Questions are part and parcel of every day life. If you ever have ever taken a journey with children you will know that they love questions. If you start something new you have to ask questions. Some times the same question is repeated over and over again. It can be very tiresome listening to the same question. Maybe you have been asking over and over again 'what will I do with Jesus' or maybe you have heard that question repeatedly asked to you. In this passage we read of a question "what I shall I do?" There was only one person who could answer this question and it was Pilate himself. Ultimately it fell back on him to answer it no matter how much he tried not to. We read this question 3 times in scripture and each time it was a personal question. A reply was expected. The first time we read of this question is here in verse 22 - it was a considered question. Pilate stood face to face with Jesus. A personal answer, no-one could make that decision for him. He tried endless times to make it possible not to answer it. He tried to curry favour with the people. He even tried to pass Jesus down the line. "What shall I do with Christ?" Will you choose Christ for yourself? will you put the crowd behind you? There came a time when Pilate exhausted all his options and was ultimately faced with Jesus himself.
The second time this question was asked is in Mark 10 verse 17 and it was a calculated question. "What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" This man tried a different route. He tried to make his own way. Ultimately he was brought face to face with Christ. He tried to look at everything he had, considered all the good he had done, thought he was not a bad person but was exhausted. Finally he came face to face with Jesus. He asked him what he should do. He had tried good living, obedience to the law and good attendance at the synagogue but he was missing one little thing. How awful it would be hearing the words of the gospel, reading this portion of scripture yet failing to make a decision. This man who tried all the good works he could, lived his life as cleanly as he could as many do today yet Jesus says to him "you are still missing something." How many will leave this scene of time and enter eternity to find that they had calculated things wrongly? They failed to listen to what Jesus was saying to them. A man so close yet so far away. This young man was standing right at the door of heaven. Jesus himself said "I am the door" to heaven, "I am the way, the truth and the life" and "I am the light of the world". Many today say exactly the same thing. God tells them they are so close yet they miss that final step.
The third time this question was asked is in Luke 12 verse 17 and it was spoken by someone who was so careless. Here was a man who thought within himself 'what shall I do because I have no time to bestow my fruits.' He did not pay heed to what he had to do. He was making a decision not realising that it was his final decision. Many make decisions not to have anything to do with Jesus not realising it is the final decision they will ever make. Here was a man saying 'my future can wait'. He looked at the great harvest in front of him here and now. It was more important than the future. Tomorrow was more important than what would happen to his soul. A man who thought he had plenty of time. Maybe he had heard Jesus before, we don't know. He only thought about the need of somewhere to put his great harvest. Somewhere to store all his fruits yet deep in his heart God said to him "this is your last time, you are occupied with so many other important things but what will you do with eternity?" It is easy to come into a gospel mission, to sit and listen and then drive outside the gates but when will you consider Jesus? Jesus loves you and died for you - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." This man was careless.
There were consequences. Decisions always have consequences. Life questions need an answer. Decisions will lead us to consequences. Pilate stood face to face with Jesus. He said 'no' and he never heard of Jesus again. Jesus was taken out, crucified, buried and put in a tomb. The rich young ruler who asked "what shall I do to inherit eternal life" went away sorrowful. He never spoke to Jesus again. The farmer in Luke 12 said "not today, I have too much to do." He never heard the voice of Jesus again. From that point on all 3 brought judgment on themselves. What will you do with Jesus? It is a question that is directed at your heart. Be careful to what you are listening. You are presented with your own personal decision. Will you consider the 2 options? Pilate gave the people the option of releasing Jesus or Barrabas. The people made their choice but the question came back to Pilate himself. Will you choose Jesus or push him to one side again? Maybe it is a calculated question to you tonight. Maybe Jesus doesn't need me to confess my sin. I mean I go to church, my family are Christians, surely this will be enough. This rich young ruler tried it all - he was close but not close enough. Maybe you will be careless tonight - you will look at what you have, consider what you are going to do tomorrow but the question is still asked. Think of the consequences of all 3 after rejecting Jesus. Questions that require answers. A personal answer. Each question had to be answered by the person asking them.
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