Thursday, 28 September 2023

Psalm 1





The book of Psalms is a devotional book, a prayer and a hymn book for the people of God.  The New Testament has over 400 quotations from the book of Psalms.  When the church of Jerusalem chose new apostles the Lord gave guidance through the Psalms.  Psalm 16 verse 10 “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.”  Acts 2 verse 31 Peter quoted from the Psalms “he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruptions.”  Singing selective psalms was part of the early church.  Ephesians 5 verse 19 “speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”  Sadly it is not as much a part of worship as could be.  The psalms are primarily about God, creation and his relationship to mankind.  It speaks of a tender-hearted father, a God who keeps his promises.  The Psalms also speak of those who are victorious, who have faith and doubts.  In these verses we read of wickedness, ungodliness and what their latter end will be.  I want us to consider the first 2 verses of Psalm 1.


The writer starts off with a high note – “blessed is the man”.  The word “blessed” can be translated happy.  The psalmist is saying “happy is the man.”  We all like to be happy and full of joy.  We dread those moments when we are robbed of cheerfulness and contentment.  The truth is that there will be times of sadness.  The secret to obtaining lasting happiness is found in healthy habits.  To be a blessing of God you have to be a blessing to God.  We must be careful about the places where we walk, stand and sit because that will determine whether we are blessed by God.  There are 3 points from these verses:


Happiness comes from taking the right step – “blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.”  He commences with the power of negative thinking.  He is warning his writers of a path that the child of God must not tread.  This path is easy to get on but much more difficult to get off.  If a man is going to be happy that man must avoid the path of the ungodly.  Many things make it possible for happiness to flourish.  The path of the ungodly is poisonous, counter-productive.  God’s people must take the right step and avoid the ungodly path at all cost.  Negatively the righteous person refuses to participate in the way of ungodliness.  “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3 verse 3)  God made it clear to the Israelites he was in the business of obedience.  They must not be contaminated by other nations.  He made it clear “you are in the world but not of the world.”  A godly man is separated from the world.  That was the teaching of Jesus.  John 17 verse 16 “They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.”  The believer must be aware of friendships with the world that lead to being spotted by the world.  James 1 verse 27 “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world.”  Happiness comes from taking the right step.


Secondly taking the right stand – “nor standeth in the way of sinners.”  The blessed and happy man does not mingle with ungodly men.  Jesus was known as the friend of publicans and sinners.  We are not to stand in the way of sinners.  In other words, the blessed and happy man is not to take part in the ways of the ungodly.  The godly man will do everything not to be associated with evil men.  We are to be a separated people.  John in his first letter in chapter 2 verse 18 says “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”  Many there are, they may be professing Christians, who stand in the way of sinners.  They do not go along with the ways of the ungodly and take part in their practices.  We are not to take part in the sinful practices of the ungodly.  We are separated people.  A man of God is separated from this world.  No involvement in what the godly do and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them.  Does not associate with those who gather themselves in ways to support the devil’s kingdom.


Happiness comes from taking the right step.  Happiness comes from taking the right stand.  Thirdly happiness comes from taking the right seat – “nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”  The child of God does not listen to the ungodly man, nor linger and laugh with the scornful man.  The sinful have their counsel.  Notice the progression in verse 1 of wickedness - the ungodly, sinner and then the scornful.  This progression as you read in many ways represents the backsliding in all its forms.  Everything is going well when walking along until something catches our attention.  Before we know it we are standing and then finally sitting.  May not be the intention to stand for long periods, and then sit down. There are times the attention is so taken by what it sees and the individual stops, stands and then sits.  That is the same way backsliding works.  The inward progression – we must avoid sin when walking, contemplating when standing, comfortable with sin when sitting.  As the company gets worse sin will increase its hold so watch that first step.  If you follow the wrong counsel, follow the wrong companions and finally sit with the wrong crowd.  The happy, happy man will avoid the seat of the scornful.  God delights to bless individual lives but what brings God’s blessing?  What are we to do in order to be blessed by God and enjoy real happiness?  By delighting in his word - verse 2.  When the word of God has captured our full attention we will take the right step, right stand and right seat.  The word of God will fill us with real joy and real happiness.  We cannot go wrong when we meditate on the word of God.  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  The secret success to happiness – by taking the right step, the right stand and the right seat.  From that will follow blessing and from blessing flows true and lasting happiness.





There is a symbol which represents the life of a successful man.  You have the numbers of the bible but also the symbols of the bible.  The symbol in verse 3 represents a successful man’s life - a tree.  What is it that makes a man successful in life - “like a tree that is planted.”


Firstly, the successful man’s passion

The word – “his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”  A man’s success is found in his passion for God’s word.  It has captured his full attention.  He focuses the majority of his time on it.  It is his delight, to take the sacred page of scriptures, read it, meditate on its laws and precepts.  This is something that should be the delight of every believer.  The very thought of taking the word of God and reading it should fill all our hearts with delight and real joy.  It should not be a drudgery to read the word of God but a pleasure.  Captured  his full attention.  Verse 2 “in his law doth he mediate day and night.”  A godly and successful man engages his mind on the truth of God.  He comes into God’s presence saying “speak Lord thy servant heareth”.  This applies to us today.  The principle of meditating on God’s word has not changed.  We must read it methodically and meditatively, come with open mind, saying is there any sin to avoid, a promise to claim, a victory to gain, any blessing to enjoy, any truth I have never saw before?  Meditating on God’s word should be done.  Meditatively and not randomly.  The successful man’s passion will be to delight himself in God’s word, to come before it with an open mind seeking to apply its truth to his life and heart.


Secondly the successful man’s prominence

“Like a tree.”  It is prominent.  It stands out from everything around.  Tall in stature.  It makes other things small and insignificant.  More catching to the eye than the bushes around it.  It stands out.  It is very attractive but it can be possible for a tree to lose its prominence and no longer stand up.  If other bushes are allowed to grow and get out of control it loses its prominence.  When you think of a tree’s prominence it reminds us of the Christian life.  The Christian should stand out from everyone else in the world.  We are to be living separated lives from the ungodly.  The character, conduct and conversation should be different if our lives are to stand out.  Matthew 5 verse 16 “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  It is possible for a believer to lose their prominence.  Just like the tree which no longer stands out because it is grown over with branches, so too the Christian life can be crowded with other things, worldly things.  As a result it is no longer standing prominently.  There will be nothing different about our lives.  A believers life is to stand out when the world looks on.  Do our lives do that?  Do people see someone who is different?  We must guard our testimony and live a holy separated life.  1 Peter 2 verse 9 “but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.”


Thirdly the successful man’s perminance

Note the word “planted”.  Unlike the grass which is mowed down in successive harvests a tree is rooted deep into the ground.  It has a deep hidden life no-one else sees.  Its roots goes into the ground.  You cannot see the roots for they are hidden.  The tree draws its strength to stand when the wind blows.  If there are no deep roots the tree would eventually wither, die and then eventually fall over.  This teaches us, like the tree that has a deep hidden life that no-one else sees, so should every child of God.  There should be a part in the Christian’s life no-one else sees.  That is talking of the devotion to God.  Every day we should have time for prayer and private devotion.  To enter into the closet and shut out the world, to get alone with God.  Through that time we receive the strength to survive spiritually.  When the storms of life howl and they will come we will be able to stand firm because our faith is rooted and grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ through prayer.  Neglect your devotion and prayer time with the Lord and just like the tree that hasn’t got deep roots you will fade and fall.  This is what the child of God needs more than ever.  A deep hidden life.  A time set aside every day to get alone with God, to close out the world.  Matthew 6 verse 6 we are to “enter into the closet – “but thou when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret.”


Fourthly the successful man’s position

“By the rivers of water.  The drought which brings brokenness and bleakness to others does not affect this tree because he has plenty – “by the rivers of water.”  He draws continually from that supply.  What does water represent in the word of God?  The word of God.  Through meditating on the scriptures that releases rivers of God’s spirit so that our lives are refreshed and revitalised.  What is our position tonight?  Have we put ourselves to read and meditate on God’s word?  The tree represents a successful man in the word.  Firstly his passion – read and meditate on his word.  Many of us have great passions.  Are you passionate about the word of God?  His prominence – he stood out from everyone else.  The Christian life should always stand out in his conduct, his character and conversations.  A deep hidden life, every believer should have that every day, to get alone with God.  His position - an unfailing source of life which came from an unfailing source – the word of God.  “His delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night.  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.”




“that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither, whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” verse 3

His produce – “bringeth forth his fruit”.  It is inevitable that a tree rooted in the right position, drawing from the right source will bring forth fruit.  The supply of fruit must be in abundance or it may not be.  It depends on the year.  Some years are better than others.  Some years fruit is plentiful others are scarce.  A tree brings forth fruit.  Whether it be in abundance or not there will be fruit.  If there is life at all there will be fruit.  A Christian life shall bring forth fruit because every Christian whose branch abides in the vine has the Lord Jesus Christ.  John 15 verse 5 “I am the vine, ye are the branches, he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing.”  The purpose in the Christian life that bringeth fruit is to bring glory to the Father.  Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit.  The Christian life is to be lived in such a way that they bring forth much fruit.  It is characterised by this.  The ungodly and his difference – for the ungodly produces bad fruit that dishonours God by the things they do and the lives they live.  Not so for the child of God.  Matthew 7 verse 14 “ye shall know them by their fruits.”  John Blanchard said “a fruitless person is not a failed Christian but a false one.”  Strong language.  In other words not a Christian at all. But what this psalmist in Psalm 1 meant is the tree that produces fruit what does he do with?  Not with the purpose of only being a blessing to itself.  The tree does not keep its fruit.  Its branches run over the wall. The purpose of being a blessing to others.  The fruit of the tree is a harvest for others to enjoy its benefits.  When speaking of the Christian life we bear fruit – why – so our lives can be a blessing to others.  Other people should benefit from the lifestyle we live.  Someone said the Christian should resemble a fruit tree not a Christmas tree.


Secondly his practice – “in his season”.  A tree does not produce all year round.  It goes through different steps throughout the year – there is a time for fruit bearing, growth and a time of rest.  All these are essential.  They come and they go.  There will be a time for producing, for developing and then a time of rest.  Each of us have difference seasons.  They are all very important.  It wouldn’t be very normal if a tree was always bearing fruit or always growing and not bearing fruit.  It is a very rare thing if the tree is always resting and doing nothing.  There must be a time for bearing, growing and a time for resting.  These 3 principles can be applied easily to the Christian life.  There will be times in the life where he bears fruit, times for growth, times for rest.  Sometimes we are always earnestly looking for the fruit and we should do that.  It will come in its season as long as we abide in the Spirit.  Andrew Murray “have you even noticed the difference in the Christian life between work and fruit.  A machine can do work, only a life can bear fruit.


His persistence.  "His leaf also shall not whither."  Autumn is looming, the trees are beginning to lose their leaves but not so with this tree in Psalm 1.  Its leaf will not wither.  Seasons of year may change as they do but this tree stays the same.  It doesn’t change.  It is not affected by the weather.  It does not matter how hard the storms blow it will manage to keep its leaf.  It is like the evergreen tree, it stays green and fresh despite the changing weather.  We live in a world, in a society that is constantly changing and people are so inconsistent lives.  They are constantly changing with no real stability in what they believe but that is not the formula for the child of God.  They should be like this tree that is unchanging, consistent in their walk with God.  We must be steady and stable, followers of Christ even when the storms blow and they will blow.  The trials of life will come but our walk with God must be steady and consistent.  We cannot allow the storms and problems of life to drive a wedge between us and our Saviour.  We should allow them to draw us closer to himself.  Peter in his first letter chapter 1 verse 7 said “the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.  We are to be fresh and vibrant and growing in the knowledge of God.  We cannot allow trouble to drive us backward.  2 Peter 3 verse 18 “but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”


His prosperity – “whatsoever he doth shall prosper.”  What wonderful words.  Everything that a man seeks to do in accordance with God’s will, will prosper.  His family life, his business life, his church life, his personal life.  The successful man succeeds above and beyond his hopes.  Everything that the successful man puts his hand to will prosper in accordance with God’s word and will.  When Joshua succeeded Moses God said to him in verse 8 of chapter 1 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.”  Whatever we seek to do, the Psalmist is saying, in accordance with God’s word and will, it will prosper above and beyond our expectations.  When it becomes our desire to do the will of God as contained in his word, there will be nothing to stop us from prospering.


“And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."





Over these past number of weeks we have been looking at the godly man symbolised by the Psalmist as a tree.  When you come to verse 4 there is a dramatic change in the type of person the Psalmist is talking about.  From the godly man and his life to the godless and his fateful end.  Verse 4 “the ungodly are not so.”  In other words the godless man’s life is completely different from the godly man.  He is not well planted but fruitless and rootless, with no body or substance.  In order to describe the godless man’s life and end he uses another symbol – “chaff”.  Keeping this symbol before us tonight there are a number of truths from this scripture.


Firstly he is driven – “which the wind driveth away”.  The description in God’s word concerning the ungodly man or woman is set out in stark contrast with the godly man.  The ungodly man is described as “chaff which the wind driveth away.”  The unsaved man cannot see and is at the mercy of wicked powers which they have no authority over.  They are being endlessly driven about by the forces of darkness.  “The ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.”  There was a ship driving across the sea when its engine failed.  It was out of control, driven by strong wind and the raging tide towards the coast with its jagged rocks.  Gripped by forces beyond its control, driven towards disaster.  So it is with forces of darkness in the life of the ungodly.  Driven.  There are Satanic forces operated by the prince of the power of the earth that now worketh in the children of disobedience.  The ungodly didn’t believe in Satan or evil spirits.  The commentator J B Philips said “the ungodly man is not the master of his own soul or the captain of his own destiny.”  Being driven, relentless and powerless against the forces of darkness.  As chaff is before the wind.  Dead, rootless, blown away, destined for the fire.  In the Old Testament wind was used to separate the grain from chaff.  The farmer would gather his crop into his basket then he would go out on a windy day and throw the wheat into the air.  The heavy grain would fall back into the basket but the chaff would be carried away by the wind.  Why?  Because there is no substance, no weight in it.  The chaff would remain with the grain for a short time but soon it is separated, blown away.  Revelation 20 verse 15 “whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”


Secondly, he is doomed – “therefore”.  So often we are told to ask “what is it there for”.  It takes you back to what was said previously in the verses - because the ungodly are driven away they will not stand in the judgment, nor sit in the congregation of the righteous.  That does not imply they will escape the judgment.  Everyone who dies without Christ as Saviour will appear before the great white throne of judgment.  It means they will have no appropriate defence.  No standing on the day of judgement.  They will not have a leg to stand on.  All their pleas and excuses will be overruled as pointless.  The sinner will be summoned to the great white throne in heaven and earth will have passed away.  Everything familiar in this world will have passed away.  All the invested time and talents will have gone.  The ungodly will have nowhere to stand and nothing to stand on.  Matthew Henry said “those who will not hear the comfortable voice of God’s word will be made to hear his voice of his rod.”  Queen Victoria set Britain on the road to golden rule occupying the throne for 45 years.  Even though was a staunch Protestant historians say she died sitting on her throne at 70 years of age.  She famously said “all my possessions for a moment of time.”  John on the Isle of Patmos said in Revelation 20 verse 11 “and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them.”  The ungodly will have no standing in the day of judgment and no part in the congregation of the righteous.  The sinner will be excluded from the seat of the saved for ever.  The great gulf that has been fixed will not allow the ungodly to enter the place of the godly.  All the saints shall be gathered there and nothing but the saints.  There will be a great congregation of righteous never seen before.  2 Thessalonians 2 verse 1 “now we beseech you by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him.”  The hungry will have no association with that gathering, they will be shut out forever.


Thirdly, he is damned - “but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”  The Lord knows those who are us.  They are continually before his mind.  He is watching over us.  He knows the way of the righteous but also the way of the ungodly.  There is the way of the cross and it leads to heaven and home.  There is the cursed way, the broad and popular way that leads to hell, trodden by every man since birth.  “We have turned everyone to his own way” Isaiah 53 verse 6.  Praise the Lord that changed the moment we responded and turned around on the broad road and started for the Calvary road.  We started to look to Jesus by faith.  We became children of the Saviour.  We are numbered with the ungodly.  We are no longer driven but directed.  The ungodly walk on the broad way.  They have chosen to walk in that way and it leads to destruction.  The Lord approves and is well pleased with the way of the righteous.  He is not pleased with the ways of the ungodly.  What a comfort this is to those of us who are believers.  The Lord knows our ways.  He knows our hearts.  He knows our character.  He knows our devotion to him.  What a comfort but what a terror it is for the ungodly.  He knows their character, their dastardly deeds and iniquities.  “For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish.  The Psalmist begins the Psalm with the word “blessed” meaning “happy is the man” and ends with the word “perish”.  We should approve ourselves to God in every and entreat his favour with our own hearts.

Monday, 25 September 2023

What think ye of Christ?





Whilst performing his Father’s business on earth Jesus was confronted with many people.  They came with curious questions.  They were sparked by genuine curiosity but many of them were trying to undermine the Lord and his teaching.  He had a confounding answer to their questions.  These people were trying to draw him into a state of confusion.  When they were unsuccessful they gathered together with the Pharisees.  Some of them were lawyers but they did not get far when asking questions.  When Jesus answered them they were put to silence by his own question – “what think ye of Christ?”  Who is he – what do you think about Jesus, how do you view the Son of the living God?  Sadly many never think of the Lord.  He never entered their thoughts but to them that believe he is precious.  He is the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star, the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. 


Firstly, think of the life he came to live.  He lived a life through that human body.  He spoke outstanding words.  His life was characterised by his actions and the words he spoke.  “I must be about my Father’s business.” (Luke 2 verse 49)  He was very aware of his identity from his early years.  He knew he came for a special purpose, a divine mission, to preach the full counsel of God.  He never missed an opportunity to tell people to flee from the wrath to come.  The master called on the necessity of repentance from the outset of his ministry.  Chapter 4 verse 17 “from that time Jesus began to preach and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  That is how his ministry started and how it continued.  He longed for men and women to turn from their sin and turn to him in repentance.  He wanted people to know he was the only way to heaven – John 14 verse 6 “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”  The life he lived was distinguished by the words he spoke.  The Lord is still in the business of speaking to individuals, to men and women today.  Could it be as you sit under the sound of God’s word tonight is the Lord speaking to you?  He has been speaking to you and you are still outside of Christ, without a Saviour.  You are still living in sin.  You hear the Saviour speaking directly to your heart.  Let me ask you – “what think ye of Christ?”  What are your thoughts of the Lord as he speaks to you?  Are they thoughts of rejection – I will never allow the Lord to live in my heart?  Have you ever thought of opening your heart’s door and inviting him in?  Hebrews 3 verse 15 “Today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts.”  The master spoke mighty words.  He performed miraculous works.  The man in the Gadarenes had an encounter with the Saviour and his lifestyle was wonderfully changed.  He lived in the tombs night and day, cutting himself with stones.  Jesus set him wonderfully free.  Mark 5 verse 15 ”he was sitting clothed and in his right mind.”  The Lord is still able to wonderfully change lives.  Has he changed yours?  Let me ask you again – “what think ye of Christ?”  Have you allowed him to change your life.  Many today have this mindset that Jesus has come to destroy lives.  That is not the case.  You were living a life of bondage but when you come to the Lord you will be living a life of joy and glorious freedom. 


Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine!
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,
Now and forever He shall be mine.


The devil has come to destroy lives.  The Saviour has come to give life and life more abundantly.  Jesus said “the thief cometh not but for to steal and kill and to destroy, I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10 verse 10) “What think ye of Christ?”  Think about the life he came to live.


Think about the death he came to die.  What a painful agonising death the Saviour went through.  Many a death is quick and sudden but no so for the Lord Jesus.  His was a painful process.  It was a slow process.  It was made very painful by the Roman soldiers.  It was always their intention to put them through as much agony as possible before their death but he willingly gave his life over unto death even death on the cross. (Philippians 2 verse 8)  Jesus, the Son knew before the foundation of earth that one day he would leave the glories of heaven and come into this world to offer his life willingly on the cross. “Because I lay down my life that I might take it again.  No man taketh it from me but I lay it down and I have power to take it again.” (John 10 verses 17 and 18)  Man may have killed him on the cross but he allowed them to.  He gave himself over unto death.  The Saviour not only offered up his life as a sacrifice he died a lonely death.  There in the Garden of Gethsemane he was forsaken by all.  He stood alone in Pilates hall.  No-one to defend him.  He was despised and rejected of men.  He was forsaken and rejected even by those known to be his close friends.  Think of the disciples – everyone of them fled and forsook the master.  When the master was arrested they abandoned him.  They had seen him perform wonderful miracles and proclaim amazing truths.  Matthew 26 verse 56 “then all the disciples forsook him and fled.”  As far as Peter was concerned he was loyal to his master.  He insisted he would die rather than be arrested.  He became a spectator from a safe distance.  He declared “I know not the man” when Jesus was arrested.  At that moment the rooster crowed.  Peter remembered what the Lord had said “verily I say unto thee before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice.” (Matthew 26 verse 34)  Think about the death he came to die.  He offered up his life.  He was despised and forsaken.  It was a painful death.  He was stripped of his clothes.  He was spat on.  They placed a crown of thorns on his head.  They flogged him.  The nails were driven into his hand and feet.  A spear was plunged deep into his side.  It was all for you and for me.  “What think ye of Christ?”  What do you think of him for doing all that? 


Think of the salvation he loves to offer.  After his cruel death he rose again and he ever lives to make intercession for us, to offer salvation to all through faith.  It is only offered through one source – the Lord.  Acts 4 verse 12 “neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”  No salvation without Christ.  The exclusive Saviour.  By his name alone.  “One way God said to get to heaven, Jesus is the only way.”  Many are seeking salvation in many other ways.  Where are you searching for salvation?  Have you asked the Lord to be your Saviour or could it be you are searching in all the wrong places?  Are you depending on your own self righteousness and good works?  Salvation is obtained by faith in Christ Jesus.  Ephesians 2 verses 8 and 9 “for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.”  This salvation that the Saviour loves to offer is not of works.  People are not saved by their works nor faith plus works.  It is by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.  The minute you add works of any kind salvation is no longer by grace.  Romans 11 verse 6 “and if by grace then it is no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace.  But if it be of works, then it is no more grace; otherwise work is no more work.”  A gift cannot be earned.  What is free cannot be bought.  What is unmerited cannot be deserved.  The source of this so great salvation is the Lord Jesus.  The wonderful thing is it is offered to whosoever will receive him as their Saviour.  Tell me, have you received the Lord as your Saviour?  “What think ye of Christ?”  “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10 verse 13)  Everyone is welcome to partake of this salvation.  It can reach the vilest offender who truly believes.  “That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.”  Salvation has been purchased at immense cost at Calvary.  Jesus poured out his blood for the sins of the entire world.  What are you going to do with him?  Are you going to trust him?  “What think ye of Christ?”  Who is the Lord Jesus as far as you are concerned?  How do you view the Saviour of the world today?  There are some in scripture who had wonderful thoughts about the Lord.  John the Baptist in John 1 verse 29 said “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  He triumphantly announced the arrival of the true Lamb of God.  Song of Solomon 5 verse 16 “he is altogether lovely”.  One of the Saviour’s disciples Thomas said “my Lord and my God.”  Thomas had the assurance that Jesus was his Lord and his God.  Do you have that assurance?  Could you say “O my Lord and my God”?  What think ye of Christ?  Think of the life he came to live.  Think of the death he came to die.  Think about the salvation he loves to offer.



Sunday, 24 September 2023

Standing in the gap





“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.”

The Lord chose Zion and desired it for his habitation.  Many of the Jews claimed the Lord loved it more than anything else.  The great city of Jerusalem is on the verge of being invaded – why – because people had sinned against God and he needed to punish them.  Ezekiel exposed the past sins of Jerusalem.  He brought them into court and read their sins up to date.  A day of reckoning was fast approaching when they would be exiled to Babylon and scattered to other countries.  All that they had gained would be lost when the judgment day came.  The Lord searched for one individual who would stand in the gap.  One man to make up the hedge so the enemy would not be able to invade.  The city could not find one righteous man who would save the city from ruin.  The Lord is still looking for that one man.  We are living in a godless society today. God is looking for one person to stand in the gap, to present the gospel.


A potential personality.  When things seemed hopeless, a glimmer of some hope was needed.  Finding a personality for the hour of crisis was needed.  What sort of man was God looking for?  An eligible individual.  That is why he looked among his people for one specific man.  The Lord was looking for one person.  It was scarce, hard to find.  There was no-one standing nearby capable for the task.  No great potential candidates suitable.  They were few and far between.  The scarcity was there.  Is there not such a situation in our generation?  Yes the Lord has raised up great personalities in the past but where are they today?  Where is the man or woman who will stand in the gap and make up the hedge in our generation?  Bible colleges are crying out for people.  Churches are crying out for pastors.  The mission fields are crying out for people.  Where is the potential personality?  Where are the men or women for the gap?  They are scarce.  In our Saviour’s day Jesus said in Matthew 9 verse 37 “the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.”  The need has always been greater than the workforce.  The Lord is also looking for a single man – one man to stand in the gap.  Verse 30 “I sought for a man”.  One man among many men.  There is no telling what God can do through one man.  Holy, separated unto the Lord.  The Lord works through the minority.  Zechariah 4 verse 10 “for who hath despised the day of small things?”  God used Moses a reluctant leader to bring the people out of slavery.  God used the shepherd boy Daivd to defeat and overthrow the giant of Gath, Goliath.  God used Peter a fisherman who saw over 3000 souls saved on the day of Pentecost.  The Lord has done mighty things through individuals in the past – he can do the same through one willing man or woman today.  You might ask “what can I do for the Lord, how can the Lord use me?”  Be encouraged, the master can do a great deal through you.  He can use you for his glory.  When John wrote his gospel in chapter 14 verse 12 he said “he that believeth on me and the works that I do shall he do also.”  The Lord has a great work for you to do and he can do it through you.  One person can make all the difference.  God is looking for a sensitive man as well.  Who would be willing for a new depth and heart in his experience?  To change his location and to move from where he is and stand in a gap, in a new place.  Someone wanting to do a new thing for a willing man.  Does the Lord want to bring you into a new place for himself?  To bring you to new depths and heights in your Christian experience today?  Something more greater and wonderful.  He wants us to make progress in our Christian lives and is sensitive to his leading.  He wants us to go higher up the mountain with himself.  Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 “behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall he not know it?”  A potential personality.  The Lord was looking for a single man, a scarce man and a sensitive man.


A perpetual priority.  God was seeking to place a man in a situation that would become an ongoing obligation.  He would have a great task ahead of him.  Note the project.  He was called to make up the hedge, put down a marker.  The hedge of demarcation was securely in place.  It was not to be moved or shifted.  His job was to maintain it, to make up the hedge.  Our project as faithful followers of the Lord is to make up the hedge that has been pulled down.  We are living in days when demarcation and separation has been moved, shifting away from the paths.  Everything has become acceptable.  We have an important project to make up.  We are to keep the lines of demarcation and keep the standard of God’s word.  The Lord was looking for someone to stand.  Sitting gives the impression of idleness but standing depicts a readiness.  There is no room for idleness when it comes to the Lord’s work.  We must stand our ground and do what the Lord asks of us.  Ephesians 6 verse 7 “with good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men.”  His project, his portion, his place.  The Lord wanted someone to stand in the gap.  There was a specific place for this man.  It was the gap.  No need to stand in the gaps already occupied.  He needed to know the empty gap he was to fill.  Have we found our place in the Lord’s work?  Do we seek the gaps that are unoccupied?  Are we going to fill them?  There are some gaps already positioned but many are still vacant.  There are gaps in the work of God that need to be filled.  Who will step up and fill the gaps?  Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?  His passion – “before me”.  This is the Lord who is asking the man to stand.  His passion would be the Lord.  The almighty was eager to find a man who would wait before him.  It is one thing to be busy for the Lord but it is another thing to be waiting before the Lord in prayer.  What is our greatest passion today?  Is it waiting before the Lord in prayer?  Do we seek him early?  Call on him earnestly?  Do we make time for everything else but what about intercessory prayer?  Our Saviour is still looking for real intercessors.  Isaiah 59 verse 16 “And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor.”  His purpose – “for the land”.  What a great witness he would be to the heathen and ungodly.  If only he could be found by the Lord.  His godly life would spare the land from ruin and destruction.  He would be standing in the gap.  A living testimony to the grace and mercy of God.  This applies to us.  We have a wonderful purpose.  A living testimony to the grace and mercy of our Lord.  Our lives should be lived in such a way that they speak to the ungodly around us.  There are many bound for destruction who could be saved in a moment of time by viewing our Christian conduct.  That is our purpose – to be good testaments to those around us.


A painful possibility.  As the Lord set out in his search for eligible men to stand in the gap there was a hope of finding someone.  There was the possibility of finding one individual who would be able to make up the hedge but there was also the likelihood of finding no-one and the painful possibility became a reality.  “But I found no-one”.  How disappointing this must have been.  As God searched among his backsliding people there was no individual who could stand in the gap for him.  He could not pick out one individual with a real passion for the Lord.  If he could not find one eligible individual then what did he find?  A polluted land – verse 24 “Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation.”  A polluted people – verse 26 “Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.”.  A deceived people – verse 28 “And her prophets have daubed them with untampered morter, seeing vanity and divining lies unto them, saying Thus saith the Lord God, when the Lord hath not spoken.”  The Lord searched.  He sought plenty of people but he couldn’t find one man among them.  He couldn’t find one who was suitable for the project who would stand in the position, who knew his place, who had a passion for the Lord.  One with a real purpose in life.  No-one could be found to stand in the hedge and make up the gap.  What a tragedy.  God is still looking for individuals.  If he searched through this land today would he find one?  What if he was to search through our own homes today?  Who would he find?  If he was to search through this church fellowship would he find one man or one woman who would make up the hedge and stand in the gap?  It would be an awful tragedy if he was to find none.  It would be a terrible reality if no-one was found to stand in the gap. We commenced by looking at the potential and the personality of the person God is looking for.  If one could be found it would make a difference.  There is a great task ahead for the perpetual priority but we noticed also the painful possibility, the likelihood of nobody could become a reality.



Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Blessed is the man ...




The book of Psalms is a devotional book, a prayer and a hymn book for the people of God.  The New Testament has over 400 quotations from the book of Psalms.  When the church of Jerusalem chose new apostles the Lord gave guidance through the Psalms.  Psalm 16 verse 10 “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.”  Acts 2 verse 31 Peter quoted from the Psalms “he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left In hell, neither his flesh did see corruptions.”  Singing selective psalms was part of the early church.  Ephesians 5 verse 19 “speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and  making melody in your heart to the Lord.”  Sadly not as much a part of worship as could be.  The psalms are primarily about God, creation and his relationship to mankind.  It speaks of a tender-hearted father, a God who keeps his promises.  The Psalms also speak of those who are victorious, who have faith and doubts.  In these verses we read of wickedness, ungodliness and what their latter end will be.  I want us to consider the first 2 verses of Psalm 1.


The writer starts of with a high note – “blessed is the man”.  The word “blessed” can be translated happy.  The psalmist is saying “happy is the man.”  We all like to be happy and full of joy.  We dread those moments when we are robbed of cheerfulness and contentment.  The truth is that there will be times of sadness.  The secret to obtaining lasting happiness is found in healthy habits.  To be a blessing of God you have to be a blessing to God.  We must be careful about the places where we walk, stand and sit because that will determine whether we are blessed by God.  There are 3 points from these verses:


Happiness comes from taking the right step – “blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.”  He commences with the power of negative thinking.  He is warning his writers of a path that the child of God must not tread.  This path is easy to get on but much more difficult to get off.  If a man is going to be happy that man must avoid the path of the ungodly.  Many things make it possible for happiness to flourish.  The path of the ungodly is poisonous, counter-productive.  God’s people must take the right step and avoid the ungodly path at all cost.  Negatively the righteous person refuses to participate in the way of ungodliness.  “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3 verse 3)  God made it clear to the Israelites.  He was in the business of obedience.  They must not be contaminated by other nations.  He made it clear you are in the world but not of the world.  A godly man is separated from the world.  That was the teaching of Jesus.  John 17 verse 16 “They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.”  The believer must be aware of friendships with the world that lead to being spotted by the world.  James 1 verse 27 “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world.”  Happiness comes from taking the right step.


Secondly taking the right stand – “nor standeth in the way of sinners.”  The blessed and happy man does not mingle with ungodly men.  It is not saying you shouldn’t mingle with ungodly.  Jesus was known as the friend of publicans and sinners.  We are not to stand in the way of sinners.  In other words, the blessed and happy man is not to take part in the ways of the ungodly.  The godly man will do everything not to be associated with evil men.  We are to be separated people.  John in his first letter in chapter 2 verse 18 says “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”  Many there are, may be professing Christians, who stand in the way of sinners.  They do not go along with the ways of the ungodly and take part in their practices.  We are not to take part in the sinful practices of the ungodly.  We are separated people.  A man of God is separated from this world.  No involvement in what the godly do and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them.  Does not associate with those who gather themselves in ways to support the devil’s kingdom.


Happiness comes from taking the right step.  Happiness comes from taking the right stand.  Thirdly happiness comes from taking the right seat – “nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”  The child of God does not listen to the ungodly man, nor linger and laugh with the scornful man.  The sinful have their counsel.  Notice the progression in verse 1 of wickedness - the ungodly, sinner and then the scornful.  This progression as you read in many ways represents the backsliding in all its forms.  Everything is going well when walking along until something catches our attention.  Before we know it we are standing and then finally sitting.  May not be the intention to stand for long periods, and then sit down. There are times the attention is so taken by what it sees and the individual stops, stands and then sits.  That is the same way backsliding works.  The inward progression – we must avoid sin when walking, contemplating when standing, comfortable with sin when sitting.  As the company gets worse sin will increase its hold so watch that first step.  If you follow the wrong counsel, follow the wrong companions and finally sit with the wrong crowd.  The happy, happy man will avoid the seat of the scornful.  God delights to bless individual lives but what brings God’s blessing?  What are we to do in order to be blessed by God and enjoy real happiness?  By delighting in his word - verse 2.  When the word of God has captured our full attention we will take the right step, right stand and right seat.  The word of God will fill us with real joy and real happiness.  We cannot go wrong when we meditate on the word of God.  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  The secret success to happiness – by taking the right step, the right stand and the right seat.  From that will follow blessing and from blessing flows true and lasting happiness.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Do thy diligence to come before winter




2 TIMOTHY 4 VERSE 21 – “Do thy diligence to come before winter”


The great apostle Paul was ready to be offered up.  He could look forward with anticipation to a great eternity with his Lord and master.  He had fought a good fight, he finished the course.  He remained steadfast, unmoveable in his service for Christ.  Paul, knowing his departure was at hand, had important things to say to Timothy.  “Keep on preaching the word of God, finish the fight, keep the faith.”  Paul had a deep desire – he wanted to renew fellowship with his fellow labourer in the gospel.  Demas had forsaken him.  Timothy was reliable, stable.  Timothy would stand wholeheartedly with Paul.  Paul told him when to come – verse 9 “come shortly”.  He also told when not to come – verse 21.  “Timothy, if you don’t come before winter you will have missed your opportunity therefore don’t delay, get here at the next opportunity that is granted to you.  Do thy diligence to come before winter.”  It may seem a really insignificant text of scripture.  Many would read and overlook it.  Many wouldn’t give it a second thought.  An urgent appeal.  There is urgency when it comes to the message of the salvation.  There are 3 truths to grasp.


A determination needed.  Paul said to Timothy twice “do thy diligence”.  An appeal not to be taken lightly by Timothy.  Not to look down upon it as unimportance, insignificant statement.  This was to be taken seriously.  He was called on to ponder it, not to allow anything to hinder him.  Do his utmost to do Paul’s request.  Make haste to get to Paul at the next opportunity he could get to come.  He was aware of many hindrances that could deter him.  Timothy was pastor of a church at Ephesus with many responsibilities on his mind.  In the midst of a busy schedule he was urged to take time out and grace the apostle with his presence.  “Timothy do thy diligence to make this a matter of urgency and priority.  Be determined to come to me.  Be persistent and earnest.  Make your way to me.”  When it comes to the business of salvation the same principle applies.  The salvation that Jesus purchased had immense cost, it must not be taken lightly.  Many have no regard for the plan of salvation.  They are overlooking it.  It ought not to be the case.  It must be taken seriously by all men.  They must ponder it and strive with all diligence until they receive it.  Are you overlooking salvation?  Maybe you are taking it lightly.  Do you look upon God’s plan of redemption as unimportant and insignificant?  You must take it seriously.  You must think about it and seek it with all diligence until you obtain it.  Don’t allow anything to stop you in coming to the Saviour of the world.  Do thy diligence.  Could it be I am speaking and there is something hindering you from receiving God’s salvation?  Maybe something in the past or in the present or even in the future.  Maybe it is the fear of what family and friends think.  Maybe you think you will not be able to keep it.  Maybe you are thinking you are beyond redemption.  What is keeping you back?  Is life too busy?  Have you too many other commitments to even consider salvation.  You have many responsibilities and duties.  Make the salvation of your soul the priority, a matter of urgency, the number one concern.  Be determined to come to Christ.  Don’t allow anything to stop you or hold you back.  Luke 13 verse 24 “strive to enter in at the straight gate.”  Make every effort.  Your heart, soul and mind to this urgent matter of salvation.  Strive to see your Saviour there.  Unsaved friend do thy diligence.  Make every effort to come to Jesus Christ.  There is a determination needed.


Secondly, an invitation extended.  There were no restrictions placed on this invitation.  An open invitation.  The last thing he would have wanted to do was give him the wrong impression.  To be confused and bewildered about what he was saying.  He was clear – “Timothy do thy diligence to come.”  Draw near, come closer Timothy.  He knew without doubt what he had to do if he wanted to see Paul.  Paul wasn’t coming to him.  He had to go to Paul.  We are left in no doubt as far as God’s invitation is concerned.  The Lord has died on the cross of Calvary for your sins.  Now he extends an invitation to come.  Have you come to the Lord?  Have you accepted his open invitation to come? “Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?”  Have you come?  Could it be that the master has been inviting you for some time?  He has been saying “come unto me” but you have been refusing him.  Don’t refuse the greatest invitation you will ever receive.  It is worth noting it was an invitation he extended and not a command.  Paul put great urgency on it.  “Timothy do you best, your utmost to come to me shortly.”  He didn’t say “you must come to me now, immediately”.  No he was not going to force Timothy’s hand.  He extended an open invitation.  The same principle applies when it comes to God’s dealings with men.  The Lord will never force his way into your heart and life.  He may persistently invite you to come.  You must decide to accept his invitation.  You must open the door and invite him in.  Would you not come at the king’s urgency?  “Again he sent forth his servants saying Tell them which are bidden, Behold I have prepared … all things are ready, come unto the marriage.” (Matthew 22 verse 4) This invitation is from the Lord.  He sends forth servants to urge many to come.  John recorded those words in Revelation 22 verse 17 “And the Spirit and the bride say come.  And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”  Come and partake of the blessing of the gospel.  Come and be saved.  Come at the threefold salvation.  Come for rest of the soul.  Matthew 11 verse 28 “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  You are not being asked to come to a church or a clergy.  The object of faith is the Lord Jesus Christ.  When you come admitting under the burden of sin and shame he will give you rest.  To come means to believe, to receive, to eat, to drink, to look, to confess.  It means to hear, to enter a door, open a door, to touch a hem of his garment, accept the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Have you accepted his invitation?  I trust you have.  A determination needed.  An invitation extended.


Thirdly, there is an opportunity limited.  Paul said in verse 9 “do thy diligence to come before winter.”  If Timothy was going to see the apostle Paul now was the time. This was his opportunity but it was limited.  Time was passing by and winter was on the way but why was it so crucial to make his journey to Paul before the winter season?  The weather conditions would make it too dangerous to travel, all the ships would be in port during winter thus Timothy could not see Paul.  If Timothy waited too long he would miss the opportunity to travel to Paul and by that time it would be too late.  The day of opportunity for Timothy was coming swiftly to an end.  Time was running out.  Friend today the day of grace for invitations to receive God’s great salvation is coming swiftly to an end.  The opportunity to seek the Saviour will not last forever.  We are living in a day of opportunity but it is greatly lifting.  2 Corinthians 6 verse 2 “Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation.”  If you want to get saved now is the acceptable time.  Not next week or next year.  Today.  Seek the Lord for salvation while you have the opportunity.  “Today is time accepted, tomorrow you may call in vain.”  Today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts.  The prophet in Isaiah 55 verse 6 said “seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.”  The Lord will not always be found.  Not always be near.  He will not always strive with man.  Genesis 6 verse 3 “my spirit shall not always strive with man.”  The opportunity for you to come to Christ is limited.  None of us are guaranteed another day.  This could be your last day, your last night.  Death could put its cold chilling hand on your shoulder.  With the greatest urgency come to Christ now for your time to do so is limited.  Has the Lord been convincing you of the power of the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness and judgment?  Don’t close your ears to God’s speaking voice.  There could come a day when he will knock on your hearts door for the last time.  Come before winter while the spirit is striving, while you have the opportunity.  Don’t allow another summer to pass by without Christ.  Your opportunity to receive so great a salvation is coming to an end.  The determination here is don’t look on God’s plan of redemption as so unimportant.  Don’t allow anything to prevent you to come to the Saviour.  An invitation is extended – “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  Don’t refuse the greatest invitation you will ever receive.  There is an opportunity limited.  Paul said “Timothy if you are going to see me now is the time.”  Now is the appointed time.  Not tomorrow or next week or next month or next year.  Today seek the Lord for salvation while you still have the opportunity.  Would you not come before winter?  The longest day of the year is past, the evenings are starting to drop down.  That in itself is a clear reminder that opportunities to receive the Saviour are limited.  Time is passing by.  Friend come before winter.