ACTS 10 VERSES 24 - 44
The first time we see Cornelius was on his knees and an angel came to him telling him to send for Peter. In the previous chapters we read of Dorcas and how many turned to the Lord as a result of that miracle. Then we read that Peter was in the house of Simon the tanner when he goes up to the rooftop. He receives a vision from heaven, a sheet is let down and on it are all manner of animals. This was to prepare Peter's heart for what was next to happen in the church. Peter was told by God to arise and eat. Peter responded by saying he had never eaten anything unclean. He was a strict Jew and according to their laws he was not to eat any of these animals. The Lord opened up to Peter the real vision and meaning of his command. Peter would go with the key of the gospel message into the house of a Roman centurion to bring him into the body of Christ. Now in these verses we read of that meeting between Peter and Cornelius. Peter arrives at Cornelius' house with the escort already sent by Cornelius. As Peter opened up the word of God the Holy Spirit came down in mighty power to the people gathered in that house.
A great respect for the man of God. Cornelius was waiting and he came out to meet Peter. He had been waiting for 4 days - verse 25. This was not idol worship. Cornelius knew the answer was not in Peter but in the word Peter was bringing. He had a great respect for him. He was well used to people obeying his commands. He himself was well revered and respected. Now he shows that same respect to Peter as he falls down and worships. In chapter 10 verse 5 the angel came and told him to send for Peter who was 4 days away in the city of Joppa. Turn back to chapter 8 where Saul is causing great persecution to the church in Jerusalem so that people scattered. In verse 5 we read that Philip, a deacon in the church went down to Samaria and preached Christ. As a result men were saved and healed, demons were cast out of the people. It was blazed abroad. In verse 40 we find Philip moved on to Caesarea. Now in chapter 10 Cornelius is directed to send for Peter. What lesson can we learn from this? We need to be careful to be looking for God's man, not just to follow others but to be led by God for the right person at the right time - in this situation it was Peter not Philip who was asked to go to Cornelius. Peter quickly turned the situation around - verse 26 "I am only a man". Yes he was a man but he was of a superior rank than the angel. Only Peter could preach the gospel to this man. 1 Corinthians 9 verse 11 "if we have sowed unto you spiritual things (preaching the gospel) is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" Pal was trying to bring the truth of his ministry to the Corinthians. There were those in the church who felt they didn't have to pay Paul for his services. Paul was getting the point across from what was taught in Leviticus. There the oxen tread the corn and it was a laborious task. Some owners muzzled their oxen to keep them from eating the corn but Moses instructed them not to do this. Paul went on "I am here preaching the word of God, is it too great a thing to ask you to pay for me?" A respect for the man of God - it should be seen in all aspects of our fellowship - from the man who welcomes people into the church, to the cleaner, the organist, the person who operates the overhead or sound system. We should honour God and those around us in our communication with one another.
The reverence for the word of God. Verse 28 Cornelius had shown him respect by falling down before him, now Peter turns that and gives respect to him. He outlines to Cornelius that God had shown him how he needed to be open to all the people and the work God led him to. Are we sure of the leading of the Lord in our lives today? When Peter came down from that rooftop the 3 men from Cornelius' house came asking for him. Peter then asked Cornelius "for what intent ye have sent for me?" Look back to verse 6 when the angel told Cornelius to send for Peter "he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do." Now in verse 33 Cornelius recognised the importance of the word of God "Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God." Is it a reverence for the word of God that has brought us into the house of God today? Haggai 1 verse 13 "Then spake Haggai the Lord's messenger in the Lord's message unto the people, saying I am with you saith the Lord." What a responsibility Peter had that day in Cornelius' house - to bring the word of God. In Nehemiah 8 verse 5 we read that when Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people "all the people stood up." Such reverence for the word of God.
A response to the message. The message Peter brought was simple. Cornelius had gone to all his family and brought them in to hear Peter's message. Are we excited to hear God's word today? Are we prepared to bring our families in to hear the message of God? In verses 39 and 40 we read that Peter told them of the Saviour who had died for them on the cross, that he had been raised from the dead and was able to save all those who listened and obeyed. In verse 44 we read the response - "the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word." An outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God came on that meeting. We don't need new preachers today or more meetings - we simply need the old message continuously and faithfully preached.
The reaction from others. Verse 46 "For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God." there were believers in that meeting and they realised what God was doing - that it was the same as on the day of Pentecost. This was the work of God and they testified of that. We need to test the spirits as John tells us later on - why - "to see if they be of God". (1 John 4 verse 1) There is much going on today that is not of the Spirit of God at all.
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