Sunday, 27 March 2022

Dorcas - a disciple of Jesus - her title, testimony, trial and triumph



ACTS 9 VERSES 36 - 43

How beneficial this woman was to the church in Joppa.  Perhaps did not have a lot in terms of finance but her heart and soul was in the work.  We are not told if she was married or had a family.  Her life sets a great example today for us to do and use what we can for the benefit of those around us.  It is God who has given us to be a blessing to those around us, he allows us to use what we have in his service.

The title given to her - verse 36.  We see the importance of Peter in the previous verses when the man Aeneas was raised up and walked from his bed.  Now the scene changes to this woman.  She must have been a credit to know and have in the fellowship.  They could rely on here always.  She was ready to do something.  God points us to this woman and we need to take in everything that is said of her.  We can use her as a measuring stick for our own lives.  She lives in Joppa.  Her Hebrew name was Tabitha.  God tells us something else - in Greek her name was translated as Dorcas.  Her activity - she was full of good works.  But the most important part was her title.  She was a believer, a disciple.  The Lord is going to take this woman and use her.  Remember what Paul said to Timothy "be thou an example to all thebelivers."  God is showing us, spotlighting this woman.  She made a decision one day, an important decision.  In life we all make some very difficult decisions.  Sometimes we have to decide what schools we send our children to, then when they get older our children have to decide what university to attend, what work they would take up in life.  So many great decisions to be made in life.  The greatest decision we will ever make is what we will do with Jesus Christ.  Remember the decision Pilate had to make when the Lord was standing before him.  He knew he had done no wrong.  He looked into the face of Jesus knowing he was innocent.  He knew what the Roman authorities would say - they would want him killed.  He knew what Judas would have said and done - he betrayed Jesus.  He knew what the crowd were wanting - away with Jesus, they didn't want him to rule over them.  This was the one question he had to face on his own.  What would he do?  This woman was a disciple.  Have we faced that decision?  Not to be a better person or a better attender at church but what we must do with Jesus Christ? That moment she listened to the good news of the gospel her heart was opened.  Jesus came in.  She knew she had sinned and those sins would keep her out of heaven one day.  In the Lord's death and shedding of his blood we are redeemed.  We will die with Christ.  his woman admitted she was a sinner and needed a Saviour.  It was the greatest decision she ever made.  Have we ever made that decision?

The testimony that she bore.  She was more than a disciple in word only - her actions proved something had happened in her heart.  This woman showed what had happened in her heart and life by her actions.  God had worked salvation in her heart  It was being worked out in the activity she was involved in.  "Wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."  That verse is not saying work for your salvation but rather is saying because of what God has worked in your life, be careful to work it out, that the activities you are doing show your salvation.  "For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Philippians 2 verss 12 and 13)  This woman had a concern for others.  She drew near to those who had a problem or difficulty.  She was always ready to reach out.  In verse 39 we read that the widows were standing around showing the coats and garments Dorcas had made while she was with them.  When she had the opportunity she did what she could. That is all God is asking us to do.  "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ... that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." Revelation 14 verse 13.  1 Thessalonians 2 verse 19 "For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?"  There was a dedication and determination in Paul - he wanted to do something to reach these believers.  "I am here to preach the gospel that one day I might meet you around the throne of heaven, that would be my crown of joy."  Paul wanted to see these people around the throne of heaven.  No giving up when things are difficult, no taking a step back if things are not going the way we envisaged.  It is easy to step back at times.  Maybe there were times for Dorcas when she didn't have much but she gave what she had.  She was an industrious woman, she could see the need,  could see where she could help and did something about it.  It is important we can see the human need but we need to be ready to step into the situation too.  Paul preached the gospel and there were times when he was chased out of the city, when he was spat upon, when he was stoned and times when he had no response whatsoever.  God told him to continue on because there would be days coming when the people would respond.  Paul stayed for another 18 months in Corinth and didn't give in.  In the days of Dorcas there were problems for widows in the early church.  They were not given much to live on.  No provision was made for them - Acts 6 verse 1.  Paul says to the church to honour widows.  Paul was asking the church to open their hearts and have compassion on them.  Dorcas took heed to what was preached, to do what she could  Paul's instructions to the believers was if they saw a a genuine need to do what you can for them.  Paul set a great example not even in the financial situation.  It only takes a little word, to see the need and do it.  That is what God is saying.  Dorcas was a woman who reached out, made people's lives more comfortable  Remember the woman with the alabaster box who poured it out to the Lord.  It was a costly thing, nearly a full mans wages for a year.  That was the price of the box of ointment.  She took it and broke it and poured it out.  She couldn't lift it up again.  Everything she had for the Lord.  Remember what the Lord said when they criticised this woman "she has done what she could."  Nothing more was asked.  When you and I stand before God nothing more is asked of us.  We did what we could do.  Where we faithful?  "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." (Matthew 10 erse 42)

The trial she faced.  She was not immune to the trials.  Verse 37 Dorcas fell sick and then she died.  In the midst of her busy life working for the Lord she fell ill.  Sometimes we ask the question "why did that have to happen?"  Maybe we ask it ourselves "I am doing my bit for the Lord, why do things happen like sickness, losing a job?"  Doracs was helping everyone around her but she fell sick.

The triumph that she proved - verse 38.  The people of the church heard of Peter and that he was not far away.  They asked for him to come and see them.  He came straight away.  Peter must have felt he needed to come and pray for this woman to live again.  He puts them all out of the room, then gets down on his knees and begins to pray.  He touched her hand and calls her "Tabitha arise"  Immediately "she opened her eyes and when she saw Peter she sat up. And he gave her his hand and lifted her up and when he had called the saints and widows presented her alive.  And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed."  Even in her death she was still glorifying the Lord.  Wll it be said of our lives what a triumph?  We "can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth" us (Philippians 4 verse 13).  We need to give all to the Lord, to hold nothing back.  it will not be an easy cross to bear.  Remember what Paul said "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." ( 2 Timothy 4 verses 7 and 8)

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