Sermon notes from Sunday 24 October 2021
1 KINGS 13 VERSES 1 - 10
This story takes place just after the reign of Solomon. The nation of Israel was now divided. There were 2 tribes in the South - Judah and 10 tribes in the North - Ephraim. The 10 tribes were under the hand of Jeroboam, a mighty and trusted warrior. The 2 tribes were led by Rehoboam, Solomon's son. In Rehoboam's tribes there were a few kings who were wicked and turned the people away from God but on the whole there were mostly faithful to God. The 10 tribes had many who where ungodly. It was said of Jeroboam that he was the one who made Israel sin. Today we are living in days of apostasy in our land.
There was a divine mission. in verse 1 we read of this young prophet of God sent to Jereboam, to this capital city. He found Jereboam standing beside the altar. This man Jeroboam had set up an idolatrous worship to golden calves. we read that in chapter 12 verse 25 - sets up a sacrificial system In verses 27 and 28 he set one of these calves in the north, in the tribe of Dan and the other in Bethel which was just before you came to Jerusalem. He was concerned that the people would go back to Rehoboam and he would be killed so he sets up 2 calves in Dan and Bethel and tells the people they could worship them. The young man was sent to prophesy against this religious system. Proverbs 16 verse 25. Your mission today is to shine for the Lord. You and are I are saved by the grace of God. We are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth. Like this young man we must stand against ungodliness and apostasy. In verse 31 we read that 2 temples were built and priests were appointed. He chose men who were not of the sons of Levi - apostasy of the highest degree. In verse 32 a feast was called for. These were the actions of Jeroboam. He devised it all in his own heart. We are told in the bible that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it." (Jeremiah 17 verse 9) This young man came down and saw Jereboam worshipping a false God. He had a divine mission. That is what we have today. Church on a Sunday is more than a Sunday morning and evening meeting, it is somewhere we come to worship God. We worship him who died, rose again and is coming again one day. Our mission is to shine our lights and show people the glorious truth of the gospel.
The directions that are mentioned. This young man was sent to prophesy against the altar worship. In verse 9 we read he was to eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn again by the same way that he came. He was not to associate with anyone. He had been given a divine message that pronounced judgment on the people of that land. He was not to return by the same way he had come. Is God not speaking in these days through all that we has happened in the last 19 months? Jereboam raised his hand to point out the young man he referred to. He didn't want to hear about the judgment of God. He had everything nicely set up in the way he wanted. He tells others around him to lay hold on this man. As he lifted his hand to him he couldn't withdraw his hand, something had happened which resulted in him not being able to pull back his hand. He pleaded for the young man to pray to God and ask for his hand to be restored again. In verse 6 we read that God healed the man. He was merciful to him. Then the king tells him to come home with him. The devil will do everything in his power to persuade and prevent us in our mission for God. The young man's instructions were not to associate with anyone, to prophesy against the altar then turn his back and return home again. The young man could not go home with the king and refresh himself. Imagine the temptation for the young man coming into the presence of the king and being offered a reward but he said no, God's word says I am not allowed to do it. Satan will try to reward you and I just to run off the pathway. Preachers are told "don't preach as heavy as that, people want to come in and hear something nice and as a result loads of people will return." God doesn't want that. In the Old Testament Balak called Balaam to curse Israel. He wanted him to do his bidding - Numbers 22 verse 17 - he would offer a reward if he did it. Moses led the people into the promised land and told the people not to intermarry. When Joshua went into the land of Canaan he told the people they could worship the gods of the land or worship the God of heaven but he was going to serve the Lord. Paul in 2 Corinthians 6 verse 14 said "do not be unequally yoked." Sometimes we put that in terms of marital relationships but it could also be applied to the business world and ordinary friendships. "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them." (Ephesians 5 verse 11) In Revelation at the time of Babylon God is still saying to his people come out of her my people. (Revelation 18 verse 4) The charge to you and I today regarding those who oppose the gospel of saving grace is to come out from among them.
The deceptive message. We don't read it but when you go on to verse 11 there was a old prophet who lived in the land and he had 2 sons. The sons had been present when this all happened and they came home and told their father about it. The father asked which way he went and he went after the young man. This old backslidden prophet with subtlety led the young man astray. He told him a lie - that an angel had spoken to him and he was inviting him back to his house to eat and drink. Was that an angel of the devil himself? Paul said "if a man comes to you with another gospel give him no room." (Galatians 1 verse 8) He went on to say "Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish is foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1 verses 17 and 18)
A disastrous mistake. The young man fell for the subtlety of the old prophet - verse 19. He ended up being devoured by a lion. The devil is a roaring lion and is out to devour you today. (1 Peter 5 verse 8) We need to be aware of the lies of the apostate generation we are living in today. We need to learn not to listen to such that are not preaching the truth of the gospel today. We could be lulled into that system and be succumbed to it and be devoured by it.
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