Sunday, 27 March 2022

For Christ did not send me to baptise but to preach the gospel




On past Sunday nights we have been looking at the gospel - its presentation, its purpose and its power.  That is why I want to turn back to this subject again, none other than the cross of Calvary.  Paul was very precise and careful in this respect.  Verse 17 "Christ sent me not to baptise."  Of course he baptised but he was saying this was not his main ministry.  "I was to go forth and preach the gospel."  He clarifies that "not with the wisdom of words".  Not with my intellect, vocabulary or abilities - "not with wisdom of words less the cross of Christ be made of no effect."  It is important that we come tonight and see Jesus.  If I was to preach with the wisdom of words that would be another gospel - as Philippians says a perverted gospel.  

Notice firstly what Paul might have meant as regards the effect of the cross - the sufferings of the cross.  The cross was employed by the Roman authorities as a means of execution.  It was the most inhuman, barbaric, cruel, degrading form of death mainly reserved for the lowest of all criminals.  When you think of that - the Lord God' own perfect sinless son came into this world. He could find no resting place in Bethlehem, only a manger.  The place reserved for him was at the cross outside Jerusalem, outside the city walls.  That is the death he chose to bear for you and I.  That is what Jesus did for you and I.  Is it any wonder Paul said "less the cross became of no effect."  That execution was done in public, all would see him hanging there for many hours before death came by suffocation.  It was a warning to all who would pass by.  This place of skull was the place for the Lord. He was that man on the middle cross of Calvary.  His sufferings, not for any wrong doing of his own.  The perfect son of God bore that shame with humility for you and I.  Think of the sufferings he had before then.  To see his friends and disciples flee from him in the Garden of Gethsemane and leave him alone.  See the Roman centurions spat on him, scourged him, ridiculed, tied him up, how they stretched out his arms and took the lash and left his back as a ploughed field.  Then to take him out and put spikes in his hands and feet then nail him to the cross.  He was suffering terribly for you and I.  His visage was marred more than any man.  They couldn't even recognise him.  They plaited a crown of thorns on his brow.  They lifted him up and he hung there.  He cried out "my God, my God why have you forsake me?"  The Lord had to see his son dying there.  He was dying for all my filthiness.

The substitution of the cross.  What he had to go through then see him hung for a substitution.  A substitution is someone or something that stands in for another.  Taking the place of another.  In sporting terms someone who is not having a good game or is injured may be pulled off by the manager and replaced with another.  Maybe you have been invited to a wedding and it is not possible to attend so you send someone else in your place.  That is what the cross shows.  The cross is there because of you.  The Lord went to the cross to be my substitute.  Think of the sufferings we should have borne.  Christ says "no I will bear them in your place."  Romans says "for all have sinned."  It doesn't rule anyone out.  We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Jesus says "I am going down into the world and will die in the place of everyone who has sinned."  "For he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of Christ." (2 Corinthians 5 verse 21)  What a wonderful transaction on the cross.  It cannot ever be done any other way.  We could never be enough to substitute for our sins.  Take him in all his glory to die in shame and agony for you.

The sacrifice of the cross.  The Old Testament scriptures show how people approached God and how the High Priest approached God.  They took a little lamb and put it to death.  They then took the blood and sprinkled it on the altar.  He was coming by the blood of an innocent lamb.  We have no access into the presence of God unless we come through the finished work of Calvary through Jesus own blood shed on Calvary.  If we miss the cross we miss the salvation of God.  In Genesis 4 we read of the sons of Adam.  In the previous chapter everything was perfect and very good.  Adam fell from grace with God.  Adam had to teach his sons how they could approach God through the sacrifice.  Remember how they came to God.  Abel was a shepherd and brought a lamb.  Cain was a tiller of the ground and he brought from the works of his hands.  I am sure it was perfect in his eyes but it didn't suffice.  The only thing that sufficed for God was the blood of that lamb.  Just as it is only the blood of Jesus Christ that is sufficient for us tonight.  Those sacrifices continued until Christ came and died for us on Calvary.  Ephesians 5 verse 2 "Christ also loved us and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."  In Hebrews we read that the priest had to do it continually, he was never finished.  One sacrifice was enough to satisfy the just demands of God when God saw his son dying on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world.  That was enough.  On the third day God raised him from the dead to give us our salvation.  1 Timothy 4 verse 10 "God is the Saviour of all men.  Calvary is a finished work.  He is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe.  There is  no other salvation.  He is the Saviour of all men but only those who believe in him that are saved from sin.  Only those who really come to him believing that he is the son of God and died for our sins that we can find salvation in Christ alone.  The sacrifice to bring him to God.  Are you under the blood tonight?  Trusting and depending on the Lord?

The sufficiency of the cross.  All those who stood around that day heard the times Jesus spoke from the cross.  7 times he spoke.  The last one was "it is finished."  Is it any wonder Paul said "not with wisdom of words."  The cross is the central figure of God's atoning work.  I don't have to paint it up.  This is the sufficiency of it all.  In John 17 verse 4 Jesus said "I have glorified thee on the earth, I have finished the work thou gavest me to do."  That takes us back to eternity when God chose his son to send him into the world to prepare the work of salvation.  The great work of the souls redemption had to be fulfilled.  The Old Testament priests had to bring sacrifice continually.  Jesus when he offered himself once it was for all time.  There is nothing we can do to obtain salvation.  "For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.  Not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2 verses 8 and 9)  How God's heart must be grieved when men and women turn and reject his son.

The salvation of the cross.  What a wonderful subject the cross is.  Why do I preach about the cross?  "Unto us which are saved it is the power of God."  It is up to every person to make a decision - what will you do?  Jesus left the splendours of heaven to go and endure the cross.  What must I do in response?  Repent, turn to Christ, trust him as Saviour, invite him into your life and take him with you as you go back into the world.  "Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4 verse 12)

Dorcas - a disciple of Jesus - her title, testimony, trial and triumph



ACTS 9 VERSES 36 - 43

How beneficial this woman was to the church in Joppa.  Perhaps did not have a lot in terms of finance but her heart and soul was in the work.  We are not told if she was married or had a family.  Her life sets a great example today for us to do and use what we can for the benefit of those around us.  It is God who has given us to be a blessing to those around us, he allows us to use what we have in his service.

The title given to her - verse 36.  We see the importance of Peter in the previous verses when the man Aeneas was raised up and walked from his bed.  Now the scene changes to this woman.  She must have been a credit to know and have in the fellowship.  They could rely on here always.  She was ready to do something.  God points us to this woman and we need to take in everything that is said of her.  We can use her as a measuring stick for our own lives.  She lives in Joppa.  Her Hebrew name was Tabitha.  God tells us something else - in Greek her name was translated as Dorcas.  Her activity - she was full of good works.  But the most important part was her title.  She was a believer, a disciple.  The Lord is going to take this woman and use her.  Remember what Paul said to Timothy "be thou an example to all thebelivers."  God is showing us, spotlighting this woman.  She made a decision one day, an important decision.  In life we all make some very difficult decisions.  Sometimes we have to decide what schools we send our children to, then when they get older our children have to decide what university to attend, what work they would take up in life.  So many great decisions to be made in life.  The greatest decision we will ever make is what we will do with Jesus Christ.  Remember the decision Pilate had to make when the Lord was standing before him.  He knew he had done no wrong.  He looked into the face of Jesus knowing he was innocent.  He knew what the Roman authorities would say - they would want him killed.  He knew what Judas would have said and done - he betrayed Jesus.  He knew what the crowd were wanting - away with Jesus, they didn't want him to rule over them.  This was the one question he had to face on his own.  What would he do?  This woman was a disciple.  Have we faced that decision?  Not to be a better person or a better attender at church but what we must do with Jesus Christ? That moment she listened to the good news of the gospel her heart was opened.  Jesus came in.  She knew she had sinned and those sins would keep her out of heaven one day.  In the Lord's death and shedding of his blood we are redeemed.  We will die with Christ.  his woman admitted she was a sinner and needed a Saviour.  It was the greatest decision she ever made.  Have we ever made that decision?

The testimony that she bore.  She was more than a disciple in word only - her actions proved something had happened in her heart.  This woman showed what had happened in her heart and life by her actions.  God had worked salvation in her heart  It was being worked out in the activity she was involved in.  "Wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."  That verse is not saying work for your salvation but rather is saying because of what God has worked in your life, be careful to work it out, that the activities you are doing show your salvation.  "For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Philippians 2 verss 12 and 13)  This woman had a concern for others.  She drew near to those who had a problem or difficulty.  She was always ready to reach out.  In verse 39 we read that the widows were standing around showing the coats and garments Dorcas had made while she was with them.  When she had the opportunity she did what she could. That is all God is asking us to do.  "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ... that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." Revelation 14 verse 13.  1 Thessalonians 2 verse 19 "For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?"  There was a dedication and determination in Paul - he wanted to do something to reach these believers.  "I am here to preach the gospel that one day I might meet you around the throne of heaven, that would be my crown of joy."  Paul wanted to see these people around the throne of heaven.  No giving up when things are difficult, no taking a step back if things are not going the way we envisaged.  It is easy to step back at times.  Maybe there were times for Dorcas when she didn't have much but she gave what she had.  She was an industrious woman, she could see the need,  could see where she could help and did something about it.  It is important we can see the human need but we need to be ready to step into the situation too.  Paul preached the gospel and there were times when he was chased out of the city, when he was spat upon, when he was stoned and times when he had no response whatsoever.  God told him to continue on because there would be days coming when the people would respond.  Paul stayed for another 18 months in Corinth and didn't give in.  In the days of Dorcas there were problems for widows in the early church.  They were not given much to live on.  No provision was made for them - Acts 6 verse 1.  Paul says to the church to honour widows.  Paul was asking the church to open their hearts and have compassion on them.  Dorcas took heed to what was preached, to do what she could  Paul's instructions to the believers was if they saw a a genuine need to do what you can for them.  Paul set a great example not even in the financial situation.  It only takes a little word, to see the need and do it.  That is what God is saying.  Dorcas was a woman who reached out, made people's lives more comfortable  Remember the woman with the alabaster box who poured it out to the Lord.  It was a costly thing, nearly a full mans wages for a year.  That was the price of the box of ointment.  She took it and broke it and poured it out.  She couldn't lift it up again.  Everything she had for the Lord.  Remember what the Lord said when they criticised this woman "she has done what she could."  Nothing more was asked.  When you and I stand before God nothing more is asked of us.  We did what we could do.  Where we faithful?  "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." (Matthew 10 erse 42)

The trial she faced.  She was not immune to the trials.  Verse 37 Dorcas fell sick and then she died.  In the midst of her busy life working for the Lord she fell ill.  Sometimes we ask the question "why did that have to happen?"  Maybe we ask it ourselves "I am doing my bit for the Lord, why do things happen like sickness, losing a job?"  Doracs was helping everyone around her but she fell sick.

The triumph that she proved - verse 38.  The people of the church heard of Peter and that he was not far away.  They asked for him to come and see them.  He came straight away.  Peter must have felt he needed to come and pray for this woman to live again.  He puts them all out of the room, then gets down on his knees and begins to pray.  He touched her hand and calls her "Tabitha arise"  Immediately "she opened her eyes and when she saw Peter she sat up. And he gave her his hand and lifted her up and when he had called the saints and widows presented her alive.  And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed."  Even in her death she was still glorifying the Lord.  Wll it be said of our lives what a triumph?  We "can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth" us (Philippians 4 verse 13).  We need to give all to the Lord, to hold nothing back.  it will not be an easy cross to bear.  Remember what Paul said "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." ( 2 Timothy 4 verses 7 and 8)

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Seek ye first the kingdom of God




We began last week on this subject of worrying about tomorrow.  Not one of us know what a day will bring forth.  We are thankful that there is one holds tomorrow in his hand.  We began to look at our lives in the light of all we have to face.  We thought of the widow woman of Zarephath who Elijah was sent to.  Here was a woman who had little.  She had got to the stage in her life where living was impossible.  All she had in her home was one meal to feed her and her son.  Afterwards she had no clue what would happen ext.  That woman put God first.  We need to get to that place again where God is first.  From this incident in the lives of the disciples we learn a tremendous lesson.  It challenges us how we live.  In the days the disciples were living in they walked with Christ daily.  They were by his side, talking with him, being guided by him, instructed by him, they were prayed for by Jesus, but they began to worry.  Jesus took them aside.  They were worried about everyday concerns.  They had left all to follow Christ.  Peter bore testimony to this fact when he said he had left his boats, his livelihood.  They had clothes for this day and food to eat but what about tomorrow.  We don’t know anything about tomorrow.  Jesus said, “take no thought for tomorrow, I have it all worked out, it is in the palm of my hand.”  Jesus told them they couldn’t add one cubit to their stature so why worry about these things?  “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  You and I are on higher plane today.  We can touch the throne room of heavenly grace.  The Psalmist could say “my words are coming into the ears of the living God.” (Psalm 5 verse 1).  Jesus directed his disciples to go to God in the day of trouble.   “In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.”  Last week we looked at the word “seek”.  It is a strong word in the original Greek.  It is a command.  He was not asking the disciples to do this but commanding them to do it.  He commands you and I to “seek first the kingdom of God.”  We are to seek him daily.  It is a continuous process.  It is to be done firstly, fervently, and faithfully.

The sovereignty of the kingdom of God.  If you are saved by God’s sovereign grace, you are in a different world.  In John 17 Jesus prayed that we might be kept in the world.  You and I are in a different kingdom today.  Colossians talks about us “being translated from the power of darkness into the kingdom of his dear Son.” (Colossians 1 verse 13)  How did we get there?  By the good works we do?  By the church we attend?  By sitting at the communion table?  No.  God sent his son Jesus into the world, he was rejected, spat on, ridiculed.  He had one purpose and plan – to die on the cross of Calvary outside Jerusalem.  He died there for you.  TO lift us out of the family we were born into, the family of the devil.  Born in sin and shapen in iniquity.  The only price that could be paid was the death of Christ.  The moment we realise we were born in sin and bow before God we are lifted out of the family of the devil.  It is all of grace from beginning to end.  No merit of our own.  We are to seek for greater things because of the sovereignty of the kingdom.  God is overall and above all.  He rules from on high.  Jesus one day came out of the city and standing before his disciples was taken up in the clouds.  An angel came down and asked them “why stand ye gazing up, this same Jesus shall come in like manner.”  Mark 16 verse 19 he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God.  We are asked to seek for his sovereign kingdom.  For anyone to sit on a throne it a great privilege and honour.  He was sovereign over nature.  When he was in the boat one day the winds and waves rose up.  Jesus got up and spoke “be still”.  The very winds ceased from blowing and the waves became calm.  The Lord spoke the word to the centurion one day whose servant was sick.  The centurion told the Lord that he was not worthy for him to come into his house.  Jesus spoke the word and the servant was healed that day.  He is sovereign over life and death.  He spoke to Lazarus in the tomb and raised him to life once more.  This is the one who commands us to seek his sovereign kingdom.  A leper came to Jesus one day and said, “if thou wilt thou canst make me clean.”  He believed he was speaking to the sovereign Lord.  Whatever Jesus said would be done.  We are coming to the sovereign one who is able to heal.  To the thief on the cross who asked to be remembered when Jesus came into his kingdom, he said “today thou shalt be with me in paradise”.  The Hebrew Christians were going through trial and tribulation. The writer told them to look at the cloud of witnesses, those who had gone before and won the battle, victory was theirs now.  “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.”

The supremacy of the kingdom.  There is no other kingdom like this kingdom.  That is what we are to seek after.  In Daniel Nebuchadnezzar had a dream one night.  The dream was of a great image standing in his room.  It startled him so much that he called in all his advisers and counsellors.  Not one could tell him the dream nor interpret it.  Daniel was called for and he was able to not only tell the dream but interpret it.  He told him of the image that represented various kingdoms.  The head was represented by Nebuchadnezzar’s own kingdom.  Chapter 2 verse 37 “for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power and strength and glory.”  The very breath we breathe today is from God himself.  The very next breath you hope to have is in the hand of God.  Your wealth is in the hand of God.  Your health is in the hand of God.  Chapter 2 verse 38 “Thou art this head of gold.”  The golden head was a kingdom – Nebuchadnezzar’s own.  Daniel went on to give the meaning of every part of the body and who they represented – the Persians, Greek, Romans and finally the anti-Christ.  Verse 44 “and in those days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed.”  You and I are asked to seek.  When this world is wearing out we have to remember there is one kingdom still to rise.  The toes were made partly of iron and clay.  Kings will one day give power to Satan – the antichrist himself.  The bible says that in those 7 years of tribulation God will come and set up his own kingdom on the earth.  We are to seek for the sovereign kingdom today.  We are to seek for the supreme kingdom today. 

It is also a sufficient kingdom.  We also see the simplicity of the kingdom.  We are commanded to seek first God’s kingdom today.                                                                           

What have we to do with thee, Jesus?




MARK 1 VERSE 21 – 28

Jesus going into the synagogue in Capernaum on the Sabbath day was confronted by the claims of Satan’s demons – verse 24 a man with an unclean spirit came out when Jesus began to speak “what have we to do with thee?”  A battle is going on in every family, there are souls that need to be saved.  The battle climaxed on the hill of Golgotha.  Paul was speaking of the battle for men’s souls in Colossians when he said “And having spoiled principalities and power and he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” (Colossians 2 verse 15)

The directions Jesus took.  Jesus comes into Capernaum and into the synagogue.  When he went to Nazareth one day, he also went into the synagogue and opened up the scriptures people didn’t like it.  They took him out to a nearby cliff meaning for him to be cast over but he stepped away (Luke 4).  When Jesus came into Capernaum he knew they needed to hear they were lost in sin and lost for all eternity.  God knows what we need in this province and land.  He knows there are people needing to hear the message of the gospel.  They need to hear of Jesus, how he came into this world as a baby in the womb of Mary, how he was born into a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes.  That he grew up as a man and at 33 years of age he suffered and died for the worlds sin.  The battle goes on for your sin.  You were shapen in iniquity.  The Lord died that you might be saved from hell for all eternity.  He knew the value of a man’s soul.  “For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”  He came to seek and to save that which was lost.  Jesus has come in our direction.  “Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst.”  Just as he passed that sycamore tree and saw Zacchaeus sitting he passes by you just now and is asking what direction you are taking.  “I must needs go through Samaria” he told the disciples one day.  He knew he had to go there to meet the Gentile woman who had no connection with the gospel at all.  He made his way through that land just for her.  Maybe you can look back to a day when you were convicted of your sin, bowed the knee and trusted in Christ for your own Saviour?  Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem – why – for your soul and mine.  Verse 23 this man listened to the Lord as he opened up the word of God.  The people were astonished at his doctrine, they never heard anything like this before.  They had heard the scribes preaching the word of God but never like this.  Jesus was teaching things others never teach.  Nicodemus came at night and Jesus confronted him, looking past the veneer and looking at the heart.  Samuel had to learn that too.  When he went to Jesse’s house he was gazing at the sons that passed before him, the stature of these men, how they looked and presented.  Each time the Lord told him no it is not him – “man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.”  We can see the outward veneer but there is one who sees right into the very depths of the heart.  He has directed his footsteps to come this way.  Jesus preaching in the synagogue could see into their hearts.

The disruption that he causes.  He begins to preach and a man with an unclean spirit cries out “let us alone, what have we do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth?”  It was only when Jesus opened up the scriptures that Satan opposed him.  Not before when the scribes and Pharisees had preached.  The enemy planned to disrupt people from hearing Jesus and what he had to say.  The demon realised what Jesus was speaking about.  This was the plan of the enemy.  They were astonished at his doctrine.  Maybe it was the first time he ever cried out.  The enemy wanted to distract the minds of the people in the synagogue that day.  Think of the parable of the sower which represented the preaching of God’s own word.  The seed is the word of God sown on the ground.  The path around the field was hard, trampled on, stony, not much earth, thorny ground, the seed fell into it.  The seed lay on the top of the ground, couldn’t penetrate the soil.  The birds came down and took the seed away.  The Lord likened it to people hearing the word of God, hearing of God’s great sacrifice from sin through his son.  The word goes by and people don’t respond.  Then comes the devil and takes away the seed less men be saved.  That is what the enemy wants to do.  If you are not saved he will cause a distraction because he wants to take your mind away from the preaching of the cross of Christ.  The enemy is taking you away from the cross of Calvary.   Think of the apostle Paul in Thessalonica.  He began to preach in that place.  People were saved as a result of the preaching.  Throughout the city people came to Jesus. Acts 17 verse 5 “but the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took onto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort and gathered a company and set all the city on an uproar” – why – because of the preaching the cross.  The enemy still disrupts when the preacher begins to speak of the cross, that sins were dealt with at Calvary,  This man cries out but it is not the man himself crying out, it is the demons.  They have got this man in the right place and crying out to disrupt the meeting.

The deliverance that comes. This man cries out from the depth of his soul – verse 25 “hold thy peace and come out of him.”  In the Garden of Gethsemane the enemy came to destroy Jesus.  The Lord spoke and they fell backwards.  The power of the word of God.  The unclean spirit didn’t need any introduction to who Jesus was.  In Philippi they knew all about Christ as the Son of God, why he had come, the mission he had.   There was a woman who followed Paul and the team around the city.  She was possessed of a demon.  It allowed her to tell fortunes.  She followed them and heard what they had preached.  She went around crying out “these men are the servants of the most high God, these show us the way of salvation.”  Paul delivered this young woman through the power of the Lord.  The enemy knows who Jesus is.  Right now Jesus is waiting for you to acknowledge your sin.  There is no other entrance into heaven but by him.  “No man cometh unto the father but by me.”  What a disappointment if we miss God’s salvation.  To end up in a Christless sinners hell. 

A dispute that erupts.  When such power is displayed the demon came out.  They began to dispute it – verse 27.  Is there a dispute in your heart?  Have you been distracted?  Will you make your way to Calvary if you have never been there before?

We preach Christ crucified




Acts 2 verse 37 – 47

Whenever we turn to Acts 2 we are turning to an exciting portion of scripture.  It was a great day for the church.  A day when it was born, when the disciples gathered in that Upper Room and God’s Holy Spirit came and filled every one of them.  they went out into the streets and preached the gospel in their own languages.  Everyone could hear it plainly.  Certain of them said they were drunk.  Peter stood to his feet and preached unto them Christ.  What was Peter’s qualification – he was a fisherman.  Remember the day when Andrew came to him and said “we have found the Messiah” (John 1 verse 41) .  Peter came and proved the Saviour for himself.  We cannot go on someone else’s faith.  You have to come yourself.  Get before the Lord, claim his work in your life, confess you sin before him, repent of your sin, trust what he has done on Calvary just for you.  Peter proved it for himself, gave all of himself.  He left his nets, his boat to follow the Lord.  The Lord had his all.  Can you look back to a day when you gave your all to the Lord?  Surrendered all you had?  Your possessions, your livelihood.  Such was Peter.  He preached and prayed with Jesus, sat and ate with him.  On Pentecost he was filled with the Holy Spirit.  Peter was calling the attention of men and women of this particular day, turning them now to the word of God.

He preached about Christ – the person of Christ.  In this portion of scripture he goes right to the very foundation.  The Holy Ghost had something to work on.  “He pricked their hearts”.  That is the work of the Holy Spirit.  He convicts us and convinces us of our sin.  It was not the work of Peter or the preacher.  It is the Holy Spirit who applies it to our hearts.  Peter takes up this wonderful sermon.  It is not a sermon if Jesus is not central.  John the Baptist saw Jesus coming one day and said “behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1 verse 29)  He was speaking of his character, coming into the world to take your sin and mine.  Remember what Jesus said to Nicodemus who came to him by night.  The Lord took him back to the scriptures, when Moses was leading the children of Israel through the wilderness.  Serpents came into the camp and bit the people and death followed.  God told him to take a brazen serpent and put it on a pole.  Everyone that looked to it were saved from death.  The death penalty would be changed.  Life would be changed all because of one look.  “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself.” (John 12 verse 32)  Jesus was thinking of his cross one day when he would be lifted up, when a crown of thorns would be placed on his head and nails would be driven through his hands and feet to that wooden cross.  There was no other way of salvation.  Remember Peter in Acts 10 when he came to Cornelius who was sitting before God and praying for salvation.  He wanted to know how to be saved.  He was told “send for Peter, he is in Joppa, he will tell you words whereby you might be saved.” Cornelius was concerned about his soul.  There is still that same concern today whether you are going out into a lost and Christless eternity or to heaven and home with Christ for ever.  What a responsibility Peter had.  Here on that day at Pentecost and on that day in Cornelius’ home.  He would preach the h of God, that Jesus came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.  Philip went out to meet the Ethiopian eunuch.  Perhaps the eunuch had heard the word of God in Jerusalem, heard the disciples preaching.  There in his chariot he was reading the word of God from the prophecy of Isaiah, of how a lamb would be led to the slaughter.  He couldn’t understand it.  Philip drew alongside him.  The eunuch invited him into his chariot.  Philip opened the scriptures and preached unto him Jesus.  There was no other message.  The message of Jesus Christ.  Peter in verse 22 took the life of Jesus Christ, how he came into the world, was born of the virgin and grew up amongst men, was rejected by the religious leaders and one day was crucified.  The officers confessed to the Pharisees one day “no man spake like this man” (John 7 verse 46).  Lydia in Acts 16 realised there was something special about the message of Christ she had never heard before.  She heard how she was a sinner, condemned and unclean.  She knew she needed to be saved.

The purpose of Jesus Christ.  Did he come into the world to give me an example of how to live?  Of course.  To be a renowned teacher?  Yes.  Nicodemus heard him preaching, seen the miracles, realised here was a man sent from God.  Peter in verse 23 tells the people he came to die.  The purpose of Jesus coming into the world was to be made sin for you.  That you might be saved for all eternity.  Verse 23 “him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.”  Focus is back on him again.  God sent him into this world for a purpose.  Evil men took him, spat on him. nailed and hung him on cross.  That was God’s plan for salvation.  God loved you and me, he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.  We have taken him and crucified him but for that reason God delivered him into your hands.  God’s salvation.  What do you think of the way of God’s salvation?  Because you go to church, say your prayers, you are a good person, do no-one any harm that you are on your way to heaven and home?  He sent his son out into the world, not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.  Paul said to Timothy “this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”  He puts himself in that verse by saying “Of whom I am the chief.” (1 Timothy 1 verse 15)  Where do we place ourselves tonight?  I am not a bad person, I do the best I can, do the best for my neighbour, wouldn’t be in the public house, don’t curse or smoke.  Or do we take our place as sinners coming to Christ?  Saying to him you have died in my place.  Such was seriousness of sin no-one could be found worthy.  That is who died for you and I.  “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4 verse 12)  We must be saved through Christ.  Zacchaeus in Jericho climbed the tree because he wanted to see Jesus.  He does not disappoint tonight.  He will take you in.  “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6 verse 37)  Zacchaeus had a hunger and a searching soul.  Jesus wouldn’t disappoint him.  Cornelius had a longing, a hunger in the depth of his soul and Jesus would not disappoint him.  The Lord stopped at that tree and said “come down Zacchaeus.”  God is waiting for you to make that decision.  He is calling you down from your tree.

The power that was present.  Verse 24 after Peter speaks of the death of Christ he says “whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.”  God raised his son from the dead.  The women folk went that day to anoint the body heavy hearted.  They wondered who would roll that stone away but when they arrived it was already rolled away.  When they went into the tomb Jesus wasn’t there.  He had already been raised from the dead.  Jesus standing before Pontus Pilate boasting of all his power as a Roman Emperor said to the Lord “I have the power to crucify you and to release you.”  Jesus told him “you have no power against me except that which is given from above.” (John 19 verses 10 and 11)  In the city of Nain as Jesus and the disciples made there way through it they met a funeral procession.  He stopped at the coffin and said to the young man “arise”.  That is the power you need to be saved tonight.  The young man got up out of the coffin.  You need that power, that makes you a new creature.  That is the power found in the Lord Jesus.

A pathway to be taken.  A challenge that must be faced.  The people took to heart what Peter said that day.  The Holy Ghost came and they cried out “what shall we do” verse 37.  They reached such a crisis, realised they were guilty, must be prepared to do something.  No man can save himself.  Peter told them to repent.  That is where we start.  Acknowledge that they had sinned, could do nothing for themselves.  Peter told them to repent.  Are we prepared to do that, to turn from our sins and come to the cross, bow the knee, accept Christ as Saviour and Lord?  It satisfies the heart of God when a man comes to faith.


Sunday, 13 March 2022

The Worry About Tomorrow





Stress, anxiety – these are real issues we are facing today.  For the best part of 2 years, we have had to live under COVID 19.  Everything closed up right around the world.  The pressures that put-on families who couldn’t visit each other.  Isolation in homes.  No normal working or shopping.  Places we might have loved to go to were not accessible.  A difficult time.  Now we are seeing reports coming through of how that time has affected the mental health of so many.  Newspapers, social media and televisions are now reporting on the war in Ukraine.  We are going shopping and things are doubling in price.  We see things that are spiralling out of control.  These things do affect us.  There is nothing new about worry.  Concerns, cares, anxiety, stress – we see it even here in this portion of scripture.  Jesus is gathering his disciples around him and is looking into their hearts.  Today I can see the outward appearance of everyone here but that doesn’t reveal the anxiety going on in the heart.  These disciples were worried.  They had sat with the Lord and heard him speak and pray but they were worried about how they would feed and clothe themselves in the days that lay ahead.  Jesus takes them aside and assures them that their heavenly Father knew everything they were thinking and feeling.  He lifts their minds to the air and the birds.  They don’t sow nor reap nor gather into barns, but their heavenly father knows all about them and feeds them.  Then he takes them down to the wildflowers of the field.  They don’t sew garments together, yet the heavenly Father cares for them.  He tells the disciples they were far more important than the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields.  God knows all about us.  What is Jesus saying to these disciples?  What answer does he give for their worries and anxieties – verse 33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

It is not just a matter of not worrying but we must be sure we are seeking the kingdom of God first.  In the midst of all the worries, trials, calamities, concerns for tomorrow our focus should be on the kingdom of God.  Did we thank God for this new day when we opened our eyes this morning?  We are not immune to everyday pressures.  We are called upon this morning, living in that situation to set aside that worry and seek God.  To live an honest and upright life in front of men and women that they might see.  Matthew Henry that great bible commentator was mugged on one occasion.  He lifted his eyes to heaven and said, “I thank you that I have never been robbed before and that although they took my money, they spared my life and that although they took everything it wasn’t very much and that it is I who was robbed and not I who robbed.”  Our focus should be on God and God’s way.  Colossian 3 verse 1 “if ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.”  Paul is talking about dying with Christ.  When Christ died on the cross, he was dying for your life and mine.  He was also being raised with Christ.  A relationship with Christ.  Romans 6 verse 4 “we are buried with him by baptism into death.”  Baptism is symbol of a new life that Christ gives.  Dying to old life and raising to newness in Christ.  Even so we also should walk in the newness of life.  Seek with a focus because we are children of God, not dwelling on things around us but on Christ. 

Seek first the kingdom of God – this seeking has got to be done first.  Priority that must be essential to put God first.  He was saying to the disciples – you will not prove this until you put God first.  We have to do that today. God first in our family, our community and our nation.  Then we might see a move of God in our nation and our land.  Hezekiah was a godly king who turned the people back to God.  The Assyrian army were on the march.  Jerusalem was in their sights.  Hezekiah in his palace was in a dilemma.  He didn’t know which way to turn.  We often think in such situations “why does this all come upon us?”  There is nothing actually wrong, it is just living in this world that is sinful.  2 Chronicles 32 verse 19 “And they spake against the God of Jerusalem, as against the gods of the people of the earth, which were the work of the hands of men.”  Every day they lived with the taunting of the enemy, they were despised, and they denounced God.  Hezekiah knew the threats were real. He saw the nations fall before Assyria.  The army were at the very gates of Jerusalem.  He could do nothing to prevent it.  “And for this cause Hezekiah the king and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz prayed and cried to heaven.”   Maybe you will feel you are in a helpless situation.  There is only one source of focus – to keep our eyes on the God of heaven.  God says, “call upon me in the day of trouble and I will answer you.”  Elijah the prophet lived in dark days when famine and drought were rife.  His circumstances changed for him very quickly one day.  He was by the brook Cherith when the water dried up.  God told Elijah of a widow woman ready to take him in and sustain him.  The woman looked at Elijah, then looked at her son.  She knew she had only enough meal to make one meal for her and her son.  She was out gathering a few sticks to make a fire and bake that last meal when Elijah turned up.  Elijah told her to do as she planned but instead feed him first.  Then she could make another for her and her son.  He was asking to give what she had to the Lord, to make him a priority.  She went and did according to the word of Elijah and she “did eat many days”.  She proved God in the time of adversity.  God has promised to add to us if we will only seek him first.

How are you to do it?  Not in a flippant way but fervently.  To come with a passion.  That is what the widow woman today.  Her focus was on God and his will for her life.  She was seeking God first and in earnest as she sought.  She set all her own needs aside and put God first. “For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.”  The woman meant business with God.  There is a wonderful lesson here.  In the midst of rising costs don’t cut back on what you put into God’s work.  Don’t neglect God’s work.  Whenever we put God first God will not fail us.  Jesus told the disciples to seek first the kingdom of God, to make sure everything is God’s then “all these things shall be added unto you.”  James 5 verse 16 “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”   “But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11 verse 6)

We are to seek faithfully.  To focus on him is one thing, to do it first and fervently is another but to do it faithfully is another aspect.  This widow woman did exactly what Elijah told her to do.  She believed God and God sustained her.  She acted on her belief.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Come now let us reason together saith the Lord




ISAIAH 1 VERSES 2 - 6, 16 - 20


A gracious invitation - from God to the children of Israel.  A sinful nation laden with iniquity.  They provoked the holy God.  Far down the road.  The grace of God still invites them to come because he wants to pour out a blessing, wants to deliver them, set them free.  Many make excuses today.  Why not come to the Lord?  This is a gracious invitation.  "The foulest offender who truly believes that moment from Jesus our pardon receives."  The Lord invites you to come, to find forgiveness of sins.  There are 700 invitations in the bible.  God the Father gives the invitation here.  The Lord himself gives an invitation in Matthew 11 "come unto me all ye that labour and I will give you rest."  There is something he wants to give you, he wants to bless you with salvation.  Christ wants to give you rest.  In Revelation 22 verse 11 we read "the spirit and the bride say come, let him that heareth come, let him who is thirsty come and drink of the water."  Before God closes the pages of scripture he gives a threefold invitation.  The first invitation in scripture is found in Genesis 7 when God invited Noah into the ark.  Luke 14 "come for all things are now ready."  The sacrifice has been made, a price had been paid, salvation for us is absolutely free.  The Lord laid down his life.  When he was on the cross he cried "it is finished"  There is nothing more that needs to be done.

A great specification - "come now".  It specifies a time.  2 Corinthians 6 "behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation."  We are told elsewhere "boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."  Now is the best opportunity for you to meet with God.  Acts 17 "God now commands all men everywhere to repent"  He has appointed a day when he will judge the world by Christ himself.  "Come now is the accepted day"  Job "acquaint now thyself with him."  Tomorrow is just eternity just beyond your view.  Tomorrow the door could be closed when Jesus arrives from heaven.  He will close the door.  We read of those who knock the door from the outside but there is no entrance "depart from me for I never knew you."  Once the door is closed there is no more opportunity.  There is a possibility for you to be saved - "come now and let us reason together".  There is a time to seek the Lord, a time for you to be forgiven - now is the time.  Have you come?

A grand conversation - "come now let us reason together saith the Lord."  There is a great resolution going on at present asking for people to come together to end the conflict in Ukraine.  God wants to resolve the conflict between him and you.  God wants to talk to you, to reason with you in regards to your sin, in regards to his love for you, in regards to him sending his son from heaven to earth to die for you.  Remember the old advertisement from BT "it is good to talk" and that is what God wants to do.  He goes out of his way to talk to you and I.  What a conversation.  There are a couple of stories in scripture I want to draw your attention to.  The story of Nicodemus, that man who came to Jesus by night.  It doesn't matter what time you might come but you must come.  Nicodemus came and they had an unforgettable conversation.  God had a revelation as he listed to what Christ had to say.  Christ said unto him "marvel not that I said unto you, ye must be born again."  Don't be amazed.  Nicodemus asked "how can a man be born when he is old?  Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born?"  Jesus replied "That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."  What a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.  Nicodemus was changed and transformed.  It was a moment of revelation.  "As Moses listed up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up."  Nicodemus believed in Christ that night.  He was there at the cross helping Joseph to take down and bury the body of Christ.  What a change in his life.  All because he listened.  He also learned the way of salvation.  We have read Isaiah 1 verse 2 "hear o heavens and give ear o earth."  God has something important to say to you - why you must be born again.  "No man will ever see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."  A great conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus.  Think of the woman at the well in John 4.  "I must needs go through Samaria."  When Jesus came to the well of Sychar he sat down while the disciples went off to the city.  Alongside him came this woman.  She came to where Jesus was and started to have a conversation.  She was listening to what Christ had to say and the discussion was on the Samaritans who said they needed to worship God on a particular mountain whereas the Jews said they must worship in Jerusalem.  Christ told the woman "man must worship God in spirit and truth."  Through the conversation Jesus reminded her of the lifestyle she was living.  She had had 5 husbands and the one she was living with was not her husband.  What a change and the Lord Jesus revealed her history.  Then he revealed himself.  Whenever he talked of the Messiah to come "I that speaketh unto thee am he."  If you could only get a glimpse with the eye of faith.  "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world."  The woman left the well and gave her testimony to all she met "come see a man that taught me all things ever I did."  In Christ there is salvation.  She listened and she learned.  The way of salvation that God gives - that he loved you so much.  John 3 verse 16.  The invitation comes and God is having a conversation - are you listening?  Are you learning?  Do you have a longing in your heart? 

A glorious proclamation - "saith the Lord".  It is not an invitation from the preacher, this is from God himself.  God's word is powerful for everyone.  You can be sure it is true because he is unchangeable.  God's word is pure, absolute truth.  Hebrews tells us God's word is a powerful word, quick and sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts into the heart of a person.  It not only cuts the hearer in the pew but also the preacher.  "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God."  Listen to what he says 3 times in these verses from his own mouth.  Verse 20 "But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sower; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."

A grave realisation - "though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow".  You are not too bad but neither are you too good.  You need to be saved.  You need to come to God, to find the blessing of God.  Just to acknowledge you are a sinner before the God of heaven.  Peter went fishing one night but caught nothing.  Jesus told him the next morning to cast the net on the other side of the boat and when he did he caught so much fish that the net began to break.  Peter fell on his knees and said "depart from me for I am a sinful man."  In Isaiah 6 Isaiah was in the temple when it was filled with the spirit of God.  He proclaimed "woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips."  God was able to meet the need of those 2 men.  In Psalm 51 David said "I was born and shapen in iniquity, in sin did my mother conceive me, against thee and thee only have I sinned."  He acknowledged his sinfulness.  That is the first step to salvation.  God wants to give you that salvation if you will only acknowledge your sin first of all.

A greatest discovery.  If you never acknowledge your sin you will never be saved.  When you discover you have an illness it doesn't take a lot of persuading because you know something is wrong.  Have you listened to God?  Have you discovered that you are a sinner?  Remember the 2 men who went up to the temple to pray.  One was a Pharisee whose prayer did not go as high as the ceiling.  The publican smote his breast and prayed "Lord be merciful to me a sinner."  That is all we are - sinners saved by grace.  Sin is serious.  We enjoy the pleasures of sin but they are only for a season.  Sin is serious.  The God of heaven has taken it so seriously that he sent his son to bear our sins on his body.  He took the consequences of our sin.  A penalty due to me.  Christ took it on himself.  He died on Calvary.  Christ died historically yes, but it is a doctrinal fact too.  He was wounded for our transgressions.  God takes sin seriously.  We need to take it seriously too.  It is an offence before God.  We need to acknowledge that we are sinners.  The guarantee - a transformation.  "It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me."  That is all I have for eternity not because I am a preacher, not because I do good works but because Christ took my place.  God promises in his word that our sins shall be washed away.  "As far as the east is from the west so far has he removed them from us."  He has cast them into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again.  "Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil." verse 16  Nothing but the work of Calvary.  The Lord has given his life for us.  God has said it and it is enough.  God says I am saved if I believe in the Lord.  I am satisfied.  God says "come now and let us reason together saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow."

Lord teach us to pray




LUKE 9 VERSES 28 – 42, MARK 9 VERSES 25 – 29

We have been reading about the transfiguration, one of the greatest events in scripture.  It is one of those where we would say “I would love to have been there as Jesus was changed and his glory was revealed.”  On that occasion the Lord revealed before 3 of his disciples something of the glory of himself.  Sometimes we sing hymns that say “he laid aside his glory” but he didn’t because he veiled his glory.  Now here it was revealed.  Here at the top of the mountain he took 3 disciples with him, Peter, James and John.  They were on top of the mountain.  In the second portion of scripture, it says “he came down from the mountain the following day.”  It was an all-night event.  There was a different situation to face when they came down from the mountain.  A young man controlled by an evil spirit.  Christ described it himself as a “foul spirit … deaf and dumb.”  This spirit was torturing this young man.  The Lord drove the spirit out.  Now we know there were 12 disciples so why were only 3 up the mountain with Jesus?  9 were not available.  Sometimes we give all kinds of excuses because we are not at our prayer meetings.  These 3 men and they are mentioned time and time again throughout scripture as they attended some of the miracles Jesus performed.  Although the rest of them were not available to go up the mountain they were still involved in the work of God.  They were trying to cast out the demon, but they couldn’t do it.  Jesus rebuked them.  They asked him what was wrong that they couldn’t do it.  Jesus replied, “this kind come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting.”  The importance of prayer in any believer’s life cannot be overestimated, in a church congregation.  The importance of prayer is seen in this passage.  They went up the mountain – what for – to pray.  So often we read these portions of scripture and we focus on the transfiguration.  In verse 28 however we see the focus is on the fact they went up the mountain to pray.  As Jesus prayed things happened.  Luke grasped the importance of the mission to go up the mountain.  Matthew and Mark don’t mention that.  Only 4 were present at this time of prayer.  When we draw nigh to God, he will draw nigh to us (James 4 verse 8).  They were joined of course by Moses and Elijah.  Perhaps the other 9 disciples had other commitments.  It was an all-night prayer meeting and that is why they fell asleep.  This great transfiguration had taken place.  “Men ought always to pray and not to faint.”  There is always a coming down from the mountain.  That is when we are in the valley.  There are always trials to face and that is when we need the Lord most of all.  We all go through times of feeling down and need the Lord’s help.  This story is reported in 3 out of the 4 gospels.  John refers to it “we have seen the glory as of the only begotten of the Father” (1 John 1 verse 14) which referred to the mountain of transfiguration.  Things happen when prayer is made.  It happened here on the mountaintop.  Every experience the Lord brings across our life we learn from it.  What was a blessing yesterday could be a valley experience the next?  These men had learned lessons about prayer to help them as they lived.  In Acts 1 verses 12 after the Lord had descended up to heaven the disciples returned to Jerusalem and to the upper room to spend time in prayer.  The first 3 names mentioned are Peter, James and John.  Why them?  Because they had spent time with the Lord and knew the importance of it.  It affected other peoples lives and their ministry.  The reality of the Lord was evident in their lives.  2 Peter 1 verses 13 and 14 “Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.”  By this stage in his life Peter was an old man.  When was he told by the Lord that he would see old age?  John 21 verses 18 and 19 “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, when thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself and walkedst whither thou wouldest; but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.  This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God.”  Peter knew he would live to be an old man.  That is why he could rest his soul easily in the prison house.  He knew he would live to be an old man.  He knew the church was in the place of prayer for his help and deliverance.  We know Peter was eventually crucified upside down – the bible doesn’t tell us that, but secular history does.  “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.  For he received God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.” (2 Peter 1 verses 16 to 18)  He was looking back to an experience he had on top of the mountain.  It was a memorable event for Peter.  They fell asleep.  It was an all-night prayer meeting.

There are 2 things I want to share about prayer – the power through prayer.  Things happen when we pray.  When Jesus prayed, they were unique.  We could never come close to the prayers of Christ.  It is an interesting study to go through the prayers of Christ.  Luke 3 only states Jesus was praying at the same time as he was baptised.  Luke 12 verse 6 – Jesus spent all night in the place of prayer.  He prayed for guidance that night and then he chose the 12 disciples.  During the feeding of the 5000 he prayed, and God made provision.  In Luke 12 the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “teach us to pray”.  Notice it was not just how but to pray, that God might come down and strengthen the Lord.  Luke 23 verse 43 – if we want to be like Christ, we need to spend time in the place of prayer.  As the Lord prays thing happen.  He is our great example, the one we have to live up to.  If he had to spend time in prayer how much more do we need to spend time in prayer.  “As he prayed” not as the disciples prayed just the Lord.  It moves heaven, brings God down.  When we draw nigh to God, he will draw nigh to us in prayer (James 4 verse 8).  There is a change in the service.  Christ is transformed.  They can almost see him as a different person, in a different light because of this great transformation.  Remember the change in our lives whenever we first received Christ as Saviour and Lord.  God has transformed us from being a child of the devil and translated us into the kingdom of his son, washed us.  He has cast our sins into the sea of forgetfulness never to be remembered ever again. (Micah 7 verse 19)  We are clothed in the righteousness of Christ (Ephesians 4 verse 24), accepted in the beloved (Ephesians 1 verse 6), changed in a moment.  We are not fit to come into the presence of God yet because of that change we have access to God.  Isaiah talks about “covered with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61 verse 16).  We cannot see it, but God can.  Christ’s garments were “exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.”  In the book of Revelation, the saints before the God of heaven were given garments of white – why – because they were washed in the blood of the Lamb.  We have got to be transformed.  When Moses came down from the mountain, we read his face was shining, such was the reflection of God that he had to be veiled.  The disciples would have said the same about Jesus on the mountain that day.  They heard a voice “this is my beloved son hear ye him.”  There is a change in the servant of God

A concentration on the sacrifice of Christ.  At any prayer meeting there must be an emphasis on the death of Christ because without the death of Christ we have no access into the presence of God.  Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins.  When the high priest went into the holy of holies the blood had to be applied.  If it was not, he dare not go in.  We are told when we come into the presence of God “having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us. And having a high priest over the house of God.  Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” (Hebrews 10 verses 19 to 22) Moses and Elijah’s conversation was about Christ’s death.  When you read through scripture it is all about the cross.  Moses wrote about the Lord – John 5 verse 46 “For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.” The blood applied on the doorposts was all about the cross.  The blood delivered them from Egypt, but it also delivered them from idols.  When it comes to the place of prayer thank God for that access, for that new and living way.  We have that new way today because we are washed, forgiven.  Christ has opened up the way forward for all of us.

A confidence in the heirship.  When that voice came down and said “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased” there was an assurance.  Romans 8 “The spirit itself beareth with our spirit that we are the children of God.  And if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” (verses 16 and 17) Why are you not at the prayer meeting?  Perhaps because you don’t have that assurance of salvation?  The more time you spend with God the greater assurance comes.  I can claim his promises today.  We are his children if we are saved, washed in the blood.  Psalm 35 verse 3 “draw out also the spear and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.”  When we spend time in prayer things happen.  That is the confidence, the assurance God gives to us.

A confirmation for the service of God.  When the disciples were unable to cast out this demon, prayer brought down the presence and power of God.  The disciples couldn’t deal with this kind of thing.  Jesus told them it only would happen by prayer and fasting.  When the Lord speaks of fasting and prayer, he is not only speaking of doing without food.  There are other sacrifices to be made when it comes to the place of prayer.  The disciples were unable, unwilling to go to the mountain top because they were not focused on prayer.  Yes, the Lord gave them power in Luke 6 to cast out demons and they were used in the past to do exactly that, but it doesn’t mean God will use us in the present.  Making sacrifices for something specific is what fasting really means.  When we come to the prayer meeting God has blessed us but as soon as you go out the door something happens, something that hinders or mars us.  Within a matter of minutes, the enemy has come and robbed us of the blessing.  That is what happened here.  The situation changed.  As soon as they came down the mountain the disciples failed miserably.  The Lord teaches the disciples to pray – Luke 11 “And I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.  For everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?”  The Lord wants to give us the greatest gift – the gift of the power of the spirit.  Without that indwelling of the spirit we are no good.  Every believer is given that spirit at the moment of conversion but the need here if for a special anointing of God.  We cannot do it in our own strength.  Prayer comes before preaching.  There should be more emphasis on power than in praying.  Why could they not cast out this demon – forgot to ask God for that power.  Or maybe ye ask for it amiss.  Maybe there is something God doesn’t want to give us.  The disciples hadn’t asked for power.  It is more important to continually bring everything to God in prayer.  If you think of the energy spent on the week doing things – when it comes to prayer time are we too tired?  That is the first thing that begins to slip.  There are things that happen when we pray.

Things cannot happen when we don’t pray.  The disciples couldn’t cast out the demon.  Communion with God was more important than necessary food.  Pray and fast.  There will be times when we have to sacrifice things for God.  Sacrifices have to be made.  I am sure we all understand the need for prayer yet there is so little done about it.  How much time do you spend in communion with God?  The disciples asked “teach us to pray” not only how to but to actually pray.  Learn as you pray.