulfil the great commission.  Are we willing to go forth and see that the seed of the gospel, that the world desperately needs, to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ?  Could it be that God is speaking to you and saying “go forth?”  The Lord needs you to go forth and proclaim his truth to a dying world.  He is depending on you to broadcast the greatest news the world has ever heard.  Who then is willing to consecrate his service to the Lord?  The pathway – go forth.


Secondly the passion – “he that goeth forth and weepeth”.  When the captives returned to their homeland it was a new beginning.  There was a certain amount of frustration.  They were upset as they saw their seed from the first crop.  The sower had a big decision to make before he sowed the seed.  He could keep it and have food for his family or sow all of it and have an abundance of fruit for his whole house.  He came to a decision to sow.  As he reached into his apron for a handful of seed to sow the tears began to flow.  He was going forth weeping but why was this man sowing his seed and crying?  He was thinking of his wife and children.  They would have to live sacrificially until the day of the harvest.  He was taking food out of their mouths.  If he was ever going to have more food to last them for long he had to go forth and sow more seed.  The great compensation would be by seeing much ripened grain in the barn.  It applies to the spiritual life too.  We may have to endure times of deprivation but what is that compared to seeing precious souls saved and one day standing in heaven and worshipping the Lamb upon the throne.  “He that goeth forth and weepeth.”  I wonder is there a price we are prepared to pay today – to go forth with the seed of the gospel weeping over the dying souls of men and women, to see God’s spirit move, to see revival again.  There is a price to be paid.  Some one said winners of souls are first weepers for souls.  Do we have that passion and zeal to see the lost won for the Saviour in today’s society?  Weeping may seem too emotional for some people buy someone needs to care if people are going to be saved.  The Lord Jesus shed his blood to save lost souls.  Surely we can shed tears for them?  Paul in his reflections to the Ephesians said – “Therefore watch and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” (Acts 20 verse 31)  The problem today is that our ministry is not watered by our tears.  Why is there so little fruit?  Do we stop and go into the closet and weep and pray for them?  During his earthly ministry the Lord wept.  He wept as he stood at the tomb of his friend Lazarus.  Even though he knew he would raise him from the dead he wept at the depths of sin and anguish of those close to him.  He also wept at the city of Jerusalem who would not turn to Christ for salvation – “And when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it.” (Luke 19 verse 41)  When the good shepherd was in the garden of Gethsemane he wept for the lost world.  His tears were mingled with his precious blood, such was his agony.  To have that same burden the Saviour had for the lost should be our priority.


Thirdly, the product – “bearing precious seed”.  Notice the Psalmist is not just talking of seed but the “precious seed”.  Remember this was precious to the returning captives.  It was all they had to survive on and sow in the land.  It was their only source of survival whether eaten or sown.  It all depended on the seed.  They couldn’t sow anything else.  There was no other alternative.  Only the precious seed would produce lasting results.  It satisfied their physical needs.  There is nothing more essential to eternal life than the precious seed of God’s word.  If believers are going to survive spiritually it is essential to feed on the word of God.  It depends on the sacred words contained in this wonderful word.  If there are no scriptures what course of direction would the believer take?  We have the word of God.  The precious seed is available at our disposal.  It brought us on the right path and keeps us on the right path.  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119 verse 105)  Just like the sower in Jerusalem who had the seed in his hands, we have the precious seed of God’s word.  Our attention, affection and meditation must always be on God’s word.  We must also note through the sowing of the seed, the preaching of God’s word, that men and women are saved.  It is only then that individual lives are changed.  There is no other way.  If the returned captives found another way of producing food for their families they would have done it but they couldn’t.  There was no other way.  They could only take the little seed they had and go out to the ground and sow it.  If we want to see souls saved from sin, to see lives saved we must proclaim the precious word of God.  There is no other way.  No gimmicks.  No alternatives.  It is only the preaching of the glorious message of the gospel that we see conviction.  Romans 10 verse 17 “faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”  There is life in the seed and there is power in the seed.  If you have the right seed planted in the wrong place it can do an immense amount of damage.  There is such life and power in one seed.  If left long enough it could crack concrete.  There is power and life to be found in the seed of his precious word.  It has the power to overcome all opposition.  We must go out and plant the seed, spread it, broadcast the gospel.  What if people don’t receive it?  What if they reject it?  In some ways that is not our concern.  That is God’s concern.  We sow the seed, he takes care of the results.  There will be those who will reject it but it is our place to go forth and proclaim the word in season and out.


Fourthly, the promise – “shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him.”  What a promise this was to the returning captives.  The word “doubtless” means undoubtedly, certainly, absolutely.  There could be no question cast on the sufficiency of sowing.  When they sowed their seed it was certain, without any doubt see results.  It is not suggesting that the farmer would always have a bountiful crop.  Some years there would be a good crop and some years a bad crop.  However there would come a year when they would reap a harvest of joy, when they would bring their sheaves with them.  The sower was claiming that promise that they would have a harvest of joy.  Reaping the benefits of suffering, sacrifices had paid off.  They went forth reaping and returned rejoicing.  Little sowing became much reaping.  What a promise.  What an encouragement this is to the servant of God who goes forth preaching the word of God.  “He shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him.  We must note that God does not promise everyone will be saved nor everyone we preach to will be saved but he does promise that sooner or later we shall reap a harvest of joy.  All the sacrifices and hard labour will pay off when we enter into glory bringing our sheaves with us but the challenge for us is clear – “he that goeth forth and weepeth”.  That is the challenge for us all – when we sow in spirit and truth we shall reap.  Is that the desire of your heart today?  Of my heart?  Do we weep and pray over the dying souls of men and women?    Do we listen to the voice of God?  Do we listen to a lost world?  Will you come to take up the seed of the precious word of God to a world that desperately needs to hear of Jesus?  There were 2 Salvation Army Officers who had set out only to meet failure.  They appealed to their General to close the rescue mission.  General Booth send back a telegram with 2 words on it – “try tears”.  When they followed his advice they witnessed a mighty revival. 


“He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his seed with him.”

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