The next great event that will take place in this world is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ. In recent weeks we have looked at the antichrist and the mark of the beast. Today we want to think of the coming of the Lord to take home the church - the subject of his coming.
We could look at the signs of his coming, the secrecy of his coming (I show you a mystery), the suddenness of his coming (in a moment in the twinkling of an eye), the severity of his coming and the great separation when Christ comes (those who are born again, saved by God's grace, the bride of Christ will be taken to be with Christ for ever).
The subject of his coming. The apostle Paul addresses the group of believers in Thessalonica. The Lord will come again and we which are alive will rise to meet him in the air. There will be a shout and those who have died and are buried will be taken up out of the grave. They will be reunited with their souls, then for those who remain they will be caught up in the air. It will all happen in the twinkling of an eye. Our bodies will not be ready for heaven so have to be changed. That is the first appearing of the Lord but there is another appearing and it will be after the tribulation period. Jesus is coming again to the earth to deal with the antiChrist and the false prophet. All the armies of the world who are in allegiance will also be dealt with. He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Zechariah the prophet said that he will set his feet on the Mount of Olives. This is a subject dear to the apostles heart. A subject he taught on many occasions. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 5 the thought behind the word "told" is one of keeping on telling them, going back to it again and again. He spoke of it some 5 times in this book. Chapter 1 verse 10. When we were saved there has to be a turning away, repentence. When Joseph was told the name for the child Jesus it was explained to him that he "would save his people from their sins." Not being saved in sins but from sins. We look at the life we have been living and trusting in him we turn from that life. In 1 Thessalonians the believers did that under terrible persecution and threats. Paul when he preached the word to them said they received it in much trial and affliction. What have I turned from today? What have I shunned in getting saved? Idols can be anything. An idol can be a way of life - are we prepared to turn from it? A friendship - will we give it up to take the Lord? An idol can be a religion or a church building. The Lord's table can become an idol. There are things we need to be careful of - are we putting them in front of the Lord? A profession yes but is there repentance? A turning our back on those things, trusting God wholeheartedly. They turned from idols to serve the living God. Out and out for God, telling others what they have received. Chapter 1 verse 10 "and to wait for his Son." Paul had taught this time and again. A tremendous doctrine. The fundamentals of our faith. Saved by grace. When Jesus died on Calvary he was saving us from our sins. There is the blessed hope that one day he will come to take me home. The believers had a clear knowledge and understanding of what was taking place. 1 Thessalonians 2 verse 19, 1 Thessalonians 4 verses 13 and 15 and 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 23 - 25 mentions of the Lord's coming again. The people in this church were going through a time of heavy persecution. They thought they had missed out on the coming again of the Lord. They thought they were now entering into the period of tribulation. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3. This little church were so anxious, they thought they had entered into the tribulation period, that the Lord had already come back and they were left behind. Paul says that is not the situation. The phrase "day of Christ" means the coming of the Lord to the air. The Tribulation will be a period when God pours out his wrath on a Christ rejecting world. When Christ comes the church will go home. God will begin to pour out his wrath on a Christ rejecting world at that moment. Those who are not saved will be left behind. This church felt they were left behind. God was pouring out his wrath now. No Paul says. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 1 this day begins when the Lord takes the church home. He brings them right back to this event.
This is a subject of tremendous attack. Paul realised that in this church the devil was telling them God had forgotten them. These believers were waiting on the Lord's return. Paul addresses this subject, not stirring up emotions and interest to satisfy their curiosity. It is a doctrine and an important one. Whenever we begin to think of the Lord coming again it should make us live in the light of his coming. Imagine if the Lord was to come this very day where would he find us? What would he find us doing? Peter dealing with the Lord's return said "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise ... But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2 Peter 3 verses 9 and 10) Peter goes on to say "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of person ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness. Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God." Like the Thessalonians we need to be living in the light of the Lord's return. In 1 Thessalonians 1 verses 6 and 7 we see that the church in Thessalonica were "ensamples to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia." They were telling everyone they met about the Lord Jesus There are those we need to tell, to warn them, in our family circle. We need to be living and telling others, our loved ones, our families. Imagine if the Lord returned today? What about our families? In our prayer times we should be praying and pleading for our families today. We should also be living blameless lives. 1 Thessalonians 4 verses 11 and 12. Satan comes in many forms. For the people in Thessalonica there were people who came into the church to take them away from their faith. In the Garden of Eden Satan came in subtlety. Peter talks about him coming in like a roaring lion. Paul talks about putting on the whole armour of God to be able to withstand his attacks. How does Satan attack this little church - 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 2. Maybe someone had come into the fellowship "by spirit" - someone in the fellowship had a dream or a vision that this church was going through the tribulation period, that they had all missed out on the coming of the Lord. John tells us not to believe every spirit but to test them. 2 Corinthians 11 verses 4 and 5 - who is being talked about here? Preachers in the pulpits. Look at verses 13 to 15. People coming with another gospel. Paul is talking about the pulpit. Satan has his followers to discourage, to bring in despair. We think the greatest harm today is in the clubs, pubs and drug scenes but really the greatest danger to the church is in the pulpit. Paul is warning everyone to watch out who they listen to. As it was in his day so it is more in our day - we are being deceived today.
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