Sunday, 5 December 2021

A song for Christmas




We find in Luke's gospel 3 songs by Elizabeth, Mary and the angels song to the shepherds on the hillside.  See the outburst of joy and rejoicing as Mary makes her way to Elisabeth's house. There was something very special about this visit.  There is a great deal of rejoicng for us too because of the coming of God's son into the world.  

The essence of this song.  Mary had something to tell, that is what brought great joy.  It was personal to herself.  The greatest message.  Have we ever really thought of that?  You have been given the greatest word for this present world.  Verse 39 "and Mary arose in those days" in the aftermath of the angel coming and telling her what the Lord was going to do with her she was bearing news of a Saviour.  That should give us joy today not in ourselves, not in a church, not in a communion table, not in good deeds but in the life of the Lord.  Mary arose with haste and she went to Elisabeth.  Those saved today have a great story to tell too.  Not something God did 10/20 years ago, not when or where it was but how it made us realise that we haved sinned and come short of the glory of God.  That was the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, applying his word to show us our need of a Saviour, to save us from our sin and from going to hell for ever.   God did that for you 10/20 years ago but is it new to us today? Are we telling people what happened today not yesterday or years ago? Are we sharing this message?  Mary went to Elisabeth to share this divine message.  Mary knew she was a chosen vessel.  God wants to use you and I as chosen vessels today.  Mary wanted to share with Elisabeth who was also with child by a miraculous intervention on God's part.  Mary went "with haste".  No time to ponder on the news.  When it dawned on her soul off she went to the hill country.  The journey she would have taken on that day was an arduous journey to undertake  It was a difficult journey to make into the hill country.  It didn't concern her.  Mary didn't take time to think, she wanted to get to Elisabeth's house - verse 40 she entered into the house of Zechariah and saluted Elisabeth.  Our meetings should always be about Jesus.  That is the basis of our coming together. That is what drew Mary and Elisabeth together.  The news of the Saivour - that is what should draw us together when we meet in God's house.  Christ is in our midst and we have a story to tell.  It is good to have fellowship but the very essence of coming together should be the story we have of the Lord Jesus Christ - Colossians 1 verse 27.

The excitement that is displayed in this song. Verse 40 - as Mary "entered in".  Here was Elisabeth opening up the door, allowing the Saviour of the world to come into her home. Do we allow the Lord to come into our situation that we find ourselves in?  Do we allow him to sort out what needs to be sorted out?  The journey would have taken days through rough and rugged terrain.  She had a message to give.  The journey did not deter her.  Paul to the Roman church talked about those who took the message to their friends - Romans 10 verse 15.  The family reuninon brought joy yes they were cousins after all but what brought the most joy was the essence of this song in the first place.  They had found together the Lord Jesus Christ.  The message of the Saviour that Mary carried.  Does our coming together really excite us today?  To hear about the Lord Jesus Christ? Are we still excited about the message of saving grace when we talk with people, meet up with friends.  That is what brought great joy to this home.  In Mark 2 Jesus visited a house in Capernaum where a great crowd had gathered around - "it was noised abroad that he wa in the house."  People began to flock around this house.  4 men carried their friend who couldn't walk.  They had to lower him through the roof - why - because of the great excitement of people gathering to see and hear Jesus.  Mary wanted Elisabeth to hear the great news given to her.  Zacchaeus ,when he opened his front door one day couldn't get near the street because of the number of people gathered.  He was small in stature.  He was rich.  He had to run down the street to find a place suitable to see Jesus.  He had to climb a tree just to get a vantage point.  Psalm 122 "I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord."  In Psalm 63 you read of the Psalmist who was in the wilderness, a barren place with nothing much  to excite him.  There was one thought in his mind "I want to see thy power and glory in the sanctuary" verse 2.  People were coming after him, his enemy was against him.  His enemy was throwing ever trap that they could in his way.  He was lifted up with joy and rejoicing when he thought of returning to the synagogue.  Paul could say with people of Colosse "make sure Christ is central when you come together".  It is not a question of duty, but make sure Christ is central.  Chapter 1 verse 18 "And he is the head of the body, the church who is the beginning, the first born from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."  Not the preacher or the Lord's table.  He is the one who we should leave our homes for - that we should come into the house of God for.  We are coming not for the comforts but for the Lord.  We should never forget what he did when he came into the world - he left the splendour of heaven, the worship of angels and stepped down into this sin cursed world.  On Calvary they took him, tormented him, tortured him, hung him on the cross, nailed spikes into his hands and feet, leaving him there to die.  That is what he did for you and I.  Nothing should hinder us from coming to worship and praising him who died for us.

The encouragement of this song.  See the joy of Elisabeth - verses 42 - 45.  Elisabeth sought to encourage Mary.  Here was a young girl doing a task for God, to bring the Lord into the world.  Here she was standing with Elisabeth and she sought to encourage her.  "Blessed is she that believed"  Are we rejocing in that fact?  Does it bring joy?  Are we rejoicing when we hear someone has been born again?  "for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord."  She was encouraging her to continue to believe and see through what would happen as told by the angels.  Barnabas was an encourager.  When John Mark turned his back on the Lord's work Barnabas sought him out and took him under his wing.  Barnabas went back to Antioch to see what was happening there.  "When he came and had seen the grace of God was gald and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."  Acts 11 verse 23.  Barnabas brought Pau to Jerusalem and introduced him to the apostles.  Elisabeth encouraged Mary in the fact that she believed.  There is no worship of Mary here, it was all because of the Lord and what he had done for Mary, about the greatness of the person in whom Mary believed. Eisabeth was encouraging her.  God had set her a task and Elisabeth wanted to encourage her.


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