Saturday, 2 September 2023

Notes from Retirement Service for Pastor and Mrs H Caskey






Nehemiah is the story of a man who faithfully worked in the job God called him to.  To say he had many ups and downs is an understatement but he kept on going.


The calling

Telling 2 young children of primary school age they were going to live in Portrush was not exciting as it sounded – we pictured 365 days of the year on the sand, meals in the Silver Sands and nights at Barry’s but we hadn’t factored in school and how Portrush closes down from October to April.  Yes living in Portrush was different as we began to live a new life as a family together.  Dad began in Bethel Bible College under the guidance of Rev Eric Stewart.


The character

Anybody who knows my parents know they work well together.  Dad works hard and mum lets him!  Even in those days he was a role model, he cared for the work, living in the college, then spending time in missionary work in the Coleraine, Garvagh and Kilrea areas.  Then the call came to pastor the church here.  It was a different looking church then.  That is why we read this portion tonight.  This passage was written all about the events Nehemiah carried out in Jerusalem.  He had now finished the work.  His calling began and the work finished with scripture – verse 1 “all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had commanded to Israel.”  Nehemiah opened up the scriptures and the people listened.  Nehemiah was hard working, fearless and faithful in the work, he was successful.  When advice was needed or decisions had to be made my father was my confidant.  Nehemiah was there to advise, instruct, guide and lead the work in Jerusalem.  Pastoral work is hard, it is not just 3 hours on Sundays and nothing else.  It involves late nights, hospital visits, in the early hours getting out of bed to answer calls.  I have never heard anyone say that dad never checked on them or contacted them in difficult times.


The courage

It is not an easy calling.  Dad might have thought the numbers were low in those early days, 6 in the morning and 8 in the evening meetings.  His courage was strengthened when it was rooted in God.  We have heard of his calling from Haggai “go up to the mountain and bring wood and build the house and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified.” (Haggai 1 verse 8) Those words were used to help him step out into the work of God.  Along came 2 children and a move from Coleraine to Limavady.  A challenge that was not taken light heartedly.  The work Nehemiah had to undertake was colossal.  He had to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that were demolished to the ground.  The gates had been burnt and smashed.  Nehemiah had the promise of God.  Small numbers meant nothing to my dad.  He remained faithful and courageous.  He knew this was God’s work and he would not add one iota to it. 


The consistency

30 plus years shows the consistency.  My dad kept plodding on in the work God called him to.  After 30 years you try telling the Christmas story differently!  Even when the work seemed difficult he did not stop.  The work was his priority.  Never once did Nehemiah underestimate the work he was called to.  Nehemiah did it every day.  He was laughed at, mocked and threatened by his enemies.  But Nehemiah took it all to the Lord in prayer.  That is when God strengthened him.  It is not easy when the attacks come.  How did he cope?  He fixed his eyes on God.  He battled on against the opposition.  Consistency was always the key.  The strength of a good church, of God’s people within it, is God.  God led Nehemiah and God led my father with foolproof guidance.


The communications

There must have been something worth listening to!  Verses 1 to 4 They built a pulpit of wood for the purpose of Nehemiah being able to read the word of God.  The message never changed in this place over the past 30 years.  The message came from God’s word.  That word of God was good enough for Jesus’ disciples and apostles and it was good enough for here.  The message rang clear – “ye must be born again.”  When the leaders saw fit to build this place and within years to see it completed, the message rang clear – to tell souls on their way to a lost eternity that they must seek Christ as their own personal Saviour.  The message will not change as a new man comes.  The message is simple – will you turn to Christ?  Many have trusted in Christ as Saviour and they are tonight waiting for you in glory.  Will you see them one day?  Many gave their lives to Christ in this place, in their own homes, in hospital beds – will you see them again?  Will you trust Christ as Saviour?  This pulpit will continue to tell the news that Jesus died for the whosoever. 


The comfort

The comfort is that everything has been accomplished in the way that God wanted it.  My dad has been faithful in everything he was called to do, whether in the church, in the children’s work, school assemblies, hospital wards or the home. He has fulfilled the words “watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” (2 Timothy 4 verse 5)  He has been faithful to God.  My dad has put God first in the challenge God called them to.  They have been strengthened by God.  Nehemiah saw God moving and my father has seen God move in this place.  As Limavady enters a new era there is comfort for us that God has lead the way.


“All the way my Saviour leads me

What have I to ask beside?

Can I doubt His tender mecy

Who through life has been my Guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort

Here, by faith, in Him to dwell!

For I know whate’er befall me

Jesus doeth all things well.”

 This place sits as a signpost to heaven.  Surely God can say “well done good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25 verse 23)

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