Sunday, 1 May 2022

Benefits and blessings to the disciples in the Upper Room on the day of resurrection



JOHN 20 VERSES 19 – 31

Think today of the benefits and blessings to these disciples who were there in that Upper Room on the first day of the week, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.


The community that is assembled.  This is the community of God’s people – verse 19.  It had been a difficult few days for the disciples.  What must it have been like in the Garden of Gethsemane to see that mob coming with their lanterns?  To see Judas at the front stepping in front of Jesus and giving him a kiss, to see the guards arrest Jesus, Peter taking out a sword and cutting of the servant’s ear then Jesus healing that servant again.  To see Jesus being taken into the Judgement Hall to be beaten, mocked, spat on then to be led out to the cross of Golgotha to bleed and die there.  Then to be placed in that borrowed tomb.  Despite all that had happened they came together in the Upper Room hours later.  Remember Lydia, a businesswoman who came on the Sabbath Day to a meeting by the riverside for prayer.  She wanted to be among God’s people.  There is a difference between being religious and being saved.  Having a profession and having a possession.  It is so important to remember to come together with God’s people.  Hebrews 10 verse 25 tells us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, to give priority to be in the house of God on a Sunday.  This was a feature of Paul’s ministry – on the first day of each week he would go to the synagogue.  In 1 Corinthians 16 verse 1 Paul gave specific instructions about the collection for the saints.  “Now concerning the collection for the saints … upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him …”  Paul wanted them to come together on the first day of the week and share their offerings.  Sadly today Sunday is more a day of entertainment or a time to spend with family.  Sunday should be a special day.  Remember the 2 on the road to Emmaus coming from Jerusalem.  Their hearts were so heavy that day because of what had happened.  They had heard that Jesus’ body was not in the grave, how the women who had gone to anoint the body had ran and told the disciples who went and saw the empty tomb for themselves.  Jesus drew alongside those 2 disciples on that road “and beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.”  On that journey their eyes were opened to all this great truth.  When Jesus left them, they “returned to Jerusalem and found the eleven gathered together … and they told what things were done in the way and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.”


The conversation of the community.  These disciples gathered together to share their accounts of Jesus.  The conversation was all about the Lord.  Mary had gone to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body only to find there was no body.  As she waited she had an encounter with the Lord himself.  We come together today to share our faith.  That Jesus is no longer on the cross or in the tomb but is seated at his Father’s right hand in heaven.  That Jesus will one day come again and receive us unto himself.  Our main focus must be on Jesus today.  In Hebrews 10 verse 25 we are urged to “exhort” one another which really means to encourage each otherin our faith.  Our thoughts must be on Christ at all times.  It is an uplifting experience. The hymns and praise we offer must be all of Christ.  Sadly today that is not the case in many meetings.  In some places it is all about the music and singing.  The pulpit is no longer the central part of the church, a stage has now taken over and the musicians play for 45 minutes with a short message at the end.  Think of the angels on that first Christmas visitation.  They came down to the very hillside, to where the shepherds were.  That must have been a tremendous scene.  All the heavens lit up the place where the shepherds were.  They didn’t ask about where they came from but rather it was all about the message they brought.  Those shepherds didn’t think about the angels but rather decided to go and find out if the message was true that they had brought.  Christ was the centre of that message.  When Jesus was first brought into the temple by his parents, Simeon’s eyes were fastened on the baby in Mary’s arms for he was the Saviour of the world.  He asked to be able to depart in peace for his eyes had seen Jesus.  John the Baptist cried “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.”  He pointed everyone to Christ.  Your thoughts and minds should not be on this church today or on the music or on the preacher but rather on the Saviour.  When Paul went into the synagogue one day the leader told him that if he had a word to say then he should speak. 


The clarity that was witnessed.  Something very special happened that night in the Upper Room.  The Lord came amongst them.  “Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord.”  They had gathered with doubts and fears but now Jesus came and brings clarity.  He stands before them.  He shows them his hands and feet.  Sometimes we don’t feel like going to the prayer meeting or church or perhaps we don’t want to read our bibles but it is at that time we need to be in the meetings, in the word of God, need to be praying.  Especially when you are in that dark valley.  The disciples were confused and had doubts but they were together and Jesus came right into their midst.


The challenge they went out with.  Will we leave the meeting today tired and weary or will we leave challenged?  Thomas wasn’t with the disciples when this meeting occurred.  He left it until the next meeting after the disciples went to find him.  Think of little Samuel in the temple.  He was given a message by the Lord himself.  With a heavy heart he had to tell Eli the next day all that God had revealed to him.  Are we focusing our thoughts today on the resurrected Saviour?  Will we tell someone else today about the Saviour as a result of meeting with him?

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