Sunday, 31 October 2021
Fishing for men
Sunday, 24 October 2021
The dangers of apostasy in today's world
Sermon notes from Sunday 24 October 2021
1 KINGS 13 VERSES 1 - 10
This story takes place just after the reign of Solomon. The nation of Israel was now divided. There were 2 tribes in the South - Judah and 10 tribes in the North - Ephraim. The 10 tribes were under the hand of Jeroboam, a mighty and trusted warrior. The 2 tribes were led by Rehoboam, Solomon's son. In Rehoboam's tribes there were a few kings who were wicked and turned the people away from God but on the whole there were mostly faithful to God. The 10 tribes had many who where ungodly. It was said of Jeroboam that he was the one who made Israel sin. Today we are living in days of apostasy in our land.
There was a divine mission. in verse 1 we read of this young prophet of God sent to Jereboam, to this capital city. He found Jereboam standing beside the altar. This man Jeroboam had set up an idolatrous worship to golden calves. we read that in chapter 12 verse 25 - sets up a sacrificial system In verses 27 and 28 he set one of these calves in the north, in the tribe of Dan and the other in Bethel which was just before you came to Jerusalem. He was concerned that the people would go back to Rehoboam and he would be killed so he sets up 2 calves in Dan and Bethel and tells the people they could worship them. The young man was sent to prophesy against this religious system. Proverbs 16 verse 25. Your mission today is to shine for the Lord. You and are I are saved by the grace of God. We are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth. Like this young man we must stand against ungodliness and apostasy. In verse 31 we read that 2 temples were built and priests were appointed. He chose men who were not of the sons of Levi - apostasy of the highest degree. In verse 32 a feast was called for. These were the actions of Jeroboam. He devised it all in his own heart. We are told in the bible that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it." (Jeremiah 17 verse 9) This young man came down and saw Jereboam worshipping a false God. He had a divine mission. That is what we have today. Church on a Sunday is more than a Sunday morning and evening meeting, it is somewhere we come to worship God. We worship him who died, rose again and is coming again one day. Our mission is to shine our lights and show people the glorious truth of the gospel.
The directions that are mentioned. This young man was sent to prophesy against the altar worship. In verse 9 we read he was to eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn again by the same way that he came. He was not to associate with anyone. He had been given a divine message that pronounced judgment on the people of that land. He was not to return by the same way he had come. Is God not speaking in these days through all that we has happened in the last 19 months? Jereboam raised his hand to point out the young man he referred to. He didn't want to hear about the judgment of God. He had everything nicely set up in the way he wanted. He tells others around him to lay hold on this man. As he lifted his hand to him he couldn't withdraw his hand, something had happened which resulted in him not being able to pull back his hand. He pleaded for the young man to pray to God and ask for his hand to be restored again. In verse 6 we read that God healed the man. He was merciful to him. Then the king tells him to come home with him. The devil will do everything in his power to persuade and prevent us in our mission for God. The young man's instructions were not to associate with anyone, to prophesy against the altar then turn his back and return home again. The young man could not go home with the king and refresh himself. Imagine the temptation for the young man coming into the presence of the king and being offered a reward but he said no, God's word says I am not allowed to do it. Satan will try to reward you and I just to run off the pathway. Preachers are told "don't preach as heavy as that, people want to come in and hear something nice and as a result loads of people will return." God doesn't want that. In the Old Testament Balak called Balaam to curse Israel. He wanted him to do his bidding - Numbers 22 verse 17 - he would offer a reward if he did it. Moses led the people into the promised land and told the people not to intermarry. When Joshua went into the land of Canaan he told the people they could worship the gods of the land or worship the God of heaven but he was going to serve the Lord. Paul in 2 Corinthians 6 verse 14 said "do not be unequally yoked." Sometimes we put that in terms of marital relationships but it could also be applied to the business world and ordinary friendships. "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them." (Ephesians 5 verse 11) In Revelation at the time of Babylon God is still saying to his people come out of her my people. (Revelation 18 verse 4) The charge to you and I today regarding those who oppose the gospel of saving grace is to come out from among them.
The deceptive message. We don't read it but when you go on to verse 11 there was a old prophet who lived in the land and he had 2 sons. The sons had been present when this all happened and they came home and told their father about it. The father asked which way he went and he went after the young man. This old backslidden prophet with subtlety led the young man astray. He told him a lie - that an angel had spoken to him and he was inviting him back to his house to eat and drink. Was that an angel of the devil himself? Paul said "if a man comes to you with another gospel give him no room." (Galatians 1 verse 8) He went on to say "Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish is foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1 verses 17 and 18)
A disastrous mistake. The young man fell for the subtlety of the old prophet - verse 19. He ended up being devoured by a lion. The devil is a roaring lion and is out to devour you today. (1 Peter 5 verse 8) We need to be aware of the lies of the apostate generation we are living in today. We need to learn not to listen to such that are not preaching the truth of the gospel today. We could be lulled into that system and be succumbed to it and be devoured by it.
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Launch out!
Sunday, 10 October 2021
The seed in the sower's hand
LUKE 8 VERSES 4 - 18
I am sure this passage is one of the most popular to preach on for a harvest service. The parable of the sower. Some commentators believe that Jesus actually used this parable to his disciples as he watched a sower sowing the seed in the fields nearby. Quite often Jesus took every day natural things and would bring great spiritual truth from them. A parable is an earthly picture with a heavenly meaning Jesus is teaching here about a sower, not thinking of the practical but the spiritual. He sees the man going forth to preach the word of God - verse 11 "the seed is the word of God." The ground is the acceptance of the word of God in our hearts - do we receive it today or does it fall on hard ground? I want to look at the seed in the sowers hand today. Look at the seed that is sown - the word of God.
The seed is precious. The sower didn't go out and buy a sub standard seed. He made sure the seed was the best he could buy. He wanted the best response. This man knew he had something very precious in his hand and there would come a great harvest from the seed sown. Always keep that in mind when you are sowing God's seed, the word of God. Galatians 6 verse 7 "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." The sower knew he would gain a bountiful harvest. Psalmist 126 verse 6 said "He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him." "My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word." (Psalm 119 verse 81) A man sowing/preaching the word of God. The very question we must ask is how precious is the book you hold in your hand today? A young man in 2 Kings 22 Joash came to the throne of Judah. His father and grandfather didn't give him much influence. They did their best to put down the faith of God. Joash though cleansed the house of God. The word of God which had been hidden for many years was found in the temple and the one who found it ran straight away into the palace and set it on Joash's knee. Joash realised it was the word of God. He tore his clothes and got down in sackcloth and ashes. The word of God is so precious. So precious that men have given their lives to give you it today. Martin Luther, Wycliffe, Tyndale - they all vowed that they would place the word of God in the people's own language into their hands. These men were burnt at the stake because they tried to do that. The apostle Paul writing to Timothy realised the preciousness of the word of God. He told Timothy "it is able to make you wise unto salvation." (2 Timothy 3 verse 15) Joshua going into the land of Canaan was leading the people out in front. People were looking to him for leading and direction. God directed him to the book of the law and told him to "meditate in it day and night that you might make the right decisions." (Joshua 1 verse 8) Such was the preciousness of the book he had. This book tells me about the creation of the world. Did you ever see so many documentaries today about how the world came into being, they declare it is a mystery but this book tells me all about creation. It also tells me what I am, a sinner and the remedy for my sin was found almost 2000 years ago when the Son of God came into the world. On the cross he suffered, bled and died for our sins. He did it so that heavens door might open to all who trust in him. Paul said "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." How precious it is. This sower is pictured and in his hand is the seed, it is precious.
There has to be plenty of seed. The sower goes forth to sow. He had his eye on this harvest. Notice the importance of the seed. Not merely to be possessed but scattered. Sometimes we can be selfish. This word handed down to us must be sown. Have you told anyone about the Lord, about his love for us, his death in dying on the cross, how he was buried for 3 days and nights in the tomb, of his glorious resurrection, that he is a living Saviour today. One day he is coming once again. What impact have we had on others this week? Are we sowing the seed today? People are watching us today. We profess the Lord as Saviour but what are we sowing today? We need to plant the word of God in our hearts and minds. Paul said to Timothy "preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." (2 Timothy 4 verse 2) In Acts 8 we read of a terrible time of persecution around Jerusalem. Saul of Tarsus was creating havoc. People got up and left Jerusalem as a result but "they went everywhere preaching the word." (verse 4) Things might have been rough for them in Jerusalem but they didn't forget about the word of God. Philip himself went down to the city of Samaria "and preached Christ unto them."
Notice the seeds produce. We are seeing the seed is precious, that there has to be plenty sown, now seeing the seed and its produce - verse 15 "but that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience." God takes his word and applies it to your situation and as you receive it that will bring forth fruit in your life. Life was in the seed not in the sower. Sometimes we want to attribute the success to the preacher no matter how educated he might be. Life is not in the preacher. Paul said "Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." (1 Corinthians 1 verse 18) Paul could have used his education very well but he knew that was not sufficient. It is only when the cross is present before you, when Christ who was rich in glory was set aside and came into the world to become poor for you. "And My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God" 1 Corinthians 2 verses 4 and 5. God is dealing with your soul today. He wants you to step out today. It is the word of God. Remember Lydia at the meeting in Acts 16 when the apostle Paul preached, God opened up her heart that she might receive the word of God. In Acts 2 when they listened to the word of God they were "pricked in their hearts." (verse 37) "Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incoruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever." (1 Peter 1 verse 23) "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10 verse 17)
The seed and its problems. There is nothing wrong with the seed but it was other problems outside of its control. The seed "bare fruit an hundredfold." The problem was in the heart. First the seed fell by the wayside where it was trodden down and the fowls of the air devoured it (verse 5). Jesus explains this as the devil coming in and takes the seed away. Then the seed fell on stony ground and it sprouted up but it quickly withered away when the sun came. That is like someone who comes to Christ, they are all emotional and have no depth. The third seed fell among thorns and thistles which choked the seed. The cares of the world, the influence of others means the word of God is choked and no more fruit is produced. The heart that was prepared brings plenty of fruit. Let's sow the seed to day and share the word of God for the great harvest ahead.
Sunday, 3 October 2021
Why is a big question.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Many people standing at the side of the grave will ask “why is my loved
one taken, so young in life?” A teenager
not allowed to go places will ask why. There
is no answer that pacifies the enquirer.
We see that question was on the mind of the Philippian church. Why has Paul been in prison for so long? Why is he being held? Why doesn’t God let him go free? The first time Paul was in Philippi he was
only there for a short period of time.
At night God sent an earthquake and opened the doors of the prison house
Paul and Silas were being held in. The
Philippian jailer took them home, fed and washed their wounds. Now 2 years later he is still in prison. Why is he being so restricted in his
ministry? In verses 12 and 13 Paul tries
to answer that why question. Maybe the
question why is on your mind today. Why has
this pandemic happened? Why is our
worship held back? God has allowed this
to happen – “it is for the furtherance of the gospel.” We all believe this morning in the
sovereignty of God. We believe God is in
control of all events. What is happening
is being allowed of God. I am not saying
God sent it but he has allowed it for a purpose. The Lord has done it for a reason. Perhaps we have become too comfortable. For the Philippian church Paul told them “I would
ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen
out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel.”
God gives us opportunities to speak to people in all sorts of
circumstances. We need to watch for
every opportunity. Think of the passion of
the apostle Paul – to reach out to men and women and to preach the gospel. On that day on the Damascus road God had
given him a vision for preaching the gospel.
The heartbeat of Paul was that he might make Christ known to
others. He was willing to die for the
gospel. He had a reputation for being
hostile to the church at one time. “For
me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Paul
said “I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live … for Christ who died for
me and gave his life for me.” What
motivates you today? That drives you out
to knock doors, to give out leaflets? Surely
it has to be to support the gospel. What
do you live for? What takes up your time
and thinking? I don’t have a passion for
computers and social media in general but look at how it has been effective in
spreading the gospel recently. The gospel
has got to be our main focus, got to be that overwhelming desire, that others would
have a response to the gospel. Paul’s
passion was for the gospel. Do we have
that passion to reach our loved ones for the gospel? Is that we would come out of this lockdown
with that same passion? In the book of
Acts and Paul’s letters you can see something of the passion of Paul reaching
out to his day and his generation. Paul
cannot reach our generation today. We have
that job to do. We can see something of
Paul’s passion by the things he sacrificed.
Philippians 3 verse 4 he counted it all as rubbish in order to gain
something of Christ. Paul gave of his
reputation but he sacrificed time and energy.
He shared with many people in different places – why – because of his
love for the gospel. He knew what it was
to have nothing. The times when he had
everything and others had nothing. He was willing to travel to places where the
gospel had never been preached. It is
easy for a stranger to come to a place where people want to hear the gospel but
Paul went to places where people didn’t want to hear the gospel but needed to
hear it. Paul carried the gospel to the
uttermost parts of his world. “If Jesus
Christ be God and died for me there is no sacrifice too great for me to make
for him.” C T Studd. Maybe you have given
of your time and energy. What motivates
you today in order that the gospel might be spread? Paul had one focus in mind – Jesus’
sacrifice. What have we sacrificed that
our generation might hear the gospel? The
things Paul sacrificed.
The things Paul said.
Paul made great statements – Acts 21 verse 13 “What mean ye to weep and
to break mine heart? For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at
Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Romans 15 verse 20 “Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not
where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation.” Perhaps we have promised to go and do the utmost
to spread the gospel for Christ yet later we excuse ourselves from telling our
The things Paul suffered. 2 Corinthians 11 verses 23 – 28. What Paul suffered was unbelievable. Paul continued to return to places where he
hadn’t been welcomed before. He still went
and preached the gospel because that was his passion in life. It did not matter what men thought or said,
it didn’t matter to him. Paul was
unafraid to speak the gospel. In these
words we see not only his passion. He
was also submitted. Paul came to that understanding
when he was in prison. That is where God
was using him. Paul sees these things as
an opportunity to glorify God, to reach out with the gospel. Do we see this pandemic to get out and reach
others with the gospel? Progressing,
going forward? We do not find him
complaining. He was submitted to God. God has a better plan for your life and
mine. He knows the end from the
beginning. He knows the steps we take,
the way we should go. Today we are
frustrated with our churches not being able to gather together. The gospel is still going forward by the
internet, Facebook, other social media.
In fact the gospel is reaching more today than ever before. People are listening on the far side of the
world today. They are hearing the gospel
today. The pandemic has given us
opportunities. People are asking questions
– God is still blessing the church today.
We should be thankful today. The gospel
is going out today. In Acts 3 when there
was a great persecution in the church the people were scattered abroad. God used that opportunity to spread the
gospel. They went everywhere preaching
the gospel. God will not ever stop it
happening. We see it not only in
scripture. John Bunyan preached but he
was put into prison. He used that opportunity
to preach in the prison and the people outside gathered to hear him preach. From there he wrote the book “Pilgrim’s
Progress”. If Paul had not been in
prison we would never have all these letters today. Paul says in verse 18 that he not only preached
the gospel but loved the gospel. In all
his ministry the gospel was going forth.
He is sharing the gospel in the palace.
Philippians 4 verses 21 and 21 “of Caesar’s household”. If Paul had never appealed to go to him we
would never have heard the gospel today.
Think of the centurions who accompanied him. Soldiers were chained to him. He presented his case to King Agrippa. He preached unto him righteousness and the
judgment to come. Remember all heaven
rejoiceth over one sinner that repenteth.
Even though Paul is bound God is not bound. Verse 13 he is rejoicing that others are
preaching the gospel too. Verse 18 he is
rejoicing that Christ is being preached. You and I may not agree with other peoples
preaching but we have to rejoice in the fact that the gospel is being preached
by the grace of God. Faith alone in
Christ. Paul is rejoicing at every opportunity
he was being given. The gospel is still
going out despite the pandemic. There are
men and women watching our lives. We
have got to be living out the gospel.
People were watching Paul and others became bold because they were
watching Paul in prison. Surely God could
use us to reach out to our neighbours.
Are we sharing the gospel today?
The Good Samaritan - Work and Witness
LUKE 10 VERSES 25 – 37
This message was given to a well respected lawyer, a
defender of the word of God. He would
have been called upon when any argument arose over the rules and regulations of
the Jewish faith. Here he asks Jesus a question. Only Luke records this incident. Jesus had been speaking to a crowd when this
well respected man got up and asked his question. I’m sure everyone must have gasped when he
spoke. He question was “what must I do
to inherit eternal life?” Jesus turned
the question back to him and asked “what is written in the law?” He knew the law inside out. The real reason behind his question was to tempt
Jesus (verse 25). He wanted to trick Jesus.
The situation – Jesus decided to tell a story. A Jewish man was on his way from Jerusalem to
Jericho when he fell among thieves. They
took all he had, beat him and left him for dead. 2 religious men passed by this man and when
they saw him they passed by on the other side of the road. Then a Samaritan man comes down that
dangerous road on his own. He saw the
man lying there and he stopped. This
whole story was based on a real life experience and Jesus used this to explain
the outworking of salvation. God’s gift
of salvation is not of works. Jesus was taking
this lawyer back to the word of God – the greatest commandment was to love the
Lord with all your soul, with all your heart and with all your mind and to love
our neighbours as ourselves. How many
times have you been in a similar situation alone and with no-one thinking of
you … but listen … God knows! The Samaritan
had to make a dangerous decision – to stop or not?
The sympathy revealed. Thieves and robbers could pounce at any time
on this road. Jesus points to 2 men, the
priest and the Levite. Surely they would
have sympathy and compassion for this man. The third man, the Samaritan had
sympathy though “and when he saw him he had compassion on him.” He was a stranger. The Samaritans were a mixed race and the Jews
would have nothing to do with them.
Maybe the Samaritan recognised what this man was, something was
distinctive about him. The bible says he
got down to where he was. He never
thought for one moment. Such a challenge
could come his way. Here was a man maybe
in a hurry, he had business ahead of him but he stopped. He set it aside time to deal with the
man. There was a sympathy here that was
real. Remember Paul in Athens. He watched the people coming and going and
realised the whole city was given over to idolatry. His spirit was stirred within him when he
thought of the love and grace of God. Paul
said “I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians; both to the wise
and to the unwise.” God had done
something for him and he needed to pass it on to others.
The support he rendered. Verse 34 He didn’t leave him there, he didn’t
pass by thinking someone else would come along and help him. He drew alongside him, he poured in oil and
wrapped up his wounds then set him on his own beast and brought him to an
inn. He didn’t worry that there might be
others waiting to pounce on him on that same road. Psalm 142 verse 4 “I looked on my right hand
and beheld but there was no man that would know me, refuge failed me, no man
cared for my soul.” Are the unsaved looking
at us today asking for help?
The steps that are required. The Samaritan came down that road and stopped
with the man. He stepped over to where
he was and his heart broke for this man.
He had great patience. He took
him to the nearest place for help. He
could do nothing more. Peter and John in
Acts 3 were going up to the temple to pray when they met a lame man at the
gates. Peter knew that look from the man
– helpless and hopeless. Peter and John
had nothing to give this man but compassion of his heart. God expects us to do what we can with what we
have. The boy with the 5 loaves and 2
fishes was prepared to give all he had to the disciples. He was only asked to
give what he had in his hands. God asks
us to reach people today with what we have.
There is a service rewarded. He was commended by the Lord. Every detail is taken note of. This lawyer is still standing waiting to hear
what Jesus had to say. Jesus asked him “who
was a real neighbour to the Samaritan? The
priest, the Levite or the Samaritan?” He
couldn’t even bring himself to say the word Samaritan – “he that showed mercy
on him.” Jesus told him to go and do the
same. “And whosoever shall give to drink
unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a
disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” (Matthew
10 verse 42)
Do you know Jesus?
JOHN 1 VERSES 1 – 12
Do you know Jesus? This
particular passage is one of introduction to John’s gospel. He focuses on the central topic of his
gospel. As you go through his book you
will find John always points back to Jesus.
In chapter 1 we read that great statement by John the Baptist himself “Behold
the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” In John 3 Nicodemus asked him “What must I do
to be born again.” He came in the
darkness of night, a deeply religious man serving his people and his church yet
he needed an answer to that question.
John 3 verse 16 is the most renowned verse in the scriptures. We are often asked “do you know so and so?” Maybe someone has asked that same question to
you today. Have you ever met Jesus? You can gather every night of this mission
and every Sunday at this church. You may
have been introduced to the person of Jesus but never have known the entire
reason why he came into the world. Jesus
came to seek and to save that which was lost.
“Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. This great offer is extended to you tonight,
to everyone that passes by. You need to
meet with Jesus. The sad reality is the
gospel message is preached here and the listener has the option whether to
listen or reject it. You are standing at
a crossroads again this evening. As you
stand face to face with Christ, with the light of the world, the one that the lepers
stood with, the one Pilate stoon in front of.
Consider with me the demonstration. We read in verse 4 “in him was life and the
life was the light of men.” You will see
3 things – “in him” – the source of the demonstration. That is where we have to come to today, not
preachers, not open airs, not evangelism but through Christ’s salvation. The substitution – “in him was life.” Jesus is here to give us eternal life. When we pass from this scene of time into
eternity you will not plead how many meetings you attended, how good you were
in this life but rather what you did with Christ. The solution – “and the life was the
light of men.” When do we need a light? In the darkness, to be able to show us the
way. The world is diluted into what is
truth. When the light came into the
world the light was shining. It didn’t
fail to do its job. It was able to do
everything it was meant to do. Verse 5 “the
darkness comprehended it not”. What does
it mean to understand? The darkness didn’t understand what light was all about. I trust you understand where you are going
tonight. Do you know Jesus? If we are still unsaved and still in darkness
of sin this evening and the light is still shining then the delusion of the
devil is keeping you bound in sin one day longer and one day closer to
eternity. Comprehend also means to find -
“and the darkness could not find it.”
How do we find our way? You could
use a map. John 14 “I am the way, the truth
and the life.” You could also use a
light – “I am the light of the world.” You
could also ask someone – “ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall
find.” Comprehend also means to possess
the light – why – because the darkness would be taken away and everything would
be light. It is time to leave the
darkness behind, to turn to the light of Jesus Christ.
In verse 10 we have the deception. When someone is close to salvation in steps
the deception of the enemy. “He was in
the world and the world was made by him … and the world knew him not.” You are being deceived this evening by the
ruler of this world. Revelation 12 the desire
of Satan the enemy of God is to destroy, to deceive the whole world. That includes you. Everyone listening to this message. The sole
ambition of the enemy is to deceive that soul of yours. How does he deceive you? Telling you that you still have time, you are
alright as you are, that this is not for you but others. “Jesus was in the world and the world knew
him not.” Do you know who Jesus is? Are you aware of your need tonight? Are you aware of Jesus? To know is to be sure of something. It means you are hesitant, you are very close
to taking that step but is something holding you back? If you make plans for a holiday you would
read different reviews or read all the itinerary. Maybe there is a doubt going through your
mind, maybe you are wondering “should I or should I not?” A little bit hesitant. That is what is meant here. The great ploy of the devil is to deceive
those close to accepting Jesus’ salvation.
God has promised to be with us every step of the way. Do you know Jesus?
The dismissal – “he came unto his own and his own
received him not.” Jesus came into the
world and the world knew him not. A straight
refusal. What situation are you in
today? Why would you ignore the warning
today? As Noah built the ark he warned
the people of the judgment that was coming.
They just didn’t want to listen to him.
Think of the thief on the cross – he didn’t want to listen. You can be deluded, deceived, don’t want to
listen. They were told they had to come
to Christ for forgiveness of sins, that they had to trust him as their personal
Saviour and Lord. Does that describe
you? How would you answer the question “do
you know Jesus?” Time is running out in
our lives. What are your plans for
salvation? What is your plan for getting
to know the Saviour of the world? Would you say “later” or “soon” or will you
say “I am going to do it now”?
The great desire of Jesus – “but as many as received
him to them he gave the power to become sons of God even to them that believeth
on his name.” Jesus had the power to
lift souls from darkness to life, to make them become sons of God. Maybe you have started to come. You can become a son or daughter of God’s
through the blood of Christ. John introduced
Jesus to the world. He knew the power
Jesus had to lift the sinner from the broad road, to put him on the narrow way
and that he had the power to keep him there.
Will you become a son or daughter of Christ for the glory of God today?
A Night in Jail with Peter
ACTS 12 VERSES 1 – 11
This was the time of the Jewish Passover, a time
commemorating the children of Israel coming out of Egypt. They were in
bondage, enslaved by Egyptian Pharaoh.
God would deliver them from Egypt.
The plagues were sent on Egypt but Pharaoh would not let them go. The last plague was when the lamb was killed
and the blood of the lamb was painted on the door posts and lintels. Everyone behind the lamb’s blood was passed
over. The children of Israel were
looking back to the night in Egypt but looking forward to the cross of Christ,
the Son of God sent into the world, sent to be the lamb of God to take away the
sin of the world. He was put to death
for the sins of the world. When the blood
of Jesus is applied to our lives we are safe from judgment still to come. The judgment has passed. The Lord has taken it
on himself. He died to atone for our
The position that had arisen. The church was under attack. It began under the rule of Herod. The devil would use him to attack the
church. He had already arrested James, a
pillar in the church of Christ. The bible
says Herod put him to death by the sword.
He was beheaded. Herod was a very egotistical man, thought highly of
himself. He loved the power and control
he had. He was only content when men
looked up to him and praised him. Verse
3 “and because he (Herod) saw that it pleased the Jews.” Everything he did was to glorify
himself. When he saw how well it pleased
the religious leaders on that particular occasion he thought if he arrested
Peter he would climb that ladder even higher.
Satan would use Herod to come against the church. Satan hasn’t changed his tactics today. Herod then sent out the soldiers to arrest
Peter. The devil was trying to suppress
the church of Christ. We are not ignorant
of his devices. Paul said writing to the
church of Ephesus “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against
principalities.” Here was Peter in the prison house. Sometimes the devil uses people against us to
bring discouragement, to dishearten you.
It may be someone you are looking at but behind the scenes it is the
devil himself. Maybe your family member. He or she doesn’t mean any harm but they are
discouraging you today. The devil is
trying to use them to bring the people down.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood today. The devil uses the tactics to change
them. Acts 4 verse 5 Peter was arrested. The apostles were beaten. Warned not to preach in that name. In Acts 6 there were murmurings against the
church. People felt the money had not
been spent correctly and others were missing out. In chapter 7 we read of the arrest of Stephen.
The prominence Peter had. After James’ death Peter was next on the
list. The devil was changing tactics
again. When Herod saw it pleased the
Jews he decided to arrest Peter. What
does the devil think of you and your testimony today? Think of Stephen in Acts 6 verse 8 – here was
a man full of faith and a powerful man who did many wonders and miracles in the
midst of the people. He bore a
testimony. He stood for God. Will the devil seek to bring you down? John was banished to the island of Patmos,
there because he preached the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. He was arrested for his preaching, for the
stance he took. Peter was a fisherman accused
of turning the world upside down. The devil
had him in his sights. In his
target. He was accused of filling
Jerusalem with the doctrine of God. What
a testimony he bore. Is it any wonder
the devil wanted him brought down? On
the day of Pentecost he was the one who preached. People looking on said everyone was drunk but
Peter stood up to their defence. I am
sure the devil took stock of it all. Are
we standing up for the word of God today?
To the saving grace of God in these days? As we take our stand for God in the home and
among our neighbours, in the church? 1
Peter 4 verse 16 “if ye suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let
him glorify God on his behalf.”
The privilege Peter had. He had been arrested out of the streets of Jerusalem. He lost his liberty and freedom. It is hard to imagine what privileges he
might had had as he was guarded around the clock. Notice verse 5 “but prayer was made without
ceasing of the church unto God for him.”
He had a praying body behind him.
They were ready to devote their lives to God. Peter had a people who would take him to
their hearts, bring it before the God of heaven to pray for him, to seek God on
his behalf. Peter was kept in prison but
prayer was made for him. A group of people
saw the predicament, felt the pain, could do nothing but pray. For each of us there is no greater thing that
we can do for anyone but get on our knees and pray, to seek God for a miracle
in individual lives. C H Spurgeon called
prayer the heating system of the church.
These people “prayed without ceasing” night and day. It was their one priority. Romans 1 verse 9 “without ceasing I make
mention of you in my prayers.”
Philippians 1 verse 4 “always and in every prayer of mine making mention
of you in joy.” Paul in Ephesians urged
the believers to pray for one another and for him also. Paul knew he needed prayer support. Be sure you pray for on another in this battle
– “that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.”
Casting all our cares upon the Lord
MARK 4 VERSES 35 - 41
The reality of why I wnt to turn to this passage is because of the situation we find ourselves in after 18 months. These have been difficult for everyone. We have never known such a situation before. Pastors and elders have had to deal with situations never had to face before. In this passage I see men who have reached a difficult place. We could so easily be swamped with the cares of this world. 1 Peter 5 verse 7 "casting all your care upon the Lord for he careth for you." It is your personal care Peter is talking about. Any care we have. Anything that distracts our minds away from the God of heaven. Take the seed falling among the thorns. The seed is choked by thorns. So too we can get so caught up with the things of this world. Mark 4 verse 19.
There is the despair that is displayed - verse 38. They had got to the end of themselves. They thought the Lord didn't care about them. Verse 36 "and there were also with him other little ships." Concern not only for themselves but for the others in these other boats. It is good to have a concern for others. There are others with great worries going out into a lost Christless hell today. It is good to have a concern for such people. It is good to bring them before the Lord. "Carest thou not that we perish?" In verse 37 we see the little word "great" which indicates it was something loud and frightening. They were experienced fishermen, well used to the sea, the waves were beating against their boat but this must have been something different. Maybe the noise and the darkness made them think they would perish. Such was the despair on them. The disciples get into the boat. Jesus had preached earlier about the sower sowing his seed. Here's the reality of it all. Now they had so many concerns. Now everything the Lord had preached just seemed as if came true. They only cared for themselves. How many are at this despairing point? It must be awful to sit today not knowing whether you have a job tomorrow or behind a closed door knowing that all the utility bills are rising and winter is coming with children to feed and not be saved. What a tragedy. Think of Peter on one occasion in Mark chapter 1. His wife's mother was sick and he was so very anxious about her. What did Peter do? He spoke to Jesus about her. He brings him into the equation. If you have a problem today let the Lord come right in, really bring him into the situation. Remember Jairus who one morning saw his daughter lying in her bed at the point of death. He was so concerned and anxious. Amazing how quickly things had changed. The disciples had been listening intently to Jesus preaching and at the end of the day Jesus told them to get into a boat and go across the sea. Jesus goes and puts his head down and sleeps. The disciples started out on their journey and everything was alright, not a ripple on the waves. Then all of a sudden a storm arose. There are many families just like Jairus today - left without a loved one, a chair that is vacant, a voice that is no longer heard. The virus has taken loved ones away. Some cannot even visit loved ones in hospitals, they are left waiting on the end of a telephone.
The doubts that developed. The disciples started to question if Jesus cared for them Some times that is what happens - we are sure and confident the Lord has brought us into a situation but then as it develops we wonder if the Lord has left us. Remember when Jesus taught the people on the hillside and it came to the end of the day. Jesus turned to his disciples and told them to feed the 5000 that had gathered. The Lord doesn't bring us into any situation where he cannot keep us. Remember Elisha's servant who one day went outside and saw the enemy surrounding the house. It must have been frightening for him. Elisha prayed to God and asked for each to be struck with blindness and they were - 2 Kings 6 verse 18. Remember Gideon when the angel appeared to him in the winepress in Judges 6 verse 13 "Oh my Lord if the Lord be with us why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites." Remember the sower sowing the seed. Some seed fell onto hard ground. Jesus said this seed was like when the preacher preaches the word of God and men receive it but the devil soon comes and takes it away. We can see that happening in our churches today. Some make a profession for a while but something happens and they don't last. Some seed fell on thorns which represents those who are filled with the cares of the world. These cares take the seed and choke it. Isn't that what happens too? Gideon should have known the Lord was with him. We can be so caught up with family problems, sicknesses and death that we miss the presence of God. Paul proved God. He prayed for his thorn in the flesh but God said no "my grace is sufficient for thee."
The decision that was demanded. What are we going to do about this they asked. What do we do with our cares and problems? When Hezekiah heard and saw the Assyrian forces coming to invade his land he got before the Lord and left it with him. He saw the Lord move in a mighty way (2 Kings 19 verses 14 to 19). The disciples were questioning whether the Lord cared for them and they made a decision to go to him, to wake him from his sleep and make him aware of the situation.
The delivery that is described. Just with the power of his word he stood up and spoke to the wind and the waves. They had called him into their situation. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Once that turmoil in their lives was presented to Jesus he took control of the situation. Some times it is like that - we feel as though things are out of control, everything just seems to be getting on top of us. We need to learn that we can cast all our cares upon the Lord for he cares for us. The storm fell flat and they were safe.
What happens when we don't see the Lord deliver us in a situation? Paul prayed 3 times for that thorn in his flesh to be removed. It could have been 3 times or 300 times or 3000 times. The Lord told him he wasn't taking it away. The Lord could have done it but decided not to. Instead he wanted Paul to prove the Lord every day. We have to realise that that is what God wants us to do. Whatever the situation is today bring it to he Lord, really bring him into it, trust him to deliver us out of it.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
The secrecy, the suddenness and the separation at the Lord's return