JOHN 21 VERSES 1 - 14
Whilst not all the disciples are named in this passage ("2 other of his disciples") all were important to the Lord. We only want to look at Peter. It was another fruitless night of catching nothing. When they returned to the shore a voice called out "have you any meat?" They replied "no". They didn't recognise Jesus on the shore. He tells them to "cast the net on the right side of the ship and ye shall find." Sure enough they did that and they had so many they were not able to bring them all in. John turns to Peter and tells him it is Jesus. Immediately Peter jumped out of the boat. He didn't wait until they got back to shore. Peter was called to be a fisher of men. We too are called to do the same today. Jesus would make Peter a fisher of men. Andrew started it off when he went and found Peter and told him they had found the Messiah. We can see in Peter's life his rashness, his redundancy, his recall and his reflection.
The course of Peter's life. Peter is at this junction in his life because of his obedience to God. Why were they here at the Sea of Galilee? On the resurrection day as the disciples made their way to the tomb one of the things on their mind was the stone in front of the tomb. How could they ever move it? When they arrived at the tomb they looked in amazement as the stone had been rolled back. Maybe you are worrying without any purpose to worry. Why not leave it with the Lord. "Cast all your cares upon the Lord for he cares for you." They found the stone rolled away. Next they found the tomb empty. Christ had risen from the dead. God had raised him from the dead. It was not possible for the pains of death to hold him. We serve a risen Saviour today. Matthew 28 verse 7 the angel said "go quickly and tell my disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee and you shall see him as I have told you." Mark makes it clear "tell my disciples and Peter". Peter was not to be left out. We serve a gracious Saviour, one who doesn't hold our failures before us. He bids us to come unto him. Matthew 28 verse 10 "be not afraid, go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me." Peter and the other disicples were in Galilee because that is where they were told to be. Are we in the place where God would have us to be today? God had promised to meet them there and nowhere else. We are to follow the direction of the word of God if we are not where Jesus wants us to be we will not enjoy the presence of Christ. Think of Elijah the mighty prophet. He could call down fire from heaven. 1 Kings 17 he came with a word from the Lord to Ahab. Then he had to flee to the brook Cherith. He would be fed by ravens and drink from the brook. I'm sure he thought about that message. He thought about the word he had just brought to Ahab. There would be no rain. If that was true then how would he himself be sustained by the brook Cherith? Ahab and his soldiers searched every place of his kingdom to find him but God had hidden him by the brook. Elijah never knew God to fail. Every day he was there. If we are where God would have us to be there will be blessing for us but only in the place where God would have us to be. The bible makes it clear not to turn aside from the gathering of ourselves together. We are to be with the people of God today. In Acts 16 Lydia came to a riverside "where prayer was wont to be made." The word "wont" means a habitual custom. People who made it a habit to meet in prayer. Here was Peter and the course he was on was because of the word of God.
The choice that Peter makes. Commentators are hard on Peter at this stage. Peter said "I go a fishing" They didn't know what to do with themselves. Some say Peter has mde a choice, he was going back to his old trade. Peter returns to that which he knows. Back to fishing. He was turning from the course he was on. Was he like Demas who walked away from the apostle Paul? Maybe he enjoyed the comforts more than preaching the word of God. We shouldn't want to give up because things have been difficult. John Mark left the apostles. The Lord came and he found Peter in his old trade. The Lord is finding many today going back because of the hardships they are encountering. They are putting their lifestyle before God. Maybe Peter was contemplating the changes that were taking place. The one who left heaven's glory came with one purpose - to be our Saviour, that he might take our sins away. What a wonderful Saviour we have. He came to die for every one of us.
The command Peter had. Peter was a leader. When he announced he was going fishing they all said they would go too. Influence is important. Peter was making a decision that influenced everyting else. He wanted to go back to fishing and the other disicples said they would follow him too. You and I influence others around us with our attitudes, the things we say, the places we visit, the company we keep. Peter was an influence. 1 Kings 12 Solomon came to the throne after his father's death. He sought the Lord for guidance and leading. Solomon had a great influence. He ruled with an iron fist. Rehoboam came to the throne after his death. He was overwhelmed by the enormity of the task before him. He turned to the elders who had been alive during his father's time. He asked them for advice about what he should do. The advice was to ease the taxes of the people which his father introduced and he would gain the respect of the people. Then he went and asked the young people, those he had grown up with. They influenced him and Rehoboam followed their instruction. They told him to increase the taxes. As a result Rehoboam divided the kingdom. Such influence the younger men had on Rehoboam. We have an influence today in our homes, in our work places, in our families, in our friendships, in our neighbourhoods.
The challenge Peter receives. Peter receives a three fold challenge. The manner it came took him back to the Judgmennt Day in Pilate's house. There he had denied the Lord 3 times. Now he is back fishing. The Lord asks him 3 times "do you love me?" God takes us back sometimes when we stumble and fall. He takes us back to that place to make amends. "Peter do you love me?" Whenever Peter heard it was the Lord he jumped into the water. He wanted to prove his love for the Lord. You and I must be active in the work. We need to come to the place where we need to check again for our love for the Lord. "Do you love me Peter more than this?" Was Jesus pointing to the other disciples when he asked this question? Jesus was testing Peter's love.
The commission Peter receives. "Feed my lambs". The Lord was using 2 words in reference to love - agape love which is a deep devotional love and filial which is a mere friendship love. The Lord was looking for something deeper than filial love but rather an agape love. As the Lord comes to us again he asks us "do you really love me today?" Is your life in my hands? Are you my child today?
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