Sunday, 27 February 2022

A letter from John to his little children



1 JOHN 2 VERSES 12 - 17, 24 - 29


Verse 12 starts "I write unto you little children because ..."  We could continue from there but did you notice how many times he uses the word "because" in the following verses?  John had a purpose in writing to these people at this time.  5 books of the New Testament are attributed to John the apostle.  The gospel of John talks about the divinity of the Lord Jesus.  Then there are 3 epistles and finally the book of Revelation.  In chapter 1 verse 1 of Revelation we read that these words are inspired by God, the revelation of Jesus Christ.  The book of Revelation is not about wars and conflicts although that is part of the narrative.  It is the revelation of Jesus Christ and his sovereign will and purpose, we are keeping in focus our Saviour working out his eternal purpose.  Johns gospel is an account of the things during the earthly ministry of our Lord.  John is speaking in a reflective mood when writing his gospel message.  He records the words and miracles of Jesus, everything about his crucifixion and resurrection.  The epistles speak in the current situation, writing in the present tense.  It was 60 years after our Lord's ministry and he writes to his little children.  It is in all probability that he was writing in the city of Ephesus where he lived in the latter period of his life.  Writing in that environment. The book of Revelation is a looking forward, prophecy, things yet to come.  What an overview - past, present and future.  Let's look today at John the man, John the message and John the mentor.

John the man.  Right through the gospel of John, 6 times it says he was the disciple whom Jesus loved.  When the Lord first met John and James his brother he gave them nicknames.  Boanerges - sons of Thunder.  John was a patriotic Jew to his finger tips.  We find that coming out of his life.  Jesus knew their personalities, the kind of these 2 men.  Remember the time when the disciples came to a Samaritan village and they would not offer hospitality?  John asked Jesus "Lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as Elias did?"  Jesus response was "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.  For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them." (Luke 9 verses 55 and 56)  Prior to this incident John pointed out that there was a man casting out devils in Jesus name and they had forbade him because he was not with them.  Jesus told him "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us." (Luke 9 verse 50)  On another occasion James and John came and asked to sit on either side of Jesus when he came into his kingdom.  Jesus response "But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared." (Mark 10 verse 40)  John was bold, tempestuous but he was also a testimony to the grace of God.  After a lifetime of fellowship with Jesus, of walking with the Saviour now this man, a patriot to the Jewish faith, he has become the apostle of love.  40 times in John's epistles we come across the word "love".  In the providence of God he was permitted to live a long life.  James his brother was one of the first apostle martyred for his faith in Acts of the Apostles.  He had a short ministry whereas John had a long one.  He was a father figure to those to whom he now wrote.

John the message.  Chapter 2 verse 12 "I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake."  We cannot be God's little children without that as a baseline.  Do you know that as a reality in your life?  John is writing to family members.  Here is John's purpose - "that ye sin not".  Then there is the premise - "you are forgiven".  It was to live holy lives.  He didn't say that it was impossible to sin but that he was presenting a life not a pattern of a sinful life.  The grace of G`od is meant to save us from sinning.  A tree is known by its fruit.  So a Christian is known by his life of righteousness.  Holiness.   As John wrote this epistle he was talking about the completeness of Christ.  We can be victorious through Christ.  Our lives should be different to those around us, in thought word and deed  Jesus asks us to live life on a higher level, to walk in the light as he is in the light.  The blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing us from all sin.  

John the mentor.  What is a mentor?  The dictionary definition says "a wise trusted advisor."  Don't we all appreciate someone like that?  How they can help us.  In his epistles John wrote as a mentor.  Chapter 2 verse 18 "it is the last time and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."  Hebrews 1 verse 1 tells us we have been in the last days since Jesus came.  Within these last days there is more evidence than anything before.  We can see Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 beginning to be fulfilled before our very eyes.  We are no longer looking for the signs of Jesus' coming again but rather we are looking at the signs.  In 1 John 2 verse 28 we read "abide in him"  That word "abide" means to dwell, to stay.  It means to enjoy fellowship together.  John seems to have intimacy with Jesus which helped him to settle.  He knew what it was to abide in Christ.  In John 15 he wrote so much about abiding.  He was talking there about being fruitful but now in this epistle it is about righteousness.  Are you watching for Jesus' return?  "Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure."  How do we abide today?  By devotion, obedience, prayerfulness, by constant watchfulness.  1 John 3 verse 7 "Little children, let no man deceive you; he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.  He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.  Whoseover is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."  Don't be led away by the misperception that character has no connection with conduct.  Character will be seen in conduct.  "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." (Proverbs 23 verse 7)  The problem in Johns day was that there was an agnostic influencer who taught that even though you had committed a lot of sin your soul can still be pure.  John says in light of the cross, the son of God, Jesus was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.  Chapter 3 verse 18 "My little children let us no love in word, neither in tongue but in deed and in truth."  Let's have a practical experience of grace - that which works out through our hands and our feet.  Chapter 3 verse 16 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.  But whoso hath this world's good and seeth his brother have opened and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, now dwelleth the love of God in him?"  Let us not just love in tongue but love in truth.  1 John 5 verse 21 "Little children keep yourselves from idols"  His letter was written in Ephesus.  That was a city dominated by idolatry.  Diana was the goddess of Ephesus.  From reading the book of Acts it was a city of black arts, magical books and other such acts.  We don't have a goddess we ascribe to nationally but there are many idols today - business, fame, fortune, pleasure, self.  Anything that draws my devotion and seeks to displace Jesus from his pole position and primary authority in my life becomes an idol, it takes the place of him.

Sunday, 20 February 2022

A respect and reverence for God



ACTS 10 VERSES 24 - 44

The first time we see Cornelius was on his knees and an angel came to him telling him to send for Peter.  In the previous chapters we read of Dorcas and how many turned to the Lord as a result of that miracle.  Then we read that Peter was in the house of Simon the tanner when he goes up to the rooftop.  He receives a vision from heaven, a sheet is let down and on it are all manner of animals.  This was to prepare Peter's heart for what was next to happen in the church.  Peter was told by God to arise and eat.  Peter responded by saying he had never eaten anything unclean.  He was a strict Jew and according to their laws he was not to eat any of these animals.  The Lord opened up to Peter the real vision and meaning of his command.  Peter would go with the key of the gospel message into the house of a Roman centurion to bring him into the body of Christ.  Now in these verses we read of that meeting between Peter and Cornelius.  Peter arrives at Cornelius' house with the escort already sent by Cornelius.  As Peter opened up the word of God the Holy Spirit came down in mighty power to the people gathered in that house.

A great respect for the man of God.  Cornelius was waiting and he came out to meet Peter.  He had been waiting for 4 days - verse 25.  This was not idol worship.  Cornelius knew the answer was not in Peter but in the word Peter was bringing.  He had a great respect for him.  He was well used to people obeying his commands.  He himself was well revered and respected.  Now he shows that same respect to Peter as he falls down and worships.  In chapter 10 verse 5 the angel came and told him to send for Peter who was 4 days away in the city of Joppa.  Turn back to chapter 8 where Saul is causing great persecution to the church in Jerusalem so that people scattered.  In verse 5 we read that Philip, a deacon in the church went down to Samaria and preached Christ.  As a result men were saved and healed, demons were cast out of the people.  It was blazed abroad.  In verse 40 we find Philip moved on to Caesarea.  Now in chapter 10 Cornelius is directed to send for Peter.  What lesson can we learn from this?  We need to be careful to be looking for God's man, not just to follow others but to be led by God for the right person at the right time - in this situation it was Peter not Philip who was asked to go to Cornelius.  Peter quickly turned the situation around - verse 26 "I am only a man".  Yes he was a man but he was of a superior rank than the angel.  Only Peter could preach the gospel to this man.  1 Corinthians 9 verse 11 "if we have sowed unto you spiritual things (preaching the gospel) is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" Pal was trying to bring the truth of his ministry to the Corinthians.  There were those in the church who felt they didn't have to pay Paul for his services.  Paul was getting the point across from what was taught in Leviticus.  There the oxen tread the corn and it was a laborious task.  Some owners muzzled their oxen to keep them from eating the corn but Moses instructed them not to do this.  Paul went on "I am here preaching the word of God, is it too great a thing to ask you to pay for me?"  A respect for the man of God - it should be seen in all aspects of our fellowship - from the man who welcomes people into the church, to the cleaner, the organist, the person who operates the overhead or sound system.  We should honour God and those around us in our communication with one another.

The reverence for the word of God.  Verse 28 Cornelius had shown him respect by falling down before him, now Peter turns that and gives respect to him.  He outlines to Cornelius that God had shown him how he needed to be open to all the people and the work God led him to.  Are we sure of the leading of the Lord in our lives today?  When Peter came down from that rooftop the 3 men from Cornelius' house came asking for him.  Peter then asked Cornelius "for what intent ye have sent for me?"  Look back to verse 6 when the angel told Cornelius to send for Peter "he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do."  Now in verse 33 Cornelius recognised the importance of the word of God "Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God."  Is it a reverence for the word of God that has brought us into the house of God today?  Haggai 1 verse 13  "Then spake Haggai the Lord's messenger in the Lord's message unto the people, saying I am with you saith the Lord."  What a responsibility Peter had that day in Cornelius' house - to bring the word of God.  In Nehemiah 8 verse 5 we read that when Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people "all the people stood up."  Such reverence for the word of God.

A response to the message.  The message Peter brought was simple.  Cornelius had gone to all his family and brought them in to hear Peter's message.  Are we excited to hear God's word today?  Are we prepared to bring our families in to hear the message of God?  In verses 39 and 40 we read that Peter told them of the Saviour who had died for them on the cross, that he had been raised from the dead and was able to save all those who listened and obeyed.  In verse 44 we read the response - "the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word."  An outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God came on that meeting.  We don't need new preachers today or more meetings - we simply need the old message continuously and faithfully preached.

The reaction from others.  Verse 46 "For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God."  there were believers in that meeting and they realised what God was doing - that it was the same as on the day of Pentecost.  This was the work of God and they testified of that.  We need to test the spirits as John tells us later on - why - "to see if they be of God". (1 John 4 verse 1) There is much going on today that is not of the Spirit of God at all.

Sunday, 13 February 2022

God's star in the darkness




"And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1 verse 5)  Light is stronger than darkness.  "Where sin abounded grace does much more abound."  

Here is a wonderful story.  There are 2 books in the bible called after women - Ruth and Esther.  Esther lived at a crucial time in history.  She was a very attractive woman.  Her name means 'beautiful".  In the Greek "star".  In the Persian "beauty".  Here is a girl growing up as God's beautiful star in a dark environment.  Ahasuerus the king was known for his brutality and lust for power, a greed to possess more land.  His empire stretched from India to Ethiopia but he was not content, he wanted to annex Greece to his empire.  He decided to go into battle with the Greeks and when he had annexed the land he would throw a bridge across from his land to it.  He threw a great banquet in chapter 1 which lasted 6 months.  People came and celebrated with him before he went to battle.  He called for his wife Vashti to attend the banquet.  He wanted to show her off but she refused to attend.  She was deposed as a result, no longer was queen.  Some would say they thought she didn't attend because she was pregnant at the time.  Ahasuerus went off to battle and was defeated.  He returned 4 months later deflated and humiliated.  He returned to Shushan in 479 BC in what is now modern day Iran.  Since Vashti had been deposed a new queen had to be found.  This is where Esther comes into the story.  She passed all the tests and became queen.  She was a Jewess.  We read of her coronation and resolution.  In her day the Jewish people triumphed over adversity all because of her actions.  Since then she is remembered annually by the Jewish people all over the world.

She has a fascinating history - not in the amount of information given about her but reading between the lines.  She had no family tree available.  She would have been born to Jewish parents, was not of the royal line.  She had no great academic knowledge.  God takes the ordinary things to accomplish extraordinary purposes.  That should encourage us today - "not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty." (1 Corinthians 1 verse 26)  God rules overall to save today.  We know we have his presence today.  The master of all things and all time and all people can be my master and my Lord.  Esther was an orphan and then was adopted by her cousin Mordecai.  She was taken under his wing, nurtured and cared for.  She was chosen to be queen and of course was crowned.  A fascinating sequence of events.  Surely we can see that in our own lives?  We too were like orphans because of the nature and condition we were born in - without God, without hope.  Jesus said to his disciples when he was leaving them "I will send the comforter, I will not leave you comfortless."  That word is the word orphan.  We are not orphans today because of the grace of God.  Here is a little girl growing up with no parents alive but she has a friend who cares for her.  I am a child of adoption.  God has sent his spirit into my life and it is the spirit of adoption.  We become adopted into God's family.  Even if there was a boy adopted into a Jewish family before a natural born heir came into the family the natural born heir did not take away the inheritance of the adopted boy.  He was still entitled to everything that the family possessed.  I am entitled to everything that God has given to me.  I am adopted into Christ's family today.  Selected, elected.  Every person who trusts in Jesus is spoken of as being the elect of God  There are some who say there are those who are elected to be saved and others to be lost.  The bible tells us that all who come to Christ are elected in Christ.  This woman was selected and elected.  The Lord said "ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you."  Everything is built on that relationship with Christ.  I am adopted, I am no longer an orphan, I am chosen.  One day I will be crowned.  It is assured.  It is coming by and by when the Lord will come in power.

There is a demanding duty in this girls life.  She now has a position.  In those days the only way you could be called by the king was when the sceptre was held out to you.  Esther didn't know there would come a crisis and she would have to step up to the mark.  4 years later in the vast empire under Ahasuerus and the controlling man Haman, there were 15 million Jews living.  In Ahasuerus' empire 500,000 of those Jews lived in Shushan.  These people were going to be destroyed.  At the beginning of the year a plan was put in place that by the twelfth month the Jews would be destroyed.  Esther had a duty.  Having learned of the great anguish through her chamber maids and ultimately through Mordecai, she realised something had to be done.  She had to stand up and be counted.  They needed someone to be faithful to them.  God needed someone to be faithful to him at this time.  "We all have our own circle set around us of good out of which opportunities continually arise.  May not be far reaching or so far surrounding as another mans are but they are our opportunities and they are far reaching for us."  God will bring opportunities, challenges that are meant for us, not something grandiose beyond our capacity or beyond our influence that we can be his instruments at a crucial time in history.  We are called to be salt and light.  To shine as lights in this dark world.  Esther was called a star in the Greek language.  "Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its savour wherewith shall it be salted?  it is thenceforth good for nothing but to b cast out and to be trodden under foot of men.  Ye are the light of the world." (Matthew 5 verses 13 and 14)  Paul told the Philippians in chapter 2 verse 15 "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world."  We are called to be intercessors, to pray without ceasing.  It is not beyond our capabilities to be intercessors today.  "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."  Wouldn't it be wonderful to be part of something more than the armies of this world are a part of?  Remember what Jesus told his disciples "ye are my witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1 verse 8)  Let us see the duty God has placed on us, to say like Esther "I am for this hour, for this kingdom for such a time as this."  She agreed to go and see the king even if it cost her her life.  She was prepared to put her life on the line for the Lord.

Esther was a star that shone.  We find this young woman shining in a service that is costly "if I perish I perish."  Jesus said "he that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal." (John 12 verse 25)  Jim Elliott said "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  Esther was a faithful woman.  Imagine coming into the palace room, the size of which covered one acre of ground.  She could have been easily missed.  She stood waiitng to see if the king would hold out the sceptre towards her.  Today the sceptre is always held out to God's people.  We can touch the sceptre at any time.  Now we are accepted in the beloved.  He is waiting to hear our request.  She was willing to be faithful unto death.  A sacrifice that triumphed.  The plot was uncovered.  There was a tremendous victory, an ultimate victory over evil.  "Every knee shall bow and every tongue sall confess to the glory of God the Father."  We are on the side that has already won the victory.  The victory was purchased on Calvary.  Christ rose for us, he has won the victory over sin and evil in the world.  The victory is in the hands of the sovereign Lord.  The Lord was working in Esther's day.  Here is a lasting memory.  These things are written for our admonition.  Her loyalty, her success, her sacrifice reached beyond earthly treasure and riches in that day.  The memory of the Jews is blessed.  The bible says "the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits."  Let me be an Esther in the twentieth century that shines brightly for Jesus.  "It is better to venture and have an honourable death than live a shameful life."  The SAS regiment is known for its great exploits and bravery.  They have a simple motto - "who dares wins".  If we don't dare we will not win but thank God as we try with him we shall win with him.  What an inspiration Esther is to us today.  What possibilities there are for us in grace in Jesus who was crucified, risen, exalted and is soon coming again.  Our lives are hidden with Christ in God.  By grace he can make us all that he wants us to be, to be used until he comes again.


Sunday, 6 February 2022

The courage of Peter's work, the clarity of Peter's word and the crown Peter received



ACTS 11 VERSES 11 - 18

We left Peter coming down from the roof top when he had seen the vision of the sheet with animals no Jew could eat.  What a challenge!  It left him with a choice too.  God was beginning to change the direction in which the church was going.  It all came about through a time of prayer on the rooftop.  Peter was "in Joppa praying".  A word of testimony.  The bible says "we ought always to pray and not to faint" (Luke 18 verse 1).  1 Thessalonians 5 verse 17 says "pray without ceasing".  In Acts 10 a Roman centurion was pleading with the God of heaven for the salvation of his soul.  He realised he needed to do something about it.  When God heard that prayer he decided to answer it.  God's ear is ever open to our prayer.  He is with us in every circumstance we find ourselves in.  Notice the angel told Cornelius "who shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved."  He couldn't save himself nor could Peter but it was God's words that would save him.  This would be another tremendous day for the church in Jerusalem.  The very same Holy Spirit that came on them initially when the church was born now would come on those Gentiles.

The courage of Peter's work.  Peter has been praying, seeking after God sincerely.  God spoke to him as he makes his way down the stairway.  Verse 19 of chapter 10 he has spent time in prayer seeking God.  God showed him a vision of a great sheet let down from heaven.  On that sheet there were animals that the Jewish people were not to eat.  God was showing Peter how he would change the direction of the church.  The Church would open to those who were seen as unclean to the Jews.  "While he thought" he was still thinking of the vision as he made his way down the stairway step by step.  What is on his mind?  When we leave the house of God do we leave with the word of God still on our hearts?  That is actually the most dangerous time in the whole of the service, when that final 'Amen' is said by the preacher.  That is the time the enemy can get in.  Maybe God has been dealing with someone and something said in the minutes at the end of the service can change a heart completely away from God himself.  Maybe as a Christian your thoughts are heading toward service for the Lord but something happens in the final moments to turn that away.  Peter realised he was speaking with God himself and he was still thinking of that vision.  Paul told the Philippians to think on all the things that are good and right, to meditate on them (Philippians 4 verse 8).  Colossians 3 verse 1 "if ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."  In other words saturate your mind with them.  Not the intellect of the preacher but the word of God!  Peter took time out think on the word of God.  He knew he must put feet to his prayers.  Chapter 11 verses 11 and 12.  This would take Peter into a home he would not normally go into.  Peter had decisions to make that would go against everything he had felt before.  Maybe God has been speaking to you and you need to have courage to go through with God.  It takes courage to be a Christian.  God takes us into many situations we would rather not be in.  Moses had to put the failure of Egypt behind him.  He had spent 40 years in the wilderness but he had to surrender and go back to Egypt.  It is one thing to sit before God and tell him what needs to happen but we like Peter have to go ourselves and be the feet to our own prayers.  Maybe there is someone on your mind today.  God has placed you in that situation and you need to speak to them.  Think of the courage of the apostle Paul.  In Acts 21 in Caesarea there was a prophet called Agabus.  He saw a girdle and put it on.  He prophesied that the one who owned the girdle would be taken captive by the Gentiles.  The people pleaded with Paul not to go to Jerusalem on hearing these words but what did Paul say?  "for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." At one time he was a hater of the gospel and everything that Jesus stood for.  Now he was willing to die for the gospel.  He loved the Lord now and wanted to bring others to the gospel.  God lifts people out of the miry clay - we love to hear of the drug addict and the alcoholic who come to faith in Christ but what about the religious person who has attended church all their lives, are good and respectable - they all need to know Christ personally.  

The clarity of his word - verse 14 "Who shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved."  There was one thing on Peter's mind - to see souls saved by the word of God.  This was Peter's mission, his responsibility was to go into this home and open up the word of God.  The men that came from Cornelius' house that day told him all about Cornelius.  They spoke of their journey and why they were there.  They told Peter that Cornelius was a centurion, a highly respected man of authority.  That he was a just man and one that feared God.  He had a wonderful reverence for God.  Many spoke highly of him - he had a good report among all the nation of the Jews.  He wouldn't let anyone down.  He had been told by an angel to send for Peter so that he could hear words that would save him.  We can have so many things going for us today but we need to make sure we have a salvation in Christ.  That it is not just a profession but we have come to the cross, repented of our sins.  That we see ourselves as God sees us - a hell deserving sinner.  We need to acknowledge that God has paid for our sins at Calvary and that he can save us.  Cornelius was not saved.  God warns us today that we need to be saved.  Jesus said to Nicodemus "except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven."  What a responsibility for Peter.  What did Peter tell them - verse 39 "And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree. Him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly."  The result of his message is seen in verse 44 "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word."  What simplicity of words.  He didn't go with any other message.  We don't need fancy words to tell the gospel today.

The crown he receives.  As Peter stands before Cornelius and gives the message 2 important things to note - they were in attendance when Peter arrived and the Holy Spirit came down.  Cornelius made sure his family was present.  Too often we credit the ability to the preacher.  Really it is whether the Holy Spirit comes.  The preacher has to present the word of God but he cannot save a soul - only God can.