Monday, 28 June 2021

Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee?



PSALM 85 verse 6 "Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee?"

This is a Psalm to the Chief Musician for the Sons of Korah.  The Sons of Korah stem from the priestly tribe of the Levites in the Old Testament.  They were responsible mainly for the music that was written and sung in the temple.  Notice the depth of the Psalmist's heart.

Notice the Psalmist is concerned about the spiritual condition.  This is a person who is taking stock, is stopped in his tracks.  He is looking around him.  He sees the spiritual condition the people are in.  He is considering the past through to the present day.  Verse 1 "Lord thou hast been favourable unto thy land."  Now he sees a land where the people have gone astray, are careless and cold.  They have allowed the enemy to come in.  "Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob, thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah"  That word "selah" signifies a pause in the song.  It is there to help people reflect, meditate, to take stock.  Surely that is a good thing.  The old enemy discourages us when nothing is happening, when nothing is seen to be done.  But it is a good thing to remind ourselves what God has done.  Don't we see the same in our land today?   Our land has been so favoured of God.  When we think of men like Whitfield and the Wesley's and Nicholson.  God has been favourable to this land when he sent men to preach the word and others to be prayer warriors.  That God would move in a mighty way.  Our prayer today should be "wilt thou not revive us again."  Before the revival in Ulster one preacher said "we were dead, we were cold, deplorable.  Even when we tried to set up prayer meetings in our church we were met with hostility."  Another said "I preached for 11 years and never saw one soul saved."  Another said "the spiritual state was hopeless."  When we think of the established churches today it is more a social club than a spiritual battleground.  The Psalmist has seen God's favour and blessing in past days.  As we think of the many who were used by God in past days it will not suffice in this day.  We have got to cry to God today.  The Psalmist is speaking of the time when Israel was in rebellion, when Cyrus was raised up by God to bring the people back to Jerusalem.  When Nehemiah inquired about the state of the people and the city of Jerusalem itself he was told the walls had broken down, the gates of the city were crushed and the people scattered.  Nehemiah as a result of hearing those words got before God and wept.  At one time when the people did return they started to build the temple but then all of a sudden the work stopped.  The people got careless and left off building the house of God to go and build their own houses.  They made excuses stating it was not the right time to build the Lord's house.  Maybe it is the same thing with ourselves.  Maybe we have got complacent of it all.  We can read all about Whitefield and Nicholson, quote them but we need to get into their shoes.  God has been good to us, given us blessing through the greatest preachers and prayer warriors but now the church is deserted, the Lord's day means nothing, the bible is not read any more - we need to be concerned about all of this!

The psalmist now considers what is needed.  He asks "wilt thou not revive us again".  What the nation needs rests with the Lord.  What the church of Jesus Christ needs rests with the Lord.  After the people returned to Jerusalem the foundations of the temple were laid.  It was a great day of rejoicing but then the coldness set in.  Other things began to take prominence.  The warning came - "consider thy ways."  We see that in our day.  We start off with great diligence then carelessness and coldness set in.  We lose respect for the word of God.  "I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and what I shall answer when I am reproved." (Habakkuk 2 verse 1)."  He begins to consider all and says "we need the Lord."  Duncan Campbell was booked to preach at the Bangor Convention.  The Chairman leading the meeting sat down beside him and Duncan told him he couldn't stay any longer.  The conviction came on him in the pulpit that he must go to the Hebrides.  He walked away from the Convention and landed in the Hebrides.  One man had been praying, felt God telling him that revival would come.  He went ahead and booked a meeting for Duncan to speak at.  When Duncan arrived he told him that revival didn't come from him but from the Lord.  That is what we need - what great advice for us today.  Some times we think the answer is a gospel mission with a big named evangelist but that is not revival.  that is a man made attraction.  Remember when the disciples were in the boat as they sailed across the lake.  A storm arose and they went searching for Jesus.  He was sound asleep.  He asked them "where is your faith?"  He criticised the disciples but there is another aspect to the disciples - they looked to the Lord when they were in a crisis.  They realised they could do nothing in themselves.  They sought the Lord to help them.  We have no solutions or answers in ourselves.  The answer is with God.  Not more campaigns or reading books on revival but it is of God.

The cry that is made.  This man was concerned about the spiritual conditions of his people.  He came to one conclusion and he cried "wilt thou not revive us again."  This was not lip service but heartfelt.  A burden to cry unto the Lord.  If we only got to that same point again our prayer meeting rooms would be full to overflowing.  This man realised that he needed revival for himself as much as the people around him.  When Nehemiah thought of the state of Jerusalem, how the walls were broken and the gates burned with the people scattered careless and cold he wept certain days.  Such was the burden in his heart.  When Duncan Campbell went to the Hebrides he met the Smith sisters, one was 86 and the other 84 years of age.  They were riddled with arthritis and one was blind but they prayed day and night for revival.  When Duncan Campbell met in an old barn with the people of that area one man read from Psalm 24 "who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully." The man went on to say "I know, I believe it is humbug for us to pray like this, to wait before God like this if we are not right before God ourselves.  Have I turned my heart to God?  Are my hands clean?  Is my heart pure?"  The people recorded that God came in mighty power that evening.  Nehemiah did not just pray for the wrongs of others.  He didn't say it was everyone else's problem.  He sat down and confessed the sin of the nation.  He included himself.  Revival begins in each of our hearts, not just looking at someone else not living up to what they should be.  Revival begins with me.  "For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground.  I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine offspring."  (Isaiah 44 verse 3)

The crown that he looked for - "that thy people may rejoice in thee."  In Acts 13 verse 51 we read "And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost".  In Nehemiah's day they said "the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8 verse 10)

Sunday, 20 June 2021

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth




"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"  We are living in dark days, difficult days, days whenever the foundation of the church is being eroded.  Here is a great attack on the preaching of the gospel.  An onslaught on what we believe.  Think of the topics of same sex marriage, abortion, conversion therapy,  So many difficult things coming against the church.  Conversion therapy may mean we will not be able to pray for people in our prayer times.  When the enemy comes in like a flood it is the spirit that raises up the standard against him.  The Lord is asking for that standard to be raised again. The word of God is being constantly under attack both inside and outside the church.  People are denying some of the things we believe even some of those standing behind the sacred desk.  We should always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us  There are those today who don't believe God exists.  Many are questioning how the world came into being - was it the big bang or not.  The arguments about the age of the earth - is it 600 years old or is it millions of years old?  Scientists have proved it is millions and therefore the say we don't need our bible today.  I want us to revisit some of these basic truths.  It is to the bible that we only can turn to.  It is our foundation for belief.  1 Peter 3 verse 15 "but sanctify the Lord in your heart and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you wth meekness and fear."  

Think today of the reality of God in the world.  We are bombarded today with the thought that there is no God, no proof of his existence.  Genesis 1 "in the beginning God."  Henry Morris wrote in his book The Genesis Record "the opening verse takes this fact for granted.  The bible sets out not to prove there is a God but that God exists.  You are coming to God because he is God.  That is so obvious that only a fool can say there is no God.  Psalm 14 verse 1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is no God."  The man in the world makes the boast that there is no God, no existence of God.  God does not need to prove his existence but sets it out as a fact.  The psalmist David was a young boy, he hadn't any PHD or was a theologian.  He did not attend Cambridge or Oxford universities.  Just a shepherd boy guarding his sheep day and daily.  He took his sheep to cool waters and green pastures, he watched over them as they grazed and when they slept at night.  Under those starry skies he would say "the heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament showeth his handiwork."  To Isaiah the prophet God came to him and said "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number; he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power not one faileth." (Isaiah 40 verse 26)  Think of the words of Philip when he heard Jesus say he would leave this world.  Philip said "show us the father and that will suffice us."  Jesus replied "have I been so long time with you and yet thou hast not known me? He that hath seen me hath seen the father."  John 17 verse 3 "and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God."  In his debate on marriage Jesus corrected those who argued against him.  In Mark 10 verse 6 "but from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."  He was taking the minds of those who argued with him back to the beginning.  He made male and female, pointing them to God in heaven.  John 1 verse 1.  Remember when Paul was in Athens.  He spoke to those people who were very religious and devout.  When he went out into Athens he could see these various altars made for sacrifice.  There was one to the unknown God.  Paul said "for as I passed by I and beheld you devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God.  Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."  There is a reality of God in this world.  No matter what great people try to tell us when we do a simple thing such as looking up into the sky and see the sun shining and the moon rising at night and the all the stars proves there is a God.  This verse tells me of the reality of God in the world.

We see something of the revelation of God to the world.  How would we ever have known God?  It is he who reveals himself to us.  How could you ever know you are a sinner and that the remedy for sin is through Jesus if it had not been God revealing it to you?  God speaks to us.  Only he can create that conviction of sin in our hearts, that we need to have a desire to turn away from sin which is repentance.  That we have grace to believe in God and it is God's works showing us that.  He shows us we have sinned and come short of the glory of God, that we will never be in heaven. He points us to Calvary where he sent his son to take your sin and the sin of the world.  He did it to atone for everyones sin.  He shows us that he asks you to believe it all - that is your part.  God will not do that for us.  He has given you the ability to look at everything around you and make a decision.  That is what he wants us to do.  The Philippian jailer asked "what must I do to be saved?"  He would do anything to be saved.  He was ready to do it.  We must come to that same place or we might never be saved.  The jailer turned from his wicked ways and trusted th Lord as Saviour.  Remember Zophar one of Job's friends who came to comfort him in his time of trouble.  Job was going through a difficult and terrible time.  He asked Job "canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almight unto perfection?"   When David lifted up his eyes to the sky and declared what he did, that was God's revelation to him  There are 2 types of revelation - the natural and the special.  Natural revelation is such as Psalm 19 verse 1, God shows us great things through creation.  That is God breaking into our lives and proving the existence of God.  Notice he saw the stars and his mind was changed.  He was looking for the one who hung the stars in place.  That is natural revelation.  Thomas Aquinas "if a rational man would draw the right conclusions from the facts of nature he would have to accept the existence of God in nature."  If we look around us and see God's work in making things surely it takes up the thought that there is a God.  Remember when Paul was in Lystra and he healed the lame man.  The people looking on Paul believed him to be a god, they would have sacrificed to him but Paul had to stop them.  He spoke of the reality and the revelation of the one true God.  Acts 14 verse 17 "Nevertheless he left not himself without witness in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness."  Look at the seasons how winter turns into spring and spring into summer and summer into autumn.  It comes around every year.  The very seasons prove the revelation and reality of God.  Genesis 8 verse 22 "while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease."  Natural revelation - that there is a God in heaven today.  We could never find out about God if we don't have that natural revelation.  We also have a special revelation as well when he reveals himself to us in his word just as he has done here in this very first verse of Genesis 1.  John 1 verse 1 the bible says "and the word became flesh and dwelt among us."  In Genesis the revelation of that third person of the trinity is evident "and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water."  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all in the opening verses of Genesis 1.  Paul writing to the Romans stated "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead; so that they are without excuse"  In Paul's day as today, there were those who could see the existence of God and turned their backs on God and went into every possible sin.  "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."  What does it say bout the intellect of God today?  Denying the existence of God all around.  Don't need the design behind it all.  Peter was asked whom do men say that I am?  Jesus asked again "Who do you say I am?"  Peter replied "Thou art the Christ."  Jesus said "flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you but my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 16 verse 17) A revelation was given to Peter.  

The relationship of God with the world .  The word "created" comes from the Hebrew word 'Bar'a meaning to make something out of nothing.  That is what it means - nothing was there previously.  The word is only used in connection to God.  It means God called into existence something that did not exist before.  Man can make things, form things but man cannot create things.  When God made this heaven and earth he spoke the word and it came into being.  He created all we have around us.  

Sunday, 13 June 2021

What must I do to be saved?



ACTS 16 VERSES 19 - 31

There is a certainty in the blood of Jesus, the assurance we have.  Verse 31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house."  In the passage Paul and Silas were thrown into a prison cell not because of something that they had done or because they had broken the laws of the day.  They had helped one person.  They saw a girl filled with a spirit, fortune telling in the market place for her masters.  They were able to release her from that great bondage.  Verse 19 "when they saw the hope of their gains was gone they caught Paul and Silas and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers."  They were there for a meeting.  There is a question in this passage that hangs over this entire passage and over our lives.  It is a question that demands a response.  It moves past merely an enquiry and actually cries out for a response.  I trust the response that is required tonight will be answered by you.  This Philippian jailer was not saying "what shall I do" but "what must I do?"  The need was obvious to this man.  It was no general enquiry.  He examined himself, examined the needs in his life, considered what would happen if something were to happen during this earthquake and he was not right with the Lord.  Are you right with Jesus?  Are you happily living from day to day?  Have you made preparations for eternity?  Have you asked for forgiveness of sins?  He couldn't take one more minute.  He calls out "what must I do to be saved?"  

The silence - verses 23 and 24.  They were arrested for preaching Jesus.  The world outside the prison cell wanted them to be silenced.  This man had the power to do so.  In verse 25 we read they were praying and singing.  No longer on the streets.  The people won that battle on the streets.  This jailer needed to silence them so he put them into the deepest, darkest cell, chained them and locked the door.  All to silence their conviction.  How many times have you sat in missions or meetings and attempted to silence the voice of conviction?  That voice that tells you that you need Jesus Christ.  You need to get saved yet somehow you push it to the back of your mind and do nothing.  The jailer did nothing different from what you are doing.  He didn't want to hear the message.   How many times are you going to continue trying to quash the voice of conviction, when God is calling you to salvation?

The setting - verses 25 - 27.  There in the darkness God was moving.  3 things were happening - Paul and Silas were praying.  What were they praying?  That God would use this opportunity to speak to some soul, maybe even the Philippian jailer.  As a Christian are you praying for these meetings?  For the work of the church?  Do you unsaved know that people are praying for your salvation?  In the darkness God was preparing a soul for salvation.  Secondly God was seen to be moving suddenly.  A great earthquake.  Out of the blue God moved miraculously.  God searched for one soul.  The keeper of the prison awoke out of his sleep.  Maybe you are not physically sleeping but spiritually you are.  Perhaps you have become accustomed to the gospel message.  The gospel message is just not the same any more for you.  You could almost switch off.  Just like every night before.  The jailer settled the prisoners, made sure the doors were locked and everyone was chained.  He was content in the knowledge everything was OK.  He settled down.  Suddenly God spoke directly to him.  Maybe spiritually speaking what if God was to call your soul just as suddenly as this man was called?  What if the trumpet call sounded right now?  Are you ready or are you spiritually asleep?  Content to block out the voice of the Saviour?  "Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation."  Now is the time to come.  James said "what is your life, it is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time then vanisheth away."

The seriousness - verse 29.  This man knew he was in trouble as soon as he heard the earthquake.  The jail doors opened and all the chains fell off the prisoners.  He heard the voice of Paul and knew God was real.  "He called for a light"  Why do we need a light?  You need a light to shine through the darkness.  Jesus was that light but the darkness comprehended it not.  This man wanted to know.  He grabbed the light and ran in.  We need the light to show us the way spiritually.  There was no hesitation.  No longer trying to silence the voice of Jesus.    He is no longer sleeping.  He knew he was in God's presence.  Do you  know you are in the presence of God not just in this car park tonight?  There is the seriousness of the message.

The search - verse 30.  The jailer asks "what must I do to be saved?"  He doesn't say "what shall I do but what must I do?"  He was not looking for any options, for a few things to consider and ponder.  He wanted the exact directions of what he must do.  He knew he needed the Savour.  As you listen do you realise you need the Lord?  Do you  know your need of salvation?  This was a big jailer man who had no time for the gospel.  He was there to do his job.    He had just witnessed a great earthquake, the doors being opened, chains falling off the prisoners hands and feet.  He had witnessed these prisoners sitting in their cells quietly.  Perhaps at some stage in these mens life he had heard Paul and Silas preaching.  The apostles talked about salvation, about Jesus and the power of the cross.  He did nothing about it until that night.  How long have you known you must be saved and yet haven't done it?  You know what salvation means and what it means to be saved.  What have you done about it?  If I asked you are you saved, if you know what to do then why have you not done it?  It is time to stop messing about with your never dying soul because any moment Jesus could call that soul of yours.  What must I do? 

The salvation - verse 31.  Jesus was able to save immediately.  The jailer was a rough man, he was a soldier, a hardened soldier.  To be given such a task and entrusted with it.  This man was good at his job.  He needed salvation but in John 3 we read of another man, a scribe, a leader, a teacher.  He was a rabbi but he also needed salvation.  There is no difference between this Philippian jailer and Nicodemus.  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  When God looked down on this world he saw souls heading for a lost eternity.  He sent Jesus to go to the cross to die for our sins.  It didn't matter who they were, the worst and the best but both needed salvation.  Both were sinners on their way to a lost eternity.  Are you saved tonight?  You need Jesus.  We all want to go to heaven.  The entrance to heaven requires forgiveness and salvation.  Jesus came to take away our sins.  "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish."  I trust this evening that you will consider the things we have to do for ourselves and we can look at all we have to do.  It is a great task.  God does accept us and forgives us, makes us ready for heaven. Now we are looking at what must I do.  The question demands an answer - what is your response?

She hath done what she could




In our passage a lady comes into the presence of Jesus and gives something very precious to him.  Jesus is pointing out to the disciples that she had done what she could.  She brought in a box of ointment, something precious to her.  it was costly, a years wages perhaps.  She broke the box in front of Jesus and poured it on his head.  Commentators differ as to who she was - they refer to John 12 where it is Mary who poured out the ointment.  Some would say she was another lady.

The distinction Jesus made of her and her servies.  "She hath down what she could."  Jesus takes the other disciples and points them to the actions of this woman.  There is much for us to learn here.  She wants to honour the Lord, glorify him praise him, worship him.  In a few days time he would be on his way to Calvary.  In a few days the opportunity would be gone for ever.  Are our lives glorifying to the Lord?  Why do we come in on a Sunday morning and Sunday evening?  To pass the time?  Or to worship the Lord for what he has done?  Think of what he has done for our lives in knowing we have sinned and come short of his glory, short of what is required of us.  That we will never get to the place where we are accepted by God.  He stepped in and said 'I will take your place'.  He meant it.  He would have to go to the cross and be nailed by his hands and feet, a crown of thorns would be plaited on his brow.  He did something I could never do for myself.  We have to come to the Lord.  He had opened up the way to heaven for each of us.  Let's be sure we are on our way to heaven and home today.  She came to worship.  She came into the presence of Christ, broke the box and poured it on Jesus' head.  There was uproar in the house.  Jesus said "she hath done what she could."  No more could be done.  If you are saved today and on your way to heaven then thereis nothing more expected of you than your all.  Remember the Roman centurion who came into the presence of Jesus to plead for his servant.  He was over a large number of soldiers, a high ranking man but he had a love for his servant.  He would see his servant every day in pain and agony.  He had done the best in terms of physicians.  He had heard about the Lord and what he was able to do.  That Jesus could quell the waves and winds, raise the dead and thought to himself if he could get to the Lord and bring him to my house my servant would be healed.  He arose and went to Jesus, asked him to come and heal him.  Jesus said yes he would come and heal him.  The centurion thought and then said "I am not worthy that you should come under my roof but speak the word only and he will be healed.  The Lord distinguished that man above all others.  "I have not seen such great faith no not in all of Israel."  He had done what he could.  Have we done what we could, can I say to the Lord "there is nothing more I could have done."  This lady did all she could.  Remember the widow woman who threw in 2 mites to the offering.  All the governors and rulers were there in their fancy clothes and whatever they thew in didn't matter to them.  In comes a widow woman, there she stands in the midst of all.  She is not even noticed.  She takes 2 mites and drops them into the treasury.  Jesus pointed her out saying "she hath down all she could."  The Lord saw her.  That is what distinguished her.  She did everything she could.

Notice this lady and her devotion.  Jesus points out the fact that she had come because of her devotion.  The motive behind it was love.  She loved the Lord.  She didn't find it a great thing, just a jar of ointment but so precious.  She knew she wanted to be in his presence.  As we meet together when we gather in his name he is there in the midst.  She loved the Lord so much she wanted to be near where he was.  She realised the task she could do. She came to where he was.  We all have asomething to offer.  We come because we know that Jesus has promised to be with us.  Think of the day Jesus called at the home of Mary and Martha.  Martha went out to prepare the meal while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus - why - because she wanted to hear the word of God.  She was so much in love with him, she wanted to hear every word he had to say.  She knew the lengths Jesus was prepared to go.  He was about to go to Calvary to be rejected of mankind.  He didn't want the opportunity to pass by.  She did what she could do for the Lord.  Remember how Peter denied the Lord and walked afar off.  When Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane he found himself drifting more and more until he was sitting with his enemies.  That is how backsliding starts.  Little by little.  We have to be careful.  Peter sat at the fireside.  He was challenged "do you know this man?"  He denied him 3 times.  On the seashore Jesus prepared breakfast for the disciples.  He said to Peter "lovest thou me?"  3 times of denial and 3 times of confirmation.  We can be saved and doing so much but what about the our love for the Lord?  It was said of the Laodicean church they were neither hot nor cold.  Jesus said "this is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you." (John 15 verse 12)  When I think of the great love Christ has for me do I love him as much?  Our devotion is that we offer ourselves totally to him, that is all that is asked for.

The dedication she had.  It came out of the devotion she had for the Lord.  It distinguished her in her services for the Lord.  She took the most expensive thing in her possession.  It was in a cupboard for some very special occasion.  She realised there was nothing more she could do than take it to the Lord and anoint him.  She gave it to the master in her service.  In Judges 11 Jephthah lived in Gilead.  He was a mighty man, a soldier, the son of a harlot.  Because of that his family turned their backs on him.  When the brothers rejected him he had to flee from his home.  The Amorites invaded Israel and of course this young man was sent for.  He was asked to come and lead the Israelite host against the Amorites.  He said he would do it but before he went out into battle he said "Lord if you are with me give the enemy into my hands then the first thing that meets me when I come home again I will offer it as a burnt offering."  He was dedicated to the service of the Lord.  He won the battle and comes home again rejoicing.  As he comes home thee first thing to meet him was his daughter.  She was his only child.  when he saw her coming he realised the vow he had.  She was the most precious thing in his house.  That daughter had no husband from that day on.  She would have been isolated from that day.  Remember Ananias in the days of the early church.  People in those days would sell anything they had and give the money from it to the apostles.  That money was then shared around those who had a need.  Ananias and Sapphira had some property, land and they sold it and brought the proceeds to the apostles.  Ananias and Priscilla kept back some of it.  They had no call to give it whatsoever.  As they brought that gift to the Lord probably brought the biggest part.  Peter asked them "why has the devil filled your heart to lie unto the Holy Spirit?"  We need to give what we can in these days, keeping nothing back.  You and I can hold things back - our time, our money, our talents, our families.  Think of Abraham when he was called to offer his son as a sacrifice.  This lady gave all she had, nothing more was expected.  The Lord will expect nothing more of you and I than all we can give.  Have we done all we could for the Lord today?  Are we putting our all into God's work and only get out what we can get done?  Sometimes we have to be careful - we can only get out what we put in.

Notice her decision.  She was distinguished by her devotion, dedicated in what she set out to do but she also made a decision.  She loved the Lord.  She was devoted and dedicated to the service but she had to make a decision to give the ointment box.  It had to be a free will decision.  We can expect people to do certain things but it would not be free.  It didn't matter about the cost.  She took it and anointed the Lord.  It was her decision.

The dispute.  The minute she did it there was an uproar.  The disciples said it was a waste of money, they thought the ointment could have been sold and the money given to the poor.  Maybe they said this because they themselves never thought of doing something like this.  Maybe it put them in a bad light and set her apart.  Maybe they stepped back and didn't want anyone else to do it.  The Lord distinguished this woman here.  The Lord set her apart for this great lesson for the disciples.  She came to where the Lord was.  She broke the box of ointment and poured it on the Lord.  It called for a decision to be made.  There might be a dispute at the end of the mission because of what we have and haven't done.  The Lord is in control and he asks us to give what we can - will we do it today? 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

What can Jesus do for you?



LUKE 17 VERSES 11 - 19

Over the past couple of nights we have been looking at different topics - "what shall I do" Pilate's words, the rich young ruler and the rich farmer.  All were asking the same question and the emphasis was on the individual and what they needed to do.  Then last night we looked at the lost sheep who had to realise it was lost.  It cried out to the shepherd and the shepherd was there in order to save it.

I want us to consider what Jesus can do tonight.  Before we buy anything today we like to get a good review on it.  What do other people think of the product?  When we book a venue for our holidays we read the reviews of people who have visited the area we are going to.  We always like to know in advance what something is like.  Can we say the same about salvation?  Have you never come to Jesus?  Hav you ever sought the Saviour for yourself?  We can listen to singers and peoples testimonies about something Jesus has done in their lives.  Maybe you are close to salvation.  Maybe you are just not sure.  Maybe you have been close to salvation in the past but are unsure if Jesus could save you.  This message is for you.  I trust someone evaluates their own life tonight, puts themselves in the position of accepting Christ.  In this situation we read here of a group of people who could leave a testimony to tell others that they had met with Jesus and were changed as a result.  Can Jesus make a difference in your life tonight?  Don't trust me.  Don't take my word for it tonight.  The result of this meeting was that these men left knowing they had been changed.  Jesus had touched and changed their lives forever.

The contemplation - verse 11.  They knew they had a great opportunity.  Jesus was in the area for all that would listen.  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  As Jesus was passing through he made his way through Samaria and Galilee.  No Jew would have stepped into the land of Samaria and no Gentile would pass through Galilee.  There was no difference for Jesus.  He came to seek that which was lost.   "And as he entered into a certain village."  These 10 men realised something prior to this great meeting.  There was preparation to be made.  They had to understand their need, had to make their way to Jesus because they had a great need in their heart.  All other ways had failed.  They were living in a colony, living on the outside of town because they had tried different doctors, tried every break through they could but still were found wanting.  News came to them that Jesus was making his way into that area.  They knew they had a great opportunity.  

Now see their concern - verse 12.  They knew their problem was urgent.  Why?  Because their disease had defined them - "they were lepers".  As the people looked on at these men they were not known as such by name but looked on as individuals with a disease.  Their bodies were evidence of their disease.  We are classed as sinners, born in sin, shapen in iniquity, in sin our mothers conceived us.  The fall of Adam has descended on our race even today.  Sin has destroyed our lives.  The lepers were known by their disease.  So are we sinners, born in sin today.  A great opportunity.  The possibility for us is that although we are sinners we can be saved by grace.  The concern they had in their heart that they might meet Jesus.  As Jesus entered the village these men met him.  As soon as he passed the welcome sign was put out and Jesus passed over the thresh hold where they lived.  They came and met him right at the entrance to the village.  They understood the severity of the problem.  They had taken no chances.  Nothing was going to stop these men with meeting with Jesus  If only souls had that same concern.  The same understanding these men had.  They realised they needed to get to Jesus.  Nothing was going to stop them from meeting with the Saviour.  Missions come and missions go.  Drive-In Services will come and go.  People will say 'I will be ok'.  People will turn around and say "this is not for me, I still have time"   Many people are treating salvation as something for way down the line, something they will think about later in life.  At times when life gets difficult people pick up Jesus but then are content to throw him to one side again when things change.

The calling - verse 13.  "They lifted up their voices and said 'Jesus, master, have mercy on us."  A call from their heart.  One of the translations puts the words 'lifted up' as to loose yourself.  They cried from the bottom of their hearts.  They were loosing themselves from all hindrances that would have held them back.  They were bound by sins chains.  The words also mean to put away.  It is symbolic of putting way all that held them back.  What is holding you back from coming to salvation?  Why are you not saved?  Why have you come to our meeting tonight?  Content to listen to the gospel message yet drive away at the end?  These men realised the need in their heart, they realised the severity of their situation.  They put all hindrances behind them and cried out.  Verse 13 they cried out "Jesus, master have mercy on us."  Those words 'have mercy on us' mean to be compassionate.  They also mean to show grace.  Here were these 10 men coming to the feet of the Saviour.  Jesus doesn't give us what we deserve but he gives grace and mercy instead of what we are.  The Lord has bestowed on us the opportunity to be here and hear the gospel message.  We should be on our knees.  "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly."  Jesus would go to the cross and die for your sin and mine.

The confrontation - verse 14.  Jesus heard their cry "and when he saw them he said unto them".  The confrontation was that Jesus heard their cry.  We are dealing with the Son of God who came into the world.  In this story Jesus was making his way through the villages to go to the cross of Calvary.  He was focused on that journey and the souls of people around him.  Imagine if he had looked at them and couldn't have helped them.  No he heard their cry.  What is holding you back?  "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."  "Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you."

A cleansing - verse 14.  "Go show yourselves unto the priest and it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed."  He not only heard their need, he stopped to listen and was able to do something about it.  Imagine if he had turned around and said 'there is nothing I can do, it is outside of my reach'.  Jesus answered by cleansing their souls.  He can cleanse you, take away your sin, make your heart new.  It is time to stop putting your salvation on hold.  Pay attention to your soul.  Maybe you think you are too sinful.  Maybe you are too busy - "behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation."

The comfort - verse 19.  As they went on their way their faith made them whole.  Jesus took the fear of death away.  They had a contagious disease.  No-one wanted to be near them.  The meeting with Jesus gave them hope.  Jesus said "arise" meaning to lift yourself up again.  Your faith, your trust, your assurance has made you whole, has delivered you.  Jesus can tell you to rise up.  Should you put your faith and trust and assurance in his hand he will never leave you.  He can deliver you.  Think upon our own salvation.  We thought previously of what you should do but think tonight of what Jesus can do - he can save you.  He came to this earth, went to the cross to die and save you.  You have the assurance that he can save you, hold unto you.  He will make you ready for heaven.  This is your opportunity because Jesus is passing.  it is time for you to call.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

The Lost Sheep



LUKE 15 VERSES 1 - 7

This is a well known passage all about the lost sheep.  This sheep had been carefree just a few hours before.  Maybe you are carefree today, not caring for your soul.  What does it mean to be lost?  How easy is it to get lost?  What happens when we get lost?  What are the dangers of being lost?  "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  The emphasis is on the word "all".  Verse 1 "all the publicans and sinners".  Who was gathered at this particular meeting? The publicans and sinners and then in verse 2 we also read that the Pharisees and scribes were present.  Why were they there?  Some were there to listen, others to cause trouble, to murmur and argue with Jesus' words.  Why are you here tonight?  Because you were invited?  Because you wanted to hear the gospel?  You feel that you have to be here on this particular day under the presence of Jesus perhaps?  What were they going to hear?  The need of their soul salvation.  The offer in verse 1.  

The obstruction.  Jesus' words were not confined to a building, the synagogue or temple of that day.  They were not confined to places where certain people were allowed to hear him.  It was in the open air.  The publicans and sinners were there to hear Jesus.  The Pharisees and scribes were there to murmur.  When Jesus started to speak there were those who started to murmur.  Once the gospel message is proclaimed there will be those who will start to speak against it.  Maybe you are unsaved tonight.  Maybe you are listening to the message.  Maybe there is a voice telling you not to listen.  Maybe there are excuses going on in your head that keep you away from salvation.  The publicans drew near.  They wanted to hear.  The Pharisees and scribes instead of wanting to listen were more keen to say "we have heard enough".  They were maybe even trying to keep others away.  Maybe you are afraid of what people might say.  It is time to step out, put the obstruction behind you.

The outsiders - verse 2 "The Pharisees and scribes murmured saying this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them."  They failed to see they were also sinners.  It was easy to take this moral high ground.  They were openly in need of the gospel message.  They felt he was not for them.  Maybe there is someone here.  You can say that the gospel message is not for you, not something you need.  You are a good person, certainly not like those sinners who need the gospel message.  These men were saying Jesus welcomed sinners but failed to understand they were sinners themselves.  It didn't matter that they were religious, that they studied the scriptures themselves, as good living as they possibly could be.  They were still sinners too.  It doesn't matter if you attend church every Sunday, if you haven't come to Jesus and acknowledged he has died for your sins you are still a sinner.

The observation - verse 4 "if he lost one of them."  Jesus turns their attention to a parable of a little sheep.  This farmer had 100 sheep.  It might not have been easy to count them and realise one was missing as he put them into the sheep fold.  He could have said 'I have enough to keep me busy'.  The love he had for one sheep.  It is the same love Jesus has.  He came down to this earth, he lived and died, was buried and rose again.  Just to save your sin.  The sheep was now lost.  It had to realise that first of all.  It was alright when it was in the flock but now it was separated.  It was lost.  Do you realise you are lost tonight?  Do you realise you are not on your way to heaven?  If Jesus was to come or call you would not be on your way to heaven.  The sheep didn't realise he was in danger.  He was in the wilderness, he was not somewhere safe.  A wandering sheep.  There were many dangers for this sheep.  There are many things that will keep you from Jesus.  Jesus himself warned that if you die in your sins you will be lost for all eternity.  This sheep didn't realise he needed help.  The sheep couldn't do anything in its own strength.  Maybe he had fallen down some rock face.  He quickly realised he had to do something very important.  The sheep had to cry out to be heard.  Unsaved soul you need to realise that in your unsaved state you are lost, are in danger.  As Peter walked across the water to Jesus he began to sink under the waves.  He cried out to the Lord to save him.  The sheep could only cry out, hoping that it would be heard and be lifted out of the danger.

The organisation - verse 4.  A great search was made.  The shepherd realised there was one missing.  He searched high and low for the sheep.  It was a widespread search.  He didn't concentrate in one area but searched every part.  All the potential places he could think of.  It was exhausting.  It was extensive.  Nothing was too much trouble even though he had 99 others at home.  The shepherd still searched for that one lost sheep.  The search has already started for you when Jesus went to the cross.  He is passing your way today.  The sheep called out for all it was worth and the shepherd heard it.

The objective - verses 6 and 7.  The great objective of this search was to find the sheep.  There was joy in the family when the sheep was found.  The sheep was safe.  The search was over.  In verse 7 we read there is great rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.  That lost sheep could be you tonight.  There could be joy in your family tonight but more than that - joy in heaven when you get saved.  Maybe you have known you are lost.  Maybe you have come to the point where you understand what Jesus means to you.  You realise Jesus is passing by and there is nothing you can do for yourself.  It is only the shepherd that can find you.  All you can do is cry out for him to save you.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

What shall I do with Jesus?




Questions are part and parcel of every day life.  If you ever have ever taken a journey with children you will know that they love questions.  If you start something new you have to ask questions.  Some times the same question is repeated over and over again.  It can be very tiresome listening to the same question.  Maybe you have been asking over and over again 'what will I do with Jesus' or maybe you have heard that question repeatedly asked to you.  In this passage we read of a question "what I shall I do?"  There was only one person who could answer this question and it was Pilate himself.  Ultimately it fell back on him to answer it no matter how much he tried not to.  We read this question 3 times in scripture and each time it was a personal question.  A reply was expected.  The first time we read of this question is here in verse 22 - it was a considered question.  Pilate stood face to face with Jesus.  A personal answer, no-one could make that decision for him.  He tried endless times to make it possible not to answer it.  He tried to curry favour with the people.  He even tried to pass Jesus down the line.  "What shall I do with Christ?"  Will you choose Christ for yourself?  will you put the crowd behind you?  There came a time when Pilate exhausted all his options and was ultimately faced with Jesus himself.

The second time this question was asked is in Mark 10 verse 17 and it was a calculated question.  "What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"  This man tried a different route.  He tried to make his own way.  Ultimately he was brought face to face with Christ.  He tried to look at everything he had, considered all the good he had done, thought he was not a bad person but was exhausted.  Finally he came face to face with Jesus.  He asked him what he should do.  He had tried good living, obedience to the law and good attendance at the synagogue but he was missing one little thing.  How awful it would be hearing the words of the gospel, reading this portion of scripture yet failing to make a decision.  This man who tried all the good works he could, lived his life as cleanly as he could as many do today yet Jesus says to him "you are still missing something."  How many will leave this scene of time and enter eternity to find that they had calculated things wrongly?  They failed to listen to what Jesus was saying to them.  A man so close yet so far away.  This young man was standing right at the door of heaven.  Jesus himself said "I am the door" to heaven, "I am the way, the truth and the life" and "I am the light of the world".  Many today say exactly the same thing.  God tells them they are so close yet they miss that final step.

The third time this question was asked is in Luke 12 verse 17 and it was spoken by someone who was so careless.  Here was a man who thought within himself 'what shall I do because I have no time to bestow my fruits.'  He did not pay heed to what he had to do. He was making a decision not realising that it was his final decision.  Many make decisions not to have anything to do with Jesus not realising it is the final decision they will ever make.  Here was a man saying 'my future can wait'.  He looked at the great harvest in front of him here and now.  It was more important than the future.  Tomorrow was more important than what would happen to his soul.  A man who thought he had plenty of time.  Maybe he had heard Jesus before, we don't know.  He only thought about the need of somewhere to put his great harvest.  Somewhere to store all his fruits yet deep in his heart God said to him "this is your last time, you are occupied with so many other important things but what will you do with eternity?"  It is easy to come into a gospel mission, to sit and listen and then drive outside the gates but when will you consider Jesus?  Jesus loves you and died for you - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."  This man was careless.

There were consequences.  Decisions always have consequences.  Life questions need an answer.  Decisions will lead us to consequences.  Pilate stood face to face with Jesus.  He said 'no' and he never heard of Jesus again.  Jesus was taken out, crucified, buried and put in a tomb.  The rich young ruler who asked "what shall I do to inherit eternal life" went away sorrowful.  He never spoke to Jesus again.  The farmer in Luke 12 said "not today, I have too much to do."  He never heard the voice of Jesus again.  From that point on all 3 brought judgment on themselves.  What will you do with Jesus?  It is a question that is directed at your heart.  Be careful to what you are listening.  You are presented with your own personal decision.  Will you consider the 2 options?  Pilate gave the people the option of releasing Jesus or Barrabas.  The people made their choice but the question came back to Pilate himself.  Will you choose Jesus or push him to one side again?  Maybe it is a calculated question to you tonight.  Maybe Jesus doesn't need me to confess my sin.  I mean I go to church, my family are Christians, surely this will be enough.  This rich young ruler tried it all - he was close but not close enough.  Maybe you will be careless tonight - you will look at what you have, consider what you are going to do tomorrow but the question is still asked.  Think of the consequences of all 3 after rejecting Jesus.  Questions that require answers.  A personal answer.  Each question had to be answered by the person asking them.

Come now let us reason together saith the Lord




"Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool."

Isaiah was writing to a people who had rejected the God of heaven, they were following after idols of their own hearts.  Verse 4 tells us they were a sinful nation, they had forsaken the Lord but God hadn't turned his back on them.  He is still handing out his offer of mercy.  His great appeal to his own people.  This mission is an appeal to you, for God to touch you in your sin.  God offers mercy if you are not saved tonight.

This appeal is universal in its parameters.  The gospel message knows no boundaries - verse 2.  Here is the God of heaven wanting to say something - God is love.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3 verse 16)  On the cross of Calvary he cried "it is finished".  He is finished the great act.  If you know not the Lord he wants you to come and experience his love.  The gospel reached Nicodemus, the Pharisee and the thief that hung beside him on the cross.  The gospel can reach you wherever you are or whoever you are.  In Genesis God came down to speak to Adam and Eve in the cool of the day.  He came to intervene for their disobedience.  Later he looked at man's heart and saw it was only evil continually.  God offered a way of escape through the ark built by Noah.  God stepped in to man's situation to redeem him.  Think of the night when Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  He was intervening to offer you salvation  Jesus enters into this world "I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5 verse 32) Each one of us has sinned and come short of the glory of God.  "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6 verse 37)  The Lord is appealing to you.  He wants to save your soul.  He bids you to come, to heed his offer of mercy.

This appeal is urgent in its purpose.  It goes out to all the earth.  There is something God has to say - "come now".  Not tomorrow or at the next opportunity but now.  If you want to know your sins forgiven, have an assurance that you are on your way to heaven and home.  Paul says "behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 2)  An invitation to this nation to come.  You must come right now.  If he is showing you your need of salvation you dare not put it off to another day.  Zacchaeus as he sat in the tree in Jericho had a desire in his heart to see Jesus.  He knew he would pass that way so he climbed up into the tree.  Jesus stopped right where he was and said "make haste and come down for salvation is come to this house." (Luke 19 verse 5)  The appeal is urgent to you tonight.  We do not have a guarantee of tomorrow.  You need to come urgently.

The understanding in its perception.  The thought behind the word "reason" is to argue, debate.  The Lord hasn't come to judge them rather to convince them of their wrong - "the Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3 verse 9)  The Lord loves you with an everlasting love.  He wants to forgive your sins.  He wants you to come to him.  Have you ever reasoned in your heart?  Is your reason that because you pray right and that you read your bible therefore you will go to heaven?  "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3 verse 5)  Paul for 3 Sabbath days reasoned with the Jews from the scriptures.  He tried to convince them that they were on the broad road that leads to destruction and death, to come and step onto the narrow road.  He wanted to convince them of how Christ died for them.  What must it have been to walk among men who hated him, to watch his ever word for those people were trying to trick him.  To be rejected of man, rejected by the religious leaders.  To be cast into the clutches of man, to be judged before Pilate, to be scourged and taken out to be crucified.  What about you?  Jesus died for you.  Paul from the scriptures showed how Jesus must die for them.  Philip met the eunuch in his chariot reading th scriptures from Isaiah.  Philip asked him "understandest thou what thou readest?"  The eunuch replied "how can I except someone explain it to me?"  Philip took the scriptures and preached Christ unto him.  The eunuch was saved that day.  (Acts 8) For many pride will stop people from coming to Christ and being saved.

It is unmistakeable in its performance.  Here was a sinful nation yet the Lord says "I can do something for you, even though your sins are scarlet."  No sinner has gone too deep that cannot find salvation in Christ.  There is no sin too ugly that the Lord cannot take it away.  That is the reason for the cross.  That is the reason why Jesus died.  God offers you the opportunity to be saved today.  Will you take it?

Sunday, 6 June 2021

I will pour water on him that is thirsty




We are turning to these verses that have been upon my mind and thoughts for the coming gospel mission particularly verse 3 "I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine offspring."  Isaiah was a prophet who lived 700 years before Christ.  The people he ministered to were in danger of being taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon.  They had turned their backs on God.  Isaiah 1 verse 3 "The ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's crib; but Israel doth not know; my people doth not consider.  An sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters, they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward."  Such was the state of the people of God  Idols of gold and silver were the order of the day.  They sat on every street corner.  Offerings were made on them, their children were sacrificed.  Isaiah 29 verse 13 "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid."  God was giving them a great promise - to renew and restore.  He is crying out to this nation "I will pour water on him that is thirsty"  That is what we need today.  Not that we need another mission but it is to see God move in a mighty way, to pour out his blessing.  Maybe God is looking for that individual today, ready to say "here am I thirsty, I am giving my all to you today."

Notice the source of these waters - "I will pour water".  It is only God that can send this reviving power.  It is not something man made.  It is not something man can muster up for himself.  He is showing to us that it is a land that is dry, barren, parched, in great need of water.  It is a similar situation to ours today - we see a people in need of great reviving power.  Our churches need refreshing again, they need blessing from God.  Psalm 127 verse 1 "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain."  That is our problem today.  Are we depending on man?  We can see many man made revivals all across our world but we need a mighty revival from God today.  We cannot be idle or slack about God's business.  You and I who know our sins forgiven, that our names are written down in heaven and one day when Jesus comes or calls we will be taken home to be with him have a responsibility today.  This is God's work.  As we think of this week of mission it does not depend on man.  It is the power of God.  Sometimes people look for the right evangelist and they will not hold a mission unless they have him.  We need the power of God alone.  Moses in the wilderness for 40 years tending the sheep.  What did it mean to be a shepherd?  He had to know the wilderness like the back of his hand, where the pools of water where.  He was a man experienced in leading the sheep.  When it came to lading the people that was totally different.  The people cried out because they had no water.  What did Moses do?  He cried unto the Lord.  There was nothing in his ability to bring water to this people.  We need to be crying unto God of heaven that we might see the state of this province and cry for his mighty outpouring.  Ezekiel said the Lord sought for a man to stand in the gap that somehow judgement would not fall.  God is still looking for that man or woman as his vessel.  Sanctified, set apart for him.  Zechariah 4 verse 6 "not by might nor by power but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts."  The people stated to rebuild the temple after they came back from Babylon but became discouraged.  This work was not by might (intellect) nor by power (military strength) but by the Spirit of God said the Lord.  We need God to come in a mighty way.  The source of the strength to build the temple was of the Lord.  The source of the power for each night of the mission is in God.  We need to look to God, to bring home the word with power of the Holy Spirit.  He is asking us to cry out to him as Moses did in the wilderness when the people asked for water.  Remember when in Babylon the Lord told the people he would raise up Cyrus to bring them back into their own land.

The secrecy of this water - God moves first.  Is there anything hindering the move of God in our lives today?  Wouldn't it be amazing if God came and sent this reviving power today?  Isn't that what we are looking for today?  We want to see God move.  When the Children of Israel were in the wilderness and they had no water to drink they asked Moses to help.  The water was so bitter.  Exodus 15 verse 25 the Lord showed Moses a tree.  He got his eyes off the problem and the people and set them on a tree.  We want to point men and women to a tree outside Jerusalem.  There on Mount Calvary the Lord died.  His hands were stretched out and nailed to that tree.  His feet were also nailed and on his brow was a crown of thorns.  He sacrificed for you and me.  When you take him as your own and personal Saviour you become his child.  The gates of heaven are open to you  We can point to a tree that can be sweet to every man today.  The Lord knows the answer to everything in the most unusual way.  Remember how the pople thirsted for a second time.  The Lord directed Moses and the people to a rock in Horeb.  Moses was commanded to strike the rock.  The Lord Jesus is that rock.  The bible says in Isaiah 53 verse 4 "Surely he hath borne our grief and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted."  The rod of judgment was taken out of the rock and living water flowed from it.  Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and Jesus said to him "the wind bloweth where it listeth and you can hear the sound of it but you cannot tell where it is coming from or where it is going, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit." (John 3 verse 8)  John himself said "He that believeth on me as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." (John 7 verse 38)  Acts 2 verse 2 was the fulfilment of Luke 24 verse 49.  Sitting in the Upper Room those disciples experienced the outpouring of the Spirit of God.  That is still the greatest need in our lives today.  When you ask for that filling today God will grant you his Holy Spirit.

The sufficiency of the water.  God is well able to pour out the spirit today - "I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring."  The water would make the change.  Elijah ran out into the wilderness as a result of a threat by Jezebel.  The Lord met him there.  Elijah confessed he wasn't the man he needed to be, everyone else deserted him and he was the only one left.  The Lord laid him down to sleep, then he woke up and was fed and slept again.  Why did he do this?  The journey was too great for him.  This is something we will need - strength for the battle.  The battle is on for your family and my family today.  God has promised to pour out water on him that is thirsty.  It is a picture of a dry, barren land but we can see what God wants to do.  In Acts 2 Peter filled with the Holy Ghost went out into the streets of Jerusalem and preached the word.  The people heard the word of God in their own language.  When Peter preached the Holy Spirit came down.  He saw the fruit of his ministry.  In 2 Kings we read of a widow woman who was told by Elijah to take her only cruise of oil, borrow pots from her neighbours and close the doors to her house.  She began to fill the pots one by one.  When she filled the last one and called for more there were no more to fill.  The cruise of oil was sufficient for her needs.  God's spirit will never diminish, never be exhausted. God is looking for an empty vessel today.

The subject of this water - it is to him that is thirsty.  Will God look at this mission and say "I cannot find a vessel to flow through?"  Will he find us thirsty for himself or will he find no-one?  Will God find a man who will stand in the gap?